So... hi? Sorry I missed the last... three updates. I should probably explain why, but if you don't care, that's fine too - com back in quarter of an hour and the next chapter should be up.

Finishing the chapter was... difficult. Mainly because nothing about it seemed to work, I had no idea what I was even talking about, and I had to rewrite it a couple of times to account for that. So that was how I missed the first update.

As for the second... Everything was fine. I actually had a direction with the chapter. And then I noticed that somebody had commented in the thread and I kind of panicked. 'Panicked' meaning 'assumed the worst and tried to forget I ever started writing this'. I'm really good at panicking. By the time I actually read the comments and realised that it was actually people being nice, I'd missed the second update.

The third was just me watching way too much tv, sorry.

Sorry again, I can't promise it won't happen again because I could still get ill, or die, or something, but I can promise to try not to let it happen again.
By Any Means Necessary 1.11
The bad news: the leg was a bust. While it was a good source of titanium, if you ever had both the need for it and several hours to spare (metal took absolutely ages to break down, especially since your mom refused to buy you sulfuric acid after your latest, streak-breaking hospital trip), there was nothing new to be learned from its structure; each part of its internal workings were simply a scaled up imitation of muscles, or bones, or joints. Granted, there were a couple of improvements within said imitations, but those were only possible without the constraints of organic materials, so they may as well not have existed.

And to make matters worse, your quirk counted the deactivated machine parts as less 'you' than food, so it had taken over half the day just to reach your conclusion! By 'half a day', you mean the remainder of the night, once you returned from the UA infiltration, and most of the morning, because who needs sleep anyway?

Well, at least it made a good conversation starter. That is, it would if you ever invited any new people up to your room. Why would you, when Izuku's room had its own computer?

"So, I couldn't help but notice the impressively large robot leg you've got over there in the corner", your centipede-shaped visitor said, before taking a bite of your hand. "You must be the second greatest hero in the world to have slain such a fiend!"

"Oh, you flatter me so, Lindsey's-giant-cousin-from-Australia! But your deductions are incorrect - rather than slay such a wonderfully useless death-robot, I was merely possessed of enough wit to steal the trophy for my own."

"Why, my dear… second best hero… name."

Hmm. Maybe you should come up with one soon... Nah, planning is for… people who... aren't you?

Wow, you really did use up all your words on that scary hero the other day.

"Why, my dear Kaede, that sounds suspiciously like villainous behavior to me."

"Well excuse me you little hypocrite, but you're the one who asked, so you can just-"

"Please don't get blood on my pillow."

De-kun had turned away from the computer screen, only to stare worriedly at the body pillow you were currently draped over. He was busying himself by researching what the second piece of the robot you'd stolen could possibly be. Or he had been, until your internal fantasizing had abruptly stopped being internal."

"Oops, sorry." You swallowed Lindsey and [focused] on healing your hand.

"What, no don't stop no I'm sorry did I upse-" "No, no, I'm sorry! It's not even my house and I-" "No don't apologize it's my-" "Izuku, nothing you do has or ever will ups-" "But you were having fun and I just-"

Three Seven Eight dropped from the ceiling onto your favourite shrub, who squeaked and tossed her over to you. You took the opportunity to stop the infinite cycle of apologising:

"Why don't we both agree that we're both failures at everything? Except heroing. Still good at that."

"Come on, that's exaggerating a little, isn't it?" Success - he's thinking positive again! "Also, second greatest?"

"After you, of course! ...Uh, De-kun, I don't mean to worry you, but you've gone really, really red. Ah - is it the cellulitis again?! I could've sworn I fixed that… Here, let me just-"

"N-no, it's fine, I-I-I'm just-"

He started laughing for the first time in a while, occasionally making an attempt to smother it before breaking down again. Was that a good thing? Results inconclusive, distract with hugs. Wait - still bleeding, distract with spider hugs!

Not much much research was done that morning.


"Found it!"

"Hm?" You glanced over his shoulder, giving up on extracting Bael from his hair/bush-symbiote. "Where did you find it?"

"Somebody had the same idea as you - calls herself hatsuMEMEiku318 - she runs a blog where she analyses various products and suggests 'improvements', from what I can gather... Sorry if I'm being vague, there's a lot of engineering terminology that I don't understand on here. Anyway, it looks like she spent the entirety of the exam collecting pieces of downed robots, so there's a good chance that she'd have covered whatever it is you stole."

