Star Wars: The Chosen One (An Anakin Skywalker Quest)

I could see some options open up like a Force vision about searching for Bane's tomb or the Sith homeworld once we get to open world mode after Sereno. We could also make horrific things with Sith Alchemy out of slavers and then fight them for experience. Killing regular people and blowing up worlds is the obvious route, but there definitely were very high/in control Sith that focused more on their studies then brutally murdering everything. I mean you had Sith masters that stayed in hiding for for a millenia. So it is reasonable to assume that actual Sith have some kind of training program to master their emotions and not let their emotions master them.

Plageuis seems like one more reasonable Sith, as afaik, all he wanted to do is study the force and acquire immortality. But he doesn't strike me as that Dark.
Going Dark later after light is not something I can see SV possibly accomplish. We will have a lot more to lose at that time and far more responsibility beside.
True, but will anyone want to go Darkside in the first place? Because if we actually want to go Dark Side, there is less calling home or hugging the bunny, but going to Maul to increase the bond or only learning how to break it but leaving it in place. Or studying the Sith Holocron on our own or studying it with Dooku.

Also for all those saying we'll be going to Tatooine after Dathomir, Anakin doesn't know that in-character, that is something the QM told us. Most likely he'll find out while on the way to Dathomir, on the planet or after leaving it. So calling Beru to get in touch with Owen makes sense, since we know he's alive, but we have no idea what became of him. If @Arthellion said Anakin does know in-character, then feel free to ignore this part, since while I checked the last pages, I didn't read all of the comments.

I don't know if it was said, but I figured it was IC knowledge since Anakin talked to Dooku about what he saw. That is why Tatooine was the next place to visit after Dathomir. Otherwise there is no reason for Dooku to go there. I can see Anakin asking Dooku to go to Tatooine to check on his family/brother.

Master Dooku found you an hour later sitting next to the Sith. His eyes widened as you told him what had occurred. Tears began to fall. Seeing your family die was..traumatic. The normally cold master wrapped his arms around you and you sobbed. So much had happened in the span of just an hour. You cried until you felt you had no more left to give. Dooku slowly released you and you sat upon the ground utterly spent. The man turned to the Sith and frowned,

[X] [Help] The Broken R2D2 Astromech Droid. You could rebuild him. (Gain R2D2)

Level Up Vote by plan
[X] [Level UP] Plan Stability
-[X] Talk with Dooku about what has happened.
-[X] Combat Prodigy (2 Points): Upon unlocked a Saber style, you immediate gain level one.
-[X] Force Prodigy (2 Points):Upon unlocking a Force ability, you immediately gain level one.
-[X] Skilled Speaker: +6 Charisma
-[X] Play with T'da.

Hug the bunny :)
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[X] [Help] The Broken R2D2 Astromech Droid. You could rebuild him. (Gain R2D2)

[X] [Level up] Plan: Choices
-[x] Talk with Dooku about what has happened.
-[x] Use the comm on Dooku's ship to call Beru's family.
-[x] Force Prodigy (2 Points):Upon unlocking a Force ability, you immediately gain level one.
-[x] Shatter Point (5 points) You gain access to the force ability Shatterpoint
Dark is all about passion. And, selfishness from what I gather.

Just follow Anakin's passions and desires over anything else.
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Dark is all about passion. And, selfishness from what I gather.
The best way to put it is a focus on oneself and a glorification of the individual. The light is a focus on the world around a person and going with the flow. Sith want to control their destiny and dominate. Jedi want to accept their destiny and work together. That is the best way I can think of to show how the high level philosophy differs. It is also reflected in their techniques, Dark techniques are about power/domination while light techniques focus on aid/communication.

[X] [Help] The Broken R2D2 Astromech Droid. You could rebuild him. (Gain R2D2)

Level Up Vote by plan
[X] [Level UP] Plan Stability
-[X] Talk with Dooku about what has happened.
-[X] Combat Prodigy (2 Points): Upon unlocked a Saber style, you immediate gain level one.
-[X] Force Prodigy (2 Points):Upon unlocking a Force ability, you immediately gain level one.
-[X] Skilled Speaker: +6 Charisma
-[X] Play with T'da.

