You're the Queen - Now What? [CK2ish Character-Focused Quest]

Voting is open
-[X][HIGH MARSHALL] Have Rienne Personally Demobilize Forces (Strong Success means quarter demobilization bonus must be paid, Weak Success means half demobilization bonus must be paid, failure means full demobilization bonus must be paid) (Demobilization Bonus is, by default, one third of the soldiers upkeep.) (Demobilization can still be done separately if Rienne is not assigned to oversee it) (Base Chance: 55% + Martial + Diplomacy)*
--[X] Suggest General Demobilization Plan (Winnow down the Light Cavalry a bit, Men at Arms, and Crossbowmen a lot; keep the heavy cavalry as the army core, supported by cheaper troops)
May I ask, how many Dureks worth of troops, you are thinking about demobilizing here?

I think I'll vote now too.
But one thing in advance: the tally is faulty.
For example, Fixing the Economy displays the following:
[CORRESPONDENCE] Personally Oversee The Sale of Confiscated Property (Weak Success Results in 25% more money from Sales, Strong Success Results in 50% more money from sales) (Base Chance 45% + Stewardship + Diplomacy)
But in the Original Plan it is a [QUEEN] action.
This is the case with some plans so please don't get confused when making your choice.
All plans are within the rules, look at the original messages and not the tally.
Yeah, that seems quite weird that it does that.

That's not necessarily true, mono focusing on one crisis can let other spin out of control or for the crises which might be might be preventable to fester and require much more of our attention later.

We want to raise enough money and reduce our interest to a level where our budget is positive even after interest payments. We do that by raising money to reduce debt or raising our revenue. Or make enough progress on that front where we can do so next turn.

That is how we solve the debt "crisis" and then we can pay it down with whatever free founds we have that aren't needed on other thing's.

Because here's the thing, the threat of the debt crisis is its growth the second we put its growth under control we solved 90% of that crisis.

And I would argue that all plan's currently proposed reach this point but fixing the economy focuses it too much we have no idea about internal or external moves, we don't know if some ex-loyalist is planning to overthrow us or whether we'll face an invasion and our country is filed with bandits yet it demobilizes a ruth of the army without sending any action to attempt to find out.

We must remember that we have more problems then our debt and that focusing on one too much would see the others grow without opposition.
Well, I would say that I am unsure, if all the current plans will put the growth of our debt under control, at least at turn 1.

If we take your plan for example, then the actions that might help with dealing with the economy is two tax assessment, negotiating dock revenue, bridge loan, sale of confiscated property and dealing confiscated estates.

I presume that the tax assessment about Lordship land first will lead to an increased tax income, when it is completed, which will first be next turn. The other assessment about the Thanedom I will presume might give a tax increase of 2, which would be a 20% increase of the current tax of 10.

At the moment docking and trading fees at Raida is at 45, so if we succeed, then we might get around 5, which would be a tax increase of over 20% again.

The bridge loan will likely give us a interest saving of either 4 or 6.

So those four actions might improve our income by 13 Dureks, but since we currently have a deficit 36.75 Dureks, that would still leave us with a deficit us 23.75 Dureks.

The last two actions would have to raise about 185 Dureks and then be used to repay our debt for the rest of the deficit to be dealt with. This might be possible, though I do not know, what we can reasonably expect from those two actions about selling confiscated property and dealing with confiscated estates, but if @Kylia Quilor would be willing to give an estimate, then it would be nice.

It is also worth pointing out, that we will need not only to get our deficit under control, but we also need to start to earn money, so that we can spend money on repaying our debt and doing actions, like building spy networks.

Keeper of Envoys Appointment (Pick 1)
[ ][ENVOYS] Lady Carissa Floren, a noblewoman with relatives in Nerinthar, Veldros, Restid and Velermarch. Charming, friendly and well-liked, she can establish rapport with almost anyone very quickly, or so is her reputation. Lost her older brother and mother to Syrokis's war with Morvak, and her family was rewarded with property in the Thornmarch after the war with Morvak. Doesn't really lean progressive or conservative, as a noble.
[ ][ENVOYS] Lady Lyra Bandasi, a progressive noblewoman from the Grand Duchy of Raida, who has an un-noblelike level of investment in trade, without even the polite fiction of having middlemen to keep her officially detached. Has a reputation for being a hard bargainer. It's said you should always check to make sure she didn't talk you out of your coin purse too afterwards.
[ ][ENVOYS] Arandel Synvara, an elf who lives in Eaglecrest and a skilled wizard. Nearly 400 years old, Arandel is well-traveled and experienced, and has been an adventurer, a court wizard, a freelance enchanter and more. In recent decades, he's become an internationally respected mediator between mages disputing over all manner of things, as well as between mages and non-mages. A skilled diviner.
When it comes to, who to pick as Keeper of Envoys, then it sounds like Floren is good at making friends and that she has a lot of connections amongst foreign nobility, so she might have a trait involving that, which in my opinion makes her seem like the best to help find us a spouse and foreign allies.

