What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Voting will open in 2 hours, 8 minutes
--[X] Means: While we are here at a Constitutional Convention, create modest (definitely compared to SDF and SAG budget concerns) requirements to invest in expanded housing, and the creation of infrastructure to allow to both better house those who are already there but also be ready for immigration if need be.
Incidentally, and a bit late to the party, but this is actually setting this part of the plan up for failure. By mandating that investement is lower than even peacetime military spending, you make it entirely inadequate for the purpose.

But none are entirely sure what to do when Voxx Primus is liberated, for 700 billion people are more than 13 times the entire population of the Federation...upon a single world, no less.

If you're going to resettle people onto the World's of the glimmering Federation, you have to accept that you're going to (at least) double the population of every world (and that would only lower the population of Voxx Primus by 7% . That requires generational effort, not sedate gentrification.

On a side note, I think I've solved the problem =>

Edit: He also calculated that an Imperial Battleship can easily have a crew of 2.3 Billion with half the ship used for machines.
Just tech up and build 35 battleships.
I dunno, this whole thing feels a little strange. We're committing to solving the problem, but the problem is too large to be solved by any one solution, so we're kind of throwing out a bunch of potential solutions to be explored later. Transport, local agriculture, improved infrastructure, etc are all pieces of the puzzle but we can't explore all of them now and it's hard to know what the actual solution will look like from here.

So of course any solution is going to look wishy-washy and half-baked. It's more just giving us notice this is something we should spend actions on preparing for.

We've got a couple of those actions here, but there's probably going to be more that pop up as we continue to discuss and focus on this. I'm hoping for some upcoming new research actions and other options to see what we're looking at.

I'm also pretty firmly of the opinion that we should go for all-X, since the generally greater capabilities in food, medical care etc are going to give every other plan a boost. It gives us more traits like the abundant nutrition one that'll be priceless for feeding Voxx.

Then there's whatever the all-X bonus is. Which - well. There's a few ways that could be a big damn deal.
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Jun 21, 2024 at 10:44 AM, finished with 55 posts and 24 votes.

