Hmm... power names... Gastro Genesis? Genetic Glutton? Gene Gourmand? DNA Diner? Phenotype Forager?

also I get the feeling if we go too crazy with the modification we might end up looking something like this:
No, we can understand and conform to human aesthetics. See our cleverly-designed skin flaps that mimic the processed materials that they cover themselves in order to vie for social dominance.
No thanks, I'd rather stick to being a more horrifying version of Neferpitou, It really fits well I'd say.
Pitou was already pretty damn horrifying, though I guess a lot of that was more personality/Nen aura than body horror... not a bad look to aim for now that I think about it, though we're definitely going for a different tail since we already have a chitin armored lizard tail iirc... huh have we added a stinger to our tail yet?
Pitou was already pretty damn horrifying, though I guess a lot of that was more personality/Nen aura than body horror... not a bad look to aim for now that I think about it, though we're definitely going for a different tail since we already have a chitin armored lizard tail iirc... huh have we added a stinger to our tail yet?
Lizard tail, now with hidden paralyzing/sleepytime stingers! For all your baby sitting needs!
Man Lindworm, You got me hooked on this, I've already gone back and reread this several times, It's just so great! Also hope De-kun does get All For One, It just wouldn't be MHA without him having it.
[X] Just shove your head down there and see what happens.
Additional actions:
[x] Later get some live seafood from the fish market. Especially squid/octopus. Tentacles are adorable!
[X] this weekend,buy some live sea critters at the local fish market. Eat bugs and their larvae at your backyard
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Think free animals to sample and us on live TV
Part of Heroing is already doing the advertisements and publicity shite. Part of me would rather do old school or follow Aizawa-sensei as an underground hero. But us as a vigilante would stretch the bounds between that and villainy, way too far for the heroes to ignore.

My little horror daughter can't be put in such danger!
No idea which type of quirk it is under the in-universe classifications. Probably mutant? They don't make much sense, because they don't really tell you anything useful about the quirk or what it does. Why do they even exist if they don't? What does Tomura's fall under?

Don't get me wrong, I love this series, but the classifications just confuse me...
Waaaaaait a minute.....
It was after your parents had drilled it into you that even if it would be interesting to see how other people's quirks worked, and even if the strange, grape-headed boy had said yes, you still couldn't swallow people in public that you were allowed into a different primary school.
Did we meet Mineta?! Oh god this is hilarious and I just now noticed it.
Waaaaaait a minute.....
It was after your parents had drilled it into you that even if it would be interesting to see how other people's quirks worked, and even if the strange, grape-headed boy had said yes, you still couldn't swallow people in public that you were allowed into a different primary school.
Did we meet Mineta?! Oh god this is hilarious and I just now noticed it.
Oh Mineta... even as a young child you never cease AND DESIST to amuse me.

Mineta no mineta stop
So the villain that we're going to meet that's being followed by All Might is essentially liquid based right? If he goes for us it'd be a shame if we started to oh I don't know start secreting bullet ant venom from our skin huh?
So the villain that we're going to meet that's being followed by All Might is essentially liquid based right? If he goes for us it'd be a shame if we started to oh I don't know start secreting bullet ant venom from our skin huh?
yeah he's liquid and he essentially possesses people by flowing into them iirc...I bet out pets would just love it if he tried taking us over, plus he'd probably be unable to use our quirk or modified body easily due to just how weird we are
yeah he's liquid and he essentially possesses people by flowing into them iirc...I bet out pets would just love it if he tried taking us over, plus he'd probably be unable to use our quirk or modified body easily due to just how weird we are

our pets would get squashed or drowned. dudes pretty durable. I'm not sue if he could use our quick, it's not something our body physical execrates or otherwise does automatically like blondes nitroglycerin sweat. if he could use it he would likely not be able to much with due to it being really hard to use, but he may well melt one or both of us into a puddle of dead cells trying to figure it out.
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By Any Means Necessary 1.02
[X] Noms are always the right course of action

In an utterly unsurprising turn of events, you decided to throw self preservation to the wind and straight up try to eat whatever poked its head out of the manhole. You didn't have to wait long; the footsteps passed beneath the two of you, culminating in an earsplittingly loud crack.

De-kun filled the ensuing silence with various worried noises as you edged closer to the opening in the ground. A few feet away, you froze, pressing closer to the ground - the manhole was opening. You shot forwards, wrapping yourself around the massive arm that emerged.