Bandasi is said to be a hard bargainer and very involved in trade, which make it likely that she has a trait involving trade or simply making deals, which does sound useful.

Synvara is said to be a good mediator in conflicts involving mages, which makes it seem that he might have a trait about dealing with mages. That might be a nice trait, but the issue for me is how often will we have our Keeper of Envoys dealing with mages?
Well, it might be a trait about using divination and him being a skilled diviner would give him the ability to divination on foreign nations, but our queen already have that ability and I would prefer, someone who seemed focused on being a good diplomat.

The thing is that we probably can't do it for his actions, so before a negotiation he has to do it himself.
He can then probably do the same thing that allowed us to get Rienne and perhaps rule out someone criminal.
The last two actions would have to raise about 185 Dureks and then be used to repay our debt for the rest of the deficit to be dealt with. This might be possible, though I do not know, what we can reasonably expect from those two actions about selling confiscated property and dealing with confiscated estates, but if @Kylia Quilor would be willing to give an estimate, then it would be nice.
185 Dureks is outside of the realm of possibility for those actions.

Your creditors won't start measuring rope for lynch mobs for a while as long as you seem to be making good-faith efforts, however.
The thing is that we probably can't do it for his actions, so before a negotiation he has to do it himself.
He can then probably do the same thing that allowed us to get Rienne and perhaps rule out someone criminal.
Yeah, but someone who is a capable diplomat would know, how to figure out what concessions to give in a negotiation, that is not a ability only mages have.
Yeah, but someone who is a capable diplomat would know, how to figure out what concessions to give in a negotiation, that is not a ability only mages have.

Sure, but the skill differences aren't big and we don't know who has what value.
And remember all traits have limits it's never just a bonus to anything.
In Floren case I think it's a regional limit, that's why I think Arandel Synvara is better in the long run.
Edit: Or maybe it's something else, I'm not so sure anymore. Maybe something like a first contact bonus?
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As someone who read Warcraft: The Silent War, this is shaping up to be pretty interesting!

[X] Plan: ...crawkid plan v2

[X][ENVOYS] Arandel Synvara, an elf who lives in Eaglecrest and a skilled wizard. Nearly 400 years old, Arandel is well-traveled and experienced, and has been an adventurer, a court wizard, a freelance enchanter and more. In recent decades, he's become an internationally respected mediator between mages disputing over all manner of things, as well as between mages and non-mages. A skilled diviner
[X][JUSTICE] Itrick Grosdan, a high-ranking cleric of Askiran. Most concerned with the maintenance of order, he is an advocate for flexible laws and clear, humane sentences. Vocal opponent of torture (which is legal under certain circumstances in Halrun, including as punishment for crimes. An old man, he has served as essentially a freelance investigator and prosecutor for Brunn, briefly Syrokis, and various nobles and towns, as well as Port Lest.
Edited my vote to add the Crawkid V2 plan as well.

While I'm thinking on it-is nobody going to point out how Lady Floren happens to have two family members dead in a war against Morvak, one of our neighbors? Maybe not a friendly neighbor, but a neighbor nonetheless. Not every trait is a *positive* one, given we have two (admittingly really strong) characters who have a malus in certain contexts, so is it just me that's concerned that Lady Floren might have a negative trait instead of a positive one?