  • [X] [Voxx Primuse Afterplan] Plan: A Balanced Breakfast
    [X] [Kin Laws] Extraordinary deeds are to be rewarded, but so is loyal and consistent work. If a protectorate performs ably for 100 years, they are to be given a 25 year trial period as kin, observed closely for problems. At the end of this period, should there be no major problems, they shall be kin in full. Obviously, extraordinary deeds (as with the Kir'dabi) can shorten or remove this constraint.
    [X] [Yeeni] The Yeeni's construction and continued deployment of their Scout Cruiser Spirit of Discovery is indicative of the 'above and beyond' spirit of their species and should be a valid consideration for Kinship, especially when considered alongside the large active Yeeni contingents within our military apparatus. Neither of these actions are things required by a 'Good Protectorate taking their role seriously,' all that requires is paying your taxes on time and not causing problems. The Yeeni are actively seeking out involvement in wider Federation affairs, and have been doing so for an extended period of time. Their engineers are a core and crucial component in the running of our largest warships, the Leo Heavy Cruisers, and the Spirit of Discovery has been responsible for finding not one, not two, but dozens of abandoned precursor starships which could provide Star Child only knows what kinds of scientific advancement once grants are approved to study them. As such, though they have not performed anything so dramatic as our Kil'drabi siblings stand alongside us against a foreign foe, I believe that the Yeeni have demonstrated the desire, will, and strength of character necessary to be called our Kin.
    [X] [Yeeni]
    [X] [Voxx Primuse Afterplan] Plan: Practical Considerations
    [X] [Kin Laws] Any Protectorate which has been a member of the Federation for no shorter than a century shall have the right to claim Kin status, which shall be granted within five years unless rejected by a Polity-wide Council within that time frame. The right to claim Kin status may also be extended to any Protectorate not younger than fifty years, at the discretion of a Polity-wide Council, for extraordinary service in war and peace.
    [X] [Voxx Primuse Afterplan] Plan: A Balanced Breakfast
    -[X] First, we must begin to create and expand space stations. What was done with Defense Stations, such at a level beyond belief, can be done with human habitation. Yet this alone will not be enough.
    -[X] Second, we must truly and fully continue upon completion the research of even further crops capable of growing in Hives (or Ex-Hives), and their integration. This Hive World must become increasingly self-sufficient, even if this means that space must be cleared which will necessitate decreases in the total population (see below). Yet this alone will not be enough.
    --[X] Means: Speak with the Irritia, you have a burgeoning humanitarian problem that's likely to pop, and you want to take the steps needed to minimize the issues. Do they have any insights on very, very high density food growing? Or barring that, how to produce large amounts of food in space?
    -[X] Third, emmigration is not a possibility but a necessity. While we cannot possibly house the whole of the population, depopulating Voxx Primus, even a drop of one, two, or perhaps at a very distant strength three hundred billion in the system--whether on planets or whether on new space stations--could be transformative. Yet this alone will not be enough.
    --[X] Means: While we are here at a Constitutional Convention, create modest (definitely compared to SDF and SAG budget concerns) requirements to invest in expanded housing, and the creation of infrastructure to allow to both better house those who are already there but also be ready for immigration if need be.
    -[X] Fourth, we need to encourage safe and humane birth-limits, tied specifically to capacity to raise children to a good standard of living, and coinciding with a propaganda campaign to encourage a different mindset of concentrating resources and efforts, at least until the population is under control. Yet this alone will not be enough.
    --[X] Means: As a provision now, while the larger campaign waits, make birth control readily available to the Star Child population on Voxx Primus, and begin education in Family Planning, and specifically the drive to have kids only when you can make sure they will have a good (by whatever is standard atm) quality of living. Etc, etc. Sewing small seeds for later situations, and hopefully making sure those who are born are loved, planned for, and more liable not to die in childhood.
    -[X] Fifth, we must remember that through the Star Child all things are possible, so jot that down. Through prayer to the Star Child for deliverence, and the study of such Melodies as Health, Compassion, the Home, and Family (which may aid in the 4th if used right), and the performance of unique Songs... we may yet bring salvation unto not just seven-hundred billion, but to the trillions that will yet live under the light of the Five. This, TOGETHER, will suffice!
    [X] [Yeeni] While the Yeeni have (arguably) not preformed the "extraordinary deeds" required of them, they have shown that they are enthusiastic and competent as they walk in the Star Child's light. So I say we give them the opportunity. Let them serve in first line military positions, let them learn our crafts, and let them take orders. Perhaps not so freely as true kin… yet. And, should they handle such ably? Then make them kin in full. They have given us a century of companionship, hard work and faith. We can extend this much trust. (Essentially give them a trial period as kin, say 25 years (because Star child) and if no issues crop up then they're kin in full).
    [X] [Voxx Primuse Afterplan] Plan: Practical Considerations
    -[X] First, whatever happens, it is likely the hive will need tremendous support for a prolonged amount of time, requiring the freeing up of massive amounts of transportation capacity. For this reason, a convoying system will be drawn up, so that a much smaller number of freights, guided by machine choir equipped vessels, can carry internal trade, while now surplus hulls can be put in reserve to eventually support the Hive world
    -[X] Second, we must truly and fully continue upon completion the research of even further crops capable of growing in Hives (or Ex-Hives), and their integration. This Hive World must become increasingly self-sufficient, even if this means that space must be cleared which will necessitate decreases in the total population (see below). Yet this alone will not be enough.
    --[X] Means: Speak with the Irritia, you have a burgeoning humanitarian problem that's likely to pop, and you want to take the steps needed to minimize the issues. Do they have any insights on very, very high density food growing? Or barring that, how to produce large amounts of food in space?
    -[X] Third, whatever changes, we know that the vast majority of the population of Vox Primus shall remain there. As such, engineering priorities must focus on the development of detoxifying and in situ urban renewal practices? How does one rebuild a hive world. For this purpose, perhaps an engineering demonstration settlement can be constructed on Qulach's Forge's, and perhaps some arcologies on many other worlds, to both learn lessons and house people.
    -[X] Fourth, we need to encourage safe and humane birth-limits, tied specifically to capacity to raise children to a good standard of living, and coinciding with a propaganda campaign to encourage a different mindset of concentrating resources and efforts, at least until the population is under control. Yet this alone will not be enough.
    --[X] Means: As a provision now, while the larger campaign waits, make birth control readily available to the Star Child population on Voxx Primus, and begin education in Family Planning, and specifically the drive to have kids only when you can make sure they will have a good (by whatever is standard atm) quality of living. Etc, etc. Sewing small seeds for later situations, and hopefully making sure those who are born are loved, planned for, and more liable not to die in childhood.
    -[X] Fifth, we have to consider, that upon this one world live more members that could be taken up by the Choirs, than in the entire Glimmering Federation. Recruitment and exfilitration of these individuals can avoid local incidents, while giving up the choirs needed to achieve a great many things, including mass transportation.
    [X] [Yeeni] While the Yeeni have (arguably) not preformed the "extraordinary deeds" required of them, they have shown that they are enthusiastic and competent as they walk in the Star Child's light. So I say we give them the opportunity. Let them serve in first line military positions, let them learn our crafts, and let them take the orders. Perhaps not so freely as true kin… yet. And, should they handle such ably? Then make them kin in full. They have given us a century of companionship, hard work and faith. We can extend this much trust. (Essentially give them a trial period as kin, say 25 years (because Star child) and if no issues crop up then they're kin in full).
715.M42 - A Weird Heresy
The Adherents of the Divine Lines are a...weird Heresy.

