Field Commander [C&C/Worm]

Cue PRT scanning/studying tiberium and realizing we are spreading a crystalline Von Neumann device.

There are faster ways to get a Kill Order Daniel, but not many.

More like Scion will realise that Tiberium is a Xenoforming Substance and will try and hunt down the being responsible for unleashing it on the Planet 'He' has claimed

Edit: Better English
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Nope. Let it grow for a week. Should give us a nice harvest that way. Remember. Tib grows slow initially. Its only later that it gets faster.

Actually, it grows very fast at the start, it's only later that it slows down because it's already covered most of the planet, discards the corrupted plant life that gave it its tremendous reach through ejection of tiny crystalline flecks of dust that can be taken by the wind and works its way down the crust of a planet.
I'm looking forwards to the remnants of the Empire facing off against our Soviet troops. Particularly the tesla trooper.

Oh the irony will be worth it.

Also reactions to the desolator melting dudes.

You mean the highly radioactive Desolator? Or the RA3 one?

Actually, it grows very fast at the start, it's only later that it slows down because it's already covered most of the planet, discards the corrupted plant life that gave it its tremendous reach through ejection of tiny crystalline flecks of dust that can be taken by the wind and works its way down the crust of a planet.

Also, spreads rapidly in water. Which we're near.
5.3 (Twenty+ Questions)
A bit of warning before you read. This update was composed after going under a "Riot Questioning" period of time. As such, readers may have already seen most of the questions answered, and the section as a whole serves as a massive info dump. If you want to skip the answered questions section, type: CHR0N0P0RT, with O's in place of zeroes. This will skip the answered question section, and allow you to continue with the update. Thank you.

You ponder over the terms. Obviously, the immediate repercussions of this is that you could no longer use Viruses, given that their weapon of choice was a deadly disease. However, you had some questions to ask them, some of them related to the matter at hand, others not. You begin to relay them to your men.

"The Commander wants to know what do you mean by 'Mortal Danger.'" The Nod Infantryman spoke. "We're going up against men with guns and Capes, when are we not in mortal danger?"

"Just try to take them alive if you can." She said. "Killing in self-defense is fine, but if you are going out and attacking criminals you should not go all out. Or S or A class threats, but those are different."

"S-class, A-class?" Your soldier questioned.

"S-class and A-class threats are individuals or groups that have the capability to depopulate entire cities - with cape populations, even." Miss Militia clarified. "That's more S-class, but A-class threats straddle the line or have the potential to grow to that point. Most of them are contained, but there are a few wandering groups like the Slaughterhouse Nine or Heartbreaker." So they were the exception that proved the general rule, then.

"So what about our fight with the Merchants?" The infantryman pressed. "We only attacked them to defend ourselves."

"As I said, it will have to go through the courts."

"The Commander wants assurance that neither he or is his men will be punished for that. If not, there's no point to this whole meeting."

"We can't just let you off completely." Miss Milita said. "Unless you have another idea that makes sure that you don't do that again."

You thought about it for a moment, before telling your Infantryman your idea. "What if you were to send an observer?" When Miss Milita didn't say anything, he elaborated. "Someone who watches us do what we do and reports back to you. If everything checks out, we get cleared and you get to watch what we do."

Miss Militia mulled it over for a minute. "That could work." She said. "You would have to house them somewhere, but it could work."

"Only condition for that is that we get someone who could hold their own. We don't want to babysit any pencil pushers." Miss Milita nodded.

"I think we can arrange that."

Your thoughts turn to the list of restrictions. The first was easy: you could easily swap the live munitions out for rubber bullets. However, it would still cut down what your forces could do. "Any chance we could get some non-lethal weaponry?" The GDI Infantryman asked.

"No." Miss Milita said. "You look like you could afford switching to non-lethal equipment, and if you want Foam Sprayers, we don't just hand those out."

You turned your gaze to the PRT trooper with the Foam Sprayer. At least you knew what they fired, now, but you still had no idea what it did. Your soldier had similar thoughts.

"Foam Sprayers?" The infantryman asked. Miss Milita responded after a moment.

