The last three things you said,is what I meant by my question.
Mina [Acid], Bakugo [Explosion], 13 [Black hole], Stain [Paralysis], Shinso [Brainwashing], Momo [Items], Tomura [Rot], Kaminari [Taser], Mineta [Traps] Todoroki [Ice Fire] Bubble Girl [Scents/Gases] Ochaco [Zero G], Tokoyami [Stand], Seiji [Meatball], Iida [Speed], Sakaki [Balance], are people that can take us down on quirk alone, others can take us out with plans, tactics, and experience.
I wonder if we could somehow copy a Nomu's powers, seeing as genetic engineering plays a factor in their powers and how they're made.

Is that our stand name?

As all your friends lived inside you

Central, scanners report that...that's messed up.

'relatively useless power'

Well, i mean it's true. Animal copying only becomes bullshit when you have the extra power to scale those desighns up minus the square cube law.

Unrelated, but I once saw a group of thirteen year olds call a tapir a baby elephant

Thats silly. A tapir is obviously a BITCH elephant.

You were so proud when the public health warnings started appearing on the news.

Ok, this shit is the reason quirks that allow people to spawn disposa le creeps should come with some stigma.

we really should eat a female human at some point.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

After all, you were barely acquaintances - you could try and eat her later

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

The vertical torso mouth probably wont help.

Well, a fun quest so far. Really liking the horror cute.

Will definetlg continue to catch up.
Wait, what does our tail look like again? From the description it seems like some sort of lizard-centipede thing that runs up most of our back.
If you think about it,we're fairly vulnerable and weak in comparison to our future classmates.
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If you think about it,we're fairly vulnerable and weak in comparison to our future classmates.
Not that vulnerable seeing as we can survive getting half our body gibbified into chunks without much issue. All we have to do is emulate other biologically related quirks and we should be fine, seeing as Tsuyu is pretty strong for just having frog traits.
Not that vulnerable seeing as we can survive getting half our body gibbified into chunks without much issue. All we have to do is emulate other biologically related quirks and we should be fine, seeing as Tsuyu is pretty strong for just having frog traits.
We're one tough bitch to kill no doubt about that.But at the moment we don't have that much else going for us.
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There's also the body manipulation (both ours and other people), the fact that we're starting to create our own minions, and centipedes. Most people get distracted when man eating centipedes are thrown in their faces.

It helps to think of us as a Tinker. We start out pretty small and weak, but once we get enough time and resources we can become a very powerful and versatile opponent.
There's also the body manipulation (both ours and other people), the fact that we're starting to create our own minions, and centipedes. Most people get distracted when man eating centipedes are thrown in their faces.

It helps to think of us as a Tinker. We start out pretty small and weak, but once we get enough time and resources we can become a very powerful and versatile opponent.
I wouldn't trust Bael..... something off about him.
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Shit i just realized something Deku can help us turn into a dragon he just needs to call his dad. And if we bite his mom we can just give him her powers!
By Any Means Necessary 1.07
[X] The power of friendship and centipedes compels you

Calling Ibara and arranging a time for tomorrow was relatively simple, seeing as the plant-girl had given you her number. Well, after your dad had helped you learn how to use a phone, that is. She'd even helped you out by suggesting the local shopping centre as a place to meet - if the ice cream there was as good as she said, it would definitely cheer De-kun up! His mom was very worried about his newfound hobby of staring into space and shuddering.

When it came to the others, though? You had nothing but a name to go on.

For one of them.

You probably should have thought this through a little more before arranging this, but you were not one to be deterred by minor inconveniences like that! Because you knew of a wonderful place where all information could be found, where anything could be bought and sold, where a person's life could be made or broken: ...the internet.

A few keywords to start - 'ponie girl musuutafu japan'. Nothing relevant, lots of weird art, though. What was missing? Oh, right.

You added 'gud legs' to the keywords, and the page filled with photos of her, all linking to a useful site filled with updates as to her location, among more weird drawings. It was incredibly helpful of the overexcited commenters, but just a little strange that your friend wasn't looking at the camera in any of the pictures… Still, the lastest update put her at the park, only a short walk from your house - perfect!

You felt like there was something you were forgetting, but you were already grabbing your centipedes and out the door.


You regretted everything: the crows had not forgotten you, you couldn't find Pony, and you were down an eye already - didn't they know how hard it was to regrow those?! And where was she!?! Calling up the memory of the update, there had been nothing to indicate her exact location within the park. Was she even still here? It was incredibly unlikely that you'd run into her in such an expansive par-

"Wow - the birds very like you, Shima!!"

Or you could just find her anyway against insurmountable odds, that worked too.

"Hi, Pony! What are you doing here? What a coincidence that both of us were both visiting the park at the exact same time and date~"

"Yes, it is unusua-"

"Anyway, don't think about that. How was the exam?"

"The examination? It went very well, thank you; I think that I won. I exploded a lot of computers with my horns."

"...You mean robots, right?"

