Immediate thought in that *audit the royal demense* Has phase 1 for correspondence. But phase 2 for the royal vaults. Is that intentional?
Also "They'll be reading South Zarsim in a few days, and we'll start getting reports on how the war is going from there."
Reading? or
"Still," Balmain cautioned, "I'd be very careful about trying to get the Estates-General to try and approve anything controversial. You could probably push something through, but it might leave you dangerously exposed, politically."
The only sort of exposed I'm interested in right now is to Essinya on our wedding night. Vanessa bit the inside of her cheek in surprise as she realized the thought going through her mind. Under the table she pinched her leg, to focus herself.
Yes, it had been a while, and yes, her bride to be was beautiful - in a dangerous and dark sort of way - but still!
This actually has me somewhat paranoid.
is it possible for someone to implant mental suggestions magically or through telepathy? We know that the mage Dorien used a fear spell, but can magic be used to push actual thoughts and ideas too? And do we know if Lady Balmain has ever displayed any magical talent?
It's admittedly possible that those wandering thoughts are all Vanessa's but is mental influence something that can be accomplished and something that we need to be on guard against or that royals and high ranking nobles have to consider and be on the watch for?
[ ][CORRESPONDENCE] Begin Internal Charm Offensive – Spread the Word About Vanessa's Accomplishments (Increase popularity)
-[ ]Hire Heralds to spread the word in announcements in town and village squares across the Kingdom (Will reach the lowest classes the most, but obviously others will hear) (Base Chance 67%+ 8% + Diplomacy) (Costs 4 Dureks)
-[ ]Write In Other Proposal (Subject to QM Veto) (Cost and Base Chance Set by QM)
[ ][CORRESPONDENCE] Suggest additional task, subject to QM Veto (Base Chance Will be Set by QM If Approved)
On correspondence. My gut feeling is that we've *just* handled the banditry and so now is the Perfect time to have heralds shout to the Kingdom about how the Queen and her council have cleaned up banditry and brought justice, law and order to the kingdom. As a side bonus it might possibly help with recruiting more soldiers if the bravery of our soldiers is talked up and it's spread that we're recruiting. But I won't rely on that.
As a write in task/suggestion? I'd like to suggest something of a partition between the finances of the crown. And the Royal purse that Vanessa personally has access to. Something like this.
[ ][Correspondence] Write in: Create a Royal purse and associated accounts For Vanessa/the Monarch separate from the kingdoms treasury. And divert an allowance of 10 dureks per turn into it from the crowns Duchy of Raida's direct Revenues for the usage and direct ownership of Vanessa Kolmain as regards to the accounts and the funds therin.
Put simply. Create savings and personal accounts for Vanessa. Idea being, at least initially the bank accounts are set up and she has money in her name, that she has access to and can spend without dipping into the kingdoms treasury. So that she can go to a night out at a playhouse as herself and not the queen. And to start building a nest egg just in case the worst should ever happen and she needs to flee, so she'll have accounts and funds which are harder for the Throne of Halrun to freeze.
Ideally she'd not only save money in her personal accounts but invest some of that in businesses, or in growing a personal/private estate of her own (especially if similiarly to creating a position beneath the high marshall to handle those actions the section head in charge of the crowns personal holdings and Vanessas own private funds can have their powers expanded into another action for building/investing on Vanessas own properties) that is separate from the Royal accounts. In the immediate term and short term? Vanessa gets money to play with that means her own personal spending doesn't need her to dip into the kingdoms coffers every time she wants to treat herself. (bonus in that dresses or clothes she buys, perhaps even for surprising her betrothed with, don't turn up in a scribes accounting ledgers or the kingdoms treasury audits)
Long term? She'll have the money she wants and be more insulated from any cries that she's plundering the kingdoms wealth to sate her own greed. And beyond that it protects the kingdom and royal treasury itself, from a greedy king like syrokis or potentially any of Vanessa's descendents from treating the kingdoms finances like their own personal piggybank, or from being tempted to spend recklessly and get into debts that ruin the kingdom and lead to the situation like in Zedarsh where the monarch plunges the kingdom into debt and leads to their being couped and having their powers limited and reduced to a figurehead. Essentially, this is planning for the future and being responsible now to prevent foolish recklessness later on. But in the short term? IMO Vanessa has earned a chance to actually enjoy some of the wealth and perks of being a monarch.
tldr: Vanessa can get a personal allowance pl0z?