I'll admit this is my one reason for voting against her right now as the Keeper of Envoys, but if not (or if she happens to just have a trait that doesn't activate in situations with Morvak instead of an outright malus) then she's clearly the most obvious choice and flip to her, or just vote for both her and Synvara.
[X]Plan: Fixing the Economy
[X] Plan: Reconstruction Begins
[x] Plan: ...crawkid plan v2

[X][ENVOYS] Lady Carissa Floren, a noblewoman with relatives in Nerinthar, Veldros, Restid and Velermarch. Charming, friendly and well-liked, she can establish rapport with almost anyone very quickly, or so is her reputation. Lost her older brother and mother to Syrokis's war with Morvak, and her family was rewarded with property in the Thornmarch after the war with Morvak. Doesn't really lean progressive or conservative, as a noble.

[x][JUSTICE] Lady Aster Corex, a conservative-minded noblewoman who served as a lesser judge under Syrokis, but quit nearly a decade before the war took over, objecting to his bending of all rights of the accused, noble or otherwise. Was jailed after the war started and spent most of it rotting in a somewhat comfortable cell before being released after the capital was taken. While her estates were returned to her, she is nearly bankrupt, but she is widely seen as incorruptible where the letter of the law is concerned.
[X]Plan: Fixing the Economy
[X] Plan: Reconstruction Begins

[X][JUSTICE] Count Xandar Fredoro, the Count of Vaspiri. Is a widely respected expert on inheritance law, and his family has long funded a College dedicated to the study of the law in their domain, which is respected in and out of Halrun. Has been consulted by judges in and out of Halrun to help sort out inheritance disputes. Not progressive by any means, but he is famously disdainful of Count Vallefor's over-jealous protection of every last arcane noble right and privilege as well.

[X][ENVOYS] Lady Carissa Floren, a noblewoman with relatives in Nerinthar, Veldros, Restid and Velermarch. Charming, friendly and well-liked, she can establish rapport with almost anyone very quickly, or so is her reputation. Lost her older brother and mother to Syrokis's war with Morvak, and her family was rewarded with property in the Thornmarch after the war with Morvak. Doesn't really lean progressive or conservative, as a noble.
185 Dureks is outside of the realm of possibility for those actions.

Your creditors won't start measuring rope for lynch mobs for a while as long as you seem to be making good-faith efforts, however.
It is nice to have a upper limit to how much money does two actions can raise, and it does showcase, that if we want the deficit under control on turn 1, then doing demobilization will do it much easier to achieve.

Sure, but the skill differences aren't big and we don't know who has what value.
And remember all traits have limits it's never just a bonus to anything.
In Floren case I think it's a regional limit, that's why I think Arandel Synvara is better in the long run.
Edit: Or maybe it's something else, I'm not so sure anymore. Maybe something like a first contact bonus?
Well, I think that Florens trait might be limited to interactions with nobility, perhaps also limited to those countries, that she has family, while I suspect that Synvara's trait is limited to actions involving mages, and since I think that we will have our keeper of envoys interacting with nobility a lot more, than mages, then I think Florens is the better choice.

While I'm thinking on it-is nobody going to point out how Lady Floren happens to have two family members dead in a war against Morvak, one of our neighbors? Maybe not a friendly neighbor, but a neighbor nonetheless. Not every trait is a *positive* one, given we have two (admittingly really strong) characters who have a malus in certain contexts, so is it just me that's concerned that Lady Floren might have a negative trait instead of a positive one?

I'll admit this is my one reason for voting against her right now as the Keeper of Envoys, but if not (or if she happens to just have a trait that doesn't activate in situations with Morvak instead of an outright malus) then she's clearly the most obvious choice and flip to her, or just vote for both her and Synvara.
So far, the only characters with a negative trait is, those characters with three traits in total, which seems only to be the candidates, we could pick our queen from, so I doubt that Floren will have a negative trait. Also, I doubt that we will ever have friendly interactions with Morvak, so I doubt that it would be a problem, if our Keeper of Envoys is holding a grudge against them.
[X]Plan: Fixing the Economy
[X][ENVOYS] Arandel Synvara, an elf who lives in Eaglecrest and a skilled wizard. Nearly 400 years old, Arandel is well-traveled and experienced, and has been an adventurer, a court wizard, a freelance enchanter and more. In recent decades, he's become an internationally respected mediator between mages disputing over all manner of things, as well as between mages and non-mages. A skilled diviner.
[X][JUSTICE] Lady Aster Corex Lady Aster Corex, a conservative-minded noblewoman who served as a lesser judge under Syrokis, but quit nearly a decade before the war took over, objecting to his bending of all rights of the accused, noble or otherwise. Was jailed after the war started and spent most of it rotting in a somewhat comfortable cell before being released after the capital was taken. While her estates were returned to her, she is nearly bankrupt, but she is widely seen as incorruptible where the letter of the law is concerned.
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Well, I think that Florens trait might be limited to interactions with nobility, perhaps also limited to those countries, that she has family, while I suspect that Synvara's trait is limited to actions involving mages, and since I think that we will have our keeper of envoys interacting with nobility a lot more, than mages, then I think Florens is the better choice.