"Containment Foam Sprayers. It starts as a liquid, but hardens and becomes tough as concrete. All the while being porous enough to breathe through."

Your Brutes would have a tough time trying to break through that. It couldn't kill your men directly, but it would immobilize them long enough for a killing blow. It might have also been useful, but with that option thoroughly removed from you, you ask for the next best thing: information.

"Alright then, can you tell us who's out there? Factions, groups, potential allies?"

"If you work with us, you'll have the Protectorate and possibly New Wave on your side. There are some National Guard at the camps - though how much, I don't know. For criminal organizations, the big ones are Fenrir's Chosen, lead by Hookwolf, Changer 4, Brute 7. There is also the Pure, lead by Purity, who is a Blaster 8, Mover 4. There are a couple of smaller gangs, like the Undersiders, the Travelers, and Coil, but, despite some...impressive, victories, they don't hold much territory, if any."

You frown. From your experience with American military organizations, it was odd to you that the commander of the local National Guard wasn't here, or at least a subordinate. Your GDI infantryman voiced this.

"Colonel Jordan and the National Guard are focused on maintaining order in the camps, as well as the Endbringer shelters. Since the meeting involved crimes concerning parahumans, we took the lead on this."

You still wondered why the military didn't at least try to exert some control of the situation, but you declined to continue the matter further. Rather, your mind focused on Miss Milita's vocabulary.

"Brute? Changer? What do those mean?" Your GDI Infantryman asked.

"Guess you aren't familiar with the PRT Threat Classifications." Miss Milita noted. "I won't go into them in depth, but in general:
Mover: Powers lend themselves to movement and mobility. Includes flight, super-speed, and teleportation.
Shaker: Powers effect the environment in some way or have some wide-ranging effect.
Brute: Powers lend themselves to use in close combat, and includes Super-strength and durability.
Breaker: Can change the physics of an object or self, at least temporarily.
Master: Powers allow the control of others or the creation of expendable minions.
Tinker: Can create technological devices far ahead of their time, ignoring normal limitations.
Blaster: Can use ranged attacks of some sort: energy blasts, thrown objects, etc.
Thinker: Possesses enhanced knowledge, skills, or perceptions beyond what humans normally could have.
Striker: Power applies on touch or at close range.
Changer: Can alter their phyiscal form in some way, shape, or form.
Trump: Does something with powers, strengthening them, weakening them, granting them, or just getting new powers.
Stranger: Powers lend themselves to infiltration: includes invisibility.
"The numbers aren't for show, they actually mean something, but again, it would take too much time. Just Aasume the higher the number, the greater the threat." Your soldiers nod in understanding while you consider the meaning of the ratings.

You had guessed after fighting the Merchants, but hearing about a system for classifying powers guaranteed that there were large numbers of Capes around, rather then being a rarity. That was a bit discomforting, you eventually took them down, but only when they were caught off-guard, exhausted, or just plain luck. At least you knew how to classify them, now.

"The Commander wants to know more about Fenrir's Chosen and the Pure."

Miss Militia spoke after a moment. "It's complicated. Originally they were part of the same group, the Empire 88, a white supremacist Neo-nazi group. After Leviathan, though, and losing their leader Kaiser, they split up into the Chosen and the Pure."

"Fenrir's Chosen are lead by Hookwolf, and are much more aggressive then the Pure, who have stayed put for the most part and consolidated their territory."

At that time, Assault jumped in. "Since you're more likely to meet the Chosen, I'll give you the short version. Hookwolf turns into a bunch of metal hooks and blades, Menja becomes a giant, Cricket has echolocation and controls sound - makes you nauseous - Stormtiger fires air blasts, Othala heals and gives powers to others, Rune is a telekinetic and Victor steals your skills."

"Are they close by?" The GDI soldier asked.

Miss Militia began speaking again. "They hold most of the Southern Docks and a bit of South Downtown." In other words, they border you.

"Do you know where the other gangs and organizations are?"

"The Pure hold the rest of the southern downtown as well as the Shantytowns a little east of it. We and New Wave don't hold any territory, but we protect the Downtown area. Coil has a little slice of the southern docks under his control, and that's just about it."

So you also have the Protectorate nearby. Might be good, might be bad, but...

