Field Commander [C&C/Worm]

The PRT is full of flawed people, especially parahumans who are all getting emotion and thoughts designed to cause issues shoved into their heads by their shards daily, their system is shit and they're dedicated to it, people voting for this quest keep insisting on revealing far too much and it's painting a grim picture for them that they'll need to respond to quickly, the local PRT canonically try to weasel around any agreements they have in place, etc, etc.

And if our agreements bind us against riot voting I'm going to vote against it because the 'goody two shoes' people really want to bind our hands in this shitheap of a world with mass murderers prancing about as they please because people want to play Heroes and Villains.
So the answer is be a war criminal and start an escalating war of annihilation while one side has nukes local popularity and various ways to bomb us. When our man power is replaceable. The normal humans make the executive decisions and we really should take this to the executive.

You're fear mongering and self fulfilling prophesying. Tie your hands? It' deescalating to the standard of force that is the law of the land when emergency powers are not in effect.

And then our situation is different with distinctly lesser and less personal hostilities, and distinctly greater ability to retaliate, and distinctly different precedents to be invoked.

They're going to attack us if they respond to the questions asked as if they're all canon. I'm not advocating marching out and seizing control, I'm prioritizing enemies in response to the attack they will send our way in what I see as the most likely scenario following this riot questioning. If you paid an ounce of attention to what I actually say instead of going 'Your plans are evil and dumb!' you'd realize that.

And if Cauldron's precogs could be used on us very successfully we'd have had a nuke dropped on us by now, so stow that shit away and fuck off with it.
That's not a garuntee and even if it was mastering the home town boys in the wake of an endbringer attack is a good way to have a revolt and get strategically written off the map.
Question for @UltimatePaladin Will we ever meet up with Taylor and the other Undersides? If so can we recruit them? Because if I remember my Cannon right Taylor at this moment as unlocked a power that is similar to Yuri's one

Taylor has not yet unlocked any sort of human mind control powers at this time. *is reading through Worm, at S9 arc which we are not to yet*

They are also being controlled by Coil, it's unlikely that we can recruit them at this time. We would need our spies and more information to properly assess local powers. I'd like to also take care of Coil, which requires we catch him right after he makes a new timeline.

So the answer is be a war criminal

And once more you continue to totally ignore what I am actually saying and have been saying in favor of your own interpretation of me as a babbling idiot. Not the best of habits.

Anyway, as I've said, I continue to advocate that we switch to focusing on building up our area, recruiting locals, expanding to make a GDI base at the trainyards, fixing up the area and then focusing our research efforts down to the mobile stealth generator so we can make a truly hidden Nod base outside the city limits and play it smart.
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Question: Have there been any criminal gangs that are not native to Brockton Bay setting up shop here in the city recently? Is there a possibility that these aforementioned non-local criminal gangs may have parahuman members or are wholly composed of parahumans? If so, can you think of any such groups that could possibly set up shop in Brockton Bay, especially by taking advantage of the disaster caused by Leviathan? If so, how likely are such groups willing to do so?

Question: Which parts of the city does the Protectorate and the PRT (as well as this New Wave) have fully and/or relatively under their control? What about the Chosen, the Pure, the Undersiders, the Travelers, and this Coil you've previously mentioned? What areas of the city do you think they control respectively?

Question: Since we (the Coalition) have control of the Boat Graveyard and the Docks and are planning to place the Trainyards and the Market under our protection soon are there any nearby criminal gangs (especially parahuman ones) as well nearby individual parahumans that might soon contest Coalition control of the Boat Graveyard, the Docks, the Trainyards, and the Market (aside from the now defunct Merchants of course)?

Question: What is the current state of the city after an unnatural disaster like Leviathan? Which parts of the city have been hit (and how hard have they been hit) and which parts of the city have come out of the disaster relatively unscathed? Which parts of the city have become impassible due to destroyed roads, debris, criminal gangs, etc. thus making it impossible to send supplies, conduct search and rescue, and other disaster relief activities? Which parts of the city that have been hard hit that need disaster relief and humanitarian aid the most right now and/or soon?

Question: Are there any notable civilians and/or civilian organizations in our (i.e. Coalition) areas of control (such as the local police station, the dockworkers union, etc.) that we (the Coalition) need to get contact of ASAP in order to facilitate disaster relief, render humanitarian aid, and ensure normal civilian activity and work resumes ASAP, especially in our areas of control?

