[X] See if you can reappropriate some of those machine parts just laying around everywhere.
-[X] Acquire Biomass
--[X] Return to humanoid form. Izuku is more comfortable when you do.

[X] After the exams,go for sushi with Deku teach him the joy of tasting raw data.
-[X] invite the small grape child, horn horse, and vine maiden to celebrate finishing together, ask for numbers.
-[X] Try to hang out again before we receive our acceptance letters

Any one else REALLY want to see what the Teachers thought about us?
I want to see really badly it will be hilaryouse
Kaede cutest necromorph. Soon to be cyborg. Kaede is good girl too. She is not problem.

She just is too pure for this universe to handle. It's the kind of purity that is divorced from everyone else's reality though. Different from the more worldly purity of Dekun or All Might. Himiko might have a similar purity of self.
By Any Means Necessary 1.06
[X] It's not stealing if nobody wants it

Even this close to the entrance, there were still deactivated robots just laying around for anybody to walk off with. Normally it would have been impossible for you to walk off with an entire unit, or even a full limb, but thankfully somebody had been throwing industrial strength acid around, so there were a couple of conveniently sized pieces mixed in among with the wrecks. Was it part of someone's quirk, or was there a sale on? You hoped it was the latter, because this stuff was good - it chewed straight through a few of your legs.

Anyway, you decided upon claiming a partially melted box from the main body of one, as well as a severed leg joint. The latter was the most difficult to conceal, considering that it would have been your equal in height back when you had proper legs, and was for the moment fixed at an awkward one hundred and twenty degree angle. You solved this problem by using it as a replacement spine / tail; add a few calcified growths for decoration here, a thin layer of skin there, and a few visible veins for added realism. Your girls were interested in climbing the new addition to your body, allowing your to hide the not-so-small box in your previously occupied stomach.

Then you were left with a different problem: metal was really heavy, and now you couldn't move.

You lay there for a while, unwilling to give up your prizes, and waited for someone to come and help. The exam was televised, so there had to be cameras somewhere, so somebody would turn up eventually, if only to kick you out. Damn, that meant they'd know you ate the robot parts - better come up with an excuse. Er… you have a serious iron deficiency? You lost your original spine in a tragic robot-fighting accident? What was that noise?

"You're Kaede Shima, right?"

You definitely. Didn't. Scream. The speaker took a step back as your head whipped around to face him.


"Well… good."

He paused, and you took the opportunity to appraise him: red and black bodysuit, premature grey hair, and an impractically shaped yellow mask that clashed horribly with every other article of their clothing. Yep, definitely a hero.

He realised that you weren't going to talk unless he did, and began, his apprehensiveness settling back into a more comfortable scowl:

"I'm here to escort you to the nurse's office, so if you could… er… can you move?"

Not the hospital again - you couldn't lose your six-month streak!!

"No, but it's fine, I don't need any attention." You were babbling, but you kept smiling because smiles make everything better please please listen to me... "I'm sure I'll be fine once I've had some time to get my breath back!"

"Kid, I'm pretty sure you came in here with legs. I don't care what your quirk is - I am not letting you walk out of this school without checking in with Recovery Girl."

"But… I can't walk."


You cocked your head to the side. Huh, you'd thought that those lines on his mask were decorative, but it appeared that he'd created them himself through the sheer strength of his own facial muscles when he glared.

"...Are you seriously using that as an excuse not to see a doctor?"


He gave up on talking, and just tried to carry you. Emphasis on tried; you were unceremoniously dropped when Jenney made her displeasure at his invasion of her personal space known. Turns out even big, strong, pro heroes scream like children when confronted with cute bugs - interesting. And no, it was not strange in any way that you were intimately familiar with the sound of children's screams.

Wow, that was a lot of blood. No wonder she wanted to hug him so much. Wait - blood isn't supposed to levitate like that -

"Don't move, kid, I'll get rid of them."

H-he wasn't going to… Oh no.


He raised an eyebrow at your panicked flailing. "Why..?"

"They're my friends! Please don't hurt them I'll go to the hospital if you want just please don't…"

His stance relaxed, and the blood receded back into his wrist; your chest felt a little lighter.

"They're your..? You know what, I don't even want to know. Just keep them away from me while I'm moving you." He started rubbing the area Jenney had hugged. "That fucking hurt."

Thank… whatever it was you thanked in this situation: he wasn't going to hurt them. What was with heroes and hating all things cute and venomous anyway?

