Bit of a shame the adventurers didn't include a techmarine but he'd need to bring his tools with him complete with his back support attachments.

He could solve the steam tank problem and then Konrad will be ranting about metal bawkses soonish.
Adjudicating a win for plan HANA, the differences between the others we're that significant, so we can move onto the next turn now.
Scheduled vote count started by FractiousDay on Apr 10, 2022 at 5:16 PM, finished with 29 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X] Plan Hydrogen, Arabyan and Norscan Aid
    -[X] Siphon fuel from the drop pods and vehicles to fuel our Thunderhawks. Do this before the hydrogen refinery is built.
    -[X] After the promethium is drained from our drop pods and vehicles, siphon stores of alcohol to fuel our vehicles. This is to give us emergency fuel for our vehicles while the refinery is being constructed. Do this before the hydrogen refinery is built.
    -[X] Celestial Lions are to aid the faithful Norscans in their fight against the other Norscans. With our Chapter at 100 marines, we are to minimize risk and casualties. Maximize their despair and show no mercy to anyone who refuses to convert.
    --[X] Attack at night as much as possible, as they do not have night vision goggles. Always attack at night for our high intensity raids. Do not let them sleep.
    --[X] Use local intelligence from the faithful and auspexes to find where the enemy tribes are.
    --[X] Snipe anyone who looks like a leader. With aerial attacks, it can be fom the bay door of a Thunderhawk. Scouts or marines can land from afar, snipe and then leave before the enemy tribes can react.
    --[X] Starve them. Destroy any stores of food and kill any livestock. Burn and bomb their buildings.
    -[X] Build a national Hydrogen Refinery, a minor bastion in Norsca and Genetorium.
    -[X] Disassemble the Montfried Sword Frigate for materials.
    -[X] Use skull probes and a team of skitarii with cameoline cloaks to monitor the charnel valley. They are to not enter the valley itself and not engage. They are to report any movement.
    -[X] Send subsidies for Araby so they can purchase food.
Turn 9 (2110IC)
AN: So we're into Arc 2 now, I think the quest is going quite well but I'm always into feedback. A few new people appear to have turned up or posted, so if you had any thoughts on particular points let me know and I can consider. Alternatively, if you get tired of it and don't want to read anymore, feedback on why is also useful there too.

The Economy Turn went quite well I think, and I was also pleased that my calcs appear to have been robust and accurate enough based on the simulations I'd run a while ago when I was first drafting the system. As such I'll be continuing the system, and we'll reassess after a couple more Economy Turns. I may make some amends in the next one re bonuses and similar. Additionally, I will be implementing some running costs for various things. You don't really need to know about these yet, just see it as an extension of the Economy stuff. In general, these will all be logically assumable, for example, flying around in Thunderhawks is quite expensive.

In any case, we're getting back to the action turns now. It's been a couple of months since the last turn so I'll put a refresh of voting rules here:

• Turns will take place over roughly a year's worth of time. A single action should be considered to be a year's worth of effort from a particular person or group, though there's a level of abstraction with all actions given the format of the quest.
• Every 5 turns there will be an Economy Turn, for the building of large projects and so on. The Economy turns are concurrent with the relevant action turns, eg, turns 1, 2 and 3 of the Economy Turns will occur concurrently with turns 1, 6 and 11 of the 'normal' turns.
• Actions will have a difficulty rating which should be apparent from the text. Some actions are time sensitive.
• Write ins are permitted and encouraged, but require my approval to make sure they're sensible. These might be 'go there, fight that, talk to them, make this' and so on. I don't give all the best options, you're meant to discuss and find the best options out. Modifications or combinations are also permitted, and may result in greater efficiency of actions and voting. If logical, you can take an action more than once.
• Voting moratorium for 24 hours to encourage discussion, do not vote before this. Post only draft plans before this.
• Discussion and voting are very useful for the health of the quest in general, and both are encouraged.
• Some actions are pretty vague. If action is unspecific or has options listed, it's up to you to suggest something. If nothing is suggested the most logical and simplest action will be taken, from the perspective of the characters, which may not always be the most effective action.

