Field Commander [C&C/Worm]

Question: The Brute and Initiate are equipped with biological weapons in the form of genetic egineering. By those rules they both represent a offence. How is the ruling on using those?

Question: How can can more relaiable communication be set up between us?

Question: The rule about lethal force can be laid out in multiple ways. Armed soldiers in body armor do not rate as beeing in danger from a handgun while a civilian or specialist is. Without more actionable definition we are forced to stay with our current MO of shooting back if shoot at which you imply is not agreeable.

Question: What are A and S class threats? Will we recive a dossier about those individuals as part of the entire rulebook?
Question: What is the names of this area's local mayor, Senator, congressmen and the State Governor also what are their office numbers so if we need to we can contact them?

So I am kinda of thinking we could start lobbying in Washington if we can get our foot in the door and get laws passed that favours us by either bribery or yuri mind control
Question: "What kind of supplies can the PRT, Protectorate, or similar government organization offer to help with the situation of the Civilians in this place?"
MM: "We would provide supplies if we could. Right now, if we move them around they're at risk of being attacked by gangs, so we have to move them by convoy. We have the supplies - we just have to fight to get them there.

Question: "What other factions, criminal, military or otherwise, are around and need to be adressed?"
MM: "New Wave, like the Protectorate, and possibly, you, are heroes. There are some National Guard at the camps - though how much, I don't know. For criminal organizations, the big ones are the Chosen, lead by Hookwolf; Changer 4, Brute 7. There is also the Pure, lead by Purity; Blaster 8, Mover 4. There are a couple of smaller gangs, like the Undersiders, the Travelers, and Coil, but, barring some impressive victories, they don't hold much territory."

Question: "What do you mean "might be able to get them counted as self-defense"? With an alliance in place we need assurances. If we are to comply to their rules, as they are not as different from our own goals to see to stability after the Leviathan, the Coalition, as a whole organisation and individuals, requires immediate and public announcement that any actions taken by them prior to meeting the PRT, Protectorate, or similar government organization was legal and can not be brought up later as charges in any court of law, criminal or military."
MM: "Fine, that sounds reasonable. I'll see what I can do."

Question: What will it take to get power and food back to the city? We've been repairing the power grid, and may be able to able to help further if you point out the damaged areas.
MM: "Have you? We have been making progress downtown, but the power is down everywhere else. As for supplies, we have them. It's just hard to transport them to their destination in the city."

In the training missions of Red Alert 2 you used rubber bullets and it was 'non-lethal.'
Coalition Forces can be outfitted with non-lethal rubber bullets if you agree to Miss Militia's proposal.

Question: Do you consider explosively virulent and self-replicating necrotic bio-weapon ammunition to be a violation of Rule 2, 3, or both? Do you consider it be be a violation of any rule at all?
MM: *stares for a moment* "I am just going to assume this is completely hypothetical and say it would be a violation of the first, second, and third rules and if you used it you would likely be bumped up to an S-class threat."

Question: What is your stance on the Constitution of the United States of America's Second Amendment, the right to arm bears?
MM: "It's the right to bear arms. And I do think it is a very important constitutional right."

Question: Would the PRT be willing to share the schematics of those Foam-Sprayers and the knowledge of how to produce the ammunition used by them?
MM: "Sorry, but no. The PRT doesn't like to hand them out to anyone, even potential allies. You wouldn't like it if we asked for your weapon designs, would you?"

GDI has riot troopers in one mission in Firestorm IIRC. And that's about it for non-lethal options.
Searching database for "Riot Troopers." Please Hold.

Question: The Brute and Initiate are equipped with biological weapons in the form of genetic egineering. By those rules they both represent a offence. How is the ruling on using those?
MM: *looks at the Initiates and the Brute for a second.* "Biological augmentation is treated differently then biological weaponry. As long as the applicants are willing, it's not an issue."

Question: How can can more relaiable communication be set up between us?
MM: "Communication is down all throughout the city. The PRT is one of the few organizations with links to the outside world, so you'll have to send a messenger to meet us."

Question: The rule about lethal force can be laid out in multiple ways. Armed soldiers in body armor do not rate as beeing in danger from a handgun while a civilian or specialist is. Without more actionable definition we are forced to stay with our current MO of shooting back if shoot at which you imply is not agreeable.
MM: "Right now we would just be happy if you tried to take prisoners instead of just killing them all. But in general, just try to avoid using lethal force if you can help it."