If that's accepted and put into affect. Later on an action to [ ]Promote Traynissa to keeper of the Royal purse
Or something like that to create an added action where some of Vanessa's private wealth can be used on specific projects relating to improving her/the crowns own personal holdings. Smaller and less powerful than kingdom wide projects that the keeper of the royal vaults has.
But that's long term and basically a wishlist. And it's fair and understandable if the GM doesn't want to allow us to create too many extra actions or to dive too deeply into the money management side of things. Vanessa has her own actions she could maybe use for things like that anyway I think?
[ ][ROYAL VAULTS] Invest (Miss will result in only getting X% of investment back, Weak success will result in regaining investment +1 Durek, Strong Success will result in Y% of investment being regained) (Cannot invest more than 7 Dureks at once at this time)
-[ ]In Land Speculation [Write In Amount] Base Chance 54% + Stewardship (X = 75% Y = 125%)
-[ ]In Mining [Write In Amount] Base Chance 48% + Stewardship (X = 60%, Y = 140%)
-[ ]In Shipping [Write In Amount] Base Chance 43% + Stewardship (X = 50% Y =150%)
[ ][ROYAL VAULTS] Audit The Royal Demesne (Phase 2 of ?) (Could increase Revenues from Personal Holdings) (Costs 3 Dureks)
[ ][ROYAL VAULTS] Standardize Farming Techniques Across Crown-Owned Farms (Increases Revenues From Crown Holdings by 1 (Weak Success) or 2 (Strong Success) Dureks) (Costs 2 Dureks) (Base Chance 54% + Stewardship)
[ ][ROYAL VAULTS] Implement New Administrative Arrangements To Reduce Costs (Increases Revenues From Crown Holdings By 1 Durek) (Base Chance 61% + 1/2 Diplomacy + 1/2 Stewardship)
[ ][ROYAL VAULTS] Suggest additional task, subject to QM Veto (Base Chance Will be Set by QM If Approved)
Onto actions for the keeper of the royal vaults since I've probably already spent way too long on Vanessas own personal finances (sidenote, if the correspondence action for creating vanessas own accounts better falls under A keeper of the royal vaults action that would be more than fair)
But Yeah. I don't think we need to raise the rents And it's likely not worth the hit to popularity anyway.
Continuing the audits so we can know what we have wouldn't go amiss.
Between reducing costs through streamlining admin and just outright trying to standardise and improve techniques my preference is to build up the crown-owned farms.
Investing in land speculation, mining, or shipping aren't bad ideas either. But IMO their base chance is a little low compared to more reliable options.
For write ins for the royal vaults? I actually have a number of ideas. when we confiscated property recently we auctioned it back out rather than holding onto it due to the potential popularity hit. I'd like to actually investigate if there are any nobles or landowners looking to sell whom we could buy their holdings from.
Another option is that the bridge loans and free standing loans we're looking at are still near or in the double digits of monthly interest rates. And yes, Halrun still has a lot of debt so our interest rates are accordingly high. But I wonder if we could look for any nations or people whom *we* could lend to. Countries in the Riverlands. Some of our nobles. If we could get returns of 12% interest monthly through lending... Like Even just lending out 10 dureks could then earn us 1 durek per turn to cover the interest. More later if the borrower doesn't may the first couple of months and the compound interest is added to the principal.
The other side to the above. Is, if we wanted to be callous about it and if there wasn't any Sound borrowers with good credit to lend to? We could lend to nobles or businesses with bad credit if we're willing to take the immediate loss, and then wait for them to default and seize the collateral. If a landowning noble is unwilling to sell his/her farm/land directly but they're struggling we could lend to them directly. If they recover and become solvent and pay off their debts or are stuck paying interest long term that's good for us. But even if they collapse that then means that we could pick up the land.
Also we probably don't have the funds this turn. But to save the hassle of loaning directly. I mentioned/suggested forming our own bank to issue loans domestically and possibly abroad. And assuming they're successful we'd eventually be able to tax the bank on their earnings, as well as having the bank give credit to our businesses and merchants.
Another thing I liked previously, was us acting through shell corporations to enter the market for lumber and construction materials to help us avoid being scalped by the wholesellers and whatnot. Related to that would we be able to invest in, or buy shares in blacksmiths, weaponsmiths, armoursmiths and such, so that in our next round of recruitment we gain a portion of the businesses profits from their sales to us. Bonus points if in expanding and investing those businesses we increase the supply of weapons and lower the total costs to outfit our troops.