She buried her face in her hands. Not again - change the subject, quickly.

"So… do you want to see my centipedes again? Pony?"

She reluctantly faced you, her face a worrying shade of red. "I-if you don't mind… They had a very interesting colour."

"I know, right?" You stuck your hand inside your stomach, and stopped. "Er... do you mind if we get away from these crows first? I don't want them to hurt any of my friends."

She sagged with relief. "No. I just didn't want to be first to mention it; where I am from, it is not normal for them to be so… angry."

"Nah, they just hate me."

"Oh. But why are they eating you, then?"


That went well; Tina and Ankheg were glad of the attention, although it was a shame that Bael couldn't have come. You hadn't seen him as you were leaving, so he was probably off stalking the neighbors' cat again; he'd grown so much since you first made him, and now had the legspan of a small plate. And he was so fluffy~

Anyway, after much stammering, she agreed to meet you at the shopping centre tomorrow. Two down, one to go! Now, how to go about finding him?

After several hours of walking around the city, you deduced that you probably needed more information on his whereabouts than just his hairstyle. Maybe you should try asking someone for help? There was nobody around though, and you just wanted to go home and watch T.V. at this point, so you couldn't be bothered to keep walking around.

Thankfully, you spotted somebody as you turned around towards home, darting back into the alley they'd come from with a muffled curse. You approached quietly, so as not to startle them. Closer… closer…

"Excuse me, mister stalker person?"


How rude - even you understood that you weren't supposed to run from friendly conversation. You quickly caught up, and used your weight advantage to pin the hooded figure against the wall; the benefits of increasing your muscle density were definitely worth the time you had to waste fixing your collapsing skeleton. He was breathing rapidly - was he trying to use his quirk to attack? That wouldn't end well, so you spoke quickly.

"All I want is to ask you a question, then you can get back to whatever you do for fun, alright?"

Smiling really helped in these situations - he stopped trying to run almost immediately!


"Thanks! Can you tell me where to find this person I'm looking for? He's got purple hair, sort of looks like a grape, and he's really short..." Wait, were you allowed to say that?! Was it offensive to point it out, or something? "I'd be really happy if you could help me find them!"

"I-I-I'm so sorry! I don't know anything but I'll ask everyone and w-we'll oh god please-"

Aw, he didn't know. Might as well give up.


It was about seven at night when you heard a knock on the door; your parents were out doing pilates or something until later tonight, so you answered it.

"Hi, Grape!"

He paled, and tried to push through the hooded group that surrounded him. He had no idea what was happening, but going by the muttering of the crazy people who'd dragged him here, it was not anything good. Now, he understood that he wasn't the bravest person in the world, but he was fairly certain that it was normal to be more than a little absolutely fucking terrified by people whispering things like 'sacrifice' and 'appease the progeny'.

"Would you like to come to get ice cream tomorrow? We haven't really had much of a chance to catch up after the exam, have we? Can I eat you? Why don't you come inside - I think your face is leaking."


"Dad, can you drop me and Izuku off at the shopping centre in…" You checked the clock above the sink "...two hours?"

"I can't drive; no tail room, remember?"

"Oh, yeah. Sorry. Mom?"

"Why...?" She sounded very confused - did she not know the way there?

"I was going to meet up with some friends… Is there a probl-"

"No, no, it's fine, I just… err..." She smiled awkwardly "Why don't I give you some money? It's not like you do this often… or ever…"


You went back to your halfhearted attempt to separate Three Seven Eight's mouth from the kitchen table.

"Hey Kaede, when did you say Izuku was coming over?"

You knew you'd forgotten something. You dialled his home number - you knew how to do it yourself, now!

"...What's wrong, Kaede?"

"Hi, De-kun! Do you want to come with a few of my not-tiny friends to the shopping centre tomorrow?"

"You have… other…?" He trailed off, and you were about to redial in case he'd disconnected when he spoke again. "No thanks, I'd just get in the way. You'd have more have fun withou-"

"Yeah, I'm not actually giving you a choice here."

"Kaede, no." Great - he was already sounding more like his old self!

"Mom, can we drop by to pick Izuku up first?"

"You're not listening to me. I see that now."


Ibara had been waiting outside what you presumed was the ice cream store, walking over to your group once it became obvious that you hadn't noticed her. In your defence, you'd never actually been here since you'd gotten your quirk; all you could remember of the place was an impending sense of doom, and pain in your feet, and please no more clothes shops.

"I was under the impression that this would be between the two of us, Kaede."

She sounded disappointed, and you hadn't even done anything yet. Great.

"This is Izuku" You gestured to him as he tried to avoid looking at his fellow plant-person, clutching the ends of his shirt so tightly you were worried that it might rip. That was a bad thing, right? "He and Grape are kind of afraid of human women."

"I-I-I'm not! I just…" He straightened up to his full height, before forcing himself to look at Ibara "It's n-nice to meet you, miss."

