You're the Queen - Now What? [CK2ish Character-Focused Quest]

Voting is open
Miner demands added in a spoiler (minus the already granted eviction restriction) at the bottom of Turn 6 post.

OOOH. We have Options. :grin2: Well this changes a bunch.

[ ][MINER DEMANDS] Create the Fund for Severely Injured Miners/The Immediate Family of Dead Miners
-[ ]Create the Fund from Crown Resources with 10 Dureks to start with and having Rucdorn Relcred find someone trustworthy to manage the investments. (-10 Dureks)

Is this pensions? I think this is pensions. 😌Blessed.

Well. This completely upends my entire plan for paying off debts. Alright. Fine. I want that mine for the metals for coinage. Let's fucking go.

Reread the update with the original negotiations. And, here's the thing, we couldn't afford all of the initial demands with the amount of debts. Guess what? The budget now has more breathing room. So. An initial investment from us into their injury fund. The crown personally subsidizes their wage increase going forwards so they know that this is from us personally. They get the bonus to make up for lost wages.

As they said, they've been underpaid and overworked for years. Time to put our money where our mouth is. They get a Very generous offer, direct from Queen Vanessa. They get the repairs and maintenance. They get the crown fund for injured workers direct from our own pocket. They get a decrease to Quota's so they can mine safely with less risk. They get higher wages from us personally, (which I would strongly recommend they save at least in part to help top up their injury fund but how they spend their money is their business) AND They get the bonus, paid in newly minted coins with her face on.

The leaseholders? Have *nothing* to complain about. This, is personally being paid for from the crown itself. We're footing the bill. reducing their taxes even. If they can't profit from gold mines then they are more than welcome to sell their leases. Beyond that. There was talk about expanding the mines, once repairs are complete. Great. Because fundamentally, we don't need to maximise quarterly profit. We are (or should be) okay with long term, stable dividends. We're a monarch, this isn't a labour dispute. This is paying, to keep our citizens in work, healthy, happy, and economically productive. So, yeah. We're paying a lot, and we're reducing the income? But with investment into the mines their returns should improve as they get repaired and hopefully later expanded. And beyond that, the increase in wages diversifies the local economy, it means miners are paying to buy goods and services from other townspeople and craftsmen. And, short term, even if the mines output drops? We're a kingdom, we can afford to reduce income this term in exchange for long term raw metals, especially if the southmarch economy improves over time. Lastly, it's the right thing to do. Numbers on a spreadsheet, sure, but we're directly improving their lives. And for all that Vanessa is Greedy. This gets them back to work now, keeps them working, and paves the way for future expansion in the mines and the southmarch.

[ ]Plan It is literally a gold mine (plural even!)
[ ][TAX ASSESSMENTS] Port Lest Land Tax
[ ][TAX ASSESSMENTS] Befost County Land Tax
[ ][CORRESPONDENCE] Gather Reports On Banditry (Improves Base Chance of future Anti-Banditry Tasks) (Base Chance 65% + Stewardship)
[ ][ROYAL VAULTS] Acquire Raw Materials To Mint New Gold and Silver Coins (Progress towards resolving Currency Contraction, Advances Royal Propaganda) (No Roll Required)
-[ ] <10 Dureks>
[ ][HIGH MARSHALL] Survey Border Defenses (Opens Options for Future Improvement of Border Defenses) (Base Chance: 75% + Martial)*
-[ ]Eaglecrest
[ ][SECRETS] Rebuild Internal Spy Network (Phase 3 of ?) (No roll required. Each phase opens more [SECRETS] options down the line and improves chances of success of internal spy operations, as well as giving increased chance for intelligence to be 'passively' received)
-[ ]Provide Funds to Speed up/Improve Process. Write-in amount. 5 Dureks
[ ][SHERIFFS AND REEVES] Negotiate With the Striking Southmarch Miners
-[ ]Offer them an additional concession
--[ ][MINER DEMANDS] Decrease Quotas
---[ ]Reduce Southmarch Mining Taxes income by .5 Dureks to cover the leaseholder's expenses
--[ ][MINER DEMANDS] Increase Wages
---[ ]Add a .5 Durek line item to the Expenses that will cover the increased wages.
--[ ][MINER DEMANDS] Create the Fund for Severely Injured Miners/The Immediate Family of Dead Miners
---[ ]Create the Fund from Crown Resources with 10 Dureks to start with and having Rucdorn Relcred find someone trustworthy to manage the investments. (-10 Dureks)
--[ ][MINER DEMANDS] Offer all the miners a substantive bonus (to be distributed to all the miners) (-5 Dureks)
[ ][JUSTICE] Investigate charges as yet unproven against former rebels (Base Chance 68% + Intrigue + 1/2 Learning)*
[ ][ENVOYS] Begin Talks With All the Suitors and/or their Ambassadors About Treaty Terms (Gets a formal list of offer/demands from each suitor. Miss means you start in a very bad negotiating position, Weak success is a not ideal but not terrible position, Strong success means very good position. The better the position, the better the starting point for negotiations) (Base Chance 45% + Diplomacy)
[ ][QUEEN] Take Some time to investigate the magical gems that Rienne recovered from the Necrotic Temple (Base Chance 70% + Magic)
[ ][QUEEN] Suggest additional task, subject to QM Veto (Base Chance Will be Set by QM If Approved)
-[ ] Sit in on the negotiations with the suitors and Ambassadors about treaty terms to have direct input on the negotiations and streamline the process.
[ ][BANDITRY GENERAL] Send General Trins (Rolls will use his Martial and Trait)
[ ][BANDITRY PLAN] Disperse to Cover Major Trade Caravans (Get Merchants to travel in caravan convoys, and disperse to guard them directly) (Medium Casualties at Most) (Base Chance: 65% + Martial)*
[ ][BANDITRY TARGET] The Trade Towns (Locked, Must continue what you started)
[ ] Debt payments

Treasury/debt calculations
261-122 = 139.5
-5 from spy network = 134.5
-5 from miners bonus = 129.5
-10 from injury fund
-10 dureks from minting new coins =109.5
Previous Debts Owed By Syrokis:
41.25 Dureks (12% Monthly Interest) (5 Dureks interest) Pay 5 more for total of 10, syrokis debts reduced to 36.25 dureks. 99.5 Dureks remaining in treasury
Owed to the Axecavern Bank (Lortan Dwarves): 241.75 Dureks (10% Interest) (24.25 Dureks)* Pay 27 Dureks total, amount owed reduced to 239 dureks. 72.5 dureks remaining in treasury
Owed to the Redhammer Bank (Lortan Dwarves): 126.5 Dureks (11% Interest) (14 Dureks) Pay 17 dureks, amount owed reduced to 123.5 dureks, 55.5 dureks remaining in treasury
Owed to Assorted Individual Weathy Merchants Based in Zedarsh or Selissa: 168.5 Dureks (11% Interest) (18.5 Dureks) Pay 20 dureks, amount owed reduced to 167 dureks. 35.5 dureks remaining in treasury.

Debts Incurred By the Crown: 109.5 Dureks (9.5% Interest)
Owed To The Goldaxe Bank: 109.5 Dureks (9.5% Interest) (10.5 Dureks) Pay 12 dureks, amount owed reduced to 108 dureks, 23.5 dureks remaining
Owed to Assorted Individual Wealthy Merchants/Etc based in Eaglecrest, Port Lest and Westcrown: 110.25 Dureks (8% Interest) (8.75 Dureks) Pay 11 dureks, amount owed reduced to 109 dureks. 12.5 Dureks remaining in treasury.

Other stuff. Some of you might be wondering why I'm surveying eaglecrest in the north rather than the border with Morvak. But here's the thing. Morvak may or may not attack us soon. But I actually suspect they'll attack others. And, in that scenario. I would actually prefer to have secured our northern border so we can go on the offensive against Morvak. Even if we end up marrying Regara and secure an alliance a war to put/keep her on the throne is likely. As much as possible I'd like that war to be fought on Morvak soil. Which means fortifying elsewhere and preparing to invade. Beyond that Morvak is expansionist/revanchist and has feuds and ongoing skirmishes with multiple neighbours. I'd like to keep military adventurism to a minimum. But frankly, if we let Morvak invade its neighbours and consolidate they're likely to come for us eventually.

