What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Yeah, I'm thinking that can be a long term approach. I really want proper Knights, Armigers are great and have done a lot of work, but proper War Walkers would be crazier still.
yeah, the carnivores would be great starters for newer knights (and get the old ghosts in the machine to grumble at them to be better) before they graduate to a actual knight...which means depending on how many knight packs there are, were going to need to either triple or quadruple or even quinque (5 times).
Yeah, I'm thinking that can be a long term approach. I really want proper Knights, Armigers are great and have done a lot of work, but proper War Walkers would be crazier still.

Yah, I want Proper Sized Knights. The Karnivore has been serving valiantly, but proper sized Knights like paladins and Errants not only hit a level of power that tends to be hard to contest without the use of other superheavies, and are only eclipsed by their bigger walking castles of a brother and Proper titans from their.

And that's without getting into the weirdo weapons I want to make that a proper sized knight can accommodate. A knight paladin also contains examples of Rapid fire battlecannons (Battlecannons that can fire twice in the time a normal battlecannon can fire once) which would be great for our tanks, And between the size (and in turn available power) and relative rarity, Knights are a great platform for testing new Heavy weaponry before trying to Back port and mass produce them for our more numerous tank fleets.
As you chose to go into danger, you summoned the Lamenters to deal with the entire thing, calling down the wrath of the Emperor and Star Child upon a race of animals that basically feed on souls while also being sort-of fused to the Displacement Engine mentioned above, allowing them to teleport all over the place. It also saved you two Actions to deal with the problem yourself, as they are now busy exterminating these things for you with horrendous casualties! Yay!
Is the Displacement Engine still around findable by future actions, or can we assume that the battle to stop the monsters also destroys the potential loot?
(Just making sure we don't overlook the possibility to gain archotech due to assumptions)
The other advantage - we can actually build more knights, while they most likely can't. If we ever manage an army building action we could knock together something like 80 kharnivores. I like our chances better if we're 4 on 1. Also - it's unlikely that we could learn how to build knights from them. Our best way to get new knights is that STC fragment.

But honestly, all of that's on the distant horizon. We have a lot of territory to digest already, technology to research, ships to design and heresy to quash. Not to mention Voxx and the van Zandt's. As soon as they're done with whatever is occupying them we're going to be in Next. Or whatever ate them will try to eat us.

The near future looks something like fleet reorg, research, heresy quashing and continuing the Voxx campaign!
The other advantage - we can actually build more knights, while they most likely can't. If we ever manage an army building action we could knock together something like 80 kharnivores. I like our chances better if we're 4 on 1. Also - it's unlikely that we could learn how to build knights from them. Our best way to get new knights is that STC fragment.

But honestly, all of that's on the distant horizon. We have a lot of territory to digest already, technology to research, ships to design and heresy to quash. Not to mention Voxx and the van Zandt's. As soon as they're done with whatever is occupying them we're going to be in Next. Or whatever ate them will try to eat us.

The near future looks something like fleet reorg, research, heresy quashing and continuing the Voxx campaign!

Eh even if they can't build knights themselves, I think if we can actually get access to working examples of the knights, we would probably be able to Reverse engineer them these days, we have Tech priests that are actually doing R'n'D things, and given how quickly we managed to cannibalize Imperial ships for upgrades/DP, we are pretty good at reverse engineering. It would cost actions, maybe even more then 1, But i think we could do it, IF we gain access to not only Working examples and wrecks to reverse engineer, but also the Technicians/ Maintenance crew who perform maintenance on the Knights. Even if that maintenance is just kludge together solutions, that requires SOME knowledge of how the machine does what it does. Between all of that and extrapolating what we learned from the karnivore, we probably could reverse engineer knights.

Without access to Maintenance crew, Working examples and actions? We definitely would need to rely on just finding a lucky STC.

but that's exactly why I want to Woo them... Also Ladies in giant robots are hot.
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Also, Unless I missed something, I don't think their any actually sign of what that STC... is? It could be anything from vehicle, Super heavy, titan, Spaceship. Basically everything has STC fragment, So the chances of getting exactly that result, A knight, Is pretty slim.
Is the Displacement Engine still around findable by future actions, or can we assume that the battle to stop the monsters also destroys the potential loot?
(Just making sure we don't overlook the possibility to gain archotech due to assumptions)
Nope, it had a bad case of "Getting Nuked" while the Lamenters fought against the gribblies that made their main nest around the thing.
Another boy had gone missing.
son of a-

alright I see that's how we're playing.

It is a rare occasion when a planet sees the deployment of more than a single Space Marine Company unto its surface, much less when an entire Chapter descends in their complete deadly glory unto a world. A thousand power armor-clad demigods of war, armed with the best humanity can realistically produce, turning their attention unto anything is enough to make many a force reconsider their very existence upon said planet.
.... I'm sorry what the fuck we did encounter that called in the entire chapter?! I mean after chaos cults in 621 were stamped out and destroyed there is a lull but I'm surprised it was the entire chapter, I'm guessing it was because of got nothing better to do and innocents are in danger being hunted so they came in full force just in case.

insert meme of how other space marine chapter abandon civilians for the simplest of reasons vs the Lamenters 'is that a single farmer in the fields being attacked by a swarm of Tyrnaids?! With Me, Brothers!'

When the Lamenters Space Marines shuttled unto Hymn within the Grace of the Hymns system, it was like a religious experience to the colonists below. Sure, fears had been growing and going around due to rapidly increasing disappearances. Still, even so, those numbers were only on the upper bound of what many would consider 'Tragic but Reality' in a new colony and not anything that would be considered a reason for the Angels of Death to deploy, much less in their entirety!
And yet again the difference in how we are vs the Imperium with caring about people and following up on the disappearances, along with noticing them in the first place, and how the Imperium loses paper work and forget planets or entire sub-sectors exist.