On the one hand, they believe that there is a direct Divine Lineage, hence the name, from the Emperor-And-Omnissiah, and therefore the Star Child, to the Primarchs and then to the Space Marines, with the latter, as no Primach exists anymore, not merely demigods in name but also soul. And as they are direct descendants of the Star Child and Emperor-And-Omnissiah, they have, through that connection of blood and Divinity, a better understanding of and ability to comprehend the will and desires of the Star Child to come. Thus, Space Marines are the rightful leaders of humanity and all who follow the Star Child.

On the other hand, they are only dangerous due to their widespread nature rather than the strength of their Doctrine. "Wide as a Sea, Deep as a Puddle," as one agent of Cerberus has put it.

As far as Cerberus is concerned, there isn't anything to do here beyond information campaigns, but who knows? Maybe there is something they aren't seeing.

What Do?
(6-Hour Vote)
[] (Write-In)
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I think the real danger of these people is if/when we'll meet other Space Marines. Space Marines who unlike our Lamenters agree that they should be in charge. Or worse, meet a Primarch. We absolutely can't integrate anything of them into the Faith, it's simply too dangerous.
Well, they want to implement an aristocracy. Time to revive the good old revolutionary spirit, and start chopping heads in the town square.

More seriously, I think we can get away with a little lithurgical education on how many of our important religious figures have humble origins.
if you focused on divine heritage and lived in his time, you would have ignored Saint Teeln.
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I mean. How long until our corner of the galaxy learns that there is an active Primarch on the other side of the Great Rift, and he's currently leading the Imperium? Because when that happens, these guys will likely switch to "we should join the Imperium, deus vult!" or some bullshit along those lines.
Hell we could just say that Astartes were created to protect not rule and that trying to change their divine mandate is disrespecting the Star Child. Though we probably don't want to create any form of religious requirement for Space Marines to stay in a Caste whether it's rulership or warriors.
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Information campaigns, probably, and perhaps very light punishment beyond the obvious. Anyone flagged at any time with Divine Lines beliefs isn't to be put into any sort of liason position/etc with the Lamenters, or so on and so forth.
Honestly, asking the Lamenters to make a few public appearances slamming down the idea that they should be in charge could probably take the winds out of these guys' sails.
How long until our corner of the galaxy learns that there is an active Primarch on the other side of the Great Rift, and he's currently leading the Imperium?
I genuinely forgot Guilliman was leading the Imperium. Would he switch sides? To us I mean, we are clearly better than the Imperium and not an absolute nightmare to lead or organize(but he is still not taking over of course).