The core of this plan, the very heart of it. Is not just in getting the mines open. But in getting our people back to work, fair work for fair pay, safer, happier, with a security net so that they and their families will be taken care of. And yes, the amount we've sunk into the mine will take a while to pay back. But in addressing absolutely everything it means that the mines production should be stable and regular and it should have knock on effects to the broader economy. At least in Southcrest, and on a longer term the precious metals will allow for the treasury to mint coins. To be blunt, the costs of ongoing repairs and maintenance should have been met by the leaseholders. The leaseholders should have paid fair wages and the work should have been safe. Ultimately, the leaseholders, in their greed turned profitable mines into death traps. But fine, we're setting an example, the crown can take less income, and it's still or will be a plus on our balance once the mines are back to work. I have my doubts that the leaseholders are truly struggling, but, the crown is in a position where it can afford the costs and the reduced income. Some is better than none. Because we're not a paperclip maximizer and our peoples welfare is actually important. Hopefully long term the mining income improves. If not.. Eh, the 4 dureks per turn is still signficant and adds up.

Beyond that, this is a fully costed budget. It assesses at least one port for taxes and the county along the route to it. The dues from such should be significant. It puts funds towards addressing the currency contraction and puts our face in the hands of every citizen of the realm. It plans for military defences when there are goblins growing in the north. Maybe we'll be able to negotiate and trade with the redspear, maybe not. But there's the other goblin tribes. And regardless of what happens, we take steps to ensure our northern border is hopefully secure.

The plan improves our spy network and also focuses on handling the banditry. It handles internal issues with former rebels.And it chips away at absolutely every major debt and leaves more dureks in our treasury at the end of the turn than we started with.

It's not much, but it signals to creditors and other nations that we are stable, able to pay our debts, deal in good faith, are recovering from the civil war, and have matters in hand and under control.
[ ][ROYAL VAULTS] Acquire Raw Materials To Mint New Gold and Silver Coins (Progress towards resolving Currency Contraction, Advances Royal Propaganda) (No Roll Required)
-[ ] <10 Dureks>
"Not to mention everything else that needs money. Minting those new coins has gone well so far, and they need time to spread, but we could do with another run of new coins, the same size. Anything more than that is probably unnecessary." Rucdorn cut it.

"Are more coins absolutely essential?" Vanessa asked. In principle she didn't object, but she wanted to know what sort of options she had.

"We could probably survive without minting a new run, and get things stabilized, but it will take much more time." Rucdorn said after a long moment, frowning. "But we really should sort out the coinage issue as quickly as we feasibly can."
I do think that we ought to spend 15 dureks, rather than only 10 dureks, since it was mentioned that a run of new coins, at the same size as last time would be enough, and last time we did it with 15 dureks.

The leaseholders? Have *nothing* to complain about.
"I do," Vallefor nodded, "Balmain has tried her method of meeting their demands – the mines probably did need the repairs and maintenance, I will grant that, but caving to their other demands is a mistake. Conceeding to more demands is even more likely to spark future strikes. Southmarch isn't that far from my own County, and I'll be quite put out," Vallefor's tone was stiff and grim - 'put out' was obviously an understatement, "if the laborers on my estates and the tenants on my properties start trying their own strikes if the miners get it into their heads that all they need to go is complain loudly and the Crown will step in and give them whatever they want."

Well, I think there's a difference between the Southmarch – which is directly held by the Crown – and your county in terms of the Crown's ability to just… step in.
Honestly the biggest issue with giving the miners all their demands is not, how the leaseholders are going to react, but rather the reaction of the conservative nobility and their tenants. If Vallefor can be taken as representative of the conservative nobility, then they would likely be quite annoyed at us, especially if the strikes actually spread to their domains.

[ ][SHERIFFS AND REEVES] Negotiate With the Striking Southmarch Miners
-[ ]Offer them an additional concession (See Bottom of Post for A List) (Base Chance 60%+Diplomacy)*
-[ ]Offer them no additional concessions (Base Chance 54% + Diplomacy)
The way to handle the issue, that I would suggest is to have the queen herself negotiate with the miners, which would only give us a 6% less chance of success compared to the Keeper of sheriffs and reeves negotiate with an additional concession.

I have attempted to make my own plan based on my current thoughts about what we ought to be doing and it only commits to spend 20 dureks.

[]Plan: Let the Queen deal with the Miners
-[ ][TAX ASSESSMENTS] Eaglecrest Land Tax
-[ ][TAX ASSESSMENTS] Port Lest Land Tax
-[ ][CORRESPONDENCE] Lend Clerks to help another Keeper with their Task (+3/+6 to their Task on a Weak/Strong Success) (Base Chance 50% + Stewardship)
--[ ] Help the Keeper of Envoys
-[ ][ROYAL VAULTS] Acquire Raw Materials To Mint New Gold and Silver Coins (Progress towards resolving Currency Contraction, Advances Royal Propaganda) (No Roll Required)
--[ ] 15 Dureks
-[ ][HIGH MARSHALL] Draw Up New Plans for Calling Up The Levies (Makes it easier to call up the levies if needed) (Base Chance 50% + Martial)*
-[ ][SECRETS] Investigate Roland Arbolast Fredero, a noble who may be connected to both the ex-Countess Gramaire, and to Dorien and Vrel (Base Chance 62% + Intrigue)*
-[ ][SHERIFFS AND REEVES] Appoint trustworthy and capable people to fill leadership positions in the Reeves to manage royal properties (Base Chance: 53% + Diplomacy + 1/2 Stewardship)*
-[ ][ENVOYS] Begin Talks With All the Suitors and/or their Ambassadors About Treaty Terms (Gets a formal list of offer/demands from each suitor. Miss means you start in a very bad negotiating position, Weak success is a not ideal but not terrible position, Strong success means very good position. The better the position, the better the starting point for negotiations) (Base Chance 45% + Diplomacy)
-[ ][QUEEN] Take Some time to investigate the magical gems that Rienne recovered from the Necrotic Temple (Base Chance 70% + Magic)
-[ ][QUEEN] Negotiate With the Striking Southmarch Miners
--[ ]Offer them no additional concessions (Base Chance 54% + Diplomacy)
-[ ][BANDITRY GENERAL] Send General Trins (Rolls will use his Martial and Trait)
-[ ][BANDITRY PLAN] Regular Trade Route Patrols (Patrol the main channels of trade to ward off bandit attacks) (Low Casualties at Most) (Base Chance 53% + Martial)*
-[X][BANDITRY TARGET] The Trade Towns (Locked, Must continue what you started)
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It assesses at least one port for taxes and the county along the route to it. The dues from such should be significant.
I do want to clarify - the Port Lest Trade Tax was something you guys already reassed a while back. The Land Tax is a tax on the value of the hinterland that's under Port Lest's jurisdiction. Still valuable land, but the trade tax is already sorted.
Guys, we only have 11 Dureks in the treasury right now, and I'm concerned that we won't get the deficit malus immunity this time around.
*Technically* it comes it in that order, but practically, it's all simultaneous. On the other hand, I would not encourage you to approve spending for more than you have in the treasury on the assumption you'll have the income as a general habit. Random events or other maluses to income can happ
Well, I am unsure, if things have changed from the first time we considered doing deficit spending, but the issue of deficit spending is that we cannot always count on our income continuing being as high as planed or we can get unexpected expenses that we will have to pay.

My plan spends 20, which is 9 dureks more that we have in our treasury, which I do think that we can reasonably cover, but we could lower it further by having the Keeper of Correspondence help the Keeper of Envoys rather than having him audit the Royal Demesne, so my plan would only have a deficit of 4 dureks.
My plan spends 20, which is 9 dureks more that we have in our treasury, which I do think that we can reasonably cover, but we could lower it further by having the Keeper of Correspondence help the Keeper of Envoys rather than having him audit the Royal Demesne, so my plan would only have a deficit of 4 dureks.
That'll make things better. We really don't want to miss on the negotiations.
Guys, we only have 11 Dureks in the treasury right now, and I'm concerned that we won't get the deficit malus immunity this time around.