The tracker returned his location a few hundred meters underneath their feet.

Stunned eyes watched, numb minds tried to comprehend, and working intellects believed the tracker to be malfunctioning. It simply couldn't transmit from so deep below, so it had to be faulty.

But then it moved across the world. Again. Again. Again. Over and over...and when the friends of the man looked at where the tracker had gone...
Hold up. Under them?... motherfucker we set up a colony right over its nest... or not. That's a bit off and scary, I can chalk it up to the warp predator and something going off or others trying to take a peice but the facts its over the world and not just region? that speaks to something else.

Undetected. Unknown. And completely without any trace...except one.

Whenever the Choir arrived at a location where a person went missing, there was a quiver in the Warp. A strum and a sigh. Something that whispered words...like a song.
..... you're fucking me. False Hydra equivalents. We had that shit here? evac the world and nuke it again.

I do like how you keep the Song element here and have the choir hearing the song of that since our psykana is in hymns and songs.

Regardless, traps were laid, and preparations were made, with the people of Hymn fighting an invisible struggle against a foe that would not be perceived.

And yet, with clever tactics and cleverer traps, the Choir stood at dusk atop a canyon. Their throats hummed a Melody of Fire, and a wretched creature of grey skin writhed in silent pain, its nearly 100-meter-long body contorting and squirming in its dying agony.
well at least the colony was able to fight it and kill it with what they had, and our choir was able to help there, they were a BIG help.

also WTF 100 meter long? the hell is with that thing?

People thought it was the end.

It was not the end.

Because as the Choir listened to the dying soul of the creature beneath them, they heard it.

A great waking far, far beneath the ground.

Thus, they called the Lamenters.

Thus, the Lamenters answered. They were His Space Marines, the Bulwark against the Terror of the Galaxy, and the Defenders of Humanity. They had been called. They could do naught but answer in force.
......oh. THAT'S why the Lamenters were called and they came in force. they managed to kill one through planning and traps but a whole horde of them in the planet? yah call the Space marines for that. Also see what the fucking Imperium left behind or abandoned. With how big these things are I wonder how many of them were around when the Imperium was still here and how many humans they ate? because that seems like something big you want to wipe out and wonder if they were noticed at all.

And yet, as a Space Marine Chapter descended to bring battle and ruin upon wretched creatures of the Warp and Realspace, another, very ill-time paper descended upon the desks of the High Council of the Glimmering Federation.

The Yeeni were asking for the right to colonize Grace of the Faith.
....... My hyena friends you could NOT have asked at WORST time for this. even during the war would have been better timing then this. So the Grace of Hymns were where this all happened, nothing so far on Grace of Lights and Grace of Labors. the Yeeni want Grace of Faiths... yah lets send a party to check around to make sure there isn't any fuckery over at all.

But yeah, the TLDR of the thing was that if you had sent the boy into the cave, you would have gone down a rabbit hole over the next few days that led to you gaining an Archotech Displacement Engine at the cost of the planet getting its souls ripped apart...if you didn't vote to destroy it instead.

If you had made the guy who got eaten here go away instead of into danger, you would have gotten a good look at the creature with a new Melody unlocked.

As you chose to go into danger, you summoned the Lamenters to deal with the entire thing, calling down the wrath of the Emperor and Star Child upon a race of animals that basically feed on souls while also being sort-of fused to the Displacement Engine mentioned above, allowing them to teleport all over the place. It also saved you two Actions to deal with the problem yourself, as they are now busy exterminating these things for you with horrendous casualties! Yay!
I think we would have chosen to destroy the Archotech Displacement Engine, seems in line for how our decisions have been. Still painful lost though of that tech, ah well. and it seems like a novel or story fitting for SCP or Horror Game with the classic blowing up the source to stop the monters and sparing others of it.

hmmm would the Melody be of what that thing was doing? masking its presence and such?

race of animals? so they aren't warp related deamons and shit? and I can see why it would have taken 2 actions worth to deal with them if they can just teleport all over the planet, makes sense that the Imperium didn't find them either.

I'm...I guess okay with letting the Yeeni colonize the planet? Just hope there isn't anything unpleasant as the fucking teleporting false-hydras waiting for them there.
I hope so but with a name like Grace of Faith when we found False Hydra equivalents that can teleport at Grace of Hymns, I'm not holding my breath at that.

Mundane Chaos threat and the religious fobs here raising a stink that they aren't getting priority tickets away from the front. The Not!False Hydras weren't near starving back then as they had when you were setting down tasty souls again.
they they went into hibernation after the Imperium dipped and when we landed they couldn't help themselves.

A feudal nation organized under a Matriarchal Knigh House favoring Melee. They primarily use Paladins and Errants. Are currently undergoing a civil war using duels, question mark?
Huh, neat. time to absorb some Knight Houses.. wait Matriarchal? SHIT we need to take care of The Order of the Nurenor Roses first before we start preaching there, its likely that sect will find more support and fertile ground in that place.

God dang it Lamentars you just got back to full strength like 2 decades ago can you not?!

In other news I feel we handled this well enough all things considered and I'm all for the Yeeni getting another world it basically means a free colony for us after all.
Agreement, Damn it Lamenters I know you feed yourselves through the wood chip to protect the people and innocent but you JUST recovered and already suffering horrendous casualties. It just just their luck for this though.

Also No one? No one is pointing to the names of the worlds on the Archotech warp routes? Where Dreams Bloom, Where gods Die, and Where Iron Screams?
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