Hug the bunny :)
I don't know if it was said, but I figured it was IC knowledge since Anakin talked to Dooku about what he saw. That is why Tatooine was the next place to visit after Dathomir. Otherwise there is no reason for Dooku to go there. I can see Anakin asking Dooku to go to Tatooine to check on his family/brother.

So we don't actually know right? You know what, let's just ask. @Arthellion does Anakin know IC that after Dathomir they'll head to Tatooine or hasn't Dooku told him yet, since he was more worried with making sure Anakin was alright and getting things in order for them to leave? What of the other planets you told us about?


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Shatterpoint will also be pretty useful in learning what option gives us DP and other stuff.
Here's two things.

People want to kill Maul because he kill Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, our Mother and Father.
We need "master" the Dark Side by getting to 100 DS on the scale.

Am I the only one who sees the disconnect here? How are we even going to get to 100 DS without becoming someone like Maul, who you all are so hell-bent on killing. Its even been confirmed by Arthellion that the deeper in the Dark Side we get, the harder its going to become to get Dark Side points. Are we going to be stuck at 99 DS, and need to genocide a planet to get that last point? I'm sure Palpatine is at 100 DS. What do you think he needed to do to get there? It been said by the QM repeatedly that Dark isn't evil, repeatedly even, but I don't see how are we going to get to 100DS without stepping over a mountain of corpses.

Now, forget what I said if mastering the dark side doesn't mean we need to get to 100DS, but if not that, than what?

96-100 is enough. You don't need full 100.
So we don't actually know right? You know what, let's just ask. @Arthellion does Anakin know IC that after Dathomir they'll head to Tatooine or hasn't Dooku told him yet, since he was more worried with making sure Anakin was alright and getting things in order for them to leave? What of the other planets you told us about?

Good call to ask him. Illum is where Jedi get their crystals for light sabers which Dooku will probably have us make. Sereno is Dooku's home and the final destination.
[X] [Help] The Broken R2D2 Astromech Droid. You could rebuild him. (Gain R2D2)

[X] [Level Up] Plan Bonding, Calling and Prodigy
-[X] Talk with Dooku about what has happened.
-[X] Admit to Master Dooku that you have 2 Holocrons, one of the Sith and one of the Jedi
-[X] Use the comm on Dooku's ship to call Beru's family.
-[x] Combat Prodigy (2 Points): Upon unlocked a Saber style, you immediate gain level one.
-[x] Force Prodigy (2 Points):Upon unlocking a Force ability, you immediately gain level one.

The first three story perks cost 2CP each, while the combat/force prodigy also cost 2CP. We'd be left with only 1CP, which I'm not very pleased about, but I think it would be better long-term to trust Dooku, our master, and reveal the holocrons early on. Dooku needs lessons in the dark side, so he never gets too much, and the Sith holocron includes debating philosophy, etc.

Also I do want to grow closer to him, regardless of who would've been our master if we hadn't left with Dooku, I do want to have a very close friendship/camaraderie with our master/teacher/whatevs. That 1 CP could save our lives if we get in trouble on Dathomir.

Also for all those saying we'll be going to Tatooine after Dathomir, Anakin doesn't know that in-character, that is something the QM told us. Most likely he'll find out while on the way to Dathomir, on the planet or after leaving it. So calling Beru to get in touch with Owen makes sense, since we know he's alive, but we have no idea what became of him. If @Arthellion said Anakin does know in-character, then feel free to ignore this part, since while I checked the last pages, I didn't read all of the comments.

Anakin does not know you will be going to Tatooine
Grief- Owen's Survival
Owen had a great a great time at Beru's place. They spent a great amount of time talking about Anakin. His brother had gone off to be a Jedi and he still couldn't believe. Having adventures, stopping criminals, Anakin was probably having a blast. He always seemed a bit too serious but he was his brother. Owen had gone to sleep smiling at that.