"Okay, just put them in my mouth and they'll be fine - they won't all fit in my ears. I'd do it, but I don't really have arms right now, sorry. "

You wriggled your centi-feet for emphasis. The hero looked like he was going to be sick.


The trip to the nurse's office was a quiet one; you couldn't talk in case one of your friends fell out, and the hero was tiring from carrying you the full distance to the main school building. You'd missed the coach that the other student had took, for obvious reasons, and took the opportunity to come up with a convincing excuse for having a robot leg for a spine.

As you neared the building, the your group was approached by a skeletal man, who had been waiting just outside the entrance. He was strangely familiar, for some reason, and your mind rushed to place him.

"Hey." The hero carrying you greeted, tone softening slightly "How's…?"

"He's going to be fine - I trust Recovery Girl's judgement."

He turned to you, allowing you to view just how stressed he looked. Really though, he looked like the sort of person who dealt with stress a lot, and not in any way that could be considered healthy. Oh wow, he was just a blond, grown up Izuku. Maybe that was why he was so familiar?

"You're Kaede Shima." It was a statement, not a question "I have to… I'm…"

He gave up on trying to spit out whatever he had to say, and moved to walk alongside the still nameless hero, who he was far more comfortable talking to. You were slightly offended by that, but let it go; some people weren't good around strangers, like Tina. And anyway, once you got your arms back, you could fix things. With hugs. Gecko hugs. Ooh, and maybe make yourself a few extra arms, for maximum hug power.

"We're here."

Before the skeleton-man could open the door to the office, it was flung open by a tiny, smiling woman. "You're late." Although she smiled on the outside, her voice belied a fury that burned as brightly as a miniature supernova, which froze both men in their tracks. She ignored them as they flinched backwards, and turned to you:

"Oh my. What on Earth happened to you, dear? Oh - no matter; put them down already, Vlad."

She gestured to a bed, and the hero - Vlad, you assumed, obeyed, which allowed you to release your girls from the confines of your mouth. Evidently, the skeleton wasn't a fan of centipedes either, if his startled leap backwards was anything to go by. Recovery Girl merely took it in stride, and pushed them off the bed and into a plastic box using her cane-syringe, muttering something about hygiene under her breath as she did so.

The skeleton composed himself once your friends were safely stowed away under the bed, and began his speech: "Now that you're all here, please allow me to formally apologize on the behalf of-"

"Er, excuse me, but, who are you exactly, and what are you apologizing for?"

Vlad cut off his reply to your question in a clipped tone. "Yes, Yagi. Why are you apologizing? Surely a secretary like you should wait for the headmaster."

There was probably some subtext to that you were missing, but you were focusing on how somebody could possibly grit their teeth so hard and not chip something.

"Wait, 'why are you apologizing'? You didn't explain the situation like I requested, Vlad?" The tiny lady sounded pissed.

"Well I'm sorry if I was a little distracted - you could have mentioned that this kid was fucking terrif- OW!! What was that for?!"

"I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times - don't raise your voice in my clinic!"

Skeletor continued, ignoring the fight in the background "Well, during the exam… your friend, Izuku. He was... uh, injured while protecting another student. He's over there, with the giant spider."

You followed his gaze to the bed on the other side of the room, and froze.

You forgot to breathe; it didn't matter. There were too many bandages.

Your friend was hurt.

"The damage looks worse than it actually is, I'm told. He's only unconscious due to the painkillers."

Well good, because it looked like you were going to have to start breaking some kneecaps.

"However, I accept full responsibility for the incident, and will accept any-"

"Hello there, Shima. I'm sorry I couldn't be here earlier, but I had to speak with Miss Uraraka, the girl your friend protected - she was inconsolable. Please ignore mister Yagi over there, he's very sick and can sometimes say some ridiculous things."

The skeleton in question was busy vomiting blood - guess the mouse was telling the truth about him being ill. Hang on… mouse?

"Ah - where are my manners? My name is Nezu, and I am the headmaster of this school."

"...Can I eat you?"

"No. Now, I would like to emphasize that this was an accident, the likes of which has never occured at this establishment before. Nevertheless, your friend over there insisted that we explain this to you, lest you wreak bloody vengeance upon us all…"

You don't remember when you stopped listening, focusing only on De-kun. Recovery girl twitched violently, but didn't protest when you pulled your friends out of their box prison, and let them dig into your hands. After a while, the other staff left, and Bael moved over to sit by you. He seemed to be upset too, and was reluctant to get too close to you.