You then realised that you couldn't possibly fit the whole creature inside you, and this may have been a bad idea.

Whatever you were attached to was tall. Imposingly so, with a casual stance that just radiated power. His expression was unreadable, the angled sunlight shrouding his eyes to leave only a dark gash. But, his teeth, they were bared like some kind of rabid animal. You found yourself shaking uncontrollably - he was terrifying and you couldn't get away in time and Izuku was running forwards he was going to die all your faul-


In an impressive feat of strength that made you fuzzy with pride, De-kun shoved you off of All Might to break your face on the unforgiving concrete.


"I-I'm so sorry, we didn't realise it was you. Ah! Is that a villain in that bottle?! T-this is so- ! P-p-please let me get my notebook for an autoAARGH- !

The poor excitable puppy had just tripped over your tail to join you on the ground.

What is happening? Is this real? DID YOU JUST TRY TO EAT THE GREATEST HERO IN THE WORLD? Your minor existential crisis was interrupted by a booming voice, chilling you to the bone quicker than your father could run from responsibility:

"Please don't move, my enthusiastic fan - there is a dangerous insect near your head! Do not worry, because I am here to help!"

Although you were sure you'd left the rest of your tiny friends at home, one of your girls had been nesting in Izuku's hair / symbiotic head bush, and was not happy about being disturbed; Three Seven Eight had chosen to express her impotent rage by crawling around in an angry circle. In full view of All Might.

Without even needing to think about it, you intercepted his kick.


Toshinori Yagi was in denial; he had certainly not just murdered a child in front of their best friend.

This was not blood.

And the dead child was not gnawing on his leg. He looked down at them.

"What? I need some biomass."

"Kaede!! You can't do that! H-he's-"

"A rude man who just tried to murder my friend; he owes me a leg."

They weren't getting very far - with their torso now more doughnut than body part, they had to rely on their teeth to even get a grip on him. While he'd been in shock, this 'Kaede' had seemingly melted what remained of their body into a blob of flesh, which was just… no.

As All Might, he'd spent the vast majority of his life dealing with some of the more... eccentric people the world had to offer: from Aizawa's tendency to hibernate, to Endeavor's adorably unwavering fixation on surpassing him. Not that he was complaining - he wouldn't trade his experiences for anything.

However, Toshinori's opinion was that, like people, eccentricity could be easily separated into good and bad categories: one is endearing, and distinguishes a person through their unwillingness to yield under the strain of societal norms. The other kind stemmed less from strength of character, and was more evident of some deeply ingrained problem that could affect the course of their lives, in a negative way. The 'other kind' was usually dealt with through a mix of serious conversation with the strange person, as well as the occasional spot of physical violence, depending on the context of the situation.

What was this, though? It couldn't be bad that this kid was so accepting of all forms of life, but if it was one of those... Never before had he met anyone who he couldn't sort into either clean-cut category, until he met you. Well done you.

His concentration slipped.


All of a sudden, the Number One Hero exploded into a cloud of steam, which had the annoying side effect of scalding your corneas and rendering you blind. There may have been some damage to the rest of your face too, if De-kun's screaming was anything to go by.

"Shit, not now - !"

All Might tried to run, but you held on with the indomitable strength of an overly aggressive corgi. You were about the size of one, thanks to him - you weren't just going to let him get away with that.

"Dmhhkh, ghht hmm!"

"A-ah! Right!!"

Izuku picked himself off the ground and swung his bag at the hero, or at least tried to; you could still feel the thick steam in the air, so it must have been quite difficult to aim. The bag collided with the back of your head, and you let out an undignified shriek, having assumed that it was All Might attempting to crush your skull. Unfortunately, you couldn't simultaneously scream and bite someone's ankle with only one mouth.

You heard two sets of footsteps recede into the distance as De-kun gave chase.


Izuku was thankful for Kaede's alterations to his body as he gave chase after the impostor hero; they allowed him to catch up fairly quickly. Three Seven Eight squirmed in his pocket, and he was considering the merits of hurling the clingy insect at the man in front of him when said villain tripped. At this point, Izuku was too close to stop in time.

"I-I'm so sorry, sir!"

Wait, no, stop apologizing to the villain! Even if he looks seriously ill, and IS THAT BLOOD?

A wet cough was the only response from the villain, more blood spilling from their mouth. Izuku's sense of self preservation was shot from behind by his altruism, who cackled maniacally as self preservation bled out on the floor and died forever.