Florens Trait is a bit difficult to figure out, but Synvara Trait is easy.
There is no real reason why his specialty should be described here otherwise.
We also know that this magic creates this talent because we have it ourselves.
We can also assume that all supporting characters only have one talent, which is always positive.

But if we move away a little from the pure gameplay elements, I can imagine another situation.
Imagine we need help outside of the council, for example with magic, or are even attacked in the presence of council members.
Who would you rather have at your side, a 400-year-old magical elf or a nice lady?
Florens Trait is a bit difficult to figure out, but Synvara Trait is easy.
There is no real reason why his specialty should be described here otherwise.
We also know that this magic creates this talent because we have it ourselves.
We can also assume that all supporting characters only have one talent, which is always positive.

But if we move away a little from the pure gameplay elements, I can imagine another situation.
Imagine we need help outside of the council, for example with magic, or are even attacked in the presence of council members.
Who would you rather have at your side, a 400-year-old magical elf or a nice lady?
Well, that nice lady might be a skilled warrior with a high combat skill, compared to the elf, that probably has gotten away with just using his magic instead, though I do think, that we should not pick our Keeper of Envoys on their skills as a bodyguard, but rather as their skill at doing their actual job, which I think Floren will be better at.
Well, that nice lady might be a skilled warrior with a high combat skill, compared to the elf, that probably has gotten away with just using his magic instead, though I do think, that we should not pick our Keeper of Envoys on their skills as a bodyguard, but rather as their skill at doing their actual job, which I think Floren will be better at.

That's okay, we just have different views here.
I think we have explained everything about this and can let the vote decide the matter.
I just argued about the position for much longer because I am much more convinced of my opinion here than of my position regarding the judge.
But I think the argument is in a good place to conclude.
[X]Plan: Fixing the Economy
-[X][TAX ASSESSMENTS] Port Lest Trade Fees
-[X][TAX ASSESSMENTS] South Tarkos Thanedom Land Tax & Mining Tax
-[X][SINECURES] Don't Sell Sinecures
-[X][ROYAL TREASURES] Melt Down Assorted Gold and Silver Items in the Palace & Other Royal Properties to be Minted Later (Provides progress towards resolving Currency Contraction)
--[X] Melt Down only the most unnecessary or tacky items
-[X][CORRESPONDENCE] Personally Oversee Tax Assessments (Up to 2 more Tax Assessments Will be Finished This Turn) (Base Chance 50% + Stewardship + 1/2 Learning)*
-[X] Priority: Lordship Land Tax Phase 1 (Of 2)
-[X] Secondary: Eaglecrest Trade Fees
-[X][ROYAL VAULTS] Negotiate Bridge Loan of 100 Dureks To Help Pay Down Current Debts (Failure will mean no loan, Weak Success will mean the higher of the two offered interest rates, Strong Success will mean the lower of the two) (Must be Used To Pay Down Existing Debts)
--[X] From The Goldaxe Bank (Lortan Dwarves) (11% or 9%) (Base Chance 50% + Stewardship)*
-[X][HIGH MARSHALL] Have Rienne Personally Demobilize Forces (Strong Success means quarter demobilization bonus must be paid, Weak Success means half demobilization bonus must be paid, failure means full demobilization bonus must be paid) (Demobilization Bonus is, by default, one third of the soldiers upkeep.) (Demobilization can still be done separately if Rienne is not assigned to oversee it) (Base Chance: 55% + Martial + Diplomacy)*
--[X]General Demobilization Plan: Cut the total 25%, but don't reduce the size of the Thornmarch garrison.
-[X][SECRETS] Attempt to Claw Back some of the funds Syrokis and his cronies stashed away in foreign banks. (Better success means more money. More money available in the Varaday Banks all told))
--[X] In the Selissan Banks (Base Chance: 52% + Intrigue)*
-[X][SHERIFFS AND REEVES] Gather Reports On The State Of The Roads (Opens More Road-Repair Related Tasks) (Base Chance 70% + Stewardship)*
-[X][QUEEN] Personally Oversee The Sale of Confiscated Property (Weak Success Results in 25% more money from Sales, Strong Success Results in 50% more money from sales) (Base Chance 45% + Stewardship + Diplomacy)
-[X][QUEEN] Decide what to do with the confiscated estates from the lords that were attainted. (Scene & Followup Vote)
[x] Plan: ...crawkid plan v2
- [x][TAX ASSESSMENTS] Lordship Land Tax Phase 1 (Of 2)
- [x][TAX ASSESSMENTS] Town Trade Revenue Phase 1 (Of 2)
- [x][SINECURES] Don't Sell Sinecures
-[x][ROYAL TREASURES] Melt Down Assorted Gold and Silver Items in the Palace & Other Royal Properties to be Minted Later (Provides progress towards resolving Currency Contraction)
-- [x] Melt Down only the most unnecessary or tacky items
- [x][CORRESPONDENCE] Personally Oversee Tax Assessments (Up to 2 more Tax Assessments Will be Finished This Turn) (Base Chance 50% + Stewardship + 1/2 Learning)*
-- [x] Pick Priority : Port Lest 4% Wealth Tax
-- [x] Pick Secondary : Eaglecrest 3% Wealth Tax
- [x][ROYAL VAULTS] Personally Oversee The Sale of Confiscated Property (Weak Success Results in 25% more money from Sales, Strong Success Results in 50% more money from sales) (Base Chance 45% + Stewardship + Diplomacy)
- [x][HIGH MARSHALL] Inspect the Officer Corps (Success will locate and purge incompetent, corrupt or disloyal officers. Runs the risk of lowering army morale and organization on Weak Success or failure) (Base Chance 48% + Martial + Diplomacy)*