"You tried your best, Bael. That's all that matters."

Your voice lacked its usual vibrancy, but it worked, and the spider climbed up to perch on your shoulder.

You both waited for De-kun to get better.


Eventually, Izuku woke up, and was nearly put straight back into hospital by his mom's rib-breaking hugs. You weren't so lucky, but it was nothing a few dozen bags of meat couldn't fix, which the school gladly supplied once it became obvious that Recovery Girl's quirk did nothing to help you.

Your body had tried to repair itself alright, just into something very, very wrong. It turned out that your body was such a strange mix of 'plans' that it didn't even know what to do with itself, resulting in random growths, no less than five tiny livers, and a even half a skull forming on your lower back; her quirk sped up your bodily regeneration to a speed that you could barely fix any of the mistakes as even more were created. In fact, you nearly died. Several times. It was a fun challenge!

However, De-kun didn't agree with you, and the combination of near death experiences, both yours and his own, was not beneficial to his mental state. According to your mom, that is - you were still figuring out all those emotional nuances yourself.

And so, the following day, you began to plan something to cheer your withdrawn friend up. Although you managed to get away with the robot parts, he didn't really seem up to analysing them with you right now. But what did he like besides obsessing over heroes and their quirks?

Main Action:

[ ] Visit a fancy restaurant frequented by popular heroes, perfect for all of De-kun's stalking needs.

[ ] Beaches are fun. How well can he swim?

[ ] Invite all your new friends over. More people equals more hugs equals happy cinnamon roll.

Additional Actions: Write-in


AN: Teacher interlude: coming to you at Some Undetermined Time in the Future. Still plenty of opportunities to mess with them before school starts, after all...

This was more fun to write.

And some advice: you'll have more luck if you include methods or reasoning to your additional actions, or make them relevant to the main.

Self Enhancements:
Toothy secondary mouth - looks good
Internal organ optimisation - who needs those things when you can have more stomach?
Kitty ears of intimidation - can hear a greater range of frequencies, can eavesdrop easier; have to manually account for air pressure changes
Tail, lightly armored - increased defenestration potential, does not like impact damage
Digitigrade legs - look good, keep breaking though, should probably do something about that
Venom - your friends just love giving you some! Now, what to do with it…
Tall - you are very tall for your age, laugh at the peasants beneath you
Air sacs - more efficient breathing, can hold breath/exercise longer, airborne toxins have greater effect
Pneumatic bones - less fragmentation, denser and stiffer than regular bones

Save data:

Japanese grass snek (partial, not useful for full creation, but at least it tells you how to make scales)
Neighbors' genocidal pet cat
Giant centipede
Deku Scrub
Huntsman spider
Rhinoceros Beetle
Jungle crow


Omu, Lindsey, Ankheg, Three Seven Eight, Tina, Jenney, Daigankai - clingy giant centipedes, much anger, much venom
Bael - big floofy huntsman spider
Deku Scrub - a rare lifeform composed entirely of cinnamon, will be very buff
Not crows - they hate you now
Horse with horns - you need those legs
Vine girl - she may be interpreting your advances the wrong way
Grape - suffering for the crimes of his alternate universe counterparts
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I'll be back with some of my old and modified additional actions.
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Ow my heart

This update really highlights how Kaede has sort of sabotaged herself socially... It's not her fault though.

[X] Invite all your new friends over. More people equals more hugs equals happy cinnamon roll.
-[X] Everyone likes New things, right? Shops and malls have tons of new things in ever corner! Places to eat, exotic pet stores, and stuff that other people like. A perfect outing for everyone involved! You could even witness cinnamon roll on literal cinnamon roll cannibalism.
-[X] Buy Dekun something cool. He likes notebooks to write notes in, he likes quirks and heroes... the Mall probably has some cool stationery items? Or a video game! There are some popular ones with elaborate character creation accord to tv commercials. But does Dekun enjoy that sort of thing very much?
-[X] Oh no! How can you not know what your best human friend likes? You could always just ask him but that would ruin the surprise of a gift! All Might hoodie? Hairclip for when he studies? Hstory book about quirks? My centipedes and spider are very very grateful that you didn't die? Help me Bael!

