[X] You want one of those birds, and you're going to get one, even if you have to climb for it. Even a pigeon or duck is fine! Buy some bird foods and ambush them when they least expect it!
-[X] See if you can't find any dung Beetles, Flea, crickets, bees and giant hornets,and don't forget their eggs too. And get some small rodents and dogs. Ants would also be nice, along with moths/butterflies. Don't some pet shops sell fighting beetles,and lizards for super cheap?
-[X] Grow coral, sponges and anenome as a hobby. Maybe some clown fish to keep the anenome happy? Shoot, just keep an aquarium in your room. Take a snack from your aquarium occasionally and meditate on what you ate.
-[X] Comb the beach and see if any jellyfish washed up. Jellyfish have lots of arms so they must be great at giving hugs!
-[X] Practice the speed of your changes. You could have a long future in SAR if you could adapt to any environment. But environments can change in an instant, which means you need to be just as fast.
-[X] All might made you realize that your body is embarrassly crude and too fragile for real hero work.Turn your body into one lean mean villian fighting and people saving machine. And use all of Dollface's data on on your body.

I made the finishing touches to my "let's fuck up Ochako's life" action.

Additional actions:
-[X] Go out and make some more human friends.You do need to work on your social skills,and who knows maybe they'll "help" you with your experiments just like doll face.
-[X] Find,watch and monitor doll face from a safe distance.
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[X] De-kun mentioned that he used to go hunting for bugs with Bakugo - go ask him for some advice.
-[X] See if you can't specifically find any Dung Beetles and Flea's, Respectively for being able to suplex All Might when you find him and being able to kick him really hard in the face
Soooo any of you guys thought about a hero name? Because so far I ain't got anything.
Vershlingen? (Devour in German iirc) other names are things like Gula (gluttony in latin) and one of the 5 ways to commit the sin of gluttony Laute which references the eating of things that are "too exotic" or theres... Marbas a demon from the ars Goetia that did things like "cause and heals diseases, teaches mechanical arts, and changes men into other shapes", the last one being very appropriate for Kaede...

oh theres also Beelzebub, the archdemon of gluttony... man I think I've been playing too much SMT...
[X] You want one of those birds, and you're going to get one, even if you have to climb for it. Even a pigeon or duck is fine! Buy some bird foods and ambush them when they least expect it!
-[X] See if you can't find any dung Beetles, Flea, bees and giant hornets,and don't forget their eggs too. And don't forget some small rodents, dogs. Ants would also be nice, along with moths/butterflies. Don't some pet shops sell fighting beetles for super cheap?
-[X] Set up a hummingbird trap up by selectively paralyzing yourself so as to be really really still. Hold a hummingbird feeder just above your second mouth while emitting a sweet flower scent. Hummingbird comes to you for nector, hovers at the feeder...then suddenly *nom* goes your extra mouth!
-[X] Grow coral, sponges and anenome as a hobby. Maybe some clown fish to keep the anenome happy? Shoot, just keep an aquarium in your room. Take a snack from your aquarium occasionally and meditate on what you ate.
-[X] Comb the beach and see if any jellyfish washed up. Jellyfish have lots of arms so they must be great at giving hugs!
-[X] Practice the speed of your changes. You could have a long future in SAR if you could adapt to any environment. But environments can change in an instant, which means you need to be just as fast.
-[X] All might made you realize that your body is embarrassly crude and too fragile for real hero work. Turn your body into one lean mean villian fighting and people saving machine. And use Dollface's data on your body.
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-[X] Set up a hummingbird trap up by selectively paralyzing yourself so as to be really really still. Hold a hummingbird feeder just above your second mouth while emitting a sweet flower scent. Hummingbird comes to you for nector, hovers at the feeder...then suddenly *nom* goes your extra mouth!
There is no humming birds in Japan.
-[X] Set up a hummingbird trap up by selectively paralyzing yourself so as to be really really still. Hold a hummingbird feeder just above your second mouth while emitting a sweet flower scent. Hummingbird comes to you for nector, hovers at the feeder...then suddenly *nom* goes your extra mouth!
Or you could just wear a hat.