- [x][SECRETS] Rebuild an External Spy Network (Costs 5 Dureks) (Provides passive intelligence and improves chances of spy operations inside a given state)
-- [x] In Selissa (Base Chance: 53% + Intrigue)*
- [x][SHERIFFS AND REEVES] Gather Reports On The State Of The Roads (Opens More Road-Repair Related Tasks) (Base Chance 70% + Stewardship)*

- [x][QUEEN] Decide what to do with the confiscated estates from the lords that were attainted. (Scene & Followup Vote)
- [x][QUEEN] Rule on the dispute over who gets the County of Aloce (Scene & Followup Vote)
I want to compare the two leading plans, which is the plan I made, and the plan made by Crawkid.

The first thing, I want to point out is, that while we both have put the Keeper our Correspondence on overseeing tax assessments, but we have chosen different taxes to assess. If we presume, that the tax increase from having a new assessment of a tax, depends on the current value of the tax, then I think, that picking the most valuable taxes, that can be done in a turn, so that we can get a good tax increase.

Crawkid has put Lordship Land Tax and Town Trade Revenue on the two certain spots, which both are taxes, that have two phases to complete, before the assessment is done, so they can first be completed next turn. I have also picked Lordship Land Tax, since it is a rather big tax at 20 Dureks, but I put it on Priority spot, instead of one of the certain spots. Since the Town Trade Revenue only gives 12 Dureks, while having two phases, then I feel, that there are better options, like South Tarkos Thanedom, which is worth 10 Dureks currently and only has one phase.

I also think that the trade fees for Port Lest and Eaglecrest are better choices, that the Wealth taxes for those two cities, because they have a bigger value.

Another difference between our plans, is that Crawkid does not take a Bridge Loan and instead frees up a Queen action to rule on the dispute over Aloce. I am not sure, how much money we might get out of that action, but 27 Dureks would give an interest saving of about 4 Dureks, which is the same benefit, that we would get from a weak success on a Bridge Loan, while 40 Dureks would give a saving of 6 Dureks, which would be the same benefit as a strong success on a Bridge Loan.

What I think is the biggest and most important difference between the two plans, is the action our High Marshall has been assigned to. I think that I have talked enough about the benefits of demobilization, but if we are not doing that, then I think using our High Marshall to inspect the Officer Corps is a good choice.