Note, I've removed some of your action budget because lots of people are busy. To note, you had 2 Diplo, 4 Stewardship, 3 Martial, 1 Intrigue, 2 Learning, 1 Personal. You'll never go below 1 action because that seems pretty unfair, but you're losing 1 diplo, 2 martial and 1 learning, as well as the personal action for the moment, at least for the next 7 years/turns roughly. The Stewardship actions have also been somewhat altered given the Economy Turn.

Turn 9 (2111 IC)

[X] Plan Hydrogen, Arabyan and Norscan Aid
-[X] Siphon fuel from the drop pods and vehicles to fuel our Thunderhawks. Do this before the hydrogen refinery is built.
-[X] Build a national Hydrogen Refinery, a minor bastion in Norsca and Genetorium.
-[X] Disassemble the Montfried Sword Frigate for materials.
-[X] Send subsidies for Araby so they can purchase food.
Within the Jagged Claw, Amra stirs in the Pain Glove modified to his gaol-throne. The lights of magic dance through him, and his sword yearns for employment. But the time is not right, not yet… not yet.

Despite the protests of the Machine Spirits, or at least the reports of them by the Tech-Priests, Promethium is siphoned from every pump and tank that could be reasonably emptied. Tanks were left without fuel, rolled into their hangars by hand, and even the drop pods had their impact thrusters robbed of lifeblood, enough to feed the Chapter's war machine. Even as the Electro-Avatar and their sparking attendants construct electrolysers for the production of Hydrogen, the Techmarines bear the stolen fuel to the Chapter's last remaining Thunderhawks, to make ready for the next campaign.

The Knights return to their hold for now, and beside them the Genetors of the Mechanicus draw forth their own strange machines, taking them with all rites and respect to establish the Imperium's Genetorium.

Araby remains in peril, but there are wider affairs in the world and the strength for the Imperium will be needed in many battlefields in the coming years.

Diplomacy (Choose 1)
Confessor Hermina is occupied ruling Medes, but still manages the Chapter's diplomatic efforts .
[ ] The Cult of Sigmar
The three Battle-Brothers sent to the Empire have made a well-founded initial contact with the Empire, and have especially good relations with the Cult of Sigmar. It would be effective to strengthen the newly acquired territory of Solland, as well as to engage further with the Cult.

[ ] North
The states of Estalia, Tilea, and the Border Princes lie to the north across the sea. Prepare an expedition to visit them and establish diplomatic relations before their inevitable conquest. Note the aims of this mission.

[ ] Trade
The Chapter has begun a phase of expansion and will require additional resources. It may be faster and more efficient to trade for certain resources, and Confessor Hermina have proposed a trade mission among the Mallusian natives to arrange matters. Note what sort of items you might want to trade. Additionally, there is the potential to use trade to damage the economies of various nations, which may help the Imperium in later years.

Stewardship (Choose 2)
While the Magi and the Techmarines maintain some view over various matters, Arch-Factor Galannus has also taken responsibility for various questions of internal organisation.
[ ] Subversion
The Chapter has decided to steadily subvert the existing structures of the Imperial organisations on Mallus. Galannus proposes the creation of a shadow structures, setting officials among the serfs in similar positions to existing other officials outside the Chapter. While some work will be replicated, over time as the other administrative functions of the Imperium-on-Mallus will be replaced by those of the Chapter-Serfs.

[ ] Staff College
In another element of subversion, the Arch-Factor Galannus proposes establishing a Staff College for the training of officers to lead the eventual PDF. This College will be formed with the disbanded 45th Macharia, who will be given positions of honour among the members of the College, and Galannus will fill the rest of the positions with loyal serfs.

[ ] The Settlement of the Southlands.
Araby lies wounded, though at least not dying. This is an excellent opportunity to influence the specific arrangements of political, economic, religious and social life in the newly acquired cities. Specify in which ways you want to influence Araby. Your control in Medes is far stronger than in Araby.

[ ] Transport Surveys
One major weakness of the Imperium on Mallus currently is the reliance on air transport. Much of the transport infrastructure of Araby has been destroyed, and the Mechanicum propose the use of rail systems to provide transport in future between major cities. However, the specifics of these routes will require surveying to determine the appropriate areas.