I'll admit. This confused me since I avoided creating a plan that had a deficit and I thought it left a reasonable amount of wiggle room for unexpected expenses.

I do want to clarify - the Port Lest Trade Tax was something you guys already reassed a while back. The Land Tax is a tax on the value of the hinterland that's under Port Lest's jurisdiction. Still valuable land, but the trade tax is already sorted.

Noted, thank you. I don't think my plan is changing in that regard. As you say, it should still be valuable land.

I do think that we ought to spend 15 dureks, rather than only 10 dureks, since it was mentioned that a run of new coins, at the same size as last time would be enough, and last time we did it with 15 dureks.

Noted. I might still keep it as 10 dureks, keeping the coins the same size, but printing less of them this round. As he says, we can get by without printing more. I do want to print more. I also want to do it carefully and gradually over time.

Depending on what other people say if they prefer I can definitely increase it to 15 dureks.

Honestly the biggest issue with giving the miners all their demands is not, how the leaseholders are going to react, but rather the reaction of the conservative nobility and their tenants. If Vallefor can be taken as representative of the conservative nobility, then they would likely be quite annoyed at us, especially if the strikes actually spread to their domains.

Here's the thing. in this instance at least? It's a gold mine. It's immensely profitable, we can pay everything and it will still be profitable even if the repairs and the injury fund and the bonus and other things will take a while to pay off.

And 2 things in particular. The improved wages and the reduced quota's? They're coming from the queens end. The leaseholders don't have to pay for it. the mine leaseholders, at the very least shouldn't complain. And if they do... what they have over the mines, is, effectively tax farming rights. They run the mines and pay the queen her dues, and they get to keep some for themselves. If the leaseholders contracts are really so bad. I would be happy to cancel the contracts and assign someone else to manage the mines on our behalf, or even possibly buy out their leases outright. That's how confident I am. These are mines for precious metals. Pretty fundamental building block for an economy. Not least because of, for example, the coins we're minting. The mines are, in sum, a strategic national asset that we should put back into service. And an immensely profitable business venture.

Beyond that. We're a Queen. We don't need to worry about quarterly profits. the actual money from the mines isn't what's important. It's in getting out people back to work, so that they can get paid, and support their families. We 'own' the ingredients for the pie that is, the mines. The miners are the ones making it. We can in fact let the miners have a greater share of it since we're A, still getting a significant amount for our own usage. And B, we have other sources for pies.

As to the risks of the strikes spreading? Meaning our nobles might have to pay higher wages and give better working conditions? I'll let you in on a secret. That's a win condition. Because here's the thing. It is in fact possible to make a profit without hellish and exploitative labour conditions. And sure, maybe the farms won't actually be profitable. But that's something easily solved by the crown doing things like buying grain to keep farms solvent and storing the food for harsh winters, or natural disasters, or to sell in bulk to neighbours. And, again, this is coming directly from the queen. She's setting an example. It is in fact possible to pay workers fairly and make a profit.

Another thing? Specifically on the injury fund? Let's say we could offer less concessions and still get the workers back to work. Sure, good chances. But I actually wouldn't want to. Sure, there's moral reasons for paying out to injured workers or their families in the case of deaths. But let's actually look at this from a top down, heartless pure economics point of view. We actually want less hours for the miners, because less hours mean less injuries since they're not working while tired. Which means our workers, over time, work longer and produce more. They're more productive. The protection from being booted from their homes, again, it should benefit us, in that if they can recover there doesn't need to be costly replacements trained. And then injury pensions? It boils down to this, if a worker is severely injured enough that they can't work, or even killed. That's one less consumer.

And consumerism is what it boils down to. In an ideologically neutral vacuum. A consumer is someone who, quite simply, creates value, and consumes resources. A miner bringing in a wage, pays farmers for food, it pays tailors and weavers for clothes, it pays cobblers for shoes. And so forth and so on. Removing one worker, has knock on effects on the broader economy.

But what injury pensions (and pensions in general do) is they take that sick, or elderly, or injured person, or their grieving family who've lost a breadwinner. And they enable them to buy essentials and power the rest of the economy. Not as much as a fulltime job would perhaps. But, it keeps people fed, housed. Helps prevent them from turning to theft in desperation, or becoming a burden on the state that we have to pay for, or even worse outright dying and leading to sickness.

Early pensions were simple. A soldier had served his lord, and either through injuries obtained or lengthy service and old age was to retire and be supported. As they've earned. And that's the crux of the matter, the demands, all of them even aren't actually as unaffordable as people are saying. I'd want to actually pay the costs of the pension fund upfront and have it invested rather than allocating the income of the mines themself since over time the cost of the pension in dureks per turn outweighs simply paying it now.

And while we're at it, let's justify the increased wages. I mentioned consumers? Who spends more. Or rather what will generate more economic activity?

One rich noble pouring more money into a vault to hoard it? Or giving dozens, if not hundreds of families more money, and they spend it on more food, nicer clothes, things of that nature, which in turn means the farmers and weavers or seamstresses spend more, and it runs in a cycle.

An economy is like a pyramid, it works best with a solid foundation. the fundamentals. And that wealth stems from workers. Beat the miners with sticks and kill them all? And we have a collection of holes in the ground. The mines only work with miners to operate them.

And hey, if the situation were different, if I thought the miners we're being unreasonable, or we couldn't actually afford it, or we had other workers clamouring for a chance to work in the mines if it paid well, I might take a slightly different stance. But among other issues the kingdom is facing, we're actually pretty sparsely populated so finding replacements will be hard, if not impossible, and frankly if getting other miners to takeover was an option I suspect that the leaseholders and our council would have suggested something like that by now.

Instead, they've been pretty insistent that we get 'these miners' back to work. It kind of implies that there's few potential replacements. And even if we could replace them, experience counts for a lot. And, the references to other workers striking, implies that those other workers aren't actually treated fairly either.

If a noble actually can't afford to increase wages in whatever business or industry they have running, that's one thing if they're running on razor thin margins. But... It's a gold mine At least for this situation, we can afford to pay more and still rake in buckets of gold. So to me, most of the complaints from the leaseholders, isn't that they're not making a profit. It's that, they've got what was a pretty profitable venture, and they didn't want to pay for proper maintenance and upkeep, and they're complaining they'll make less profit. Oh sure, some are probably complaining that they'll make no profit and maybe some are actually operating on those razor thin margins. But at least in this scenario, we can afford to pay the miners what they've fairly earned
Noted. I might still keep it as 10 dureks, keeping the coins the same size, but printing less of them this round. As he says, we can get by without printing more. I do want to print more. I also want to do it carefully and gradually over time.

Depending on what other people say if they prefer I can definitely increase it to 15 dureks.
When the Keeper of the Royal Vaults talked about a run of the same size, I do not think, that he was talking about the size of the coins, but the amount of coins minted, which is which I think we ought to mint 15 dureks, rather than only 10 dureks.

As to the risks of the strikes spreading? Meaning our nobles might have to pay higher wages and give better working conditions? I'll let you in on a secret. That's a win condition. Because here's the thing. It is in fact possible to make a profit without hellish and exploitative labour conditions. And sure, maybe the farms won't actually be profitable. But that's something easily solved by the crown doing things like buying grain to keep farms solvent and storing the food for harsh winters, or natural disasters, or to sell in bulk to neighbours. And, again, this is coming directly from the queen. She's setting an example. It is in fact possible to pay workers fairly and make a profit.
When it comes to how we ought to handle the mine, then my core issue was not about the mine's profitability, but rather about the conservative nobility, which is a rather powerfully faction in Halrun, which Vallenfor is a representative for. It seems likely that they would be angry about us going to "easy" on the miners, especially if it ends with them having to make concessions with their own tenants. This could perhaps end up with them ending up requesting tax cuts of their own.

"Forcing them back to work. At a certain point, that's really all you can do." Vallefor said firmly, grimly.
Also, it is important to point out that it is very likely that these conservative nobles would end up using force rather than actually giving any concession. This can be seen on Vallenfor's thought process of, how to handle the striking miners, which would likely reflect how he would handle strikes in his own territories. This means that if the strikes spread, that we could end up with quite a few dead peasant and more economy chaos, so I am unsure, if I consider the strikes spreading a win condition.
When the Keeper of the Royal Vaults talked about a run of the same size, I do not think, that he was talking about the size of the coins, but the amount of coins minted, which is which I think we ought to mint 15 dureks, rather than only 10 dureks.