Was looking at Neferpitou's them and it actually REALLY fits well for Kaede so far, At least if you ask me.

And for the english lyrics here: Nya~
By Any Means Necessary 1.03
Main Action: Birb

Next weekend, you made your way to the local park, an area people avoided with good reason - it was littered with addicts. Luckily, your escort of strange hooded people scared most of them off, although they ran off themselves when you tried to thank them. They were probably just shy, or something.

Putting any speculation to the back of your mind, you selected your target: a tall tree of some kind (likely with some important-sounding name you didn't know) and a telltale blob of twigs and metal near the top. Jungle crows were a common sight in Musutafu, and the giant birds could often be seen stealing graveyard offerings, coathangers, and otherwise annoying everyone they met.

Incidentally, they were your favourite birds.

They were also quite easy to track, though - just follow the angered cries of their decoathangered victims, and you can find their nest with relative ease. Why they decided to build their nests out of coathangers was a mystery to you, but you weren't one to look a gift crow in the coathanger, or whatever the phrase was. Weird phrase.

Regardless, it was about the time of year in which that nest would be populated with chicks, and you were here to get one. Your ability to climb said tree was hampered by the defensive parents, but slowly, steadily, you made you way up there. Only a couple more feet to go and - was that a rhinoceros beetle?! It was, and a large one at that. They were so hard to find, what with all the little kids catching them, so you weren't letting this one get away.

Urghh... that was an uncomfortable sensation. And why were your organs floating inside you like that?

Oh, right, falling.


You were relatively certain that landing on your feet had just made the damage worse, because what worked for cats did not scale well for something of your size. The idea of stalking Bakugo for his bones began to look exponentially more appealing for every shard you had to pull out of your lungs. On the other hand, you now knew how to fix a collapsed lung - who says falling to your near-death can't be educational?

Maybe you should feel worried, considering your lack of concern regarding your innumerable brushes with death… Meh, who cares about investigating your suicidal tendencies when there's a nice, shiny bug to eat?

Rhinoceros beetles are incredibly strong, reportedly able to lift up to eight hundred and fifty times their own weight. However, this is mainly due to the way that strength scales with size, rather than some sort of key to super strength, to your disappointment. Attempting to incorporate it's anatomy into your own would actually leave you weaker. Still, it could be useful if you were to create some tiny friends, so its cells were copied before the bug was thrown to the relentlessly attacking crows. Which in turn gave you an idea to lure the birds in.

The majority of your bones still needed to be rebuilt after your fall, which would take ages. Why should you bother to fix them when you still have to redo them once you caught a bird? You could get yourself a crow without bothering to move - by luring them inside you with food. There was enough blood around the area to get them to slow their attack; they were waiting for you to die. You decided to oblige them, opening your secondary mouth as wide as it would go, and ceasing all movement.

Your ploy worked, to a degree; the crows decided that you now counted as food, and flew over. They spent a good few minutes hopping around you, occasionally jabbing with their beaks to make sure it wasn't a trap, before starting to feed. One even started calling the rest of the flock, which was even better for the success of your plan! The downside to your plan was that your eyes were the first to go, which was inconvenient, to say the least. Now how could you make sure you weren't hurting any of them?!

Your concern was rewarded with the sudden theft of your tongue. In hindsight, you probably should have closed your primary mouth before playing dead.

Crows are intelligent birds, with plenty of experience evading traps. However, the promise of soft tissue and easily accessible organs eventually outweighed the strangeness of the random opening in the food's torso, and a single crow hopped inside. You sat up quickly, bringing what was left of your knees up to your chest, and swinging your remaining arm around to hold the mouth closed. The crows did not appreciate this, but you didn't care. Your eyes would have lit up, if you still had them, as the information flooded your mind.