[ ] Burn the Forest
While the slow settlement of the area around Pharos by the Serfs has cleared a moderate distance of forest, it is necessary to clear more, and faster, if serious agricultural systems are to be established. The Imperium has relatively little need for wood, and the fastest way to clear this land is by simply burning it.

Martial (Choose 2)
Tuthmes Skytalon, Master of the Fleet, directs the military operations of the Imperium.
[ ] Scourge the Xenos
The Lizardmen attacked the Mordant's crash site and pockets of stranded survivors, defiling the corpses of the fallen, some of them even being eaten. This insult against the Chapter cannot stand. Move against them and destroy the xenos city.

[ ] Rodents Of Unusual Size
Apparently the people of the jungles to the south occasionally do battle with large rat-like abhumans. They don't appear to be a great threat currently, and are generally countered by the tribespeople themselves, but a mission should still be made to root them out and destroy them.

[ ] Reform the Pharosian Guard
There are around 10,000 former voidsmen of the Fleet still left unassigned to regiments. See to their training and use in reinforcements to rebuild the 1st and 2nd Pharosian Guard regiments who took heavy losses in the conquest of the Sorcerers' Isles.

[ ] Train New Regiments
There are a large number of martially inclined Chapter's serfs which could be formed into regiments.

[ ] Further Training
The Pharosian Guard are former Voidsmen, and few have encountered artillery or armoured warfare. Any further reinforcements from the fleet's armsmen will require further training to achieve the best results. Specify which training you want them to receive.

[ ] Push into the Desert
The Tomb Kings were broken by the Fulgurite Field, but they were not destroyed. Several forces of undead and their leaders escaped and have returned to their cities, while others simply wander aimlessly in the desert. It would be better to deal with these sooner rather than later, and now that Settra's Storm of Magic has been dispelled, it is expected that a moderate force of Marines would be able to deal with the enemy.

Intrigue (Choose 1)
Black Nassor, Master of the Watch, keeps a close eye on developments across the world which might threaten the Chapter.
[ ] Further Afield
Despatch Scouts and Thunderhawks to give broad surveys of the lands outside the continent you're currently on.

[ ] Assassins and Witches
Hunt down and root out the final remnants of the Assassins and Djinncallers, known to have fled Araby before the conclusion of Araby's conquest.

[ ] The Watchers
Nassor suggests the creation of a militia or police force across Araby, centrally controlled by the Master of the Watch, as well as seeding the noble classes with surveillance devices.

[ ] Disrupt the Waaagh
Set the newly formed 9th Company to disrupting Greenskin activity in the Badlands.

Learning (Choose 1)
Hath-Horeb, the Chapter's Chief Librarian, is certainly the most learned Astartes in the Chapter, and is assisted by Explorator Magos Magna-Thal to investigate the various mysteries of Mallus.
[ ] The Data Vaults
Magna-Thal proposes an expedition into the depths of the Data Vaults of the Kingmaker. The libraries of such an ancient vessel may hold any number of interesting Standard Template Construct plans! Indicate if you want the techpriests to look for something in particular.

[ ] Item Creation
Hath-Horeb wishes to conduct an experiment with what he's learnt so far, and plans to create something in the manner of the 'magical' items of Mallus. Specify what Hath-Horeb seeks to create.

[ ] The Ashwalkers
While the 3rd Company has been released, the Chaplaincy remains suspicious of them. Assign them to garrison the Sorcerers Isles and practice their warpcraft till they can properly control it.

[ ] Further Investigations
Hath-Horeb directs his attention to further investigations of items and traditions from further away, such as the work of the Dwarves.

[ ] The Ancients
The Chapter maintains 5 of the ancients known as Dreadnoughts, yet the Tomb-Brothers seem to have succumbed to a malaise recently. Even the Venerable Ancient of the Chapter has become difficult to wake, unwilling to rouse himself to the fury that is necessary. This is a concerning matter and Hath-Horeb intends to conduct an investigation.

Personal (Choose 1)
The Chapter Master has undergone many changes, but he remains a capable leader.
[ ] Norsca
Amra intends to lead a campaign to reinforce the faithful Norscans against their heretic kin.

[ ] Testing
Amra's abilities and specifics are still relatively unknown. Have the Librarium examine these further.
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The cult of Sigmar from what I remember do have similar values to synergise well with the Imperium thanks to Chaos and the Greenskins making them that way.

