Field Commander [C&C/Worm]

If they were normal nuclear power plants, I'd be all for it. But theses are RA2 nuclear power plants. They're pretty much bombs sitting in the middle of our base waiting for somebody to trigger them.

I'd rather stick to mundane power until we can build them really, really, REALLY far away from anything important. Or just anything at all.
From what I can tell, the blast radius isn't all that big, since the siege chopper can fire upon the building while being outside of range.
As for building it away from anything, that's easily done. There's a lot of land outside of town.
Actually, the nuclear power plant has the biggest bang for our buck.

Emphasis on bang.

At least the fallout doesn't last long.

@Terra1125 Medic. Oh so much the medic.

The sheer goodwill and WTF that a C&C medic generates is godsend, given that it can take someone from the edge of death to completely uninjured in minutes or less. Even if it's confined to combat injuries only.

Which is unlikely, given that GDI medics from TIberian Sun can cure tib poisoning, so they've got to have something that's insanely effective against one of the most invasive, corruptive and infectious materials to have existed on Earth.
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OK, so is there anything we need right at this moment that having a -10DC would help?
A Yuri clone might be useful to me it or the Field Medic for two different reasons the yuri clone from what I remember in the games has no range on the person he is mind controling so if we bag a cape with him we can have the clone hide away and use the Cape indefinitely, but the Medic is great recruitment and PR tool for us and could be used to keep recruits alive like John. Either way it's up to you
@Terra1125 , pick a unit to subtract -10 DC from.

Rocketeer. Jetpack-equipped infantry equipped with built-in, silenced guns, allowing them to engage air and ground targets. (76)
IFV. Infantry Fighting Vehicle that can carry a single infantry unit, taking on the characteristics of that unit. (95)
Harrier. Air-to-Surface Fighter Jet. Launches Missiles at ground-based targets. (99)
Destroyer. Anti-submarine ship with a cannon for battle against other ships. (97)
Tesla Trooper. Armored soldier that can shoot Tesla energy from their hands, frying infantry and vehicle alike. (83)
Flak Track. Soviet dual anti-air/infantry transport vehicle. (90)
Siege Chopper. Equipped with light machine guns for engaging targets while in the air and can deploy on the ground to use an artillery cannon. (96)
Sea Scorpion. Small and maneuverable boat equipped with a flak cannon for ship-to-ship or air enemies. (97)
Yuri Clone. Can mind-control a single infantry unit or vehicle. (99)
Gatling Tank. Light anti-air/anti-personnel vehicle. Does more damage the longer it fires. (94)
Floating Disc. Flying saucer. Fires lasers at ground targets, and can drain power and money from enemy buildings. (89)
Boomer Submarine. Submarine that is equipped with anti-ship torpedoes and missile launchers for ground targets. (100)
Field Medic. Can heal most forms of combat-related injuries on biological organisms. (98)
Wolverine. Lightly armored and mobile anti-infantry mech equipped with dual machine guns. (90)
Orca Fighter. VTOL craft armed with an array of missiles for anti-vehicle purposes. (98)
Cyborg. Heavily-armored anti-infantry unit that can repair itself using nearby Tiberium. (94)
Attack Buggy. Fast and mobile anti-infantry unit. (89)
Harpy. Anti-infantry helicopter equipped with a heavy machine gun. Also invisible to radar. (98)

If he asks for advice you can give it, but otherwise do not vote on this or attempt to influence him. That is all.

Going to pick the GDI Medic
Question: do you have any plans for people who can't return to their homes? Wether through their homes being destroyed or through fleeing gangs or even not having homes to begin with. If you could supply us with an area to set up we don't mind sending some people to help set up temporary housing.
MM: "You'll have to talk to the Mayor about that. He would know where you could build or even if he could set aside a section of land to build things on."

Question: Are there any standing bounties? And as you've probably guessed we're not from this dimension. What is the protocol for that?

Question: What about brutes for protection for your conveys
MM: "If they can help out, that'd be great."

Question: You mentioned that the National Guard had set shop in the area what do you know about the local commander in charge of them, also shouldn't they be involved in the negotiations since this area is under a state of emergency thus it should be under their jurisdiction to my knowledge.
MM: "Colonel Jordan and the National Guard are trying to keep order in the camps, as well as Endbringer Shelters. Since you are involved with Parahumans, we took the lead."

Question: Have there been any criminal gangs that are not native to Brockton Bay setting up shop here in the city recently? Is there a possibility that these aforementioned non-local criminal gangs may have parahuman members or are wholly composed of parahumans? If so, can you think of any such groups that could possibly set up shop in Brockton Bay, especially by taking advantage of the disaster caused by Leviathan? If so, how likely are such groups willing to do so?
*answered already*
Question: Which parts of the city does the Protectorate and the PRT (as well as this New Wave) have fully and/or relatively under their control? What about the Chosen, the Pure, the Undersiders, the Travelers, and this Coil you've previously mentioned? What areas of the city do you think they control respectively?
MM: "We and New Wave hold most of the central downtown area. Fenrir's Chosen hold the Docks South and a bit of the southern downtown area, with the Pure holding the rest of southern downtown and the shantytown area. The Travelers and Undersiders, to our knowledge have no territory, and Coil has a small part of the southern docks that he keeps. Again, he's small time."