The next morning, Beru's dad dropped him back home. "Mom, Dad, I am back." There was no response. Owen shrugged and went to his room to put away his pack. He had done some of his school assignments with Beru, but it just wasn't the same without Anakin. He always seemed to be lightyears ahead of anyone else in the class. Heck, he had even built a droid by himself. He let out a slight groan and went to look for his parents.

"Master Owen-"

"Hey C-3PO, where is dad and mom?" He asked.

"Master Owen, they are in the kitchen but-"

"Thanks." The droid was useful but incredibly wordy and annoying. Owen shook his head a bit at the droid's antics as he moved into the kitchen. Lying there on the floor were his parents. It took him a moment to process what he was seeing. "DAD!" He rushed over.

The man had been melted apart with barely anything recognizable. His flesh and clothing burned to cinders. Owen didn't care as he knelt next to his father's head. "Dad...." He began to cry as the lifeless eyes and the look of terror on his father's face stared up at him. He cried and cried. Even when his tears ran out he kept crying. His dad always liked to joke that he shouldn't cry since each tear was worth a small fortune here on Tatooine. That just made him cry harder.

"Master Owen, I tried to place an emergency call but the comm system was disabled. I am unable to repair it. Perhaps we should-"

"What happened?" He whispered the words, but he still said them. His tears had dried on his face.

"It was dreadful. I was in the other room and heard him ask about the Jedi. Your parent's told him they had gone to Coruscant, but he killed them anyways. He also laughed." While it wasn't possible it seemed C-3PO had grown quieter at the last statement. Owen could barely understand all of this. His dad, his loving dad with a heart of water had been killed. And his mom. He looked over at her and his tears threatened to come out again. There was even less of her as a burnt pile of flesh than his dad.

"Why....just why." C-3PO for the first time in his creation had the foresight to not even try and answer that question. Owen didn't know what to do. His dad had always protected him. Normally the other farmer's helped each other against the Tuskan Raiders, but was so pointless and stupid. No one bothered the moisture farmers since everyone needed water. Even the Hutts that ruled this world were hesitant to interfere in such difficult and technical work that had tight margins. Also, everyone needed water.

The Jedi. The....the thing that did this came here because of the Jedi. It was the only thing Owen could latch onto. The Jedi let this happen. They never visited this world before and when they did they took Anakin away and let this happen.

"Master Owen, perhaps you can contact someone?" C-3PO spoke up.

"I....yes." He would be strong for his parents. He would continue onwards. Tatootine was a harsh mistress and death around every corner as his dad liked to say. He got up and went to look at the comm system. It was a smoking wreck. There would be no way it could be repaired. He would have to take the speeder to another farm and get help. Beru's family was trustworthy, so they would be good people to ask about the farm and sorting things out. Owen looked down at his hands. They were covered in blood, his clothes also.

He went to the fresher to get new clothes and cleaned off. He ignored C-3PO as the droid talked pointlessly. Night was already falling. He had cried the whole day away. Unfortunately for Owen, Maul also disabled the proximity sensors during his approach. There would be no warnings if the farm was attacked as the Dark Side energy from the events lingered about the place. The hatred and misery inflicted here had been reflected into the Force that existed around the Farm. While it was nothing compared to the Sith Tombs of old, there was an unnatural chill that was easily dismissed at first.

Unfortunately, Owen was unable to sense the Force and was too shocked to consider all the implications of his parents' murder. With only a single protocol droid for company. Owen's thoughts drifted towards revenge, possibly selling the farm to place a bounty. Maybe he would become a bounty hunter and hunt down the criminal. He had trained for years to learn how to fight, he could follow up on that. Hatred and anger filled his heart where there had been rage and sadness. His parent's hadn't just been killed, they had died screaming while their killer laughed. They had been burned alive. He began to cry again.


Posted with pre-approval of GM.
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Here's two things.

