Field Commander [C&C/Worm]

QUESTION:Would a few attack helicopters and tanks do?
MM: "...Where the hell did you get a tank from? Wait, no, don't answer that question. The helicopters would be more useful than the tanks, though, if they can't just carry the supplies themselves."

Miss Milita will bring that up later.
Quistion: are there any S-class threats in the area. if so would kindly give us their location so we know what to look out for.
MM: "Leviathan hit here recently, and as far as we know there are no S-class threats in the area.

Quistion: what are some of the beter strategies to deal with the Chosen.
Assault: "Try to take Othala out if you can: without her they lose their healer and Trump. Hookwolf or Menja would probably be in the front, and if Rune taps something on the ground, get out of the way."

Quistion/comment: ... you don't arm bears?
MM: *says nothing.*

Question: What do you mean "If our lives are in mortal peril"? They are armed with machine guns, and are shooting at us with intent to kill, of course we are in mortal peril. Would it be fine if we just give them the chance to surrender before hand, and if they don't accept it respond in kind?
MM: "For now. If things start to improve we might ask you to cut down some more, but for right now it's acceptable.
And I am interested in not getting ralroaded into hostile relations because of one of us going all aggressive!
Neither am i. We have asked a lot of good questions (and a few silly ones) showing what we can/are willing to do. We have made them take us seriously to the degree where they can see us as allies. But they will not see us as independent. The question i was posing, albeit agressive, does not warrant a sudden shoot-out but is ment to draw them out and see how they react on a diplomatic level to such an attitude. At the same time it is interesting enough to analyse which parts of it they hang themselves up on and which, in that sense, may include some truth.
So i do, honestly, not believe that we will start agressions by asking this. Frowns mayhaps. But the reaction will show us more about their character.
Question: do you have any plans for people who can't return to their homes? Wether through their homes being destroyed or through fleeing gangs or even not having homes to begin with. If you could supply us with an area to set up we don't mind sending some people to help set up temporary housing.
GDI has riot troopers in one mission in Firestorm IIRC. And that's about it for non-lethal options.

There's also those Nod toxin soldiers that shot people with darts that left them open to the suggestion of running up to big monsters and luring them with their tasty body meats to the nearby GDI base.

"Here creature creature!"

And since extra units can be brought up, the nod chameleon spy.

Also, it's amusing we haven't gotten them to fire on us yet despite how hard some people tried.

I knew this forum would sabotage it's own efforts in a riot 'questioning'.

Also, Riot Soldiers.

Riot soldier
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MM: "Sorry, but no. The PRT doesn't like to hand them out to anyone, even potential allies. You wouldn't like it if we asked for your weapon designs, would you?"

No, but we would consider supplying non-lethal weapons for riot control purposes to reliable allies.

MM: "...Where the hell did you get a tank from? Wait, no, don't answer that question. The helicopters would be more useful than the tanks, though, if they can't just carry the supplies themselves."

We also have amphibious transportation vehicles that should be able to take at least 1 truck and trailer.

EVA, check the Firestorm Conflict, Colony 3 Riots.
We're definitely coming off as insane.
Yep! Isn't it great :lol!

Anyway just a quick Ooc question do our medical clinics have medicine or are they even able to do things besides basic first aid? Because if they do can we offer their services and see about passing medicine to people who need it. It would be nice to see if we can have the prt sending injured civilians our way.
@UltimatePaladin I doubt we will do it, but how much is a Merchant worth in our Grinder?

Also, if we get the blue-prints into the MCV, is there anything we can't build? How about new units/weapons, if we get the blue-prints for those could we make those units?
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That doesn't really seem like it would work with the current implementation of riot voting. Maybe we would each control a base?

The plan is to start recruiting locals, build up our army that way. Not get handed everything to us on a silver platter.

We use Riot Voted units as our main attacking/enemy attack interception forces while we get trusted lieutenants that later become captains and commanders in their own right, delegating and getting ourselves a large army of followers.
Does anyone remember naval units cause I'm sure there was a dolphin and squid the alliance and Soviet had
The Allies, Soviets, and Yuri all have Amphibious Transports.
The Allies have Destroyers, Aircraft Carriers, Aegis Cruisers, and Dolphins.
The Soviets have Typhoon Attack Submarine, Dreadnought, Sea Scorpion, and Giant Squid.
Yuri just has Boomer
GDI and Nod don't have anything. Atleast, not in game, in universe they PROBABLY had naval units.
Anyway just a quick Ooc question do our medical clinics have medicine or are they even able to do things besides basic first aid? Because if they do can we offer their services and see about passing medicine to people who need it. It would be nice to see if we can have the prt sending injured civilians our way.
First aid level for everything except "combat" injuries, which it heals in under a minute or just over.

@UltimatePaladin I doubt we will do it, but how much is a Merchant worth in our Grinder?

Also, if we get the blue-prints into the MCV, is there anything we can't build? How about new units/weapons, if we get the blue-prints for those could we make those units?
Not enough. [/joking]

I'm away from my computer at the moment, typing this on my phone, so I can't boot up Yuri's Revenge and see how much tossing civilians into the grinder gets you, so I'll have to answer this later.

However, the MCV (and the derivatives used for building equipment and vehicles) could theoretically make any design as long as it has the blueprints.

It's just that the individual factions have went to great lengths to black box their stuff to their own hardware. It also just isn't as simple as plugging them in, there's a bunch of instructions in the blueprint files as well to make sure that things don't go horribly horribly wrong.
Well at least we're coming off as extradimensionally displaced. The restrictions are reasonable.

Question: Are there any standing bounties? And as you've probably guessed we're not from this dimension. What is the protocol for that?

EDIT: What options do we have for supplementing intra city communication beyond just sending one of our guys everywhere. offer that.
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Question: What about brutes for protection for your conveys

Edit: Fine I'll change my question happy
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Question: What about flying saucers for transport or protection

Would you mind not giving away that we have those yet? I'd prefer them to be surprised.

So, tonight they're probably going to try to infiltrate our base to examine what the heck is going on here. Though they might end up just sending in a large group instead.

Priority mind control targets are any New Wavers, Assault, Battery, Armsmaster, Shadow Stalker and Vista IMO of the PRT. Rest we can deal with. Unless they have Legend drop by or the like.
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