Birds were structured very differently from other mammals; they had far less bones in comparison, but what they had were dense and hollow, with cross-beams for added strength and stiffness. You decided to redo your own skeletal structure to make use of this - everything kept breaking regardless of what you did, so you might as well switch to a lighter, if slightly more delicate model. This new type of bone didn't fragment as much, either.

But then you got to their respiratory system, and it was beautiful~

Although it was a more efficient system, it did trade off with the fact that you wouldn't be able to breathe if constricted too much, and that airborne toxins would affect you to a greater degree than normal.

Okay, now increase the density of your intercostal muscles to compensate for the extra space the air needed to fill... Your liver could probably get a bit smaller to make room for all those air sacs… Damn, you'd have to reduce your stomach a bit, too. Oh well, you normally had to move everything around when eating people, so these new air sacs would be more practical for day to day use. Once you relearned how to breathe, of course. Turns out birds have an extra two stages of breathing, in which air is circulated in and out of the anterior air sacs.

Hmm, you should probably move somewhere else to do this. One of the larger crows had just gotten to an artery.


Even though your trapping of the crow led to the entire city's worth of corvids ganging up on you, it was worth it for the data you gained.

Bael watched with interest as the prototype of your mount busied itself by flying laps around the room. It was a collaboration by you and Izuku, who had a better grasp on the laws of physics, and had pointed out a worrying number of flaws with your original plans. This first model lacked legs, a properly developed head, and all but the most vital organs - deemed redundant, as the finished design would be connected to your and your quirk while in use.

It currently didn't have this connection, so the prototype couldn't survive for long, even if your smaller friends hadn't been eyeing it up.

Now, the finished version of your mount would have to be both strong and large enough to support you, which was certainly a problem with your available resources. You'd come to the conclusion that there were at least two things you would need to find in order to create something of the scale you required; a different source of energy than you currently had - one with a higher output, as well as a different, stronger, and preferably lighter material to create the skeleton with.

Other complications would likely arise as you worked, but these two were currently your most pressing constraints, as you were unable to create anything flight capable that exceeded six feet in height without them. The wingspan had exceeded anything practical at that point, which could be avoided if you could only get around those constraints and allow its wings to beat faster in compensation.

Still, you weren't too upset by the setback - once you got to UA, there would plenty of new people who could… help.

The prototype crashed into a wall, Omu clinging to its underside; her daughters rushed over to share.


"Bael? What have you got there?"

You'd been in the middle of revising when the oversized spider had dropped from the ceiling onto your head, depositing what it was carrying into your lap. Another dead gecko. Wait, no, a live gecko.

Interesting; as it crawled around within you, you noticed that it too had the fine hairs that allowed spiders and other bugs to climb surfaces. What were they called? Setae? Something like that. However, this gecko had a lot more of them than any bug you'd eaten, and the hairs were also a lot finer too. Well, geckos were a lot bigger and heavier than bugs, so it must make up for the volume to surface area ratio…

You placed Bael inside you, and began making the required changes to his own setae: fine enough to compensate for his weight, but not so as to leave him stuck to everything. He began to chew on the gecko, but you'd already copied its cells, so you let him enjoy his snack. You planned on growing some setae of your own whenever you next needed to give De-kun a hug, to see how he reacted. Keeping them as a permanent addition to yourself would not be convenient, although they would have come in handy last week.

Still… Bael was really quite smart for his age; maybe it had something to do with the extra parts you added to his brain while you were making him? It had been an impulsive decision, but it hadn't seemed very fair to you that you'd had all these different parts of your brain and he didn't. And unlike your centipede friends, you'd made him from scratch, so that there wouldn't be any… adverse effects. Those test spiders had not reacted well to the sudden additions.

You could understand their confusion; giving yourself a second brain had just created a second, conflicting set of signals to your limbs, and you'd had no choice but to break it down. Although, maybe that effect could have some use if you isolated the parts that controlled features that you couldn't be bothered to deal with… A kind of natural AI to simplify things for you? No, you had things under control so far, but it would pay to revisit that topic if you were to experiment with larger alterations...