They are by those standards less xenophobic as well.
I do not believe we have fuel yet.

Our entire military is in a state of ruin. We have few supplies. We are going to be entangled in Norsca and Solland for the foreseeable future. I thought we could take whatever stores of alcohol existed among the Imperials, but it was excluded. We have no fuel for the rest of our vehicles at this time. All of our fuel is going to the Thunderhawks in Norsca.

All we can do is spend our time consolidating. We might have been able to do more if we abandoned Norsca and Araby to their fate. Our military manpower is low, our resources are low or nonexistent, our industry is low or nonexistent and the Tomb Kings ruined Araby. Forget uplifting Araby. We could be spending the next eight turns or more trying to make Araby livable with our current productivity budget. During that time we will have to rebuild our military and try to increase production of Basic, Advanced, Exotic, Relic and Promethium. I do not know how we are supposed to do the first two and Relic.

[ ] Plan Turtle
-[ ] The Cult of Sigmar
-[ ] Staff College
-[ ] Transport Surveys
-[ ] Reform the Pharosian Guard
-[ ] Further Training
-[ ] The Ancients
-[ ] Norsca

Cult of Sigmar is the least damaging diplomacy action. I do not know what we can get out of making diplomatic contact with the Southern Realms. Trade? With what and for what? We cannot give them any technology. They can already kick our ass without it.

Staff College, because we need to lay the foundations for building up new regiments. Transport Surveys because railroads would help if we can afford it next turn since we have so little promethium. Burn the forest is an utter waste when we can harvest the trees and fuel.

As I explained, we are in no state to take any offensive martial actions. Ask yourself how many more squads of space marines or companies of soldiers will die if we Push into the Desert. They have vehicles or mounts that run on magic. Our vehicles run on fuel we do not have and I do not know how many mounts are among the admech. We barely have any supplies for offensive operations and no fuel. Train new regiments is a waste because we have no industry to supply them. The voidsmen should already have gear and they will need to be trained. Armoured warfare cannot work because we have no fuel and only two tanks. Artillery, we have some of and the enginseers should be capable of building more during the five year turn. I do not know if they will since last turn I did not know what to do with them and did not assign them to anything.

Can we just glass the desert with our ships? Do we have no access to orbital strikes?

The Dreadnaughts have to be tended to and Amra can figure out his powers in Norsca.

So this is all pretty valid, and I certainly get that, but yea its useful feedback in genearl that stuff is received as it should be anyway

I am not sure if my feedback convinced you to not nerf us or not.

Ah so my point was more that there's a certain degree of intelligence that must be acceptable or not. At what poitn is something an animal that a roughrider can ride about, and at what point is it too intelligent?

Tool using, a sufficient level of possible threat to the existence of humanity, communication and coordination or civilization. Tyranids are xenos. The answer would not be very different from what is the difference between people and animals.
Our entire military is in a state of ruin. We have few supplies. We are going to be entangled in Norsca and Solland for the foreseeable future. I thought we could take whatever stores of alcohol existed among the Imperials, but it was excluded. We have no fuel for the rest of our vehicles at this time. All of our fuel is going to the Thunderhawks in Norsca.
So you had a base fuel income of about 20, mostly from the admech base and the fortress monastary. This might be considered to be a few plasma generators they had there, or various other fuel generating mechanisms. Again im treating 'promethium' as an abstraction of fuels in general.

You build the hydrogen, this took about a year to build, so now you have 4 years of hydrogen production, producing 100 promethium each turn.

As such your new yearly income of promethium is about 120.

Additionally you did do the fuels+ alch thing, so I would give you another 100 as a one off bonus.

The deployment of the thunderhawks for 5 years will take 100 promethium roughly, 20 each year. While this was once your entire income, now you've got the hydrogen it's less problematic. I anticipate that when you're deploying more vehicles etc and getting back to uplifting you'd be consuming more. For example, the 'national mines' option swallows up 500 promethium per year to power the mine.