If I did increase the minting would that be enough to gain your support?

It's hard to gauge others feelings since discussion is limited.

When it comes to how we ought to handle the mine, then my core issue was not about the mine's profitability, but rather about the conservative nobility, which is a rather powerfully faction in Halrun, which Vallenfor is a representative for. It seems likely that they would be angry about us going to "easy" on the miners, especially if it ends with them having to make concessions with their own tenants. This could perhaps end up with them ending up requesting tax cuts of their own.

Also, it is important to point out that it is very likely that these conservative nobles would end up using force rather than actually giving any concession. This can be seen on Vallenfor's thought process of, how to handle the striking miners, which would likely reflect how he would handle strikes in his own territories. This means that if the strikes spread, that we could end up with quite a few dead peasant and more economy chaos, so I am unsure, if I consider the strikes spreading a win condition.

Two things. One, tax cuts might not actually be a bad idea. We've just finished a major war and are getting our debts under control. Lowering taxes from wartime levels could provide much needed relief for people. Or. We could do like I'm planning for the miners wages, pay it from the crown budget.

There's far worse things than providing welfare to the very poorest of our society.

Beyond that. We have large amounts of underpopulated land. If nobles don't want to pay fair wages rather than effectively rewarding them for underpaying labourers by taking the costs ourselves. We might just offer to take the striking workers off their hands entirely, to settle them in our own personal holdings and improve our incomes.

Second. Doing nothing and failing to come to an agreement could see the strikes spread. Not only that, but there's theoretical possible strikes as a result of agreeing to miners requests. Then there's you know, the actual ongoing strikes that are happening right now.

Also of note. And this is worth pointing out. Worse than strikes could happen. So far the strikes have been non-violent. But the people have wartime experience.

Just trying to beat them into compliance may not go the way nobles would hope. Not least because it would demoralise our soldiers.
If I did increase the minting would that be enough to gain your support?

It's hard to gauge others feelings since discussion is limited.
Well, I would likely still offer a competing plan, since I have other things, that I disagree with your plan, but I do think it is best to raise it a bit, so that we will not have to do a third run of new coins.

Two things. One, tax cuts might not actually be a bad idea. We've just finished a major war and are getting our debts under control. Lowering taxes from wartime levels could provide much needed relief for people. Or. We could do like I'm planning for the miners wages, pay it from the crown budget.

There's far worse things than providing welfare to the very poorest of our society.

Beyond that. We have large amounts of underpopulated land. If nobles don't want to pay fair wages rather than effectively rewarding them for underpaying labourers by taking the costs ourselves. We might just offer to take the striking workers off their hands entirely, to settle them in our own personal holdings and improve our incomes.

Second. Doing nothing and failing to come to an agreement could see the strikes spread. Not only that, but there's theoretical possible strikes as a result of agreeing to miners requests. Then there's you know, the actual ongoing strikes that are happening right now.

Also of note. And this is worth pointing out. Worse than strikes could happen. So far the strikes have been non-violent. But the people have wartime experience.

Just trying to beat them into compliance may not go the way nobles would hope. Not least because it would demoralise our soldiers.
"You have to provide a seal to all the decrees the Estates passed - the reversion to pre-Syrokis taxes, the lifting of Syrokis's expanded punishments and crimes, the confiscation of property of some of his biggest supporters, that sort of thing," Cyril ticked off. "But you'll also have to accept their demands for who goes on your Inner Council."
I will point out that we have already reverted the tax levels to before Syrokis raised them, that happened even before we became queen, so I that sense, people have already gotten relief from taxes.

Secondly, the tax cuts, that I am talking about is primarily about lowering the tax on nobility, which would not be about helping out the peasantry, except if the nobility decides to use the tax cut to tax their own peasants less.

You are right, that Halrun seems to be the type of place, where there is plenty of places, that peasants can flee to, if they want a better life, but if we cause the conservative nobility to loss peasants, then they would likely be annoyed about that too. We can of course choice to allow the conservative nobility to be angry at us, if we believe that it is worth it, but we should still keep it in mind.

I will point out, that I never advocated doing nothing, but rather to try to have our queen try to negotiate without offering concessions, since she has better odds at succeeding at that, than the Balmain. Your plan seems to give the miners their every demand and thereby guaranteeing, that the strike will end, but likely angry the nobility by being seen as too generous/weak.

The compromise could of course be to give the miners one concession more, rather than giving them all the concessions, though that would likely still annoy the conservative nobility, if not as much as giving in to all the demands.

I do agree, that if the conservative nobility starts using force to deal with their own strikes, that things could easily become rather ugly, but that is more reason to make sure, that strikes do not spread to the conservative nobility.
I will point out that we have already reverted the tax levels to before Syrokis raised them, that happened even before we became queen, so I that sense, people have already gotten relief from taxes.
This is correct.

To clarify, let's assign some pretend numbers on what sort of taxes Lord Genericus Defaulticus paid on his estate,

1.) Before Syrokis, his estate was assessed as being worth 1000 Arbitrary Tax Units (ATUs)
2.) On this 1000, he paid, say... 150 Money in taxes.
3.) Syrokis jacked up the tax rates quite a bit. In the case of Lord Genericus Defaulticus, his bill went up to 400 Money
4.) But also, in that intervening time, improvements were still made to the land, more people had kids, values changed, etc. But all of Syrokis's assessments were suspect, because his people would absolutely fudge the numbers to justify even larger taxes than his exorbitant rates would imply.
5.) Upon taking power, the taxes were reverted back to the pre-syrokis level of 150 Money.
6.) But the estate was probably worth more than 1000 ATUs at this point, so his lands were reassessed by your new clerks under Rykall.
7.) The value of the estate was revalued at 1500 ATUs
8.) So Lord Genericus Defaulticus's new tax is 225 Money. The Rate never changed, you were just taxing it accurately.

Now, that's not to say you couldn't or shouldn't lower taxes further, if you saw fit - it would appease whoever you cut taxes on, and as long as you can afford it, there's no rule saying don't. Obviously, if you have plans for the money, don't lower the taxes. It's all a matter of choice.
I was going to do this tomorrow morning, even if the timing wasn't perfect for it, but I can't sleep for stupid reasons, so why not do it now.


Your Choices are:

Tax Assessments (Pick 2 to get resolved this turn)
[ ][TAX ASSESSMENTS] Eaglecrest Land Tax
[ ][TAX ASSESSMENTS] Port Lest Land Tax
[ ][TAX ASSESSMENTS] County of Vaspiri Land Tax
[ ][TAX ASSESSMENTS] Befost County Land Tax
[ ][TAX ASSESSMENTS] Saphet County Land Tax
[ ][TAX ASSESSMENTS] County of Aloce Land Tax

Keeper of Correspondence Tasks (Pick 1)
[ ][CORRESPONDENCE] Personally Oversee Tax Assessments (Up to 2 more Tax Assessments Will be Finished This Turn) (Base Chance 50% + Stewardship + 1/2 Learning)*
-[ ] Pick Priority (Weak or Strong Success Required)
-[ ] Pick Secondary (Strong Success Required)
[ ][CORRESPONDENCE] Gather Reports On Banditry (Improves Base Chance of future Anti-Banditry Tasks) (Base Chance 65% + Stewardship)
[ ][CORRESPONDENCE] Reorganize the Clerks (Improves Base Chance of [CORRESPONDENCE] Tasks by 4% or 8% for the next 5 turns) (Base Chance 55% + Stewardship + Learning)*
[ ][CORRESPONDENCE] Lend Clerks to help another Keeper with their Task (+3/+6 to their Task on a Weak/Strong Success) (Base Chance 50% + Stewardship)
[ ][CORRESPONDENCE] Audit The Royal Demesne (Phase 1 of ?) (Could increase Revenues from Personal Holdings) (Costs 5 Dureks)
[ ][CORRESPONDENCE] Begin Internal Charm Offensive – Spread the Word About Vanessa's Accomplishments (Increase popularity)
-[ ]Work with the major broadsheets and circulars of the major cities of the realm (Free or otherwise) to put out a detailed list of Vanessa's successes. The broadsheets and circulars are read by the upper and middle classes of the cities and the trade towns, and many nobles.) (Base Chance 60% + Diplomacy) (Costs 2 Dureks)
-[ ]Hire Heralds to spread the word in announcements in town and village squares across the Kingdom (Will reach the lowest classes the most, but obviously others will hear) (Base Chance 67% + Diplomacy) (Costs 4 Dureks)
-[ ]Hire Bards and Ministrels to sing songs in praise of Vanessa across the realm (Has the highest reach, but if it misses, will backfire badly) (Base Chance 49% + Diplomacy) (Costs 3 Dureks)
-[ ]Write In Other Proposal (Subject to QM Veto) (Cost and Base Chance Set by QM)
[ ][CORRESPONDENCE] Suggest additional task, subject to QM Veto (Base Chance Will be Set by QM If Approved)