Last idea. I swear. Creating a royal stables. Purchasing quality horses to stud and breed and create a source of revenue from selling high quality mounts to nobility. That and having Vanessa gaining high quality horses for her own use to ride for leisure.
[ ][HIGH MARSHALL] Recruit Additional Soldiers (Strong Success gets you all the soldiers you wanted. Weak Success or Failure gets you less soldiers) (Base Chance 60% + Martial)* (Costs Dureks Base on # of soldiers desired)
-[ ] Write in desired Types and Numbers of Soldiers
[ ][HIGH MARSHALL] Establish a special team for Levy management (Increases Monthly Expenses by .5 Dureks, but boosts the Base Chance for all levy-related tasks by 5%) (No Roll Required)
[ ][HIGH MARSHALL] Vet and Hire More Royal Guardsmen to fill gaps in Palace Security (Raises monthly expenses by 1 Durek) (Base Chance 64% + 1/2 Diplomacy + 1/2 Martial + 1/2 Secrets)
[ ][HIGH MARSHALL] Suggest additional task, subject to QM Veto (Base Chance Will be Set by QM If Approved)
For High Marshall I think that a special team to manage the levies would be well worth it. At least
IF We're planning on focusing on levies. In the immediate term Vetting and hiring more royal guardsmen wouldn't go amiss.
I don't know if sending a second wave of soldiers to Zarsim requires an actual action? Or if it would be something we can simply vote on to send more soldiers from the crown reserves. Either way, recruiting additional soldiers outright seems like a good idea. I'm waffling on the actual numbers But based on being able to send up to 1100 more soldiers to South Zarsim? 100 Heavy Cav. 200 Light cav 200 men at arms, and 300 skirmishers for a second wave of 800 troops? Might be well received by our ally.
Reminder that 900 was the minimum as agreed by the treaty. And while yes, we sent better quality than was required, making sure to replenish casualties and keep our task force combat effective plus going being the strict letter of our obligations? Shows that we're someone who values our promises and agreements in spirit and goes above the strict letter of any agreements. Not only that, but since we expect Morvak to pull troops out in response, us sending more to keep the momentum on our side seems a good idea.
As to what we recruit? Rermembering that our initial demobilisation included the following?
238 Heavy Cavalry
694 Light Cavalry
813 Men at Arms
625 Crossbowmen
425 Skirmishers
438 Pikemen
And in turn we
recruited the following Half of what we intended
+30 Heavy Cavalry
+9 Light Cavalry
+118 Men-At-Arms
+85 Crossbowmen
+35 Skirmishers
+108 Pikemen
Let's say recruiting 150 heavy Cav. 400 light cav. Another 600 men at arms. 300 crossbowmen to cover those sent to Zarsim and another 300 pikes? To Return to near our rebellion sized army?
That's recruiting 1700 soldiers. Not counting the 300 or so skirmishers as IMO they're likely to be of limited utility against Morvaks focus on heavy cavalry. Now, admittedly some of those demobilised from the army were recruited by nobles or found work as town guards or mercenaries or even returned to ordinary jobs such as building our roads. But! The mobile reserve is fine as is. But if we're wanting to send another 800 soldiers to South Zarsim? Then hiring let's say 1000 to 1200 Soldiers? Well it's a lot at once, but might be doable, which even if we assume we get the full 1200, still leaves our mobile reserve actually 500 soldiers fewer without the Zarsim expedition.
So yeah. Aim for about 1200 recruits? And this time, if we don't meet recruiting targets getting about half
shoould be enough that we can spend a turn hiring royal guardsmen or doing other military actions.
For the write in's? I have two suggestions.
1 is to shop around and hire a mercenary company that was formed from the disbanded soldiers. It might be easier to just hire a fully formed mercenary unit, than it is to ask them to leave the mercenary unit/disband it and rejoin the army. Especially if we're planning on playing technical games where we hire mercs, release them from their contract, and send Regara money which she can use to hire the mercs so we avoid the optics of the Halrun royal army helping her.
The other thing. Number 2? Hiring mages was an option for Vanessa. I wonder if we'd be able to do it through the military instead. But if not it's not a major issue.
Overall. Leaning towards recruiting soldiers with a target of 1200.