To summarise, your yearly income now:
base income +20
hydrogen +100
thunderhawks intense deployment -20

So you've still got about 100 surplus a turn.
I do not know how we are supposed to do the first two and Relic.
Mining usually. Relic will always be difficult, it's very rare.
Can we just glass the desert with our ships? Do we have no access to orbital strikes?
Well you don't have any ships currently they all crashed or were landed. If you get the Peregrin up and want to use some Plasma Bombs or it's bombardment cannon you can. That's what it's designed for. Whether that would be entirely sensible is another matter. Additionally you do have Starhawk bombers from the fleet.
I am not sure if my feedback convinced you to not nerf us or not.
Partly, I do acknoledge the concern, but I also want to balance the quest.
Partly, I do acknoledge the concern, but I also want to balance the quest.

Do you see where I am coming from? We are down to a hundred marines and thousands of regular soldiers who have few vehicles like two tanks. We were not able to do this military action in Norsca without salvaging an entire sword frigate because of the Relic. Military operations eat resources we either produce a small amount of or not at all, like Relic. We have no industry. We have some promethium, but what about other resource? I do not know if the other resources under Mines are their output or cost. For now, we can maybe afford a small mine if that will not damage our ability to use vehicles.

As much as I would like to go after the Tomb King remnants, I am afraid we are going to take irreplaceable casualties and we have already tied ourselves up in Norsca.

For us to continue taking offensive operations we need to first have a sustainable rate of manpower replacements, industry and resources. We need to be able to replace what we lose to maintain strength. If we do not, we either degrade until we die to the last man or we are forced to turtle. We would then need to be able to grow if we want to hold on more territory. If Araby and Norsca are still a complete mess next turn we are going to have to give up on them. Araby does not need uplifting. It needed over 10,000 budget to undo the damage done by the Tomb Kings. We are going to run out of ships to salvage for Relics if we want to keep fighting in Norsca.
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Do you see where I am coming from?
So I defintely get all of that, but the central difference in opinion is I don't see this as problematic. There's a few sort of dissconnected points here so I'll ramble a bit.

As a 'game', this is meant to be difficult. I want to evoke the sense of violent struggle which is present in the various warhammer media. I also want to evoke a difficulty setting that I don't feel is well represented in quests. Yes you are powerful, but so are your enemies. This is the mission statement of the setting: "Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for in the grim dark future there is only war. There is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting gods".

I want to give agency to the people you're attacking. Aghilies for example turned out to be behind a lot of stuff, and for a mortal did incredibly well, arranging the deaths of 100 marines. I want to represent this well, and I feel this sometimes isn't done 'properly' in quests.

To an extent this is a question of expectation. What is the expectation of the players? Do you believe you'll be able to do all things? YOu can't, obviously. You have to consider things and choose the right options. Even if you do something right, the dice results, or indeed my fiat may make something more serious happen which will throw your plans off.

I also want you to be forced to make hard choices. Yes, you're low on relic material, that's because it's relic, but you may, for example, want to go get relic material from other places. What might be sources of such material? Gromril, for example. That would put you in conflict with the Dwarves perhaps, and that's a problem certainly, but it creates conflict in a story.

Incidentally, lots of these points are similar to my other quests. To anyone reading this who also read Orc Quest, @rx915 for example, did you feel that Orc Quest was similarly 'difficult'?
Incidentally, lots of these points are similar to my other quests. To anyone reading this who also read Orc Quest, @rx915 for example, did you feel that Orc Quest was similarly 'difficult'?
It gave me that impression. I had to do lots of thinking and get into loggerheads with someone who's just as persistent.

You did some simalar aspects in the traitor quest too.
As a 'game', this is meant to be difficult. I want to evoke the sense of violent struggle which is present in the various warhammer media. I also want to evoke a difficulty setting that I don't feel is well represented in quests. Yes you are powerful, but so are your enemies. This is the mission statement of the setting: "Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for in the grim dark future there is only war. There is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting gods".
. What is the expectation of the players? Do you believe you'll be able to do all things? YOu can't, obviously. You have to consider things and choose the right options. Even if you do something right, the dice results, or indeed my fiat may make something more serious happen which will throw your plans off.