He gave you a pointed look with that last part, which you ignored, too busy staring at the screen in shock. Even for you, somebody who'd spent much of their childhood reading medical textbooks, the posts were an incomprehensible mess of jargon. You weren't even sure if half of those were real words - nothing could possibly require that many letters! And where were the full stops?

A chill ran through you when you realised that the wall of text that filled the screen was a sentence.

"I guess her quirk gives her some kind of enhanced understanding of mechanics, or she's one of the ones that spontaneously grow mechanical parts for no discernable reason leading to an interest in advanced engineering at a young age or even possibly an extrasensory quirk that allows for a-

"De-kun, you're muttering again."


You placed a hand over his mouth, halting his apology.

"Oh, right." He grinned sheepishly at you "No more apologising. S-"

This time, Bael was the one to cover his mouth, emerging from De-kun's hair like an adorable little symbiotic parasite.

"So, what is it, Izuku?"

"I'm probably wrong about this, but it looks like you've found some kind of black box."

"I can see that, Izuku."

"No, well, yes, it is a black box, but I meant the type you'd get on aeroplane. The robots they made us fight are normally for military use, so knowing what went wrong helps with improving the designs of their more expensive models."

"Your saying that these things were the budget version?"

"Well, they wouldn't send out the complete model against untrained students, wouldn't they..?" He gave a shaky laugh, before continuing. "Anyway, this kind of black box is a little different from the kind you'd get on a plane - not so much protection."

He pointed to one side, which had originally been connected to various other fake-organs of the robot, but was now mere a mess of severed cords.

"If somebody uses a particularly destructive quirk, it's going to be visible, and it can be recorded through other means, so the designers don't have to compromise efficiency of the whole machine for extra protection. To really oversimplify it, these boxes record abnormalities in the other parts of the system. Things like… a limb moving when it's not supposed to, or areas of it going dead and restarting, things like that; it's rare that somebody winds up with a quirk that lets them influence machinery like that, but if they decided to attack a vital position, or turn our own defences against us, and we had no information on how to counter it… the results could be catastrophic in the long term. I know it seems unnecessarily paranoid, but before All Migh-"

He continued in this vein for some time - you decided to pass the time by holding a staring contest with Three Seven Eight until he either stopped, or ran out of breath, whichever came first. You loved De-kun, but he did have a skill for going off on unrelated tangents that could turn even a politician green with envy.

...Metaphors were weird. Was he done yet?

"-fter All Might-"

You were almost certain that centipedes didn't even have eyelids, but you weren't going down without a fight.

He was still going.


Late afternoon, or morning, to some, arrived. By that point, De-kun had wound down the fanatic hero-worship, and you could finally get a word in edgewise.

Even to you, your lack of anger regarding his... heroic preferences was surprising. Your best guess as to why you didn't care was that Izuku was physically impossible to resent for anything. He fell under that category of people that could probably have internet comments sections begging for him to step on them, so that they could be blessed with the opportunity to thank him for something. Yes, that was clearly what they meant by 'step on my face'. Definitely.

Anyway, even if you seriously disagreed with his opinions, and were starting to get concerned about his recent behavior of praising heroes until he sounded like that shouty homeless guy at the train station, only with 'heroes are great' instead of 'the hole in the ozone layer was created by the magic bullet that killed JFK'...where were you going with this again?

Oh, right - if it made the Deku Scrub happy, you could tolerate it.

"So... it's useless?" Your voice was heavy with disappointment; you'd really been hoping to learn something from this.

After all, if you hadn't been wasting time with trying to steal parts, you could have gotten to De-kun faster after the exam. So what if you couldn't have done anything to help? Anything would have been better than just waiting.

"I wouldn't say that…"

He pulled a notebook out from behind a pile of empty mugs by his feet and began flicking through it; it looked like the internal reflection was cancelled for today.

"Kaede, you said you found it difficult to sense the machinery, didn't you?" He didn't bother to wait for confirmation before continuing, too caught up in the excitement of creating yet more crimes against nature "So, compared to something that is more 'you', it shows up as negative space? You could-"

He cut himself off, you and your smaller friends looked on in confusion. Or hunger, in some cases; centipedes were not the brightest when it came to training them not to hug people. They were terrible at playing fetch, too.