I know that won't happen but I can dream of having a Primarch, especially that specific Primarch, on our side.
[X] Roll out a propaganda campaign, including carefully in certain cases asking the Lamenters to debunk some of these things... though be wary of the possibility of spreading belief by doing so. Emphasize among other things the role Lamenters actually play in government, the way that recruitment itself is not done via heredity, the atrocities that the Imperium has engaged in, whether Neonite or whatever rumors of the evils of Voxx Primus have inevitably slipped out, and more, to emphasize the extent to which Lineal Heritage, even for our friends the Lamenters, is not enough.
-[X] Anyone found to have connections to the Divine Line heresy are not to be trusted with anything that interacts with the Lamenters in more than an incidental way. (IE, a random Thule believing it may be censured, but does not need to be barred from being a pilot just because it's possible they might one day be in a battle alongside Lamenters.)
-[X] Make clear the holy position on such lineage-based beliefs, and even more clear the focus on deeds, and deeds ongoing rather than done once to deserve special considerations. The Lamenters are excellent friends and allies whose deeds are worthy of respect, but they do not seek to rule the Federation and trying to push them to do so would only weaken their obvious strengths.
-[X] Just because one is a great engineer, does that mean they are a great warrior? Everyone has their unique talents and abilities, bounded not by heredity--at least not fully--but by their aptitudes. These talents and abilities should not be assumed to run to all fields, any more than we should think that only the best orators should run the Federation: the Council system allows all manner of different kinds of experts, bureaucratic, diplomatic, technological, psyakana-based, religious and more to, with the consent of the governed, guide the Federation. To narrow it down to one thing is to reject the bounty of the Star Child's wisdom!
-[X] Additionally, if all of that isn't enough to severely reduce the Heresy, talk to Chyron and request he makes a public statement rejecting the idea of a Divine Line leading to the Lamenters having or being supposed to have any role beyond what they dedicate themselves to and the Glimmering Federation accepted them as.

Or something? I'm admittedly writing fast and sloppy because there's apparently only three hours to vote.
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Yeah this one isn't too hard. Propaganda to make them realize how silly the whole thing is and we'll be on our way.

[X]The Laurent
[X] Roll out a propaganda campaign, including carefully in certain cases asking the Lamenters to debunk some of these things... though be wary of the possibility of spreading belief by doing so. Emphasize among other things the role Lamenters actually play in government, the way that recruitment itself is not done via heredity, the atrocities that the Imperium has engaged in, whether Neonite or whatever rumors of the evils of Voxx Primus have inevitably slipped out, and more, to emphasize the extent to which Lineal Heritage, even for our friends the Lamenters, is not enough. -[X] Anyone found to have connections to the Divine Line heresy are not to be trusted with anything that interacts with the Lamenters in more than an incidental way. (IE, a random Thule believing it may be censured, but does not need to be barred from being a pilot just because it's possible they might one day be in a battle alongside Lamenters.) -[X] Make clear the holy position on such lineage-based beliefs, and even more clear the focus on deeds, and deeds ongoing rather than done once to deserve special considerations. The Lamenters are excellent friends and allies whose deeds are worthy of respect, but they do not seek to rule the Federation and trying to push them to do so would only weaken their obvious strengths.
Maybe we should add in some deeper investigations and undercover work to figure out if anything else is going on.

HeroCooky's hint and the fact that there's still supposedly a Chaos cult roaming around makes me paranoid.

Who knows? Maybe they're trying to summon a Daemon Primarch or some other insane plot.
[X] Roll out a propaganda campaign, including carefully in certain cases asking the Lamenters to debunk some of these things... though be wary of the possibility of spreading belief by doing so. Emphasize among other things the role Lamenters actually play in government, the way that recruitment itself is not done via heredity, the atrocities that the Imperium has engaged in, whether Neonite or whatever rumors of the evils of Voxx Primus have inevitably slipped out, and more, to emphasize the extent to which Lineal Heritage, even for our friends the Lamenters, is not enough.
-[X] Anyone found to have connections to the Divine Line heresy are not to be trusted with anything that interacts with the Lamenters in more than an incidental way. (IE, a random Thule believing it may be censured, but does not need to be barred from being a pilot just because it's possible they might one day be in a battle alongside Lamenters.)
-[X] Make clear the holy position on such lineage-based beliefs, and even more clear the focus on deeds, and deeds ongoing rather than done once to deserve special considerations. The Lamenters are excellent friends and allies whose deeds are worthy of respect, but they do not seek to rule the Federation and trying to push them to do so would only weaken their obvious strengths.
HeroCooky's hint and the fact that there's still supposedly a Chaos cult roaming around makes me paranoid.
The most likely candidate for the position of "it is actually a Chaos cult" is the Anti-Particularist movement because of the whole 4 making up a greater whole concept so any additional investigations are unlikely to reveal any other information except for when we go get rid of them.
Voting will open in 2 hours, 8 minutes