"What he'd do that was so impressive?" The GDI Infantry asked, when Miss Milita didn't respond, the infantryman clarified. "Coil, I mean. You said that he was small-time, but he had some impressive victories."

"That was more the Undersiders." Assault said. "They took out the Wards during a bank robbery, and ambushed us and New Wave at a charity. If you see them, kick their asses for me, alright?"

"Wards?" The Nod infantryman asked, his interest piqued.

Miss Militia looked at him for a second, before responding. "Junior superheroes who are supposed to learn how to control their powers. They've seen a lot more combat in Brockton Bay, however."

From there, the questions and answers continued. You were interested in seeing if they could lend you supplies: right now, you were running out for the people in your territory.

As it turned out, they had supplies, but if they tried to move them out unprotected the Gangs would be all over them. As such, they had to move them in parahuman-protected convoys through the city, which reduced the areas they could reach.

You asked for city plans as well, and permission to begin building refugee camps. Miss Militia shot those down.

"I can't do that." She said. "You'll need to talk to the Mayor Roy Christner, at City Hall, and Director Piggot of the PRT. They can give you permission, but I can't."

You only have two more questions. First, you ask about the Merchants you picked up earlier today. Barring the Bio-reactors, you didn't have any facilities to hold them in.

"We can call in another PRT vehicle to take them away." Miss Militia said.

"Or make them walk." Assault suggested, Militia shooting him a glare.

"The Commander has one more question about the restrictions." 'an infantryman' spoke.

"Shoot." Assault said.

"What about genetic engineering and modification? The Brute here and the Initiates back there are products of it, does that mean they are not allowed either?"

Miss Militia looked between the two for a bit. "No." She said. "That was more to deal with any plagues or viruses and not genetic engineering. As long as the person gives their consent to it, it should be fine."

"Alright," Assault began, "it's our turn now."

Your soldiers stand at attention as you listen in.

Miss Milita spoke first. "You talked earlier about having an observer with you, who reports back to us, and would also open a line of communication."

"That'd be correct." The GDI Infantryman said. "Have anyone in mind?"

"A squad of PRT Officers should work." she said. "You'll have to provide housing for them, but they can hold their own in a fight and can officially arrest any criminals you find."

"Passed that on to the Commander, you'll get a response soon." Miss Militia nodded.

"Speaking of criminals, could you bring the Merchants you captured here?"

"Under the Geneva conventions," the Nod infantryman replied, the word sounding unfamiliar to him, "is it possible that we can detain them instead?"

You couldn't see Miss Milita's face underneath her scarf, but you suspect that she was frowning. "Possible, but not ideal." She eventually said.

"You also brought up repairing the city and building temporary housing for the refugees." She said. "Like I said, you'll need to talk to Director Piggot or the Mayor for that, and I can arrange a meeting with the Director and your Commander."


"The PRT - and right now, Protectorate - Headquarters."

"Can't we also talk with the Mayor himself?" The Nod infantryman asked.

"Possibly. However, given the state of the city you'll have to wait a while to talk to him when I can guarantee a meeting with the Director tomorrow."

The infantryman nods, before Miss Militia speaks again. "I have one more question for you: where did the Coalition come from? Communication is down through the city, but Headquarters has it's own access. As far as we can tell, you just showed up with no warning or previous appearances. Normally that would indicate that you're from here, but given your ignorance of the city..."

You ponder this. What should you do?

[][Alliance] Protectorate Restrictions
-[] Agree. As long as you abide by their restrictions, you avoid having to fight the Protectorate. (Doing so will "lock" units who would be banned by the Protectorate. They can be re-created with Protectorate approval, or if you decide to go against the Protectorate.)
-[] Disagree. You will likely fight the Protectorate at some point. (nullifies all the below.)

[][Question 1] Observers
-[] Yes to PRT Squad. You will have to house and feed them, and they will send reports to the Director about your actions.
-[] No to PRT Squad. (reason?)
-[] Write In?

[][Question 2] Merchant Prisoners
-[] Hand them over. You don't really have a place to keep them, and if the Protectorate wants to take them off your hands, fine by you.
-[] Keep them. They may have use yet for you.
-[] Write In?