Aww, he was making friends. Grape tried to run again, and you grabbed him by the back of his shirt. Ibara spotted Pony hiding behind you, making a valiant effort to escape via melting into the floor.

"I recognise you - you're Tsunotori! We were in the same area for the exam, do you remember me?"

"Oh! Yes… but, sorry, my name is Pony. Sorry."

"Don't worry, dear. Naming order over here is a bit different, yes? You'll pick it up eventually." She smiled reassuringly, which seemed to relieve the poor horse.

Damn, Ibara was good at this - maybe she could help Grape? You raised him to her eye level.

"A-and this would be..?

"Grape." "Mineta."

Oh. This was embarrassing. De-kun tapped your arm: "C-could you maybe put him down, Kaede?"

"Why? Isn't this, you know…" You whispered, so as not to sound height-racist in front of your new friends. " to talk to short people?"

"I don't think he can breathe."

"He's purple - he's fine."

"He's not supposed to look like a grape, Kaede."


The ice cream was as good as Ibara had said it would be - you even bothered to use your primary mouth to eat it, for the first time in ages. Everything was going well: De-kun was socially interacting, Ibara was making sure none of the group tried to escape through the power of Wordiness, and Pony was having functioning legs. That is, until you ruined it by asking what everyone was supposed to do next.

Turns out that every one of you had made the same, fatal mistake, and assumed that anybody actually knew what they were doing. As such, nobody could agree on where to go.

"We could… uhmm... buy clothes?"

"Ah - that shop sells official Present Mic brande-!"

"I-I'm hungry, can I go now…?"

"-with adjustable eyebrows!"

"I suggest we visit that bookstore - Kaede still thinks her centipedes are insects."

Wait, what was that last one?!

Main Actions (pick two):

[ ] Clothes… shopping?
[ ] Books are good. Better than embarrassment.
[ ] Is that some sort of animal jail over there?
[ ] De-kun certainly likes hero merchandise. He would definitely appreciate an All Might body pillow from that store he's looking at.
[ ] This place has a roof, doesn't it? Maybe there will be something interesting up there.
[ ] Your friends say they are hungry. This means that they will die if they do not consume food within the next five minutes.

Additional Actions: Write-in


AN: The internet is a strange place, but at least it has cats.

Seeing as her quirk is unconfirmed, I'm going to use literally firing her horns from her head, with the drawback of having to run and pick them up after. Fits with her quirk name, and what her name means, going by the wiki.

From my limited experience of learning spanish, speaking another language means constantly getting the word order mixed up, not knowing any slang, and falling back on common terms when under pressure, which is all the time. Don't know if that carries over to japanese, but…

Self Enhancements:
Toothy secondary mouth - looks good
Internal organ optimisation - who needs those things when you can have more stomach?
Kitty ears of intimidation - can hear a greater range of frequencies, can eavesdrop easier; have to manually account for air pressure changes
Tail, lightly armored - increased defenestration potential, does not like impact damage
Digitigrade legs - look good, keep breaking though, should probably do something about that
Venom - your friends just love giving you some! Now, what to do with it…
Tall - you are very tall for your age, laugh at the peasants beneath you
Air sacs - more efficient breathing, can hold breath/exercise longer, airborne toxins have greater effect
Pneumatic bones - less fragmentation, denser and stiffer than regular bones

Save data:

Japanese grass snek (partial, not useful for full creation, but at least it tells you how to make scales)
Neighbors' genocidal pet cat
Giant centipede
Deku Scrub
Huntsman spider
Rhinoceros Beetle
Jungle crow


Omu, Lindsey, Ankheg, Three Seven Eight, Tina, Jenney, Daigankai - clingy giant centipedes, much anger, much venom
Bael - big floofy huntsman spider
Deku Scrub - a rare lifeform composed entirely of cinnamon, will be very buff
Not crows - they hate you now
Horse with horns - you need those legs
Vine girl - she may be interpreting your advances the wrong way
Grape - suffering for the crimes of his alternate universe counterparts
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[X] Books are good. Better than embarrassment.
[X] De-kun certainly likes hero merchandise. He would definitely appreciate an All Might body pillow from that store he's looking at.

All these good choices
[x] Books are good. Better than embarrassment
[x] Your friends say they are hungry. This means that they will die if they do not consume food within the next five minutes.
[X] De-kun certainly likes hero merchandise. He would definitely appreciate an All Might body pillow from that store he's looking at.
[X] Your friends say they are hungry. This means that they will die if they do not consume food within the next five minutes.
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These cultists get shit done. I love them already,and Uraraka won't know hit her.
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[x] Books are good. Better than embarrassment
[x] Your friends say they are hungry. This means that they will die if they do not consume food within the next five minutes.
I secretly hope that the cultists are actually dedicated to our mother. Seriously, I theorize that her genes are what scrambled ours into having a super quirk.

I'm surprised that cars haven't been revolutionized to account for 'mutant' quirks. Unless they have and our Father's physiology just makes it far too expensive for him to buy one suitible. Plus, Japan. Public transport, ho!