People want to kill Maul because he kill Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, our Mother and Father.
We need "master" the Dark Side by getting to 100 DS on the scale.

Am I the only one who sees the disconnect here? How are we even going to get to 100 DS without becoming someone like Maul, who you all are so hell-bent on killing. Its even been confirmed by Arthellion that the deeper in the Dark Side we get, the harder its going to become to get Dark Side points. Are we going to be stuck at 99 DS, and need to genocide a planet to get that last point? I'm sure Palpatine is at 100 DS. What do you think he needed to do to get there? It been said by the QM repeatedly that Dark isn't evil, repeatedly even, but I don't see how are we going to get to 100DS without stepping over a mountain of corpses.

Now, forget what I said if mastering the dark side doesn't mean we need to get to 100DS, but if not that, than what?

You seem to have a misconception there. In this quest at least the Dark Side isn't about EVIL, it is about emotion. So instead of going off and pulling a Death Star on a planet, we could say tell Padme we love her as an example. Or maybe murder gank Maul, or choose to fly off and save our brother from some sort of threat instead of leading the Sepretists into battle. See how that is different? Embracing and ultimately ruling your emotions and desires versus mindless EVIL.

Your actions won't be EVIL unless your desire are EVIL.
You seem to have a misconception there. In this quest at least the Dark Side isn't about EVIL, it is about emotion. So instead of going off and pulling a Death Star on a planet, we could say tell Padme we love her as an example. Or maybe murder gank Maul, or choose to fly off and save our brother from some sort of threat instead of leading the Sepretists into battle. See how that is different? Embracing and ultimately ruling your emotions and desires versus mindless EVIL.

Your actions won't be EVIL unless your desire are EVIL.

Blowing up Tatooine for the greater good with Owen on it would be a LIght side choice.
Based on the OMAKE, I think when we swing by Tatooine, we should pick up Owen and have him join the party permanently. This would not only give Anakin someone to relate to, it would also allow Anakin to hold on to the only family he has left. Also it would be good to get a non-Force user's perspective on our plans.
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Basically, sacrificing your own desires and passions for the greater good.

It would be a dark side option if we were blowing it up just because Anakin doesn't like Sand.
I have to respectfully disagree with this. Anakin knew he spared Maul and then found out that the same being killed his parents. There is a good chance he feels ashamed, upset with himself about his actions. He might turn inwards instead of looking for comfort elsewhere. Both options are equally valid as a reaction. That is why I think he needs to come to terms with what he did first before leaning on children who don't have the maturity to understand what happened or Anakin's actions. Putting the burden of understanding onto a 10 year old Owen is unfair to Owen.

....Come on man. Your argument against finding out what happened to Owen is that "Anakin needs to look inwards". What are you even trying to say? Fact is that Anakin is worried about Owen. That can't be denied. Your saying that right now Anakin is so self centered that he can't think beyond himself. What are we gonna do, ignore Owen? Maybe call him up in a year and say "sorry for getting in touch with you so late, I had to work through my own issues and feelings (not like Owen is having a difficult time right now too, huh?)".

And "leaning on children". Anakin is a child too. He needs to find out what happened to the last of his family for his own peace of mind if nothing else. Otherwise it will always be on his mind in the coming months.

I could see getting a lot of DS points by focusing on Sith teachings and powers. Both of those give DS. The issue is I don't think Dooku will allow for such things under his watch, or be very resistant. Better to go full light with Dooku and then dark. Well he might, but I don't think pulling Dooku more towards the Dark is a good idea.

I respectfully disagree with this. The evidence is in the update.

And yet...that was not what consumed his thoughts. The innocent in his desire to do something about what was wrong in the galaxy now carried the stench of the Dark Side about him. Anger, Hatred, fear...these all clung to Skywalker like a bad aroma. Had Dooku still been a Jedi, he would have called for the child's exile from the order.