Poor kaede is so worried I ended up making her a bit frenzied
[X] Invite all your new friends over. More people equals more hugs equals happy cinnamon roll.
-[X] Everyone likes New things, right? Shops and malls have tons of new things in ever corner! Places to eat, exotic pet stores, and stuff that other people like. A perfect outing for everyone involved! You could even witness cinnamon roll on literal cinnamon roll cannibalism.
-[X] Buy Dekun something cool. He likes notebooks to write notes in, he likes quirks and heroes... the Mall probably has some cool stationery items? Or a video game! There are some popular ones with elaborate character creation accord to tv commercials. But does Dekun enjoy that sort of thing very much?
-[X] Oh no! How can you not know what your best human friend likes? You could always just ask him but that would ruin the surprise of a gift! All Might hoodie? Hairclip for when he studies? Hstory book about quirks? My centipedes and spider are very very grateful that you didn't die? Help me Bael!
[X] Invite all your new friends over. More people equals more hugs equals happy cinnamon roll.
-[X] Everyone likes New things, right? Shops and malls have tons of new things in ever corner! Places to eat, exotic pet stores, and stuff that other people like. A perfect outing for everyone involved! You could even witness cinnamon roll on literal cinnamon roll cannibalism.
-[X] Buy Dekun something cool. He likes notebooks to write notes in, he likes quirks and heroes... the Mall probably has some cool stationery items? Or a video game! There are some popular ones with elaborate character creation accord to tv commercials. But does Dekun enjoy that sort of thing very much?
-[X] Oh no! How can you not know what your best human friend likes? You could always just ask him but that would ruin the surprise of a gift! All Might hoodie? Hairclip for when he studies? Hstory book about quirks? My centipedes and spider are very very grateful that you didn't die? Help me Bael!
[X] Invite all your new friends over. More people equals more hugs equals happy cinnamon roll.
-[X] Everyone likes New things, right? Shops and malls have tons of new things in ever corner! Places to eat, exotic pet stores, and stuff that other people like. A perfect outing for everyone involved! You could even witness cinnamon roll on literal cinnamon roll cannibalism.
-[X] Buy Dekun something cool. He likes notebooks to write notes in, he likes quirks and heroes... the Mall probably has some cool stationery items? Or a video game! There are some popular ones with elaborate character creation accord to tv commercials. But does Dekun enjoy that sort of thing very much?
-[X] Oh no! How can you not know what your best human friend likes? You could always just ask him but that would ruin the surprise of a gift! All Might hoodie? Hairclip for when he studies? Hstory book about quirks? My centipedes and spider are very very grateful that you didn't die? Help me Bael!
-[X] And finally you and your friends will go to the local forest,and they will help you find some insects,slugs,reptiles,etc. Especially have Izuku help you since he used to look for them when he was younger. When you guy aare done,set up camp. So you guys get to know and further bond with each other.

Additional actions:

-[X] The exams made you realize that Izuku is still very breakable and weak. So make some plans and notes on how to further improve De-kun and make him become All might 5.0. And you also need more practice at infusing living things with your "data". But you're going to need someone to be your "assistant" first. And find a book on ad neurobiology,because your going to need it.
-[X] Seek out this "Uraraka"girl.After all that's happened, you feel obligated to give her some major improvements as a consolation for what happened at the exams.Ask Izuku for the most accurate description of her he can possibly give.And give the information to those cultists,and tell them to find her,her home,etc. And then have them tell you what they know.

