What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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[X] The Doom That Came To Cretonia

Huh, these are some interesting renegades of the faith here, able to turn Chaos Cultists into some kind of Chaos Spawn, except for the Star-Child.
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Glad to see our influence spread organically. Even more glad to hear that they are fighting back, and hopefully slowing the Orks down.
A shame we didn't get to them. What an interesting tradition it would be to learn from. Hopefully they'll live.

[X] Zoggin' Unfair Nimus Siu' Gits!
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942.M42 - Dakkaboom Gitsnapper Thunderoar
Captn' Dakkaboom Gitsnapper Thunderoar was a near archetypical Ork who flew the Jolly Ork. He liked a good scrap, he liked to get stuck in with the boys, and if there was a gun that sent bullets flying rapidly, he knew that there was another around the corner to get even more Dakka flying against whomever he was firing against.

According to that typicalness, he was also an enjoyer of the biggest Dakka of them all: ship weaponry. Despite the offers and proclivities of the Big Mek Shokktoof, Captn' Dakkaboom Gitsnapper Thunderoar had not upgraded his Heavy Gunz to Zzaps Kannonz, with his prided (and favorite) Mega-Kannonz pointed straight ahead and unmolested by anything but a Mek that knew how to load bigger shells, attach bigger barrels, and get bigger booms out of the same.

There was nothing that could have, in any timeline in existence, gotten Captn' Dakkaboom Gitsnapper Thunderoar from abandoning his ship while the Mega-Kannonz were still attached to the same.

Cretonia was a near archetypical Human world that had not fallen to Chaos or mundane horrors. They liked industry, they liked to bicker, they liked to grow and strive for something better for themselves and those they considered to be equals, and they liked when misfortune visited those they disliked.

According to that typicalness, they also knew that, if they had anything at all, even just their own lives, that someone, somewhere, somehow, would take offense and try to murder them with a vengeance. And despite the proclivities of the Macabre Sub-Sector to be stuck in internal wars, feuds, takeovers, and skirmishes at all times of the year, they had not overly partaken in that frenetic scramble to eke out a better position by punting their neighbors down a peg. Instead, they had focused on internal matters: racism, industry, shittery, and religious differences taking point of pride amongst their varied internal tribes and tribalistic tendencies.

There was nothing that could have, in any timeline in existence, made them abandon the ideals they held high: "Fuck you, I got better shit anyway!"

Unluckily for both, Captn' Dakkaboom Gitsnapper Thunderoar found himself on Cretonia, the planet having long ago insured itself against orbital attacks by seeding its titanic moon and host-planet with overwhelming anti-orbital facilities, and Cretonia found itself the unwanted host of a dozen ships worth of Orks furious at the fact that their ships were now on the ground, instead of the void, and both would have liked to see this rectified.

The Orks for the simple fact that they had won the battle for the orbits and were owed orbital bombardments as they wished.

The Cretonians for the simple fact that the Orks had landed on their shit, and they were taking more of it.

Story Time:

(Skip to the Battle for Paradise.)
[] Piscariii's Graveyard
(Focus: Conscripts against the Tide.)
[] Zoggin' Unfair Nimus Siu' Gits!
(Focus: Desperation makes for strange bedfellows...)
[] Klybessan's Speciality: Fried Shrooms
(Focus: Squid'n'kans, Runtherds, Killa Kans, Gun Krews, and oh, so many more...)

I'm not all that invested in the side stories, though I don't begrudge anyone who is.

Thanks for writing anyway though.
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