And yet...he was no longer a Jedi and neither was Anakin. Instead, he was just an old man with too much experience and Anakin was just a young boy being forced to grow up far too quickly. The vision rang quickly through Dooku's mind. Anakin, master of both Dark and Light, saving the galaxy. Master Yoda, in all his wisdom, claimed that no one could return from the Dark side of the Force. Dooku refused to believe that.

He had seen Anakin's purity and his darkness. Both could coexist together in a harmonious whole. He just was not sure how he, steeped in Jedi teachings, could provide the proper insight. Advice was needed, but the Jedi would not offer it. They would take one look at Anakin and proclaim him an anathema to all they held dear.

Fools the lot of them. The could not see what he could. The power that shone from Anakin's heart. For good or for evil, Anakin Skywalker would shape the galaxy. Dooku whispered,

"I am determined...Anakin Skywalker...that you shall be my greatest legacy."

Dooku, has faith in Anakin. Be believes that Anakin needs to Master both the Dark and Light. It explicitly says that he believes that Anakin is capable of returning from the Dark side of the force, unlike the Council. You can't say that Dooku wouldn't allow us to go Dark, when the update said that Dooku believed that we could do it and that he believed we needed to do it to balance the force. Dooku wants to be proven correct, and in order for him to be proven correct we need to Master the Dark and come back to the Light. Ergo, in order to prove Dooku correct he will try his best to guide us in our learning of the Dark Side and bring us back to a more neutral stance once we have mastered it.

Mechanically speaking, Dooku wants us to gain DS points and Master the Dark, then gain LS points and master the Light. This will prove him and his beliefs about Anakin correct. Anyways, I think it would be best for us to gradually go Dark right now, and then when we have mastered the Dark work on gaining more LS points. That doesn't mean taking only DS options right now, but generally go for a DS points stance and take DS choices when they make sense (note: it doesn't make sense to me to take choices that include slaughtering innocent people or going evil for the lulz).

That said voting for Plan Destiny because we don't need Charisma.
[X] [Level up] Plan Destiny
-[x] Adept Philosopher: +5 Wisdom
-[x] Talk with Dooku about what has happened.
-[x] Use the comm on Dooku's ship to call Beru's family.
-[x] Combat Prodigy (2 Points): Upon unlocked a Saber style, you immediate gain level one.
-[x] Force Prodigy (2 Points):Upon unlocking a Force ability, you immediately gain level one.

Because, circumstances change. We focused on Charisma early on because we needed it to make friends with Owen (who we originally had a bad relationship with) and to convince the Jedi to help Naboo. Now we have Dooku who provides boosts to Int and Charisma so we don't have to focus as much on those anymore. Wisdom is the most important stat for Jedi, and one of the relevant stats that we have been getting skill checks for lately.

Talk to Dooku about everything that happened, clear the air a bit. Get some closure on what happened to Owen. And get the Prodigy perks before we unlock anymore Saber styles or Force abilities.
Based on the OMAKE, I think when we swing by Tatooine, we should pick up Owen and have him join the party permanently. This would not only give Anakin someone to relate to, it would also allow Anakin to hold on to the only family he has left. Also it would be good to get a non-Force users perspective on our plans.

Tatooine is the next stop after Dathomir, then Ilum, then Sereno. That is OOC knowledge that the QM posted.

I left the omake very open ended for whatever is decided. /sighs softly. Hopefully things work out in a positive way. Now that I am thinking about worst case scenarios, there is a good chance Sidious will go and capture Owen and use him as leverage. Maul definitely reported between his time on Tatooine and Naboo, or Sidious could pluck the information from Maul's head. Sure he won't know Owen is alive/exists, but all it takes is to hire a bounty hunter to investigate on Anakin's history since he is the Chosen One and have the bounty hunter report back. Then give the go ahead for a capture. :(
[X] [Help] The Broken R2D2 Astromech Droid. You could rebuild him. (Gain R2D2)

[X] [Level up] Plan Mind and Body
-[x] Adept Philosopher: +5 Wisdom
-[x] Adept Warrior: +5 Constitution
-[x] Talk with Dooku about what has happened.
-[x] Use the comm on Dooku's ship to call Beru's family.
-[x] Combat Prodigy (2 Points): Upon unlocked a Saber style, you immediate gain level one.
-[x] Force Prodigy (2 Points):Upon unlocking a Force ability, you immediately gain level one.