-[X] And after you get back from your outings with your friends.Prooced to find her near somewhere that is secluded enough,but still easy for an ambulance to find. Once you do,knock her unconscious(with her not seeing you),and then proceed to eat her. And once you do, turn her pain receptors off.And then put her in a heavily sedated and temporary coma.Proceed to make her a new and growing body,so you won't have to spend so much time. And give the new body same treatment of what you did to deku a few months ago, and what you're planning on doing to him in the future. Also try to see you can how far you can mutate and infuse her dna, and the new body with your data of most of the animals you have eaten.But also focus on keeping her alive,and make sure she STAY alive after your done with her. See can you modify,and change certain parts and aspects of her quirk,and try to deeply integrate her quirk to her new body' and it's biology. And take some of your data of instincts,hormones,etc and slowly infuse it to the enhanced primal, animalistic, and other similar parts of her brain,and make the other parts of the brain adjust and adapt to changes.And make her undergo a something that will make her puberty(both hormonal and quirk) seem like an walk in a high end amusement park in a sunny and warm day(think somewhere inbetween of how a water dragon becomes a dragonfly,and how a caterpillar/tadpole/grub changes into butterfly/moth/frog/beetle). So she can adapt and adjust to the changes you made. And her most of her old body will be turn into a protective nymph/caterpillar like form so her new one to grow and further delevelop in. And the important and essential parts(like the immune,body parts/system' that synthesise and make hormones, and other systems)will be automatically modified and added to the new body as time goes by.Both bodies will keep on growing,and the old one will quite frankly get progressively uglier and heavier at unnatural rate.Until it'll go to a unresponsive and extremely durable pupae/fifth instar nymph state.When that happens,the new body is reaching it's final development.The new body will be extremely powerful and resilient.And it's skeltomuscle,and internal organ systems,and among other things will be equally impressive. And all of this will happen in roughly two to five months. And in that timeframe she will eat a metric shitload of food and possibly anything is unfortunate enough to be in her line of sight. Make her old body synthesise special hormones and cells to also help her further adjust to her new changing and rapidly developing and stabilizing body.And make sure her new body as a whole will "evolve and adapt" as time go by. Finally modify her pain receptors and have them slowly activate when she wakes up.But while your experimenting on her,use extreme caution, accuracy, and patience, and quickly fix any mistakes and slip ups you make.
-[X] And once you succeed,spit her out.And you once do proceed to alter your voice and call the ambulance,and say that you found a girl in need of immediate medical attention,and give them her location. While your calling them, quickly and stealthily go home.Once home, take some notes,and learn from what you have done.

I will have my Space Godzilla godamnit.:mad:

And it'll be nice to see some development in my boy Mineta(I love him to death,but Jesus Christ he's needs some development badly.)

And @Lindworm524, I just merged Lilithium vote with my vote. Just wanted to let you know. I hope you don't mind.
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[X] Invite all your new friends over. More people equals more hugs equals happy cinnamon roll.
-[X] Everyone likes New things, right? Shops and malls have tons of new things in ever corner! Places to eat, exotic pet stores, and stuff that other people like. A perfect outing for everyone involved! You could even witness cinnamon roll on literal cinnamon roll cannibalism.
-[X] Buy Dekun something cool. He likes notebooks to write notes in, he likes quirks and heroes... the Mall probably has some cool stationery items? Or a video game! There are some popular ones with elaborate character creation accord to tv commercials. But does Dekun enjoy that sort of thing very much?
-[X] Oh no! How can you not know what your best human friend likes? You could always just ask him but that would ruin the surprise of a gift! All Might hoodie? Hairclip for when he studies? Hstory book about quirks? My centipedes and spider are very very grateful that you didn't die? Help me Bael!
[X] Invite all your new friends over. More people equals more hugs equals happy cinnamon roll.
-[X] You and your friends will go to the local forest,and they will help you find some insects,slugs,reptiles,etc. Especially Izuku since he used look for them when was younger. When you guys are done set up camp. So you guys get to know and bond with each other.


-[X] The exams made you realize that Izuku is still very breakable and weak. So make some plans and take notes on how to further improve De-kun and make him become All might 5.0. And you also need more practice at infusing living things with your "data". But you're going to need someone to be your "assistant" first. And find a book on neurobiology,because your going to need it.
-[X] Seek out this "Uraraka"girl,You feel obligated to give her a "helping hand".