Keeper of The Royal Vaults (Pick 1)
[ ][ROYAL VAULTS] Negotiate Bridge Loan of 100 Dureks To Help Pay Down Current Debts (Failure will mean no loan, Weak Success will mean the higher of the two offered interest rates, Strong Success will mean the lower of the two) (Must be Used To Pay Down Existing Debts)
-[ ] From The Goldaxe Bank (Lortan Dwarves) (9.5% or 8%) (Base Chance 55% + Stewardship)*
-[ ] From The Caragio Bank (Varaday Republic) (11% or 9.25%) (Base Chance 66% + Stewardship)*
-[ ] From the Veterger Bank (Selissa) (12.25% or 9.75%) (Base Chance 78% + Stewardship)*
[ ][ROYAL VAULTS] Negotiate Free-Standing Loan of 50 Dureks (Failure will mean no loan, Weak Success will mean the higher of the two offered interest rates, Strong Success will mean the lower of the two) (Can Be Used For Anything)

-[ ] From The Goldaxe Bank (Lortan Dwarves) (12.25% or 11%) (Base Chance 57% + Stewardship)*
-[ ] From The Caragio Bank (Varaday Republic) (13% or 11.5%) (Base Chance 70% + Stewardship)*
-[ ] From the Veterger Bank (Selissa) (13.5% or 12.5%) (Base Chance 80% + Stewardship)*
[ ][ROYAL VAULTS] Acquire Raw Materials To Mint New Gold and Silver Coins (Progress towards resolving Currency Contraction, Advances Royal Propaganda) (No Roll Required)
-[ ] <Amount of Dureks To Spend>

[ ][ROYAL VAULTS] Mint the < > Worth of Gold and Silver into new Coins and Put them Into Circulation (Base Chance 70% + Stewardship) (Progress towards resolving Currency Contraction, Advances Royal Propaganda)
[ ][ROYAL VAULTS] Sell Tax-Farming Rights (Tax Farmers offer large sum of money up front and get full right to collect all taxes from a given source for a specified length of time) (Success of roll results on more money gained) (No matter what, you will get less money up front than you could get over that length of time) (Base Chance 58% + Stewardship + Diplomacy)
-[ ] Write In Tax Source And A Number of Turns
[ ][ROYAL VAULTS] Invest (Miss will result in only getting X% of investment back, Weak success will result in regaining investment +1 Durek, Strong Success will result in Y% of investment being regained) (Cannot invest more than 5 Dureks at once at this time)
-[ ]In Land Speculation [Write In Amount] Base Chance 52% + Stewardship (X = 75% Y = 125%)
-[ ]In Mining [Write In Amount] Base Chance 46% + Stewardship (X = 60%, Y = 140%)
-[ ]In Shipping [Write In Amount] Base Chance 41% + Stewardship (X = 50% Y =150%)
[ ][ROYAL VAULTS] Audit The Royal Demesne (Phase 1 of ?) (Could increase Revenues from Personal Holdings) (Costs 5 Dureks)
[ ][ROYAL VAULTS] Sell the Necrotic Artifacts delivered by Dorien and Vrel's man. (Base Chance 70% + Stewardship) (Max Sale Value, 4 Dureks)
[ ][ROYAL VAULTS] Suggest additional task, subject to QM Veto (Base Chance Will be Set by QM If Approved)

High Marshall of the Armies (Pick 1)
[ ][HIGH MARSHALL] Recruit Additional Soldiers (Strong Success gets you all the soldiers you wanted. Weak Success or Failure gets you less soldiers) (Base Chance 50% + Martial)* (Costs Dureks Base on # of soldiers desired)
-[ ] Write in desired Types and Numbers of Soldiers
[ ][HIGH MARSHALL] Survey Border Defenses (Opens Options for Future Improvement of Border Defenses) (Base Chance: 75% + Martial)*
-[ ]Thornmarch
-[ ]Ashdan March
-[ ]Eaglecrest
-[ ] Write in (Suggest Other Border Area)
[ ][HIGH MARSHALL] Stage War Games with the Mobile Reserve (Improves Army Readiness, increasing rolls for 3 Months) (Base Chance 50% + Martial)* (Costs 2 Dureks)
[ ][HIGH MARSHALL] Expand The Logistics Base (Improves Army Morale, Adds Logistical Strategic Depth in case of War) (Base Chance 57% + Martial +1/2 Stewardship)* (Costs 5 Dureks)
[ ][HIGH MARSHALL] Liaise with the Knights of the Golden Throne (No Roll, Improves future coordination with the Knights if they need to be called up)
[ ][HIGH MARSHALL] Draw Up New Plans for Calling Up The Levies (Makes it easier to call up the levies if needed) (Base Chance 50% + Martial)*
[ ][HIGH MARSHALL] Draw up a Comprehensive Plan for Arming the Levies (Increase Levy effectiveness) (Base Chance 44% + Martial)* (Costs 3 Dureks)
[ ][HIGH MARSHALL] Establish Mandatory Training for the Levies (Increase levy effectiveness) (Base Chance 37% + Diplomacy)* (Cost 18 Dureks)
[ ][HIGH MARSHALL] Order Rienne to dispatch soldiers to force the striking miners back to work (Base Chance 60%+ Martial) (-2.5 Dureks)
[ ][HIGH MARSHALL] Suggest additional task, subject to QM Veto (Base Chance Will be Set by QM If Approved)

Keeper of Secrets (Pick 1)
[ ][SECRETS] Rebuild Internal Spy Network (Phase 3 of ?) (No roll required. Each phase opens more [SECRETS] options down the line and improves chances of success of internal spy operations, as well as giving increased chance for intelligence to be 'passively' received)
-[ ]Provide Funds to Speed up/Improve Process. Write-in amount.
[ ][SECRETS] Plant Spies on the Nobility (Base Chance 39% +Intrigue)* (Costs 10 Dureks)
[ ][SECRETS] Plant Spies on the Merchants Outside of the Free Cities (Base Chance 44% + Intrigue) (Costs 5 Dureks)
[ ][SECRETS] Plant Spies on the Elites of the Free Cities (Base Chance 42% + Intrigue)* (Costs 7.5 Dureks)
[ ][SECRETS] Plant Spies on the Rural Gentry (Base Chance 47% + Intrigue) (Costs 5 Dureks)
[ ][SECRETS] Create false flag conspiracies against the Crown to lure out potential traitors. (Base Chance 37% + Intrigue) (Costs 10 Dureks)
[ ][SECRETS] Rebuild an External Spy Network (Costs 5 Dureks) (Provides passive intelligence and improves chances of spy operations inside a given state)
-[ ] In Veldros (Base Chance: 65% + Intrigue)*
-[ ] In Nerinthar (Base Chance 51% + Intrigue)*
-[ ] In Selissa (Base Chance: 53% + Intrigue)*
-[ ] In The Kingdom of the Necromancers (Base Chance: 40% + Intrigue)*
-[ ] In the Varaday Republic (Base Chance: 43% + Intrigue)
-[ ] In North Zarsim (Base Chance 52% + Intrigue)*
-[ ] Pick a Target (Base Chance and Trait applicability to be set by QM)
[ ][SECRETS]Assess Royal Security (Stage False Break In of The Palace, potentially improves Royal Security) (Base Chance 55% + Intrigue)
[ ][SECRETS] Investigate Roland Arbolast Fredero, a noble who may be connected to both the ex-Countess Gramaire, and to Dorien and Vrel (Base Chance 62% + Intrigue)*
[ ][SECRETS] Suggest additional task, subject to QM Veto (Base Chance Will be Set by QM If Approved)