Regardless, Bael wasn't exhibiting any side effects so far, even though he was over a year old. However, he wasn't as affectionate as your girls - he barely gave you any venom, and poor De-kun didn't get any at all!

...You didn't mind, really. He would always be your friend. Or was he your son, seeing as you created him? Were they mutually exclusive terms? Human relationships were so complicated sometimes.

"You're a good boy, aren't you, Bael?" The spider leaned into your hand for scritches. Awww. "Please try and be a bit nicer to De-kun, though."


You final exams were over, and your parents had been hinting at some sort of gift all month, so it was with great excitement that you burst through the front door. You dad was already home, grinning at you from behind the kitchen counter.

"So, how did the last few exams go?"

"Great! I got… most of the questions right, I think. Not too sure about some of the maths ones, though…"

"Come on, Kaede. Maths is simple - you should have been able to get them."

"You try and factorise an algebraic fraction, then explain why it's inside a triangle that equals twelve."

"Fair point." He placed a small package onto the counter "Is this apology acceptable, o almighty ruler of all things terrifying?"

A cheer escaped as you rushed over and gently unwrapped the box.

...I-it was a box of ants.


You jumped up, wrapping arms around his neck - his tail accidentally knocked over a vase as he struggled to balance. He laughed, returning the hug.

"They're from your mom as well, but she's not back from work for a while. You might want to do your thing with them quickly - don't want them to die before you get the chance."

He's right, they looked quite sluggish from the transport, a few not even moving. From over your shoulder, your dad continued, picking up his phone:

"They're bullet ants, if you didn't already guess. Let's see here… Okay, they're ranked the highest in the Schmidt pain index… The sting is described as 'pure, intense, brilliant pain, like walking over flaming charcoal with a three-inch nail embedded in your heel.'" He grimaced as you picked one up, frills pushing backwards. "Fun."

"I know, right?"

"...I'm going to go drink my tea, now. Have fun with that, dear."

Oohh, you were so giving all of your friends this stuff!! Well, except De-kun - no venom glands… yet.

And these pheromones they release… It would be so cool if you could do that yourself! You added it to the list of things to test when you join UA.


At last, the day you'd been waiting for had arrived.

While UA did set a minimum grade requirement for entry, it was simply unreasonable to have their entry exam after the test results were announced and still expect all the paperwork to get done in time. So, hopeful students instead had to take the entrance exams at the beginning of summer, and pray that they wouldn't be later disqualified by their grades. The sense of dread was so overwhelming that you accidentally bit your fingers down to stubs before De-kun noticed and stopped you.

He'd done his own preparation for the exam: some kind of jogging route mixed with some weightlifting - nothing extreme, but combined with the changes you'd made to him to promote growth, his frame had filled out, and he stood a head taller the majority of the other students. You knew for a fact that with the expansion to his respiratory system, he could even keep pace with you at top speed. It was a shame that you hadn't had the time to add some of the improvements you'd acquired from the crow data, but it wouldn't do to have him adjusting to a new body during the exam.

He'd also had the foresight to pack equipment, like some high energy health food, a combat knife your father had gotten from somewhere and insisted he take, and a pack of raw meat, which he handed to you.

Despite his newfound height, you could still swing him around in a hug with ease.

If you remembered the pamphlet correctly, there would be a short briefing before the actual exam started. However, many of the other attendees, including you two, had arrived early, and were forced to wait outside. Maybe talking to a few of them would help distract you...

Main Action (pick three):

[ ] Oh, wow, that guy has some sharp mouth things. You attempt to restrain yourself from hugging them.

[ ] Plant hair? What is this witchcraft?!

[ ] That girl has the best kind of legs. Digitigrade. It is time for the Social Bonding Over Shared Interests.

[ ] Damn… Is she a robot? She looks like one... Can robots compete? If robots can, can Bael?


[ ] Should that purple-haired meth addict be here? You should go and make sure he's not doing anything suspicious.

[ ] Please don't eat my eyes, Mr Giant Bird.