-[X] And once you find her near an somewhere that is secluded enough,but still easy for an ambulance to find,.Knock her out when she not looking.And then proceed to eat her. And once you do turn her pain receptors off.And then put her in a heavily sedated com sleep. Proceed to make her a new and growing body,so you won't have to spend so much time. And give the new body same treatment of what you did to deku a few months ago, and what you're planning on doing to him in future. Also try to see you can how far you can mutate and infuse her dna with your data of most of the animals you have eaten.But also focus on keeping her alive,and make sure she STAY alive after your done with her. See can you modify,and change certain parts and aspects of her quirk,and try to deep integrate her quirk to her new body's biology. And take some of your data of instincts,hormones,etc and slowly infuse and enhance to the primal and animalistic parts of her brain,and make the other parts of the brain adjust and adapt to changes.And make her undergo a something that will make her puberty(both hormonal and quirk) seem like an walk in a high end park in a sunny and warm day(think somewhere inbetween of how a water dragon becomes a dragonfly,and how a caterpillar/tadpole changes into butterfly/moth/frog). So she can adapt and adjust to the changes you made. And her most of her old body will be recycled into a protective nymph/caterpillar like form so her new one to grow and further delevelop in. And the important and essential parts(like the immune,body parts/system' that synthesise and make hormones, and other systems)will be automatically modified and added to the new body as time goes by. The old body will keep on growing and quite frankly uglier at unnatural rate.Until it'll go to a unresponsive and extremely durable pupae/fifth instar nymph like state.When that happens,the new body is reaching it's final development.The new body will be extremely powerful and durable.And it's skeltomuscle,and internal organ systems,and among other things will be equally impressive. And all of this will happen in roughly two to five months. And in that timeframe she will eat a metric shitload of food. Make her old body synthesise special hormones to also help her adjust to her new changing and rapidly developing body.And make sure her new body as a whole will "evolve and adapt" as time go by. Finally modify her pain receptors and have them slowly activate when she wakes up.But while your experimenting on her,use extreme caution, accuracy, and patience, and quickly fix any mistakes and slip ups you make.
-[X] And once you succeed,spit her out.And you once do proceed to alter your voice and call the ambulance,and say that you found a girl in need of immediate medical attention,and give them her location. While your calling them, quickly and stealthily go home.Once home, take some notes,and learn from what you have done.

I will have my SpaceGodzilla damnit.:mad:

And it'll be nice to see some development in my boy Mineta(I love him to day,but Jesus Christ he's needs some development badly.)
Could we do the proccess to Bael but we first make him into a catterpillar thing made to eat so its easier for they to transform think of the reaction of our parents when we tell them of there grandchild
Could we do the proccess to Bael but we first make him into a catterpillar thing made to eat so its easier for they to transform think of the reaction of our parents when we tell them of there grandchild
One of my reasons for these actions is to see how far we can change a quirk's aspects and principles. And Ochaco's quirk is the least dangerous one for us to experiment with. But we can still do what you said afterwards.
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[X] Invite all your new friends over. More people equals more hugs equals happy cinnamon roll.
-[X] Everyone likes New things, right? Shops and malls have tons of new things in ever corner! Places to eat, exotic pet stores, and stuff that other people like. A perfect outing for everyone involved! You could even witness cinnamon roll on literal cinnamon roll cannibalism.
-[X] Buy Dekun something cool. He likes notebooks to write notes in, he likes quirks and heroes... the Mall probably has some cool stationery items? Or a video game! There are some popular ones with elaborate character creation accord to tv commercials. But does Dekun enjoy that sort of thing very much?
-[X] Oh no! How can you not know what your best human friend likes? You could always just ask him but that would ruin the surprise of a gift! All Might hoodie? Hairclip for when he studies? Hstory book about quirks? My centipedes and spider are very very grateful that you didn't die? Help me Bael!
Shieeeeeeeet, Man I feel bad for Deku, Also we're totally going to murderize someone if De-kun doesn't get in after that, Not even joking on that part.
[X] Invite all your new friends over. More people equals more hugs equals happy cinnamon roll.
-[X] Everyone likes New things, right? Shops and malls have tons of new things in ever corner! Places to eat, exotic pet stores, and stuff that other people like. A perfect outing for everyone involved! You could even witness cinnamon roll on literal cinnamon roll cannibalism.
-[X] Buy Dekun something cool. He likes notebooks to write notes in, he likes quirks and heroes... the Mall probably has some cool stationery items? Or a video game! There are some popular ones with elaborate character creation accord to tv commercials. But does Dekun enjoy that sort of thing very much?
-[X] Oh no! How can you not know what your best human friend likes? You could always just ask him but that would ruin the surprise of a gift! All Might hoodie? Hairclip for when he studies? Hstory book about quirks? My centipedes and spider are very very grateful that you didn't die? Help me Bael!
I can already TASTE Deku's suffering!
[X] Visit a fancy restaurant frequented by popular heroes, perfect for all of De-kun's stalking needs.

This will be full blown disaster
[X] Visit a fancy restaurant frequented by popular heroes, perfect for all of De-kun's stalking needs.

This will be full blown disaster
Even more if we change to be more "pretty/cute" a dripping bug like maw with deformed human teeth and dangerus looking and disturbing markings on our outershell like tatoos that pulsate like vains
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At some point we should read another biology book or three - it can't be that we're still misclassifying our friends as insects after all these years.