Keeper of the Sheriffs and Reeves (Pick 1)
[ ][SHERIFFS AND REEVES] Repair War Damage (Strong Success means lower cost, Weak Success means higher cost) (Once done, it will take 2 Turns for the relevant modifier to be removed, but no additional costs) (Rebuilding the Roads will reduce this length and improve Base %)
-[ ]To the Coastal March (Costs 4 or 9 Dureks) (Base Chance: 56% + Stewardship)*
-[ ]To the Southmarch (Costs 2.5 or 6.5 Dureks) (Base Chance: 65% + Stewardship)*
-[ ]To the 3 Crown Reserves (Costs 1.25 or 2.75 Dureks) (Base Chance: 73% + Stewardship)*
[ ][SHERIFFS AND REEVES] Appoint trustworthy and capable people to fill leadership positions in the Reeves to manage royal properties (Base Chance: 53% + Diplomacy + 1/2 Stewardship)*
[ ][SHERIFFS AND REEVES] Personally oversee the Road Rebuilding Around the Capital (Strong Success will take an extra turn off the time. Miss will mean this turn leads to no progress.) (Base Chance 70% + Stewardship)*
[ ][SHERIFFS AND REEVES] Start Rebuilding the Roads Between the Thornmarch and the Grand Duchy (Base Chance 60 % + Stewardship)* (Costs 35 Dureks) [Process will take Multiple Turns]
[ ][SHERIFFS AND REEVES] Start Rebuilding the Roads Between the Grand Duchy and the Free Cities (Base Chance 54% +Stewardship)* (Costs 30 Dureks) [Process will take Multiple Turns]
[ ][SHERIFFS AND REEVES] Start Rebuilding the Roads Between the Grand Duchy and Westcrown (Base Chance 62% + Stewardship)* (Costs 30 Dureks) [Process will take Multiple Turns]
[ ][SHERIFFS AND REEVES] Call for settlers in the Crown Reserves (No Roll, Additional Scene. Could be expensive up front, but could increase value of Crown Reserves long term)
[ ][SHERIFFS AND REEVES] Negotiate With the Striking Southmarch Miners
-[ ]Offer them an additional concession (See Bottom of Post for A List) (Base Chance 60%+Diplomacy)*
-[ ]Offer them no additional concessions (Base Chance 43% + Diplomacy)*
[ ][SHERIFFS AND REEVES] Order Balmain to Use the Reeves to force the Striking Miners to go back to work (Base Chance 45% + Martial)* (-2 Dureks)
[ ][SHERIFFS AND REEVES] Suggest additional task, subject to QM Veto (Base Chance Will be Set by QM If Approved)

Keeper of Justice (Pick 1)
[ ][JUSTICE] Investigate charges as yet unproven against former rebels (Base Chance 68% + Intrigue + 1/2 Learning)*
[ ][JUSTICE] Post Bounties on Leading Bandits (Permanently Improves chances of anti-bandit operations) (No roll)
-[ ]1 Durek Total (+2 to anti-bandit operations)
-[ ]2 Dureks Total (+3 to anti-bandit Operations
-[ ]Write in (Each point increase above +3 costs 1 more Dureks)
[ ][JUSTICE] Send the Judges on a circuit to the villages to hear complaints and cases (Base Chance 50% + 1/2 Diplomacy + 1/2 Stewardship)
[ ][JUSTICE] Investigate the sudden (and suspect) financial success of a previously beleaguered Shipping Magnate (Base Chance 40% + Intrigue + Learning)
[ ][JUSTICE] Have Itrick Try to Negotiate with the Striking Miners (On the basis of the Law)
-[ ]Offer them an additional concession (See Bottom of Post for A List) (Base Chance 57%+Diplomacy)
-[ ]Offer them no additional concessions (Base Chance 47% + Diplomacy)
[ ][JUSTICE] Suggest additional task, subject to QM Veto (Base Chance Will be Set by QM If Approved)

Keeper of Envoys (Pick 1)
[ ][ENVOYS] Open Trade Negotiations (Could Produce Additional Durek Income)
-[ ]With Zedarsh (Base Chance 68% + Diplomacy)*
-[ ]With Kingdom of the Necromancers (Base Chance 74% + Diplomacy)* (Scrying the KoTN is more difficult)
-[ ]With Blerren (Base Chance 69% + Diplomacy)*
-[ ]With Gyptar (Base Chance 69% + Diplomacy)*
-[ ]With Restid (Base Chance 52% + Diplomacy)* (Scrying Restid is Harder) (May Be Unpopular)
-[ ]Write-in (Suggest realm, Base Chance will be set by QM)
[ ][ENVOYS] Announce to everyone that the Queen is looking for Suitors (No Roll Required)
[ ][ENVOYS] Quietly Investigate who else might be interested in Queen Vanessa's Hand (Gives more options for quietly reaching out in the future) (Base Chance 47% + Diplomacy + 1/2 Intrigue)
[ ][ENVOYS] Negotiate Non-Aggression Pact with Morvak (Weak Success means concessions may be required, followup vote will be taken to see if you approve said Concessions)
-[ ]For 3 Months (Base Chance 48% + Diplomacy)*
-[ ]For 6 Months (Base Chance 42% + Diplomacy)*
-[ ]For 12 Months (Base Chance 32% + Diplomacy)*
[ ][ENVOYS] Reach out to the Kingdom of the Red Spear to gauge Intentions (Base Chance 56% + Diplomacy)*
[ ][ENVOYS] Try to mediate a temporary truce in the Zar Civil War as a precursor to more permanent negotiations (Base Chance 25% + Diplomacy)*
[ ][ENVOYS] Begin Talks With All the Suitors and/or their Ambassadors About Treaty Terms (Gets a formal list of offer/demands from each suitor. Miss means you start in a very bad negotiating position, Weak success is a not ideal but not terrible position, Strong success means very good position. The better the position, the better the starting point for negotiations) (Base Chance 45% + Diplomacy)
[ ][ENVOYS] Suggest additional task, subject to QM Veto (Base Chance Will be Set by QM If Approved)