[ ] You think that the strangely familiar grape headed child has lost their parents.

[ ] Hey, is that Bakugo?

[ ] That guy probably won't mind if you eat that rat on his shoulder.


AN: Yeah, sorry everyone, but that's not how physics works…

Crows hold grudges. They are very good at it. This was what you guys meant by making a bird-feeder trap, right? :V

And would you believe I've never watched HxH? The D Gray Man hiatuses are enough pain for me...

Knew I forgot something - character sheet:
Self Enhancements:
Toothy secondary mouth - looks good
Internal organ optimisation - who needs those things when you can have more stomach?
Kitty ears of intimidation - can hear a greater range of frequencies, can eavesdrop easier; have to manually account for air pressure changes
Tail, lightly armored - increased defenestration potential, does not like impact damage
Digitigrade legs - look good, keep breaking though, should probably do something about that
Venom sac - your friends just love giving you some! Now, what to do with it…
Tall - you are very tall for your age, laugh at the peasants beneath you
Air sacs - more efficient breathing, can hold breath/exercise longer, airborne toxins have greater effect
Pneumatic bones - less fragmentation, denser and stiffer than regular bones

Save data:

Japanese grass snek (partial, not useful for full creation, but at least it tells you how to make scales)
Neighbors' genocidal pet cat
Giant centipede
Deku Scrub
Huntsman spider
Rhinoceros Beetle
Jungle crow


Omu, Lindsey, Ankheg, Three Seven Eight, Tina, Jenney, Daigankai - clingy giant centipedes, much anger, much venom
Bael - big floofy huntsman spider
Deku Scrub - a rare lifeform composed entirely of cinnamon, will be very buff
Not crows - they hate you now
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[x] That girl has the best kind of legs. Digitigrade. It is time for the Social Bonding Over Shared Interests
[X] Please don't eat my eyes, Mr Giant Bird.
[X] Hey, is that Bakugo?
And we've tried a secondary brain but not secondary hearts? I mean... they're honestly about the same level of usefulness since bloodflow was one of the main issues we had and hearts are simple. Especially compared to a brain of all things.
[ ] Oh, wow, that guy has a sharp face. You attempt to restrain yourself from hugging them.

[ ] Plant hair? What is this witchcraft?!
[ ] That girl has the best kind of legs. Digitigrade. It is time for the Social Bonding Over Shared Interests.

[ ] Damn… Is she a robot? Can robots compete? If robots can, can Bael?

[ ] Should that purple-haired meth addict be here? You should go and make sure he's not doing anything suspicious.
[ ] Please don't eat my eyes, Mr Giant Bird.
[ ] You think that the strangely familiar grape headed child has lost their parents.
[ ] Hey, is that Bakugo?

I don't know who has a sharp face, digitigrade legs, or is a robot. Are they OCs, or am I just not remembering them?
I've been lurking around this for a while, but I think it's time for me to start participating.

First off, let's identify the candidates for befriending:

[ ] Oh, wow, that guy has a sharp face. You attempt to restrain yourself from hugging them.
Let's see, I'm not totally sure about this one, but I think this is Eijiro Kirishima, the manly bro who power is to literally be the 'Hard Man' in a situation. His power to get harder makes him look spikey/jagged.
Edit: As said by Varja, this could also Be Koji Koda, a very, very softspoken, shy and gentle guy who can talk to animals and insects in order to get them to do things for him. He's got a phobia about insects though.
Edit The Second: This has changed to-->[ ] Oh, wow, that guy has some sharp mouth things. You attempt to restrain yourself from hugging them.
Fairly certain that this is Togaru Kamikiri. He like insects, has face blades, and his power is named Sharp Blade, which presumably refers to the face blades. He may or may not have the power to make them more awesome and/or grow more blades in other places.

[ ] Plant hair? What is this witchcraft?!

----- This is definitely Ibara Shiozaki, Her power is to have tentacle hair vine hair that she can manipulate in a number of ways. She's actually pretty nice.