[][Question 3] Meeting
-[] Piggot. You go to meet Director Piggot.
-[] Christner. You go to meet Mayor Christner.
-[] Personal Touch. You promise to come to the meeting yourself.
-[] Neither.
-[] Write In?

[][Question 4] Origin
-[] The Truth. You are the Commander of an army of five different factions haling from two different earths from five different timelines.
-[] Soldiers. Let them say where they came from.
-[] No. (reason?)
-[] Write In?

You are forming a response when your Virus noticed a glint on one of the nearby buildings. Focusing in, you saw a man in urban camouflage on top one of the buildings, looking at the meeting with a pair of binoculars in his hands. There was an Assault Rifle with an attachment next to him, and with the range of the weapon you doubt he was there to attack you. More likely, he was just watching the meeting. The Protectorate and PRT Officers appear unaware of his presence. What should you do?

[][Guest] What do you do about your uninvited guest?
-[] Watch. If they do something, you respond, but if they are just watching you watch back.
-[] Ask Protectorate. Maybe it's one of their people. (They will ask how you knew.)
-[] Take action. You don't know them, better to be safe then sorry. (They will ask how you knew.)
-[] Write In?

Following Trondason's suggestion and breaking up my votes by [][Subject]

I'm going to see how that turns out.
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[X][Alliance] Protectorate Restrictions
-[X] Disagree. You will likely fight the Protectorate at some point. (nullifies all the below.)
[X][Alliance] Protectorate Restrictions
-[] Agree. As long as you abide by their restrictions, you avoid having to fight the Protectorate. (Doing so will "lock" units who would be banned by the Protectorate. They can be re-created with Protectorate approval, or if you decide to go against the Protectorate.)
-[X] Disagree. You will likely fight the Protectorate at some point. (nullifies all the below.)
So far killing shit has worked out perfectly.
[X][Alliance] Protectorate Restrictions
-[X] Disagree. You will likely fight the Protectorate at some point. (nullifies all the below.)

[X][Guest] What do you do about your uninvited guest?
-[X] Take action. You don't know them, better to be safe then sorry. (They will ask how you knew.)
--[X] If they ask how you knew: Tough cookies. We are not telling them.

@UltimatePaladin I see that you chose to disregard my earlier question about how/if they are capable/willing to fight us if we are not cooperating. I do not particulary mind. I would have wanted the answer to get a better picture about them, but i think we know enough.
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Look we can always back down later, but we most certainly can't afford to aggravate them immediately.

... Ah who am I kidding trying to change minds. Murderhobo is strong in these kind of quests...
[x][Alliance] Protectorate Restrictions
-[x] Agree. As long as you abide by their restrictions, you avoid having to fight the Protectorate. (Doing so will "lock" units who would be banned by the Protectorate. They can be re-created with Protectorate approval, or if you decide to go against the Protectorate.)
[x][Question 1] Observers
-[x] Yes to PRT Squad. You will have to house and feed them, and they will send reports to the Director about your actions.
[x][Question 2] Merchant Prisoners
-[x] Hand them over. You don't really have a place to keep them, and if the Protectorate wants to take them off your hands, fine by you.

[x][Question 3] Meeting
-[x] Christner. You go to meet Mayor Christner.

[x][Question 4] Origin
-[x] No. (reason?)
-[x] We might talk about it later, but we have not known you for long.

[x][Guest] What do you do about your uninvited guest?
-[x] Take action. You don't know them, better to be safe then sorry. (They will ask how you knew.)
[X][Alliance] Protectorate Restrictions
-[X] Disagree. You will likely fight the Protectorate at some point. (nullifies all the below.)
Death to the enemy!!
[X][Guest] What do you do about your uninvited guest?
-[X] Take action. You don't know them, better to be safe then sorry. (They will ask how you knew.)
--[X] If they ask how you knew: Tough cookies. We are not telling them
[X][Alliance] Protectorate Restrictions
-[X] Disagree. You will likely fight the Protectorate at some point. (nullifies all the below.)