Question: You've mentioned that the gangs have been preventing you from sending supplies to the areas of the city that need it. If so, could you tell us which parts of the city are rife with them and where they are hiding out and/or are congregating so that we the Coalition - can neutralize them?
Question: Have there been any criminal gangs that are not native to Brockton Bay setting up shop here in the city recently? Is there a possibility that these aforementioned non-local criminal gangs may have parahuman members or are wholly composed of parahumans? If so, can you think of any such groups that could possibly set up shop in Brockton Bay, especially by taking advantage of the disaster caused by Leviathan? If so, how likely are such groups willing to do so?
What's the point of this question? Is think if she knew of them, shed have listed them earlier.
So the answer is be a war criminal and start an escalating war of annihilation while one side has nukes local popularity and various ways to bomb us. When our man power is replaceable. The normal humans make the executive decisions and we really should take this to the executive.

You're fear mongering and self fulfilling prophesying. Tie your hands? It' deescalating to the standard of force that is the law of the land when emergency powers are not in effect.

And then our situation is different with distinctly lesser and less personal hostilities, and distinctly greater ability to retaliate, and distinctly different precedents to be invoked.

While I agree that doing war crimes might not be in our best interest with the whole it might scare away recruits and have every one gang up on us thing. Also I'm pretty sure scion kind of disarmed all of the nukes. Anyway the reason why I find your comment funny is the fact you want to Deescalate in a Worm quest with what we are up agianst we can't afford to tie our hands with politics and the like. Also another thing to keep in mind is we aren't a gang with parahumans we are a futuristic army that can produce tinker tech and mass produce capes if we wished so. any thing they can send at us we can send right back at them with twice the force. All we need is time to set our selves up as the protectors and saviors of the city so we can recruit in the future easier to combat the threats agianst humanity. And if the PRT and the government get in the way than they will be destroyed.
What are we up against that is such a threat? We are allowed to go all out against the S9 and the like, and local goons aren't that threatening.
The problem is we are worried that the more we let their rules effect and limit us the more likely they will try to keep us from building an army of parahumans and tinker tech and other things to fight. And the threats we will probably have to slash want to deal with is Nilborg, the endbringers, the S9, and other S and A class threats, aswell as dealing with Scion who is the main big bad of the setting. Plus if we continue past that point there is always preparing to fight across the universe after all Scion is apart of a species whose numbers could be in a staggering number range and till their kind is hunted down into extinction Humanity will always be at risk.
The problem is we are worried that the more we let their rules effect and limit us the more likely they will try to keep us from building an army of parahumans and tinker tech and other things to fight. And the threats we will probably have to slash want to deal with is Nilborg, the endbringers, the S9, and other S and A class threats, aswell as dealing with Scion who is the main big bad of the setting. Plus if we continue past that point there is always preparing to fight across the universe after all Scion is apart of a species whose numbers could be in a staggering number range and till their kind is hunted down into extinction Humanity will always be at risk.
I'm fairly certain they will HELP us build that army. Its Cauldrons goal after all. And besides, we can back out of the agreement at anytime. By the end of the month, we will have the resources to set up bases anywhere in the world (teleportation sure is handy)
What's the point of this question? Is think if she knew of them, shed have listed them earlier.

It is logical to assume that we are not the only ones (i.e. new organization with parahuman members) that are setting up in the city after the disaster caused by Leviathan. Also, from an OOC or meta-plot perspective we need to know when groups like the Slaughterhouse Nine, the Teeth (and their leader the Butcher), and the Fallen are coming to Brockton Bay and are setting up in the city.
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It is logical to assume that we are not the only ones (i.e. new organization with parahuman members) that are setting up in the city after Leviathan. Also, from an OOC or meta-plot perspective we need to know when groups like the Slaughterhouse Nine, the Teeth (and their leader the Butcher), and the Fallen are coming to Brockton Bay and setting up in the city.
Yes, but she already listed all the gangs in town, why would she leave out the newcomers?
planning to place the Trainyards and the Market under our protection soon
Unless I missed something, only a small number of people have mentioned wanting to take the Trainyards or Market in the near future, and we already know that the Market is under the protection of the PRT/other hero teams, due to the regular patrols we've seen there.
@Terra1125 , pick a unit to subtract -10 DC from.