Like I said, there is no chance of uplifting anyone. As far as I can tell, there is no chance of bringing back Araby to its state before it was ruined by Settra without spending a century on it. Last turn, we struggled to do what we thought we needed to do. Last turn does not look like we did everything we want but the nerf bat is coming anyway. Now that I know the nerf is coming and what we can expect from Araby and Norsca, we should not have done anything.

What might be sources of such material? Gromril, for example

I think using 30+ Relic on thunderhawk runs, or using so much Relic on things like creating a refinery is extreme/ Why would we attack the Dawi when our marines can be jobbers that can die in companies at a time? How can we attack the Dawi even if we want to?

You keep talking as if I want to do everything and uplift all of Araby in a day after steamrolling the planet when that is not it. We have gained very little for the casualties we have sustained and our resource output is too poor to do anything.

What are we supposed to do if not turtle with the way things are right now and what we have gotten out of our battles?
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Like I said, there is no chance of uplifting anyone. As far as I can tell, there is no chance of bringing back Araby to its state before it was ruined by Settra without spending a century on it. Last turn, we struggled to do what we thought we needed to do. Last turn does not look like we did everything we want but the nerf bat is coming anyway. Now that I know the nerf is coming and what we can expect from Araby and Norsca, we should not have done anything.
This seems unecessarily confrontational. If something is prohibitively difficult to do, then don't do it? Araby is hard hit, Medes is less hard hit, the Land of Assassins is even less hard hit. I did indeed give you a maximalist option to try and push back the desert, plant trees, sort rivers out and so on, but you could also simply say you wanted to move the Arabyans into the Land of Assassins. Migrations occour all the time, they're not unusual in history. You can start there, set up roads and railways pretty easily, establish technical schools and quite rapidly get up to Steam and Steel levels of technology.

One thing, as an example, that you got out of your battles, has been hundreds of high qualtiy recruits, another is the saftey of the Land of Assassins more broadly. Another is the defeat of the Djinncallers. They needed to be destroyed because the Imperium woulnd't have tolerated them, and yes they were an entrenched community of daemonologists and pskyers, that's going to be costly to fight, and it was.

No you can't have everything you want all the time, that would be ridiculous. You got almost everything, you got the fuel, you got the genetorium, you got the Norscan bastion.

You can also look to other ways of doing things. Next economy turn for example you could set up autogun production and make thousands of them. Yes, a random person from Mallus will be less effective than a Space Marine, but they'll still be very effective, and thousands and thousands of them will be even more effective.

Send the PDF in instead. Establish roads going from place to place, put a autogun factory in solland and issue guns there, retake the mountains and forests, push out, do whatever. There's lots you can do. You have the 'rebuild the pharosian guard' action there too, you could use them fine as well, there'll be 10,000 of them. Yes, an intense deployment of Thunderhawks over several years is expensive, they can go into space, they're immune to most missile weapons, they could ram a dragon if they wanted lol. They have smart bombs and missiles and so on. They're an expensive way of doing things.

This all requires discussion, yes stuff can be difficult but you don't need to just say 'oh we can accomplish nothing theres no reason to try'.
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No you can't have everything you want all the time, that would be ridiculous.
I'd only be able to do that if this was an actual game with cheat engine involved.

The premise does have a nice ring to it if a developer got hold of it to tinker around.

Marines with company get stranded on a planet and must make controversial decisions as they make contact with the locals while finding a way to survive and maybe make a path to go back to space.
[ ]Plan: A Good Defense IS a good Offense.

I do think I am being as aggressive as I can without nigh guaranteeing the destruction of our forces but that does necessitate some defensive measures in this case.
I do not see our reduction in actions as a punishment, already the GM has explained that in the universe our staff is stretched thin and operating on multiple fronts, this reduction I see as entirely reasonable.

Diplomacy Actions

[ ] Trade
The Chapter has begun a phase of expansion and will require additional resources. It may be faster and more efficient to trade for certain resources, and Confessor Hermina has proposed a trade mission among the Mallusian natives to arrange matters. Note what sort of items you might want to trade. Additionally, there is the potential to use trade to damage the economies of various nations, which may help the Imperium in later years.