I would prefer to not take force prodigy and take Practice Shii-Cho instead but this is close enough to what I want and difference is minor
You seem to have a misconception there. In this quest at least the Dark Side isn't about EVIL, it is about emotion. So instead of going off and pulling a Death Star on a planet, we could say tell Padme we love her as an example. Or maybe murder gank Maul, or choose to fly off and save our brother from some sort of threat instead of leading the Sepretists into battle. See how that is different? Embracing and ultimately ruling your emotions and desires versus mindless EVIL.

Your actions won't be EVIL unless your desire are EVIL.

Yeah. And your emotions are unreliable. Let me give you an example. In one of the later seasons of the Clone Wars, Ahsoka is framed for the bombing of the Jedi Temple. We as the viewer know she's not the culprit, but what if we weren't the viewer? What if we had been friend of the one people killed in the blast? Our emotions are telling us Ahsoka did it. Why are the Jedi Council sitting on their hands instead of punishing her? What would happen if we took matters into our own hand and killed her? Its what she deserved, right? Except, no, she was framed, and relying on emotions, instead of thinking things through led us to killing an innocent girl.

Emotions aren't bad, but if you rely on them solely to make decisions, you're going to cause a lot of evil.
[X] [Help] The Broken R2D2 Astromech Droid. You could rebuild him. (Gain R2D2)

[x] [Level up] Plan I SEE THE PATH
-[x] Shatter Point (5 points) You gain access to the force ability Shatterpoint
-[x] Force Prodigy (2 Points):Upon unlocking a Force ability, you immediately gain level one.
-[x] Talk with Dooku about what has happened.
-[x] Use the comm on Dooku's ship to call Beru's family.
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Yeah. And your emotions are unreliable. Let me give you an example. In one of the later seasons of the Clone Wars, Ahsoka is framed for the bombing of the Jedi Temple. We as the viewer know she's not the culprit, but what if we weren't the viewer? What if we had been friend of the one people killed in the blast? Our emotions are telling us Ahsoka did it. Why are the Jedi Council sitting on their hands instead of punishing her? What would happen if we took matters into our own hand and killed her? Its what she deserved, right? Except, no, she was framed, and relying on emotions, instead of thinking things through led us to killing an innocent girl.

Emotions aren't bad, but if you rely on them solely to make decisions, you're going to cause a lot of evil.

Yes, but once again there seems to be a misconception here.

You see the murder Ahsoka option would be offered because we were Dark Aligned, but we wouldn't have to actually take it. There is a difference between running off of your emotions, desires, and instincts like most Sith; and controlling them as we work towards mastery of them.

Sure we will be inclined and incentivized to react more emotionally and with less forethought/meta-gaming, but we don't have to choose the murder option when we could choose another option. Let's say conducting our own investigation to acquire the proof we need to get the Jedi to kill her.

Oh what's this!? She was framed? Oh well sure glad we didn't murder her. Now lets murder the ACTUAL culprit.
Yeah. And your emotions are unreliable. Let me give you an example. In one of the later seasons of the Clone Wars, Ahsoka is framed for the bombing of the Jedi Temple. We as the viewer know she's not the culprit, but what if we weren't the viewer? What if we had been friend of the one people killed in the blast? Our emotions are telling us Ahsoka did it. Why are the Jedi Council sitting on their hands instead of punishing her? What would happen if we took matters into our own hand and killed her? Its what she deserved, right? Except, no, she was framed, and relying on emotions, instead of thinking things through led us to killing an innocent girl.

Emotions aren't bad, but if you rely on them solely to make decisions, you're going to cause a lot of evil.

It's real and not only in str rwars.