In the Mind of a Green Sun Prince (Exalted/Nasuverse)

There's one huge flaw I'm not sure how to address in this plan. If Kiritsugu massacres Einzberns, he's likely to severely traumatise and antagonise Ilya. If Einzberns didn't have time to be d*cks to her yet, she's quite likely to have emotional attachments to them. Massacring them all? Yeah, could be an issue. It would certainly destroy any "my daddy is a hero" notions she might have. We could pretend to rescue her from the "kidnapper", but that's too deceptive and likely to be discovered as a lie in the long term,

Second thing I am not sure how to address is the possibility of dead man switches in Einzbern homunculi, possibly designed to destroy them if Einzberns perish. I am adding one idea, but it's not something I'm too sure about,

Thirdly, Einzbern crest. Kiritsugu should totally get it, if possible.

I am going to be offline for the next eight hours. So, please, if anyone can address these concerns or improve the plan overall, please do so.

[X] You advise Kiritsugu that, even if he kills everyone present, it is possible that Einzberns have contingencies in case of their total annihilations, ways to reach their assailants from beyond the grave. As such, it is better not to show his true face around the castle.
--[X] If he knows of any faction or being in the world that he both dislikes and thinks could conceivable take control over an Einzbern homunculi, he could place blame on them - alter his disguise to give away "subtle" clues of control, such as, perhaps, a recognizable brand partially hidden by clothes
--[X] Preserving only Ilya's life would clearly show any investigators what his target was. Perhaps he should knock out and then take with him at least one more homunculi (a male one) and a human? Some books could be taken too. If needed they can be disposed of later, outside of undoubtedly monitored territory.
----[X] If he can, and is willing to, he could try faking murdering his daughter. If he "spares" and "kidnaps" some other Einzbern, one not connected to Kiritsugu Emiya in any strong way, it would add a further level of deception to the scheme
----[x] If he can, extracting a crest would seem like a useful thing to do too
--[X] If he kills some particular members of Einzbern family with particular brutality, perhaps going as far as to mutilate their bodies, it might point any investigators towards a revenge motivation in their search for the culprit
--[X] Whatever he does, he should create a unified narrative, instead of throwing multiple equally strong contradictory leads. If he chooses a faction that "subverted" Kristanna, then "kidnapped" Einzbern should be of at least some interest to that faction, and the brutally killed one shouldn't be in their good graces. Throwing a couple of false "false traces", ones meant to be discovered as false is ok, though, he just shouldn't make them too strong.
--[X] Before killing all the Einzberns, it might be a good idea to interrogate some of them on the subject of possible kill switches inbuilt into their homunculi, including possibly Kiritsugu's daughter,
--[X] Preserving only Ilya's life would clearly show any investigators what his target was. Perhaps he should knock out and then take with him at least one more homunculi (a male one) and a human? Some books could be taken too. If needed they can be disposed of later, outside of undoubtedly monitored territory.
This complicates matters significantly. I don't think carting around 2-3 extra bodies is a good idea.