[ ][SECRETS] Vet and Hire More Royal Guardsmen to fill gaps in Palace Security (Raises monthly expenses by 1 Durek) (Base Chance 64% + 1/2 Diplomacy + 1/2 Martial + 1/2 Secrets)
For me? Royal guardsmen is the biggest priority. This saving a military action when we have so many other actions for the high marshall? Sorely needed.
Also? I'd like to argue *against* sealing up the servants entrances. Yes, they're potential risks. But they also potentially provide a means for Vanessa to get around and escape herself. I'd like to avoid bricking up potential escape routes. The other thing? Is that we've currently got a lower than normal budget for the palace staff. We're getting better financially and might even have to increase spending soon to give the proper impression to the court and visiting dignitaries. There's also the wedding to consider where we might well be packed.
If we get info otherwise that no way, the servant passages are just too big of a security hole, I'd definitely reconsider. But as is? After the wedding, and even before then? With more guards, eventually more servants, probably Essinya's servants too? It would be foolish and short-sighted of us to brick up those passages, and then later on find out we need them for our servants to not block the halls and that with extra recruits we have enough guards to cover them and keep the palace secure and we end up having to knock brickwork back down again.
One option for secrets might be to engage in some gentle spying with our neighbour veldros. But that's not a priority.
The only other write in Idea for secrets I have? I mentioned it before. but assassination 'games' chefs leaving notes on the bottom of our plates to warn that the dish is poisoned. (if they can place a note there without it being spotted they would probably have been able to actually put poison in instead) But honestly further stress tests of palace security can wait until we've got more guards and some of the improvements from the last test are in place IMO.
[ ][SHERIFFS AND REEVES] Start Rebuilding the Roads Between the Thornmarch and the Grand Duchy (Base Chance 60 % + Stewardship)* (Costs 35 Dureks) [Process will take Multiple Turns]
Sheriffs and Reeves? Lots of good options. But one of the main reasons we saved so much last turn was precisely to work on road rebuilding.
If people wanted something cheaper we could do war damage actions or standardising farming, or calling for settlers for the crown reserves. But, roads are good.
[ ][JUSTICE] Send the Judges on a circuit to the villages to hear complaints and cases (Base Chance 50% + 1/2 Diplomacy + 1/2 Stewardship)
[ ][JUSTICE] Investigate the sudden (and suspect) financial success of a previously beleaguered Shipping Magnate (Base Chance 40% + Intrigue + Learning)
[ ][JUSTICE] Issue fines to assorted nobles and merchants guilty of assorted minor financial crimes (You'll get the fine money either way. But a Miss will mean people see this as unjust and unfair, a Strong Hit will mean the cases made against these people will be seen as unassailable) (Base Chance 45% + 1/2 Stewardship + 1/2 Intrigue + 1/2 Learning) (Gains 1d4+1 Dureks)
[ ][JUSTICE] Suggest additional task, subject to QM Veto (Base Chance Will be Set by QM If Approved)
We actually are running short on actions for our keeper of Justice. I find it funny to see Vanessa might be developing a taste for fining the nobility. I'd like to very much NOT do that if possible.
Investigating a shipping magnate or hearing minor court cases. Neither feels too important For the write in. I'd like to either request that the assembly vote on allowing Keeper Itrick the courtesy of sitting after a respectful span of time standing during lengthy sessions, on account of his many years of distinguished service. Or we issue an Amnesty to Gramaire and her son for her actions during the civil war. Essentially offering her a ceasefire. "You drop your sons claims to the throne and we agree to leave each other alone." In essence.
Another write in. Is that we were told necromancy wasn't technically illegal in Halrun, just that some of their constituent actions were forbidden. Vanessa taking a closer look at those laws and Keeper Itrick explaining exactly how the laws function so we and Essinya know what to avoid and not stumble into breaking some minor regulation by accident might be worth asking the Keeper to research the relevant laws and report back to us on exactly what is, what is not allowed. And ways to avoid Essinya or necromancer wedding guests accidentally breaking a law in the middle of the court by technicalities.
Last idea for Keeper of justice. Check our prisons See if there is any criminals serving overly long sentences. We might have gotten most, particularly rebels out of prison. but a double check that someone flung into Prison by Syrokis 5 years ago for a misdemeanour isn't still locked away or things like that. On the other side of things. Seeing if any minor criminals would prefer to exchange their sentences in prison for time served settling in the crown reserves so long as they promise to be on their best behaviour. Amnesty and rehabilitations, in a word.