The last difference, that I will point out, is that the Keeper of Secrets is going to build a spy network in Selissa in Crawkid's plan, while in my plan he is trying to get back our money, that are currently stashed in Selissan Banks. While first building the spy network in Selissa likely will give us better odds for getting our money back and provide us with a source of information from Selissa, then I think we already have decent odds to get our money back and that I believe that it will be useful to raise as much money as possible on turn 1 to bring down our debt.

To give the odds for clawing back our money, then we will have a chance of 64%, which means that we will have a 46% chance for a weak success and a 41% chance for a strong success and only a 13% chance for a failure.

I will end with saying, that I think that Crawkid's plan is fine, but that I think it is best to focus on getting our deficit under control in turn 1.
The last difference, that I will point out, is that the Keeper of Secrets is going to build a spy network in Selissa in Crawkid's plan, while in my plan he is trying to get back our money, that are currently stashed in Selissan Banks. While first building the spy network in Selissa likely will give us better odds for getting our money back and provide us with a source of information from Selissa, then I think we already have decent odds to get our money back and that I believe that it will be useful to raise as much money as possible on turn 1 to bring down our debt.

To give the odds for clawing back our money, then we will have a chance of 64%, which means that we will have a 46% chance for a weak success and a 41% chance for a strong success and only a 13% chance for a failure.

I will end with saying, that I think that Crawkid's plan is fine, but that I think it is best to focus on getting our deficit under control in turn 1.

The reason why I think bothering by just clawing back the money is a bad idea for Vallefor's action (and part of why I haven't voted for Fixing the Economy) is simply that it's really a one-time deal that is not time-sensitive. The Keeper of the Royal Vaults overseeing the sales is time-sensitive as the sales occur exactly once and that is now; we can negotiate a bridge loan a turn later. If this sale wasn't a time-sensitive deal, I would prefer Rucdorn go for the Bridge Loan immediately as well.

Neither of these are in play for retrieving the money; even if it is a substantial and significant amount of cash, it can wait while we set up everything else so we stand in a better situation as its not going anywhere. The spy network is going to remain a thing even after we get the money from the bank there, which may be relevant for dozens upon dozens of turns and not just for our Intrigue actions-it's an action that can 'pay out' significantly more over a longer period of time in ways we are not entirely able to predict, but can at least ensure better odds of a Strong Success for Vallefor stealing the funds. And frankly I'd rather begin setting up our internal network or creating more external networks to keep our net of information wide rather than bother Vallefor with stealing the money, because stabilizing the situation will be that much harder if anything Interesting happens.

Given I don't think it's possible to resolve the debt entirely turn 1, or even turn 2, I think playing slightly slower on our cash grab in exchange for planting the seeds of our future success is a worthy trade-off, especially since we will still be paying off the debts we are owed while we go anyways. It's definitely a big priority. Just not the only priority.
The reason why I think bothering by just clawing back the money is a bad idea for Vallefor's action (and part of why I haven't voted for Fixing the Economy) is simply that it's really a one-time deal that is not time-sensitive. The Keeper of the Royal Vaults overseeing the sales is time-sensitive as the sales occur exactly once and that is now; we can negotiate a bridge loan a turn later. If this sale wasn't a time-sensitive deal, I would prefer Rucdorn go for the Bridge Loan immediately as well.

Neither of these are in play for retrieving the money; even if it is a substantial and significant amount of cash, it can wait while we set up everything else so we stand in a better situation as its not going anywhere. The spy network is going to remain a thing even after we get the money from the bank there, which may be relevant for dozens upon dozens of turns and not just for our Intrigue actions-it's an action that can 'pay out' significantly more over a longer period of time in ways we are not entirely able to predict, but can at least ensure better odds of a Strong Success for Vallefor stealing the funds. And frankly I'd rather begin setting up our internal network or creating more external networks to keep our net of information wide rather than bother Vallefor with stealing the money, because stabilizing the situation will be that much harder if anything Interesting happens.

Given I don't think it's possible to resolve the debt entirely turn 1, or even turn 2, I think playing slightly slower on our cash grab in exchange for planting the seeds of our future success is a worthy trade-off, especially since we will still be paying off the debts we are owed while we go anyways. It's definitely a big priority. Just not the only priority.
Well, I first want to point out, that I have our queen oversee the sale, and she actually has a better bonus to the action, than the Keeper of the Royal Vaults, since she has a bonus of 17, while he only has a bonus of 15, so I feel, that I am handling that time-sensitive action well.