"Sorr- No, that wouldn't work; there'd probably be some airtight areas, and it wouldn't tell you the composition of individual components. I guess you could… um… use it as inspiration...?" His eyes widened in inspiration, while his mouth attempted to catch up with his racing thoughts. "Your stem cells! It's really important but it's so vulnerable and remote storage nutrient mix self sustaining organisms-!"

And he was off again, not that you noticed; you were busy rescheduling your remaining holiday for AAAAH THAT COULD SAVE SO MUCH TIME! Make smaller organisms that synthesise materials for you! Make them create more friends for you! And you've always wanted an evil clone!

You couldn't stop grinning, so many ideas - disappointment was tossed aside.

Besides, even if you couldn't make use of those machine parts, you were sure you could find somebody who could.

The remainder of the afternoon slipped away, with you and De-kun ignoring your various problems in favour of brainstorming future affronts unto whichever deity presided over safe scientific practice.

Unfortunately, at about quarter to six, your plotting was halted by the doorbell.

Izuku had a visitor.


AN: Had to split this chapter so that I could actually get something out for this week, sorry.

Too much casual interaction. I spent an embarrassing amount of time screaming 'how do I social?" at the computer.

Don't worry, the parts still have use. I don't know much about engineering, though, so feel free to correct any glaring flaws.
He continued in this vein for some time - you decided to pass the time by holding a staring contest with Three Seven Eight until he either stopped, or ran out of breath, whichever came first. You loved De-kun, but he did have a skill for going off on unrelated tangents that could turn even a politician green with envy.

...Metaphors were weird. Was he done yet?

"-fter All Might-"

You were almost certain that centipedes didn't even have eyelids, but you weren't going down without a fight.

He was still going.
...We gave him larger lungs.....We have created a monster.

Edit: once we make other monsters we will need to reassure him that he will always be our favorite monster.
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This time, Bael was the one to cover his mouth, emerging from De-kun's hair like an adorable little symbiotic parasite.



First spider hero soon ™

I'm so happy that this is back omg
Yay,The worm has returned to us.:lol

And other note, I have an idea for bnha fanfic/maybe a quest that is inspired by this quest Where the main character( with them being either a oc or Izuku himself. Haven't truly decided on that yet.)
has a self mutating/modification and healing quirk that has rather unfortunate side effect when used on people. It will begin to slowly mutatingq and evolving the affected person to some...creature.And how much of it will change and effected the person will largely dependent on how power is used.

I love hear what you guys think on this. And especially from you Lindworm
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Bael is a Monster AND he's a Friend. Like Deku. His monsterification has done nothing to diminish his cinnamon bun aura.
I have to agree, we and Bael are definitely monsters since we both fit pretty much every definition of the term. Izuku is slowly on his way to becoming one with our augemtation even if its not the kind of monster that we are.

Also its kind of hilarious how Kaede only wants to be a hero because Izuku wants to be one. This is definitely going to be a fun dynamic with the other member of their class.
I can just imagine it when they meet the class and Kaede greets McExplodypants with "Hey i remember you, you are the guy that exploded my entire torso over the classroom that one time." While Izuku just sits there in resignation and lets a spider the size of a small cat play with his hair and Mineta is cowering terrified in a corner as far away from Kaede as possible.
So... hi? Sorry I missed the last... three updates. I should probably explain why, but if you don't care, that's fine too - com back in quarter of an hour and the next chapter should be up.

Finishing the chapter was... difficult. Mainly because nothing about it seemed to work, I had no idea what I was even talking about, and I had to rewrite it a couple of times to account for that. So that was how I missed the first update.

As for the second... Everything was fine. I actually had a direction with the chapter. And then I noticed that somebody had commented in the thread and I kind of panicked. 'Panicked' meaning 'assumed the worst and tried to forget I ever started writing this'. I'm really good at panicking. By the time I actually read the comments and realised that it was actually people being nice, I'd missed the second update.

The third was just me watching way too much tv, sorry.

Sorry again, I can't promise it won't happen again because I could still get ill, or die, or something, but I can promise to try not to let it happen again.
No problem i am just happy that you are alive and well. i was quietly worried that you had died horribly