Question: What are A and S class threats? Will we recive a dossier about those individuals as part of the entire rulebook?
MM: "A and S-class threats are individuals or groups dangerous enough to wipe out a city and all the capes inside it. More S-class then A-class, but A-class have the potential to grow to that point or might be straddling the line. Most of them are contained, but there are a few wandering groups like the Slaughterhouse 9 and to a lesser extent, Heartbreaker. I'll get you a full list later on."
Question: "Why do we not just cut to it? Your institution chooses an observer to place under our command and who will accompany the troops on our daily routines as seen fit. We continue as we do, your observer writes his or her reports and informs us if any of our actions would be objectionable. Because you want to keep an eye on us anyway and we are cooperating.
So the moment we have the full list of things and we have our immunity for things which happened in the past, we can go past the stage of "tense staring at each other" to "we fully cooperate as allies" so you can get your things over here and the civilians, which are both our main concerns, can be fed and taken care of. We do not plan to stay here. Unless it clashes, we are capable to extend the network and keep order. But we need your organisation to back us up. So let us assume that we agree to an observer: Will that satisfy everyone to not be too tense?"

Addendum: "The Observer, however, will be combat-capable and knowing of the surroundings if possible so we do not have to babysit because a pencil-pusher wants to watch. Extra points if he or she brings a skill we can or need to learn."
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Question: about capes... are there truly no major, non-cape way that you contain aggressors? Or to be more precise: for what we have understood, capes are almost always matched with other capes, not an military action - yet we know that at least some capes can easily be dealt with professional armed troops. Are there no major military-force outside of allied capes to the government, minus your clearly non-lethal troopers with those... foam guns?
Question: You used some sort of power ranking system when describing Hookwolf and Purity. Could we also get a copy of that system so we can figure out what the heck you are talking about?
Question: we would also like run-through with the global situation. The current world powers and the like, global treaties, rules of war, that sort of things.
... it has become somewhat clear we are no longer in Kansas.
Maybe we should explain them that we are military? We can't really follow the non lethal rules without endangering ourselves, especially since people with powers will attack us.

Lets start rebuilding the city and maybe build a wall around our section to keep out looters so we can just put guards instead of constant partroling.
Yes we totally can do non lethal. We can do rubber bullets. We just need a way to keep riot voting from breaking pact by sending tanks to a gun fight.

Please remember we are a master and our non recruited troops are eternally replaceable drones.

Talks about air transports and the use of them to ferry supplies.

And prisoner exchange.

And ask for generic less than lethal gear.

With the rating list. What goes levels of acceptable force.
Question: what do the PRT REALLY think of us? please be blunt we are a military commander not a blood sucking parasite of a politician.
MM: *stares for a moment* "I am just going to assume this is completely hypothetical and say it would be a violation of the first, second, and third rules and if you used it you would likely be bumped up to an S-class threat."
Yes, completely hypothetical. There definitely isn't one pointed at you or anyone else right now. Absolutely not.

MM: "It's the right to bear arms. And I do think it is a very important constitutional right."
...that seems like a very silly constitutional right. Why would you waste the rest of a perfectly good bear that way? I hate to say this, but Russia is far more culturally advanced than you on this front.

Right to bear arms indeed. What good is only having the arms, then?
OOC: hey should we mention our generators? We could mention we have a way to supply power but some help in he way of the local power grid schematics that way we don't blow the grid would be nice.
Question: What is the names of this area's local mayor, Senator, congressmen and the State Governor also what are their office numbers so if we need to we can contact them?
MM: "Can't tell you that, and it wouldn't be helpful since communication is down. However, Roy Christner, the mayor, is still in the city. You might have a bit of a line to go talk to him, but you can find him downtown, at City Hall."