Secondly, when I am talking about dealing with the deficit on turn 1, then I am talking about making sure, we earn money each turn, rather than loss money, not about somehow repaying all our debt on turn 1. I feel, that if we do not have a deficit and instead a decent income, then our situation will be a lot more stable. This is why I think it is important to raise as much money as possible on turn 1, so that we can lower the amount of interest we have to pay each turn.

At the moment, we have a deficit of 36.75 Dureks

If we then try to figure out how much my plan is going to improve our bottom line, then I will first note, that I think that we will at most get a tax increase of 6 Dureks from the Tax Assessments, and that we are likely to lower the amount of interest to pay by either 4 or 6 Dureks, because of the Bridge Loan. We will then save 22.8125 Dureks per turn, because of demobilization.

From this we will in, what I consider the best case, have improved our bottom line by 34.8125 by doing those actions, which still leaves us with a deficit of about 2 Dureks, but we are likely to raise money from the sale of confiscated property, dealing with confiscated properties and clawing back money from banks, that we will likely end up with a small income of some Dureks.

Therefore, I hope clawing back money from banks will help improve our income for turn 2, so we will have more money to pay back our debt or to spend on other actions.
[X]Plan: Fixing the Economy
[X][ENVOYS] Arandel Synvara, an elf who lives in Eaglecrest and a skilled wizard. Nearly 400 years old, Arandel is well-traveled and experienced, and has been an adventurer, a court wizard, a freelance enchanter and more. In recent decades, he's become an internationally respected mediator between mages disputing over all manner of things, as well as between mages and non-mages. A skilled diviner.
[X][JUSTICE] Lady Aster Corex, a conservative-minded noblewoman who served as a lesser judge under Syrokis, but quit nearly a decade before the war took over, objecting to his bending of all rights of the accused, noble or otherwise. Was jailed after the war started and spent most of it rotting in a somewhat comfortable cell before being released after the capital was taken. While her estates were returned to her, she is nearly bankrupt, but she is widely seen as incorruptible where the letter of the law is concerned.
Well, I first want to point out, that I have our queen oversee the sale, and she actually has a better bonus to the action, than the Keeper of the Royal Vaults, since she has a bonus of 17, while he only has a bonus of 15, so I feel, that I am handling that time-sensitive action well.

Secondly, when I am talking about dealing with the deficit on turn 1, then I am talking about making sure, we earn money each turn, rather than loss money, not about somehow repaying all our debt on turn 1. I feel, that if we do not have a deficit and instead a decent income, then our situation will be a lot more stable. This is why I think it is important to raise as much money as possible on turn 1, so that we can lower the amount of interest we have to pay each turn.

At the moment, we have a deficit of 36.75 Dureks

If we then try to figure out how much my plan is going to improve our bottom line, then I will first note, that I think that we will at most get a tax increase of 6 Dureks from the Tax Assessments, and that we are likely to lower the amount of interest to pay by either 4 or 6 Dureks, because of the Bridge Loan. We will then save 22.8125 Dureks per turn, because of demobilization.

From this we will in, what I consider the best case, have improved our bottom line by 34.8125 by doing those actions, which still leaves us with a deficit of about 2 Dureks, but we are likely to raise money from the sale of confiscated property, dealing with confiscated properties and clawing back money from banks, that we will likely end up with a small income of some Dureks.

Therefore, I hope clawing back money from banks will help improve our income for turn 2, so we will have more money to pay back our debt or to spend on other actions.

I'll admit I wasn't 100% sure Vanessa's Greedy trait didn't apply to that until checking right now (given how its presented I had to remind myself it only triggered on spending money, not earning it), and also semi-forgot that Vanessa could do that to begin with, so while I am in agreement that the Keeper should then be negotiating the Loan with the Goldaxe Bank (now anyways), I will say that I only used that as an example to illustrate the point I was trying to make regarding priority of actions.

I'm still opposed to trying to have Vallefor jump at a short-term goal when we can start setting up a very necessary long-term goal best done as early as possible. Even if it sets us back on getting on the defecit, it's that important. In this case, this long-term goal even allows us to have better odds at the short-term objective anyways.
So... we're coming down to the 2 hour warning and we have a tie in the leading plans. Anyone willing to do some tie-breaker votes?
Voting is open