Rocketeer. Jetpack-equipped infantry equipped with built-in, silenced guns, allowing them to engage air and ground targets. (76)
IFV. Infantry Fighting Vehicle that can carry a single infantry unit, taking on the characteristics of that unit. (95)
Harrier. Air-to-Surface Fighter Jet. Launches Missiles at ground-based targets. (99)
Destroyer. Anti-submarine ship with a cannon for battle against other ships. (97)
Tesla Trooper. Armored soldier that can shoot Tesla energy from their hands, frying infantry and vehicle alike. (83)
Flak Track. Soviet dual anti-air/infantry transport vehicle. (90)
Siege Chopper. Equipped with light machine guns for engaging targets while in the air and can deploy on the ground to use an artillery cannon. (96)
Sea Scorpion. Small and maneuverable boat equipped with a flak cannon for ship-to-ship or air enemies. (97)
Yuri Clone. Can mind-control a single infantry unit or vehicle. (99)
Gatling Tank. Light anti-air/anti-personnel vehicle. Does more damage the longer it fires. (94)
Floating Disc. Flying saucer. Fires lasers at ground targets, and can drain power and money from enemy buildings. (89)
Boomer Submarine. Submarine that is equipped with anti-ship torpedoes and missile launchers for ground targets. (100)
Field Medic. Can heal most forms of combat-related injuries on biological organisms. (98)
Wolverine. Lightly armored and mobile anti-infantry mech equipped with dual machine guns. (90)
Orca Fighter. VTOL craft armed with an array of missiles for anti-vehicle purposes. (98)
Cyborg. Heavily-armored anti-infantry unit that can repair itself using nearby Tiberium. (94)
Attack Buggy. Fast and mobile anti-infantry unit. (89)
Harpy. Anti-infantry helicopter equipped with a heavy machine gun. Also invisible to radar. (98)

If he asks for advice you can give it, but otherwise do not vote on this or attempt to influence him. That is all.
What are you talking about? We are allowed to murder the shit out of S and A class threats (the mass murderers), and for the normal goons as long as we give them the chance to surrender we are fine to kill them when they refuse.
Hookwolf is a killer but not an A class threat.
You can bet we'll throw every dirty trick in the book at him.
However lethal force is reasonable once he resorts to lethal force.

We can NEVER let the PRT learn we are a master controlling all our units.
Otherwise they would try to hobble us with so many restrictions.
Such as claiming lethal force when our forces are attacked with lethal force not being justifiable because of our troops being 'expendable' and 'not alive'.

On the concept of the next base to get I'd suggest Allies, pretty PR friendly and has the Ore Purifier in game it gave a 25% bonus to income including from the grinder how it affects things in quest will be up to GM but getting the ore purifier and the industrial plant will be something we want.
We can NEVER let the PRT learn we are a master controlling all our units.
We aren't. They are just slavishly loyal by default. They often do shot without us telling them to.
Yes, the gangs in town but not the ones that will most likely come to BB in the near/foreseeable future, which we need to know as such groups will affect our plans for the city.
how would she know what gangs are planning to move in, but haven't yet? And if she does know, why didn't she mention it?
On the concept of the next base to get I'd suggest Allies, pretty PR friendly and has the Ore Purifier in game it gave a 25% bonus to income including from the grinder how it affects things in quest will be up to GM but getting the ore purifier and the industrial plant will be something we want.
GDI base for civilian buildings and cheapest and most flexible power takes precedent, I believe.

Also training people as medics, once we gain the unit.
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how would she know what gangs are planning to move in, but haven't yet? And if she does know, why didn't she mention it?

I'm assuming that she (Miss Militia) does know about S9, the Teeth and the Fallen - and their respective MOs of moving into a city after it has experienced an Endbringer-related disaster. I could be wrong about such things though as I'm not fully versed on the WORMverse.
Actually, the nuclear power plant has the biggest bang for our buck.
If they were normal nuclear power plants, I'd be all for it. But theses are RA2 nuclear power plants. They're pretty much bombs sitting in the middle of our base waiting for somebody to trigger them.

I'd rather stick to mundane power until we can build them really, really, REALLY far away from anything important. Or just anything at all.