You now know where the Mayor is!
Question: "Why do we not just cut to it? Your institution chooses an observer to place under our command and who will accompany the troops on our daily routines as seen fit. We continue as we do, your observer writes his or her reports and informs us if any of our actions would be objectionable. Because you want to keep an eye on us anyway and we are cooperating.
So the moment we have the full list of things and we have our immunity for things which happened in the past, we can go past the stage of "tense staring at each other" to "we fully cooperate as allies" so you can get your things over here and the civilians, which are both our main concerns, can be fed and taken care of. We do not plan to stay here. Unless it clashes, we are capable to extend the network and keep order. But we need your organisation to back us up. So let us assume that we agree to an observer: Will that satisfy everyone to not be too tense?"

Addendum: "The Observer, however, will be combat-capable and knowing of the surroundings if possible so we do not have to babysit because a pencil-pusher wants to watch. Extra points if he or she brings a skill we can or need to learn."
MM: "That...could work."

Miss Milita will bring this up later.
Question: about capes... are there truly no major, non-cape way that you contain aggressors? Or to be more precise: for what we have understood, capes are almost always matched with other capes, not an military action - yet we know that at least some capes can easily be dealt with professional armed troops. Are there no major military-force outside of allied capes to the government, minus your clearly non-lethal troopers with those... foam guns?
MM: "At first. I am sure you can understand, however, how long it takes some times for an army to mobilize, and by the time they get there there's not much they could do. And then there are threats that the military is useless against or are in fact, counter-productive. You really don't have anything to say yourself about that, given you have four capes yourself."

Question: You used some sort of power ranking system when describing Hookwolf and Purity. Could we also get a copy of that system so we can figure out what the heck you are talking about?
MM: "You must not be from around here, at all. For your information..."
PRT Threat Classifications said:
Mover: Powers lend themselves to movement and mobility. Includes flight, super-speed, and teleportation.
Shaker: Powers effect the environment in some way or have some wide-ranging effect.
Brute: Powers lend themselves to use in close combat, and includes Super-strength and durability.
Breaker: Can change the physics of an object or self, at least temporarily.
Master: Powers allow the control of others or the creation of expendable minions.
Tinker: Can create technological devices far ahead of their time, ignoring normal limitations.
Blaster: Can use ranged attacks of some sort: energy blasts, thrown objects, etc.
Thinker: Possesses enhanced knowledge, skills, or perceptions beyond what humans normally could have.
Striker: Power applies on touch or at close range.
Changer: Can alter their phyiscal form in some way, shape, or form.
Trunp: Does something with powers, strengthening them, weakening them, granting them, or just getting new powers.
Stranger: Powers lend themselves to infiltration: includes invisibility.
MM: "Explaining what the numbers each rating has would take too much time, but in general, assume the larger the number the bigger the threat."

Question: we would also like run-through with the global situation. The current world powers and the like, global treaties, rules of war, that sort of things.
MM: *She looks at the GDI Light Infantryman for a second.*
Assault: "Never thought that I would meet an army of shut-ins. Look, right now how about we focus on Brockton Bay before you focus on the world, alright?"

Miss Milita will bring this up later.
Question: what do the PRT REALLY think of us? please be blunt we are a military commander not a blood sucking parasite of a politician.
MM: "We don't like you right now, but we are willing to work with you."
MM: "Right now we would just be happy if you tried to take prisoners instead of just killing them all. But in general, just try to avoid using lethal force if you can help it."
Question: We have a number of Merchant members in custody right now. Normal MO would be to hand them over to the executive institution for processing. Where and how can those be reached.

Question: As the current situation does not allow giving criminals over to executive institution in many cases or timely (state of emergency in the city) can we detain them under the rules of the Geneva Convention or under the rules of the Basic Principles for Treatment of Prisoners until such a time comes?

MM eidetic Memory should pick up on what those means...

GC: Agreed on and designed in the times of war and conflict (between WW1 and WW2)

BPfToP: Seems to need a functioning community to be workable
Question: Could your organisations supply us a map of the city including one of the local utilities. We currently are working on fixing the electricity in our area but a map laying out the utilities would aid in our repairs.
Question: how may wor- where would the drop of points for the supplies be?

quiestion: have there been any alien invasions or signs of extra terrestrial live?

Quistion: are there any S-class threats in the area. if so would kindly give us their location so we know what to look out for.
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We should see about volunteering transport for supplies for the civilians. Also should we mention we have set up some clinics? We could offer their services. Actually do we produce our own medicine?
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We should probably mention the alternate earth thing ao we get diplomatic priority and no suspicion of war.