[ ] That girl has the best kind of legs. Digitigrade. It is time for the Social Bonding Over Shared Interests.
I think this is Pony Tsunatori. There could be another character with digitigrade legs, but I don't know who it'd be. She's a foreign exchange student from america, and she's got the power of friendship being a pony/horse. With horns. Because horses have them.

[ ] Damn… Is she a robot? Can robots compete? If robots can, can Bael?
This one... I can think of two people to match. Kyoka Jiro, the girl with phonejacks for ears, or Possibly Mei Hatsume, who'd be loaded down with so much support equipment that she'd be able to be mistaken for a cyborg. Being friends with Kyoka would be awesome. Being friends with Mei would be useful, if mentally exhausting.

Pretty sure this is Mezo shoji, who's quirk is to have arms that can duplicate themselves. What's more is that he can grow mouths, eyes, ears and more on them, and webbing between them. He's a good guy who'd probably have great synergy with us.

[ ] Should that purple-haired meth addict be here? You should go and make sure he's not doing anything suspicious.
This is Hitoshi Shinso, and I burst out laughing at this description of him, because that's exactly how I described him the first time I saw him. He's unpleasant to be around because he's got a very put upon attitude, but to be fair, he's got a fairly powerful mind control power and lots of people pre-judge him for it. It's actually pretty awesome that he wants to be a hero and he'd be so, so, soooo amazing in deescalating hostage situations that I'm pretty sure he could name his own salary for any fair minded police force.

[ ] Please don't eat my eyes, Mr Giant Bird.
------ L
aughed at this bit as well, because I'm sure this is Fumikage Tokoyami, the crow-headed student with the power of darkness. Literally so; his power is a awareish mass of darkness that flips between power and control in areas of more or less darkness. Beyond his power he's fairly smart and quick thinking on his feet, and he has a penchant for overdramatic darkness themes.

[ ] You think that the strangely familiar grape headed child has lost their parents.
Minoru Mineta is a short pervert who has sticky hairballs that he can throw. It'd actually be hilarious to talk to him because I think he'd be horrified by our lovely protagonist. She'd also be largely immune to his power because she could just shed the skin that adheres to his sticky-hair.

[ ] Hey, is that Bakugo?
We all know this guy.

Edit the Second:
[ ] That guy probably won't mind if you eat that rat on his shoulder.
OK, this is Koji. And he'd probably be heartbroken if we did that. So why do I want to ship him with our protagonist? She has a bug for a pet and he's terrified of bugs!

All in all, a decent spread of people to talk to. I am a little disappointed we can't talk to Togaru Kamakiri (Who's got an insectoid mandible look going on), and really disappointed that we can't talk to Koji Koda, who's power is to talk to and influence animals. He loves animals and is afraid of insects, so there'd be lots of hilarious potential for interactions.

But oh well, we can meet him another time. For my selections:

[ ] Oh, wow, that guy has a sharp face. You attempt to restrain yourself from hugging them.

[x] That guy probably won't mind if you eat that rat on his shoulder.
[x] Should that purple-haired meth addict be here? You should go and make sure he's not doing anything suspicious.
[x] Please don't eat my eyes, Mr Giant Bird.

I'd like to see how we interact with Mezo, and I'd like to see how Hitoshi reacts to our own villainous leaning quirk, we could inspire him to be less pessimistic, or we could make him even more angry at the world for being unfair. Either way would expose him to Deku early, which would be benificial for his attitude.

And Fumikage because Fumikage's my favorite character. Because I sometimes play favorites.

Edit: Changed my vote on the off chance that Sharp face is Koji instead of Eijiro
Edit The second: Changed my vote again after the change in choices.
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sharp face would be either of the 2 guys with hardening quirks or that guy that speaks with insects and shit, legs girl is PROBABLY the smol goatgirl, fuck if i know the robot
Huh, I didn't even think of Koji's face as being sharp. I usually think of it as 'blocky' rather than 'sharp', but I can see where you're coming from. I think I have to edit my selections just on the off chance that the sharp person is Koji.