[x][Guest] What do you do about your uninvited guest?
-[X] Take action. You don't know them, better to be safe then sorry. (They will ask how you knew.)
--[X] If they ask how you knew: We have people on overwatch.

If we agree Yuri's tech tree gets locked off as well as the end game stuff from all the other factions.
PRT Restrictions are fucking retarded.
Re: my answer to the "HOW DID YOU KNOW" , We're a military organisation, of course we're going to have people in overwatch positions
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[X][Alliance] Protectorate Restrictions
-[X] Agree. As long as you abide by their restrictions, you avoid having to fight the Protectorate. (Doing so will "lock" units who would be banned by the Protectorate. They can be re-created with Protectorate approval, or if you decide to go against the Protectorate.)

It locks of only 1 of the units we have right now, and 1 later (the desolator). And if we really want those units, we can break the agreement.

[X][Question 1] Observers
-[X] Yes to PRT Squad. You will have to house and feed them, and they will send reports to the Director about your actions.

Don't see why not

[X][Question 2] Merchant Prisoners
-[X] Offer them the chance to join. Release those who decline to the PRT.

Yeah, might as well start to get some more people, and it's what we did for the other guy.

Not sure on the meeting yet. I'm kinda iffy on going in person to the PRT HQ.

Also not sure on anything else. Will see what arguments there are.
[X][Alliance] Protectorate Restrictions
-[X] Disagree. You will likely fight the Protectorate at some point. (nullifies all the below.)

- It doesn't make sense to throw away all of our tools
So far killing shit has worked out perfectly.
And we can still do that, as long as we give them the chance to surrender. It isn't till later that we might have to switch fully to non-lethal.
If we agree Yuri's tech tree gets locked off as well as the end game stuff from all the other factions.
PRT Restrictions are fucking retarded.
Only 2 things get locked off from Yuri, the Virus and the Genetic Mutator. And we can always break from the alliance if we feel we need those two WMDs
- It doesn't make sense to throw away all of our tools
Throw away a grand total of 4 of our tools. Two of which are Superweapons. And when we have 8 different ones, we don't really need those two.
If we agree Yuri's tech tree gets locked off as well as the end game stuff from all the other factions.
[X][Alliance] Protectorate Restrictions
-[X] Disagree. You will likely fight the Protectorate at some point. (nullifies all the below.)

- It doesn't make sense to throw away all of our tools
Can you clarify what you mean by that? As far as I know, you would only lose access to:
  • Virus: biological.
  • Desolator: nuclear.
  • Demo Truck: nuclear.
Everything else would be alright in the Protectorate's books.
eh disagree or agree were guaranteed to fight the protectorate and prt eventually, since once the situation is under control and order can be returned to some degree, and since we won't disband our organization we'll eventually clash so eh
[X][Alliance] Protectorate Restrictions
-[X] Agree. As long as you abide by their restrictions, you avoid having to fight the Protectorate. (Doing so will "lock" units who would be banned by the Protectorate. They can be re-created with Protectorate approval, or if you decide to go against the Protectorate.)

[X][Question 1] Observers
-[X] Write In: "A whole squad? Do you believe we have an unending source of food supplies in our refrigerators? We would need to give less to the civilians."

[X][Question 2] Merchant Prisoners
-[X] Hand them over. You don't really have a place to keep them, and if the Protectorate wants to take them off your hands, fine by you.

[X][Question 3] Meeting
-[X] Christner. You go to meet Mayor Christner.

[X][Question 4] Origin
-[X] Write In: Let's just say that when you are in the receiving end of time paradoxes because of multiple nations, individuals and political entities wanting second, third or fourth tries... we are all lucky that those of us caught in the middle are even sane anymore.

You are forming a response when your Virus noticed a glint on one of the nearby buildings. Focusing in, you saw a man in urban camouflage on top one of the buildings, looking at the meeting with a pair of binoculars in his hands. There was an Assault Rifle with an attachment next to him, and with the range of the weapon you doubt he was there to attack you. More likely, he was just watching the meeting. The Protectorate and PRT Officers appear unaware of his presence. What should you do?

[X][Guest] What do you do about your uninvited guest?
-[X] Ask Protectorate. Maybe it's one of their people. (They will ask how you knew.)
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