Queen Actions (Pick 2)
[ ][QUEEN] Scry on a Neighboring power to gather information on them. (Provides information, may increase odds of future [SECRETS] actions involving the country) (Base Chance: 55% + Magic)*
-[ ]Morvak
-[ ]The Red Spear
-[ ]The Kingdom of the Necromancers (Imposes 5% penalty on the base chance)
-[ ]North and South Zarsim
-[ ]Suggest Additional Target (Some realms may be harder to Scry)
[ ][QUEEN] Scry on the Status of the Border Defenses (Opens Options for Future Improvement of Border Defenses) (Base Chance: 51% + Magic + Martial)*
-[ ]Thornmarch
-[ ]Ashdan March
-[ ]Eaglecrest
-[ ] Write in (Suggest Other Border Area)
[ ][QUEEN] Scry On The Kingdom (Base Chance 45% + Magic)*
-[ ]The Lordships
-[ ]The Free Cities
-[ ]The Rural Gentry
-[ ]The Trade Towns
-[ ]The Counties
[ ][QUEEN] Try to get Cyril to be willing to provide direct assistance in some cases (Opens options in the future) (Base Chance 25% + Diplomacy)
[ ][QUEEN] Build a Sanctum (Multi-Turn Prospect)
-[ ] Create a suitable chamber under the Palace (Base Chance: 70% + Magic) (Takes Three Turns) (-10 Dureks)†
-[ ] Find a Suitable Place elsewhere in the Grand Duchy (Will be less accessible, but cheaper to establish) (Takes Three Turns) (Base Chance 70% + Magic) (-7 Dureks)†
-[ ] Find a Suitable place in one of the Crown Reserves (Hard to access, but even cheaper and more secret) (Base Chance 60% + Magic) (-4 Dureks)†
[ ][QUEEN] Take Some time to investigate the magical gems that Rienne recovered from the Necrotic Temple (Base Chance 70% + Magic)
[ ][QUEEN] Social Action (May use both Queen Actions on Social Action)
-[ ] Get To Know Your Staff Better
-[ ] Write-in Councilor you'd like to improve relations with.
-[ ] Catch Up With Cyril
-[ ] Spend time with a Suitor (Pick which one)
-[ ] Write-in (Subject to QM Veto)
[ ][QUEEN] Recruit more mages to Royal Service (If successful, costs 10 Dureks. No expenditure if failure) (Base Chance: 70% + Diplomacy)†
[ ][QUEEN] Negotiate a One-time 20 Durek 'Tax': (Will upset the target, degree of upset depending on roll result. Miss means no money and middling degree of upset, Weak Success means all the money but the greatest degree of upset, Strong Success means all the money and the least degree of upset)
-[ ]Tax Lordly Estates (Base Chance 33% + Diplomacy)
-[ ]Tax The Counties (Base Chance 35% + Diplomacy)
-[ ]Tax the Free Cities Trade (Base Chance 35% + Diplomacy)
-[ ]Tax the Trade Towns Trade (Base Chance 40% + Diplomacy)
-[ ]Tax the Rural Gentry Estates (Base Chance 37% + Diplomacy)
[ ][QUEEN] Take a Royal Tour of the Grand Duchy and Nearby Lordships (Could improve popularity and loyalty in the region) (Base Chance 70% + Diplomacy + 1/2 Intrigue) (Costs 5 Dureks)†
[ ][QUEEN] Negotiate With the Striking Southmarch Miners
-[ ]Offer them an additional concession (See Bottom of Post for A List) (Base Chance 70%+Diplomacy) (Vanessa's Greedy Trait will apply if the concession involves spending money)
-[ ]Offer them no additional concessions (Base Chance 54% + Diplomacy)
[ ][QUEEN] Suggest additional task, subject to QM Veto (Base Chance Will be Set by QM If Approved)

Banditry Actions
[ ][BANDITRY GENERAL] Send General Trins (Rolls will use his Martial and Trait)
[ ][BANDITRY GENERAL] Send General Darach (Rolls will use her Martial and Trait)
[ ][BANDITRY GENERAL] Send High Marshall Rienne (Rolls will use her Martial and Trait) (Will impose a -7% Chance to her [HIGH MARSHALL] Action this turn)

[ ][BANDITRY PLAN] Show the Flag (Send the bulk of the Mobile reserves in a big, showy force to spook bandits and make them quit or at least reduce morale, win local support to prevent anyone supplying bandits from doing so, etc) (No Chance of Casualties) (Base Chance 35% + Martial)*
[ ][BANDITRY PLAN] Regular Trade Route Patrols (Patrol the main channels of trade to ward off bandit attacks) (Low Casualties at Most) (Base Chance 53% + Martial)*
[ ][BANDITRY PLAN] Disperse to Cover Major Trade Caravans (Get Merchants to travel in caravan convoys, and disperse to guard them directly) (Medium Casualties at Most) (Base Chance: 65% + Martial)*
[ ][BANDITRY PLAN] Send Out The Cavalry On Hunting Expeditions (Send out the Light Cavalry off-road and have them try to drive out bandits root and branch) (High Casualties at Most) (Base Chance 71% + Martial)

[ ][BANDITRY TARGET] The Lordships
[X][BANDITRY TARGET] The Trade Towns (Locked, Must continue what you started)

[ ][MINER DEMANDS] Decrease Quotas
-[ ]Force the Leaseholders to Eat the Cost (Upsets Mine Leaseholders)
-[ ]Reduce Southmarch Mining Taxes income by .5 Dureks to cover the leaseholder's expenses
[ ][MINER DEMANDS] Increase Wages
-[ ]Force the Leaseholders to Eat the Cost (Upsets Mine Leaseholders)
-[ ]Reduce Southmarch Mining Taxes income by .5 Dureks to cover the leaseholder's expenses
-[ ]Add a .5 Durek line item to the Expenses that will cover the increased wages.
[ ][MINER DEMANDS] Create the Fund for Severely Injured Miners/The Immediate Family of Dead Miners
-[ ]Force the Lease Holders to Pony Up the Money (Upsets the Mine Leaseholders
a lot)
-[ ]Reduce the Southmarch Mining taxes by 1.5 Dureks to cover the leaseholder's expenses
-[ ]Create the Fund from Crown Resources with 10 Dureks to start with and having Rucdorn Relcred find someone trustworthy to manage the investments. (-10 Dureks)
[ ][MINER DEMANDS] Offer all the miners a substantive bonus (to be distributed to all the miners) (-5 Dureks)

As a reminder, all the Council Actions MUST BE IN A PLAN.

The Bandit Actions do not need to be part of the same plan. They can be if you so choose.
Possible Change/Addition to Quest
So, I floated this idea a while back, some people expressed objection to it, I don't recall if anyone was positive about it, the conversation didn't last.

I don't know if anyone has ever wanted to make an omake (no one has ever asked), and this should not be seen as like... some unsubtle 'hint hint', but anyway:

I am toying with the idea for the Omake Policy being - write your omake, if I decide it's canon or close enough, it goes in Sidestory, and the author gets a Major Token, and if it's not, it goes in Apocrypha and the author gets a Minor Token (names tbd).

The idea would be - as I have seen other quests do this and do so successfully - that players could trade in these tokens to improve the results of rolls. Obviously neither could be an instant win scenario, but if you rolled close, maybe the token can be used for that little edge. The trick of course is to make them worth enough to be useful but not so much that they make all rolls trivial.

So far, my working notion is this:

1. Major Tokens can be used after a roll is made to raise the 'Base Chance' of the original roll by somewhere between 6 and 10, but it can never raise the base chance above say, 65%. So it would be used in edge cases, where a Failure is close to being a Weak Success, or a Weak Success is close to being a Strong Success.
2. Minor Tokens can be used after a roll is made to raise the 'Base Chance' of the original Roll by somewhere between 3 and 5. But they can only be used to turn a Failure into a Weak Success. Weak Successes, narratively, are often more interesting and can end up causing you problems down the line, so it shouldn't necessarily break the quest too much if these get used.
3. One use of a Token on any given roll.