Question: Since we (the Coalition) have control of the Boat Graveyard and the Docks and are planning to place the Trainyards and the Market under our protection soon are there any nearby criminal gangs (especially parahuman ones) as well nearby individual parahumans that might soon contest Coalition control of the Boat Graveyard, the Docks, the Trainyards, and the Market (aside from the now defunct Merchants of course)?
MM: "The Chosen and Coil's gang are likely the closest ones you have to worry about. You might also have to deal with the Undersiders or Travelers."

Question: What is the current state of the city after an unnatural disaster like Leviathan? Which parts of the city have been hit (and how hard have they been hit) and which parts of the city have come out of the disaster relatively unscathed? Which parts of the city have become impassible due to destroyed roads, debris, criminal gangs, etc. thus making it impossible to send supplies, conduct search and rescue, and other disaster relief activities? Which parts of the city that have been hard hit that need disaster relief and humanitarian aid the most right now and/or soon?
MM: "It was just hit by an Endbringer. The city is less damaged as you move inland, and most of the damage is in the market, the boardwalk, and downtown."

Question: Are there any notable civilians and/or civilian organizations in our (i.e. Coalition) areas of control (such as the local police station, the dockworkers union, etc.) that we (the Coalition) need to get contact of ASAP in order to facilitate disaster relief, render humanitarian aid, and ensure normal civilian activity and work resumes ASAP, especially in our areas of control?
MM: "You'll need to talk to Director Piggot about that. Just don't stop or harass law enforcement or the civilians and we'll be fine."

Miss Milita will bring this up later.
Question: You've mentioned that the gangs have been preventing you from sending supplies to the areas of the city that need it. If so, could you tell us which parts of the city are rife with them and where they are hiding out and/or are congregating so that we the Coalition - can neutralize them?
MM: "Don't. You'll be of more help protecting the supplies then going after the gangs right now, things are bad enough as it is."

...I think enough questions have been asked, would everyone be alright with this?
I am, though there's the question I directed to you about training times.
As I said, training times are dramatically reduced when compared to present-day armies due to C&C training techniques. However, Engineers and Medics are more special for the equipment that they have then the training that they have.

Your Medics do know basic first aid stuff, but their healing capabilities come from the equipment they carry. Your engineers know how to rebuild structures and hack terminals...with the tools that they were given.
I am good as well.

Maybe wait an hour to four after your question to give a chance for strangelers.

Next will be the collection of Questions, Answers and Return Questions.
This whole session is a great way to show that on forums like these, Riot Questioning is suicidal in the long run. You only need one idiot or intentional saboteur to break the game's future.
This whole session is a great way to show that on forums like these, Riot Questioning is suicidal in the long run. You only need one idiot or intentional saboteur to break the game's future.
That is why I have standard votes to decide general policy so that the risk of a saboteur messing up the entire game is lessened.

I also wanted try my hand at a Riot Quest. Seeing how it is doing better than my first quest, I think I learned something.
Did you count the -10DC Vote?
Yes. It is now 88 instead of 98.
Aww i wanted to ask whether they classified our "refining crystals" which are only a threat in the event of a containment breach as violation of the rules. :(
Tiberian Sun game mechanics and lore. Cyborgs are created through melding tiberium mutants with cybernetic augmentations, and when they die they leave a small patch of tiberium behind in the game.
Of course, it's also been noted that unless we just left it there to spread we could stop it from spreading by hitting it with a miner or harvester vehicle and get some money out of it.

Tiberium is only a problem if it spawns in a zone outside our ability to clean up for an extended time period, or if we intentionally started cultivation.
I'm going to keep voting for cyborg research as I feel that we can recruit tinkers and thinker to our cause and protect them as they research a way to help people gain immunity to it for a tiberium future and tiberium is important for medium to long term funding.

I wouldn't recommend using cyborgs around everywhere of course, their very appearance is a PR nightmare and I'd prefer to have our tiberium field a secret at our cloaked Brotherhood base.

In any case, it would take decades for the world to go to shit after minute tiberium exposure such as we plan, assuming it burrows down rather than follow game mechanics. It took that long with the mass spreading meteor spreading it around Europe which was followed by the Brotherhood of Nod tossing the stuff wherever they could.

Random note, if we can, we really want to mind control Mannequin and keep him under close watch and guard. His speciality would open a lot of doors for us.