[ ][ENVOYS] Reach out to the Kingdom of the Red Spear to gauge Intentions (Base Chance 56% + Diplomacy)*
[ ][ENVOYS] Negotiate non-Marriage Alliance with Nerinthar (Base Chance 53% + Diplomacy)* (Terms will be lesser for both sides, all things being equal, and likely less ironclad, but allies are still at least allies)
In a vacuum. Trying to negotiate with nerinthar before we leave, or checking the kingdom of the goblins are still fine to be at peace with us.
I actually, would like to offer a counter argument against seeking an outright Alliance with nerinthar. IMO, we just bartered for a non-aggression pact with Morvak. We're supporting 'morvak' in helping the side they support win the civil war. Most of our actions? Look like we're hoping for long and peaceful relations with Morvak.
But I think, that actually. getting an Alliance with nerinthar? Would be overplaying our hand. If we do so, and Regara hears of it? If I were her, I'd suspect Halrun was seeking to fan a civil war to weaken Morvak. them allying with my biggest enemy would just confirm it.
In my mind. And I mentioned it before? My ideal course of action? Is to watch Morvak slide into civil war. Help Regara win.
Not Sign her non-aggression pact that she's going to offer after the war. And then IF she attacks Nerinthar? To announce a declaration of war against Morvak in response to their aggression, sign an Alliance with Nerinthar after the fact, and work with them to seek to defeat a weakened Morvak.
But that's just me. If people would prefer openly gaining an alliance with Nerinthar to discourage Morvak from attacking at all it's a valid choice. But, yeah. If I were in Morvak and I saw Halrun making alliances with the country I was recently at war with, and trying to encourage a civil war, I'd probably think that Halrun was trying to weaken Morvak and take advantage of it.
-[ ]Use Several of the Crystals Recovered from the Necrotic Ruin To Make a room suitable for a Sanctum Under the Palace (No Roll Required) (Takes Three Turns) (Costs 5 Dureks)
[ ][QUEEN] Social Action (May use both Queen Actions on Social Action)
-[ ] Get To Know Your Staff Better
-[ ] Write-in Councilor you'd like to improve relations with.
-[ ] Catch Up With Cyril
-[ ] Spend time Essinya
-[ ] Speak to the Local High Priests of 2 (Two) Gods to develop relationships and perhaps trade favors
[ ][QUEEN] Recruit more mages to Royal Service (If successful, costs 9 Dureks. No expenditure if failure) (Base Chance: 73% + Diplomacy)†
[ ][QUEEN] Work on Planning the Wedding with Essinya (May use both of your actions for this, include it as 2 separate line items in any proposed plan.) (1/4 Done)
[ ][QUEEN] Take a Royal Tour of the Grand Duchy and Nearby Lordships (Could improve popularity and loyalty in the region) (Base Chance 70% + Diplomacy + 1/2 Intrigue) (Costs 5 Dureks)†
[ ][QUEEN] Suggest additional task, subject to QM Veto (Base Chance Will be Set by QM If Approved)
There's a lot of great options for the queens actions. I'm going to dismiss the extra tax option. We don't need it, not worth the popularity hit.
My number 1 priority? Crystals for sanctum, especially if this option can lead to us growing the entire palace into our sanctum. A powerful defensive option that benefits everything we do magically. I want it. SO badly.
getting to know our personal staff is a good idea for building loyalty and heading off assassination/infiltration attempts of all sorts. I'd love that. Similiarly, having better relations with our councillors is also good, though, so far, most of them seem to accept us.
Essinya, Cyril. Priests. All good. Time spent with family and important people.
Relating to security, hiring mages into royal service would be wonderful.
There's also wedding planning to be done.
Ideally, I'd like to have a royal tour to coincide with the proclamations about the defeated bandits, but this IMO, is one of the easiest actions to drop. Everything else is just so important. Not that getting our face seen isn't important but there we go. One benefit of this actually, might be a chance to relax enjoy some of our nobles hospitality, and get to know local nobles and people of importance before the wedding.
Additional tasks? Vanessa enchanting some objects for fun and/or to sell.
Magic practice and study.
Time off. A chance to see a play or spend a week or two on a farming manor away from the capital and have some time to herself to catch her breath for the first time in who knows how long.
this post is long so I won't ramble on for too much longer. I did have some questions But I forgot them at some point while writing this. And I've already asked several