Obviously, finalizing the numbers would need to be done, and if it ends up causing issues, it may need to be changed or ended. And this may all be a moot point, it may be no one wants to Omake. None of my quests have attracted a ton of Omake interest in the past (one on QQ did, but only a little), either because my writing style doesn't fit them or I just don't attract Omake writers, who knows. But it is an idea I've kicked around for a while for this Quest, so I'm contemplating making it a thing, but I am curious if people have very strong for or against opinions regarding this. If there does seem to be significant oppoosition to this, I won't do it. But I do like the idea, in theory.
[X]Plan: Let the Queen deal with the Miners
-[X][TAX ASSESSMENTS] Eaglecrest Land Tax
-[X][TAX ASSESSMENTS] Port Lest Land Tax
-[X][CORRESPONDENCE] Lend Clerks to help another Keeper with their Task (+3/+6 to their Task on a Weak/Strong Success) (Base Chance 50% + Stewardship)
--[X] Help the Keeper of Envoys
-[X][ROYAL VAULTS] Acquire Raw Materials To Mint New Gold and Silver Coins (Progress towards resolving Currency Contraction, Advances Royal Propaganda) (No Roll Required)
--[X] 15 Dureks
-[X][HIGH MARSHALL] Draw Up New Plans for Calling Up The Levies (Makes it easier to call up the levies if needed) (Base Chance 50% + Martial)*
-[X][SECRETS] Investigate Roland Arbolast Fredero, a noble who may be connected to both the ex-Countess Gramaire, and to Dorien and Vrel (Base Chance 62% + Intrigue)*
-[X][SHERIFFS AND REEVES] Appoint trustworthy and capable people to fill leadership positions in the Reeves to manage royal properties (Base Chance: 53% + Diplomacy + 1/2 Stewardship)*
-[X][JUSTICE] Investigate charges as yet unproven against former rebels (Base Chance 68% + Intrigue + 1/2 Learning)*
-[X][ENVOYS] Begin Talks With All the Suitors and/or their Ambassadors About Treaty Terms (Gets a formal list of offer/demands from each suitor. Miss means you start in a very bad negotiating position, Weak success is a not ideal but not terrible position, Strong success means very good position. The better the position, the better the starting point for negotiations) (Base Chance 45% + Diplomacy)
-[X][QUEEN] Take Some time to investigate the magical gems that Rienne recovered from the Necrotic Temple (Base Chance 70% + Magic)
-[X][QUEEN] Negotiate With the Striking Southmarch Miners
--[X]Offer them no additional concessions (Base Chance 54% + Diplomacy)
-[X][BANDITRY GENERAL] Send General Trins (Rolls will use his Martial and Trait)
-[X][BANDITRY PLAN] Regular Trade Route Patrols (Patrol the main channels of trade to ward off bandit attacks) (Low Casualties at Most) (Base Chance 53% + Martial)*
-[X][BANDITRY TARGET] The Trade Towns (Locked, Must continue what you started)
Last edited:
[X]Plan It is literally a gold mine (plural even!)
-[X][TAX ASSESSMENTS] Port Lest Land Tax
-[X][TAX ASSESSMENTS] Befost County Land Tax
-[X][CORRESPONDENCE] Gather Reports On Banditry (Improves Base Chance of future Anti-Banditry Tasks) (Base Chance 65% + Stewardship)
-[X][ROYAL VAULTS] Acquire Raw Materials To Mint New Gold and Silver Coins (Progress towards resolving Currency Contraction, Advances Royal Propaganda) (No Roll Required)
--[X] <15 Dureks>
-[X][HIGH MARSHALL] Survey Border Defenses (Opens Options for Future Improvement of Border Defenses) (Base Chance: 75% + Martial)*
-[X][SECRETS] Rebuild Internal Spy Network (Phase 3 of ?) (No roll required. Each phase opens more [SECRETS] options down the line and improves chances of success of internal spy operations, as well as giving increased chance for intelligence to be 'passively' received)
-[X]Provide Funds to Speed up/Improve Process. Write-in amount. 5 Dureks
-[X][SHERIFFS AND REEVES] Negotiate With the Striking Southmarch Miners
--[X]Offer them an additional concession
---[X][MINER DEMANDS] Decrease Quotas
----[X]Reduce Southmarch Mining Taxes income by .5 Dureks to cover the leaseholder's expenses
---[X][MINER DEMANDS] Increase Wages
----[X]Add a .5 Durek line item to the Expenses that will cover the increased wages.
---[X][MINER DEMANDS] Create the Fund for Severely Injured Miners/The Immediate Family of Dead Miners
----[X]Create the Fund from Crown Resources with 10 Dureks to start with and having Rucdorn Relcred find someone trustworthy to manage the investments. (-10 Dureks)
--[X][MINER DEMANDS] Offer all the miners a substantive bonus (to be distributed to all the miners) (-5 Dureks)
-[X][JUSTICE] Investigate charges as yet unproven against former rebels (Base Chance 68% + Intrigue + 1/2 Learning)*
-[X][ENVOYS] Begin Talks With All the Suitors and/or their Ambassadors About Treaty Terms (Gets a formal list of offer/demands from each suitor. Miss means you start in a very bad negotiating position, Weak success is a not ideal but not terrible position, Strong success means very good position. The better the position, the better the starting point for negotiations) (Base Chance 45% + Diplomacy)
-[X][QUEEN] Take Some time to investigate the magical gems that Rienne recovered from the Necrotic Temple (Base Chance 70% + Magic)
-[X][QUEEN] Suggest additional task, subject to QM Veto (Base Chance Will be Set by QM If Approved)
--[X] Sit in on the negotiations with the suitors and Ambassadors about treaty terms to have direct input on the negotiations and streamline the process.
-[X][BANDITRY GENERAL] Send General Trins (Rolls will use his Martial and Trait)
-[X][BANDITRY PLAN] Disperse to Cover Major Trade Caravans (Get Merchants to travel in caravan convoys, and disperse to guard them directly) (Medium Casualties at Most) (Base Chance: 65% + Martial)*
-[X][BANDITRY TARGET] The Trade Towns (Locked, Must continue what you started)
[ ] Debt payments

-[ ]10 Dureks to previous syrokis debts
-[ ]27 Dureks to the Axecavern bank
-[ ]17 Dureks to the Redhammer bank
-[ ]20 Dureks to Zedarsh and Selissa
-[ ]12 Dureks to the Goldaxe Bank
-[ ]11 Dureks to assorted wealthy merchants/etc, Eaglecrest, Port Lest, Westcrown

Treasury/debt calculations
261-122 = 139.5
-5 from spy network = 134.5
-5 from miners bonus = 129.5
-10 from injury fund
-50 dureks from minting new coins =104.5
Previous Debts Owed By Syrokis:
41.25 Dureks (12% Monthly Interest) (5 Dureks interest) Pay 5 more for total of 10, syrokis debts reduced to 36.25 dureks. 94.5 Dureks remaining in treasury
Owed to the Axecavern Bank (Lortan Dwarves): 241.75 Dureks (10% Interest) (24.25 Dureks)* Pay 27 Dureks total, amount owed reduced to 239 dureks. 67.5 dureks remaining in treasury
Owed to the Redhammer Bank (Lortan Dwarves): 126.5 Dureks (11% Interest) (14 Dureks) Pay 17 dureks, amount owed reduced to 123.5 dureks, 50.5 dureks remaining in treasury
Owed to Assorted Individual Weathy Merchants Based in Zedarsh or Selissa: 168.5 Dureks (11% Interest) (18.5 Dureks) Pay 20 dureks, amount owed reduced to 167 dureks. 30.5 dureks remaining in treasury.

Debts Incurred By the Crown: 109.5 Dureks (9.5% Interest)
Owed To The Goldaxe Bank: 109.5 Dureks (9.5% Interest) (10.5 Dureks) Pay 12 dureks, amount owed reduced to 108 dureks, 18.5 dureks remaining
Owed to Assorted Individual Wealthy Merchants/Etc based in Eaglecrest, Port Lest and Westcrown: 110.25 Dureks (8% Interest) (8.75 Dureks) Pay 11 dureks, amount owed reduced to 109 dureks. 7.5 Dureks remaining in treasury.

That's it, that's the plan. If anyone has requests or suggestions I'm happy to listen though I can't promise changes, but if enough people feel, (for example) that I'm a total blithering idiot I can change some things.
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The most effective and consistent omake policies I've seen for quests always revolve around the bonuses being used "before" the roll is made.
Huh. All the Omake bonuses I've seen have been post facto for rolls. 🤔

Do you have a good example of a quest that did it beforehand I could look at?
Obviously, finalizing the numbers would need to be done, and if it ends up causing issues, it may need to be changed or ended. And this may all be a moot point, it may be no one wants to Omake. None of my quests have attracted a ton of Omake interest in the past (one on QQ did, but only a little), either because my writing style doesn't fit them or I just don't attract Omake writers, who knows. But it is an idea I've kicked around for a while for this Quest, so I'm contemplating making it a thing, but I am curious if people have very strong for or against opinions regarding this. If there does seem to be significant oppoosition to this, I won't do it. But I do like the idea, in theory.

Do you have any prompts for omake's you'd like to see?
Do you have any prompts for omake's you'd like to see?
The various councilors outside of work, regular commoners or minor nobles reacting to various things - honestly, I didn't give that much thought, which I probably should, so let me think on that and get back to you?
Huh. All the Omake bonuses I've seen have been post facto for rolls. 🤔

Do you have a good example of a quest that did it beforehand I could look at?
Doofquest and Semper Ad Meloria on this site had policies of that nature. If you want more recommendations for stories with that policy I'd have to direct you to "another" website. (I do a lot less questing on SV than I used to).
-[X][QUEEN] Suggest additional task, subject to QM Veto (Base Chance Will be Set by QM If Approved)
--[X] Sit in on the negotiations with the suitors and Ambassadors about treaty terms to have direct input on the negotiations and streamline the process.
I didn't say so earlier, but this write in is Approved. The base Chance will be set at 50% + Diplomacy
Voting is open