What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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[X] PLAN: "Worthness" of Outsiders & other groups
-[X] Human technology to Xenos: Common causes and allies can be found with Xenos. The Kil'drabi is a key argument against the hateful, all-consuming fear of the Imperium against the Xenos. Those that the Glimmering Federation can understand, entreaty with, and coexist with can eventually prove worthy of being entrusted with some measure of the human understanding of the Omnissiah's wisdom. Yet there are xenos races that are so fundamentally wrong or hostile to humanity that such cannot happen. A policy of "Trust, but verify" should be followed. For human technology to be dispensed, the Xenos must meet the minimum of the following three criteria.
--[X] First, sharing of the Omnissiah's wisdom must further the common cause between the Glimmering Federation and Xenos races or factions in question. Or at the very least, must not be detrimental to the Glimmering Federation.
--[X] Second, the Xenos must not be fundamentally hostile to humanity. This requires the Federation to be able to understand the Xenos.
--[X] Third, the Xenos faction--for is it not that not all humans are united, so may it be that not all Xenos are united--must not be Chaos-tainted or possess and utilize abominable technologies such as the Halo-device.
--[X] Additionally, as for the matter of STCs: those things dug up with archeology or reconstructed from enemies must be examined by a Choir for Chaos taint or immoral means, but may be used if found safe.
--[X] As for technologies not created by the Imperium, is it not said that all voices may be one day lifted in Song? The criteria for evaluating the technologies of others to integrate into our own is simple: moral and practical. An engine that feeds on screaming souls is damnation, but nowhere has it been written that all technological knowledge is currently known by members of the Imperium or Federation. The technologies of Xenos are still ultimately the result of the Omnissiah, as all knowledge and technology are, so long as they are not immoral, tainted by Chaos, or worse.
--[X] The principles to govern an exchange of knowledge, whether from us to a Xenos or from a Xenos to us, are to be acknowledged carefully.
---[X] First, right scholarship: that is to say, we can refuse to share a technology with someone deemed unworthy, we can have 'trade secrets' but if we agree to share knowledge of warp drives but leave out information on a fatal error in the construction that we later fixed, this is dishonoring the Omnissiah and is heresy in its basest form.
---[X] Second, that exchanges should be fair to all parties. There is room, of course, for charity and generosity, and these are to be commended, but fundamentally if two people exchange knowledge or information, both should in the end be enriched in order to spread the light of the Omnissiah-and-Emperor. Other contributions may of course apply.
---[X] Third, right understanding: knowledge gained through this cannot be restricted, or at least not beyond the amount necessitated by its nature. A catalogue of every single Chaos symbol should not be available in the common libraries of any species, but any knowledge a Xenos trades to us or we trade to a Xenos should be widely available: we do not exist to empower a small clique within a group we are trading with, nor to become a small clique empowered by controlled access to information.
-[X] As it is that there are Five Manifestations, and Five Guidelines for Personhood, so too are there Five Categories of Outsiders. After fierce debate this phrase was used: "Outsiders" and not Xenos. Which of course led to a debate on which category the Imperium was in, and why it was definitely only barely better than the Ravagers or MUCH better than any but Kin, take your pick. But that's a story for another day.
--[X] Ravagers are never to be given even a scrap of technology or knowledge, nor is it generally the case that their knowledge is useful. A Daemon of Chaos, one of its slaves, the Orks, and other, stranger beings that the Federation has not yet encountered are key examples.
--[X] Travelers and Wayfarers are mostly to be engaged on a case by case basis. Thus far we have had good relations with some of them, and ironically better relations with the Kil'drabi even within the first century than we ever did with, for instance the ex-government that requested we build them ships to aid in their escape from responsibility. A Traveler can be trustworthy or unworthy of anything, but even then long-term exchange may well be difficult.
--[X] Children, those who do not yet have Warp Travel on their own. They will need to be examined, and the dangers of letting them go unready into the Warp considered. There is fierce debate about whether the Xenos found at Theta-Sigma Qualify. We have technically run across plenty of Imperial Children, in a sense.
--[X] Protectorates, those who have not joined the Candle Keepers and thus do not partake equally, but who share knowledge and thus likely deserve knowledge shared in return. Once, the Kil'drabi were like this. Some secrets are reserved so that they may not access them, but much is considered reasonable.
--[X] Kin, those for whom there is no difference. We do not hide things from those formerly of Droma III, and similarly the Kil'drabi should have full access to technologies as befitting someone who has long since joined the Glimmering Federation. Let us, to an extent, have no artificial barriers between Kin, and stand with Kin against all the galaxy, even if the very Heavens should collide. They have stood in weighty measure against the darkness of the galaxy: if there is no light but us, let us be a bonfire that warms all who stand around it, and burns none but instead keeps off the darkness. To be declared Kin is no small thing, and cannot be assumed of everyone, but once Kin it would take great failure and betrayal for this to change.

How about this?
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[X] PLAN: "Worthness" of Outsiders & other groups

That's what I was waiting for, thanks mate. You're better at this political stuff than I am, I'm just good at crunching data and projections.
just noticed the better plan with same name, just gonna revote

[X] PLAN: "Worthness" of Outsiders & other groups

anyone got last minute ideas to add on?

just noticed how we got criteria for who we give tech to and what techs are acceptable, but not the policy on how we acquire new tech like trade or other such things

are we using the 5 categories to determine interactions, like stealing/raiding for tech from ravagers, trade (or attack due to case by case nature) with travelers/wayfarers, integrate some of a children's tech in return for uplift, have trade secrets between protectorates and free exchange with Kin?
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So, now that we've gotten this shitshow sorted, what do you guys figure the Holy Benefit to Psykana is? Is it just safe Psykana actions?

We did get The Home, but it didn't get two steps like Song did.
So, now that we've gotten this shitshow sorted, what do you guys figure the Holy Benefit to Psykana is? Is it just safe Psykana actions?

We did get The Home, but it didn't get two steps like Song did.

Not sure exactly, but maybe we can use it to buff our forces/people so long as they're in our "Home" (I.e. Candle Keepers fighting an enemy either in the Station or on one of our claimed planets gives them a bonus/buff over the attackers).
We still don't have Logic, we can learn it though.
Check the Threadmarked "Psykana of the Candle Keepers" post, we have Logic.

Sterbelicht - One Sacrifice At A Time Against The Galaxy (40K) Mature - Sci-Fi

Melodies Fire That which destroys, yet creates. The heat of ashen corpses and warm beds. The light of towns and of pyres. Protection To guard is to know when to yield, when to fold, when to give way, for the unyielding bow before the unstoppable. To protect is to know when to...
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