[DISCONTINUED] In the Beginning, There Was Man (WH40k x SC)

I'm seriously enjoying all the shorts coming out. I'd like to believe they are little glimpses into the insane version of 40k that is TTS 40k.

Also that previous video with the Black Templars is fucking hilarious to me for some reason, maybe just due to the voice acting and slight editing bits.
I just spent... probably way more time than I should have... trying to catch up. Good lord that's a lot of omakes.
I fear what the holder of that honor looks like. And at the same time, part of me is thinking "screw them! I need to write some to catch up!"...
Which isn't exactly silencing the desire to make some for us here... I need to think about some ideas!
Which isn't exactly silencing the desire to make some for us here... I need to think about some ideas!
I'm wondering if we can get someone to write a good omake about Ynead observing the Leviathan entering Warp space, seeing how weak their anti-Warp defenses are, and taking out the Leviathan's "Gellar tunnel". Maybe @torrmercury will give us another roll of the dice to attack the Leviathan, this time without all the maluses.
omake ideas
1. Kerrigan reaction to Naga's report
2. Raynor's reaction
3. Dominion fleet reaction
4. Rocky Montage training for Adam with the coach being Gorehowl
I'm wondering if we can get someone to write a good omake about Ynead observing the Leviathan entering Warp space, seeing how weak their anti-Warp defenses are, and taking out the Leviathan's "Gellar tunnel". Maybe @torrmercury will give us another roll of the dice to attack the Leviathan, this time without all the maluses.
Well I don't see why Ynnead wouldn't get a chance to interfere when it jumps into the warp.
So yeah, sounds like a good idea - anyone have any good ynnead omakes lined up?
Well I don't see why Ynnead wouldn't get a chance to interfere when it jumps into the warp.
So yeah, sounds like a good idea - anyone have any good ynnead omakes lined up?
Cause the Zerg don't go into the warp? They basically make a realspace tunnel that collapses behind them. Though you don't know this IC yet. You will this coming update tho.

Edit: I'm sensing a pattern here. Ynnead and Adam are not omnipotent/omniscient gods. They are ridiculously powerful, sure. But in order to affect things in the Materium, they need to have a physical body to channel the power. Otherwise breaking the barrier between reality and the Warp is insanely draining.

Have you guys ever wondered why the Chaos gods never did anything themselves? It's because IT'S TOO FUCKING HARD TO DO. Unless they incarnate themselves, of course. But that comes with the risk of dying so why do that when they have endless hordes of minions?

Double edit: Also note that Ynnead can do whatever the hell she wants with the Dominion ships while they're traveling in the Warp if she knows where they are. They are unshielded, and have no particular defense against malignant Warp entities cause they don't exist in SC for the most part.

While Nerazim Protoss do make use of the Warp to travel, they do have defenses against Warp beings, while the Khalai Protoss have other means of travel.
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Cause the Zerg don't go into the warp? They basically make a realspace tunnel that collapses behind them. Though you don't know this IC yet. You will this coming update tho.
Right; we actually know that OOC from omake information. In 40K terms this is called a Gellar field. The thing is, since the Zerg make their tunnels all at once, all along the path of travel, it will by necessity be weaker than the focused, transient Gellar fields that every other race uses (unless the Zerg are exponentially more powerful Psychers than everything in 40K). Normally this works out fine for them, because the Starcraft Warp mostly doesn't have anything in it that could threaten a Leviathan, except right now where this Leviathan in particular is jumping into the Warp right in front of a pissed off Warp Goddess.
Right; we actually know that OOC from omake information. In 40K terms this is called a Gellar field. The thing is, since the Zerg make their tunnels all at once, all along the path of travel, it will by necessity be weaker than the focused, transient Gellar fields that every other race uses (unless the Zerg are exponentially more powerful Psychers than everything in 40K). Normally this works out fine for them, because the Starcraft Warp mostly doesn't have anything in it that could threaten a Leviathan, except right now where this Leviathan in particular is jumping into the Warp right in front of a pissed off Warp Goddess.
I understand where you're coming from, but do you really have such little faith in my ability to have a cohesive reason for anything that I write? I'm trying to write a compelling story for you guys that makes sense internally as well as externally, filled with danger and triumph. If everyone wants a curbstomp, then tell me and I'll write one last update and be done with this nonsense.

I'm getting really sick and tired of people trying to tell me how my universes works.
AN: I know I'm not the best writer in the world, but it was worth a shot to get an omake in, no matter how short it turned out. Also: WOW this is an affectionate thread... so many hugs.

On forgiveness and Chocolate

Ynnead was angry. Not the same angry she felt in the brief time she fought Slaanesh before departing her home universe, nor the same she felt while hunting the daemon that had possessed Corax, but she was angry none the less.

Adam could tell this the moment he entered their private chambers. Some may have said "it was in the air", but a suitably strong psyker knew better.

"That" Said Ynnead, before Adam had any chance to defend himself "Must have been one of the most needlessly reckless things you have ever done!"

"Well... there was this one time with Sanguinius when..." The look on his wife's face may well have killed a lesser man. After what felt like an eternity, she finally dropped eye contact to shake her head "no"

"Does it really matter? It was still stupid of you to go into combat when you're so much out of practice! You could have sent someone else to lead the boarding party, you could have avoided boarding all together, you could have..."

The Goddess of the Eldar froze mid sentence by something she had never experienced before. A proper, physical hug.

"This must be..." muttered Malcador "the most ridiculous thing Adam has ever asked of me."

After a brief pause, the Sigilent continued his search through the recently construed "downtown" of the capital of the Eden colony.


"I know Ynnead. I already thought of all of this. I let myself get overly excited with my newly remade body. From now on, if you think I'm being overly rash, you simply need to ask and I'll stop. I'm... so sorry dear. And you know full well how hard it is for me to say that."

The hug lingered for a moment longer before they began pulling away from each other.

"Just... never make me worry like that again."

The emperor of mankind smirked.

"As you command."

There was an abrupt knocking at the door.

"Oh... right. That would be Malcador."

"And why would he be here now?"

"Well, I didn't know if that would be enough, so I asked him to retrieve some chocolate just in case."

There was a pause.

"You had the presence of mind needed to think that through, but not to re-concisder boarding an unknown biological alien craft?"

"... Malcador? Could you come in here?"
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Have you guys ever wondered why the Chaos gods never did anything themselves? It's because IT'S TOO FUCKING HARD TO DO. Unless they incarnate themselves, of course. But that comes with the risk of dying so why do that when they have endless hordes of minions?
That seems to only work for Adam because his minions generally aren't as incompetent as the minions of Chaos.
I understand where you're coming from, but do you really have such little faith in my ability to have a cohesive reason for anything that I write? I'm trying to write a compelling story for you guys that makes sense internally as well as externally, filled with danger and triumph. If everyone wants a curbstomp, then tell me and I'll write one last update and be done with this nonsense.

I'm getting really sick and tired of people trying to tell me how my universes works.
Sorry if I'm offending or coming off as abrasive; I certainly don't mean to. I'm just trying to reconcile: "The Leviathan gets away," with "Ynead is right there, and pissed off," in my head, and coming up with question marks. I'm sure you have a good reason; I just don't know what it is yet, and it's picking at my brain.