[DISCONTINUED] In the Beginning, There Was Man (WH40k x SC)

[x] Captain America in Fallout with other crossovers
[X] No

It's fair easier for players to get into the mindset of Cap and also know what his values are for decision making process (whether this will have good or bad consequences remains up to the GM). I have nothing against playing as Saren, but the fact is that he was kind of a jackass before even the events of ME1 and that likely means he made more than a few enemies.

I don't recommend running two games at once unless you have a LOT of free time or a significant plan for both games in mind.
[X] Captain America in Fallout with other crossovers
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[X] Captain America in Fallout with other crossovers
[X] N

No offence, but I'm not really interested in Saren-quest, and Cap in Fallout seems much more interesting.

Also, like Ruirk said, I don't recommend running them at he same time.
[] Captain America in Fallout with other crossovers
MIssing an X.
The problem with a Saren Redux is that the reason canon Saren made the choices he did was that he was being Indoctrinated, but had a will strong enough to sort-of fight it; it was the strain between those that led him to his whole "help the Reapers to spare the Turians" fake-compromise. Running that as a quest would mean trying to balance the will of the players with the will of Sovereign's Indoctrination imperatives, and that will be really, really hard to model correctly without the players getting butthurt if/when Saren falls to his Indoctrination. I think that might take some time to come up with a good mechanic, although I admit the idea is really intriguing.
Interesting. That's definitely something I can play with, though I may just reseed ME with original stuff if I do Saren Redux.

It's fair easier for players to get into the mindset of Cap and also know what his values are for decision making process (whether this will have good or bad consequences remains up to the GM). I have nothing against playing as Saren, but the fact is that he was kind of a jackass before even the events of ME1 and that likely means he made more than a few enemies.

I don't recommend running two games at once unless you have a LOT of free time or a significant plan for both games in mind.
This is true on all accounts. The more I'm thinking about it though, the more I'm liking Saren Redux for some reason. I'm pretty sure I can do his character justice while simultaneously making the players care about and empathize with him.

No offence, but I'm not really interested in Saren-quest, and Cap in Fallout seems much more interesting.
Huh. I didn't think that Saren Redux would be as interesting to most people here, but the amount of "Just no." is quite a bit higher than anticipated. Unfortunately, it is far more interesting to me as a writer.... So yea. :\

You know what? I think I'll start with Saren Redux first and if that dies pretty quickly due to lack of interest or w/e, then move on to Cap in Fallout, which I know will get more interest. MUSE, WHY YOU DO DIS TO ME!?!?

I'll post here and in the recruitment thread once I get either quest up and running.
This is true on all accounts. The more I'm thinking about it though, the more I'm liking Saren Redux for some reason. I'm pretty sure I can do his character justice while simultaneously making the players care about and empathize with him.
The human-hate I think is going to be a big point of contention in this crowd, though you'll probably see more people willing to roll with it in the wider SV Quest universe.
[X] Captain America in Fallout with other crossovers.
[X] N
No offence, but I'm not really interested in Saren-quest, and Cap in Fallout seems much more interesting.
Huh. I didn't think that Saren Redux would be as interesting to most people here, but the amount of "Just no." is quite a bit higher than anticipated. Unfortunately, it is far more interesting to me as a writer.... So yea. :\

I think Cap could be good, I'm not sure I'm sold on the "in equestria fallout" though.
Eh, we'll see what all happens though, right?
Hmmm, I think Captain America in Mass Effect would make for the most interesting character interactions, but I guess that may not be top priority in a quest. (Actually, now that I think of it, I might go looking for some standard fanfic with that premise...)
The concept of Cap as the not-yet-Emperor... is scary, but I almost want to see that one just to see how you'd pull it off :D.

Playing as Saren would be... interesting, but hard to keep in character. I can imagine something based on fighting the Indoctrination effect, though.

Well, I'm no GM. I'll just wait and see what you do.
The concept of Cap as the not-yet-Emperor... is scary, but I almost want to see that one just to see how you'd pull it off :D.

@torrmercury -- Are you going to stick with Cap's original/cannon personality? Because then in addition to being patriotic, he'd have a very Christian worldview*, which could make things very interesting in something like Mass Effect or Fallout (in different ways, of course).

* -- There's a lot that could be done w/ this worldview, as his senses of decency would both compel him towards both what would be termed as "prudish" by modern society as well as just doing things because they're the right thing to do.
Interesting. That's definitely something I can play with, though I may just reseed ME with original stuff if I do Saren Redux.

This is true on all accounts. The more I'm thinking about it though, the more I'm liking Saren Redux for some reason. I'm pretty sure I can do his character justice while simultaneously making the players care about and empathize with him.

Huh. I didn't think that Saren Redux would be as interesting to most people here, but the amount of "Just no." is quite a bit higher than anticipated. Unfortunately, it is far more interesting to me as a writer.... So yea. :\

You know what? I think I'll start with Saren Redux first and if that dies pretty quickly due to lack of interest or w/e, then move on to Cap in Fallout, which I know will get more interest. MUSE, WHY YOU DO DIS TO ME!?!?

I'll post here and in the recruitment thread once I get either quest up and running.
This is fine. Should be interesting.
Yes, thank you.
Oh come on now!
Cap's from a time where people recognized that the US is a Republic, not a Democracy. (Yes, the elections, which are really for electors, is [mostly] democratic.)
1.) That's a Liberty Prime quote.
2.) It was meant in jest.
3.) I'm pretty sure that, yes, Steve knows the difference, but the principle is the same.

You are all now imagining Steve Rogers standing on the shoulder of Liberty Prime, striding forth against the foes of Freedom and Liberty. You're welcome.
1.) That's a Liberty Prime quote.

I haven't played that Fallout game. (Only 1 & 2.)

2.) It was meant in jest.

I see.

3.) I'm pretty sure that, yes, Steve knows the difference, but the principle is the same.

Though there's some big differences between the two: Democracy is a 50% + 1 sort of mob-rule and can therefore easily turn against any minority; a Republic generally has more regard for individual (the smallest minority) rights according to its laws.