I think we should trade goods, especially raw materials like Iron, Jade(magically responsive material), Obsidian(ditto with jade), Copper and Gold(both good for electronics), Natural waxes(Astartes love their prayer seals), Tar(useful if refined, not unknown in the old world) and others for services. If we offer some of our forces to dig ditches, sow fields, hunt monsters, etc we do not directly provide *military* aid to those who *may* become our enemies, plus we possibly reap a propaganda win by showing we can be negotiated with to an extent and more importantly value humanity. Well at least to a material degree.

Stewardship Actions

[ ] Staff College
In another element of subversion, the Arch-Factor Galannus proposes establishing a Staff College for the training of officers to lead the eventual PDF. This College will be formed with the disbanded 45th Macharia, who will be given positions of honour among the members of the College, and Galannus will fill the rest of the positions with loyal serfs.

[ ] Transport Surveys
One major weakness of the Imperium on Mallus currently is the reliance on air transport. Much of the transport infrastructure of Araby has been destroyed, and the Mechanicum proposes the use of rail systems to provide transport in the future between major cities. However, the specifics of these routes will require surveying to determine the appropriate areas.

I think trying to force our mortal infantry into more battles without additional recruitment and training is tantamount to committing a slow suicide by self-inflicted blood loss.
Relying on air transport as nigh our only mobility is I think an absurd vulnerability and one we only allowed due to sheer desperation before, ending it will help all of the imperium if we can manage such.
Starting such a project I view as vital and is not a vote I would budge on while lacking a better alternative.

Martial Actions
[ ] Reform the Pharosian Guard
There are around 10,000 former voidsmen of the Fleet still left unassigned to regiments. See to their training and use in reinforcements to rebuild the 1st and 2nd Pharosian Guard regiments who took heavy losses in the conquest of the Sorcerers' Isles.

[ ] Train New Regiments
There are a large number of martially inclined Chapter serfs who could be formed into regiments.

Same justification as for stewardship really. Plus giving our serfs more to do makes serving the Astartes more prestigious in the long run I think.

Intrigue Actions
[ ] Disrupt the Waaagh
Set the newly formed 9th Company to disrupt Greenskin activity in the Badlands.

This gives the company a chance to once again prove itself which is good, also a chance to nip one of many threats but a most pernicous one in the bud while we still can. Or at least to delay the oncoming storm since time is also a vital resource,

Learning Actions
[ ] Item Creation
Hath-Horeb wishes to conduct an experiment with what he's learned so far and plans to create something in the manner of the 'magical' items of Mallus. Specify what Hath-Horeb seeks to create.
I'd like Hath- Horeb to focus on creating a portable warp dispelling device of any nature because such would be an incredibly versatile asset in a wide variety of contexts on mallus.

Personal Actions
[x] Norsca
Amra intends to lead a campaign to reinforce the faithful Norscans against their heretic kin.

I think Amra himself taking to the field might be a huge morale boost for both our troops and allies alike.
@Gunman you're not ringing a bell for me, I really don't recall you anywhere in orc quest where I had a long argument about the merits of blademaster speccing into one of the warcraft elements or the merits of giving back a bunch of papers of a deceased nobleman to their relatives when I would rather keep them to read.

I only remember you from some Warhammer quests with a firm opinion and that was it.

Edit: I see you edited your accusation out. I suppose it was just a misunderstanding?

Oh well. No harm done.
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I do wonder whether we could combine the options for establishing a diplomatic mission in the southern realms with establishing trade though?

They seem potentially synergistic to me.
I do wonder whether we could combine the options for establishing a diplomatic mission in the southern realms with establishing trade though?

They seem potentially synergistic to me.
I'm open to it sure. It would have to have some sort of element of colonisation though, eg you're trading to establish the mechanisms for later rule. 'Oh hey everyone it would be more efficient if you all obeyed this victory in trade' etc. happy to consider.

What did you want for the item creation one?
''I'd like Hath- Horeb to focus on creating a portable warp dispelling device of any nature because such would be an incredibly versatile asset in a wide variety of contexts on mallus.''

Starting by trying to replicate the most common of these items as far as I can tell, the dreaded Dispell Scroll would probably be most worthwhile but I really care more about achieving the effect than I do about the substrate that makes the program run so to speak.

If Hath-Horeb would have an easier time say making a gem that absorbs magic to reduce the winds in an area that would be equally cool.

Feel free to roll on a table if you want.