He helped the skeletal man sit up, pulling Three Seven Eight off when she attempted to chew the man's bloodied shoe. An awkward silence descended as they both got their breath back.

"Is… is your friend going to be alright?"

Izuku nodded warily, the image of Kaede's scalded face still fresh in his mind. He wouldn't be able to look at a poached egg without feeling sick for the next year or so after seeing that.

"I'm *kaff* sorry about that, by the way. I didn't mean to hurt anyone…" He stared at the centipede in Izuku's lap for a minute, disgust written across his face. "Why do you have a pet… one of those things? They're not exactly known for their affection."

"They're Kaede's, not mine; and I don't really get the appeal either."


They sat for another minute, the maybe-a-villain checking the seal on the bottle they were carrying, with Izuku silently debating the best way to ask his question. It was a bit rude to just ask someone that, but was there really any other way? He decided to take a cue from Kaede and be direct about it:

"So... are you a villain?"


He made a mental note to never follow Kaede's example again.

"Me? A-a villain? Are you-? What are y-? I'm All Might! Just because I look like this… it's the result of an old injury - I can only maintain the other form for about three hours a day. If it wasn't a secret from the media, nobody would take me seriously! Can you take this face seriously?!"

That... made sense. How many others like Izuku had been inspired by the seemingly invincible hero? It was his existence, the assurance that he would always be there to stop any criminal, no matter how tough, that kept the crime rates so low. Nobody with a brain wanted to be a supervillain if it entailed a wall of muscle beating you up. It was bad for business.

Huh. Izuku was taking the revelation surprisingly well. It was probably some kind of desensitisation to reality due to prolonged exposure to Kaede. They tend to have that effect on people.

The crushing disappointment was still there, but Izuku couldn't bring himself to resent the hero for not living up to his expectations. Still, something about this just didn't add up:

"Why did you just tell me then? You could have lied and pretended you were a villain."


Ah, yes, that expression one gets when mentally screaming at their own stupidity. Izuku was very familiar with that expression.

"...Is there any way you could forget what I just told you?"


"Just *cough* wonderful."

"I-it's alright, I won't tell anyone. I'm a… I… I really admire your work, so I won't jeopardise it."

"Heh, thanks. You know, you don't have to mince words, I'm just as disappointed with me as you are."

More silence. Was this a good time to ask? It was now or never - All Might was getting to his feet, ready to leave. Just as the hero began to walk away, Izuku blurted out:

"Is it true, what you always say on television? Is it really possible for someone like me to become a hero?"

All Might turned back to face him, grinning through the blood.

"Of course you can, anyone can be a hero if they try!"

This was definitely the Number One Hero all right; nobody else could possibly have so much faith in the power of optimism. Izuku couldn't help but smile a little at that. It was one of the parts of the hero that he'd admired the most. But… he had to know.

"E-even if they don't have a quirk? C-c-could I still be a hero?"

That shut him up.


It stung, that pitying expression, now coming from his favourite hero. Izuku was glad Three Seven Eight was there. Physical pain was a welcome distraction.

All Might tried to say something, but kept cutting himself off. What could he say that would help, anyway? Eventually, he stopped trying, leaving with the stirring captive villain.

And Izuku was alone.


By the time De-kun returned you'd managed to fix your eyes, as well as sort your life-support-organ-blob out to be more efficient, utilising the leftovers to give yourself some arms. You put those arms to good use by hugging De-kun as soon as he was within reach.

"What's wrong? What did he do to you? W-why are you crying?"

The words kept pouring out, but you were too tired to put much force behind them. He crouched down so that you could hug him properly, instead of just his legs - he was shaking. This probably wasn't the best time for words.

The two of you stayed like that for a while.


Izuku accepted your suggestion of a sleepover. Your mom allowed it, despite the lack of warning, after the state you came home in. Your cover story backfired when she left the house to attempt to find and castrate the villain who'd dared to use you as a shield against All Might. You weren't really sure how that would work, considering that the villain had literally been a pool of sludge, but if anyone could find a way, it would be her.

The hero who'd stopped her breaking into the local holding facility had been kind enough to escort her to a grocery store on the way back. There'd been nearly no food left after you rebuilt yourself, so your dad was especially grateful to the unidentified skeletal hero who'd accompanied her. Not that your dad only cared about food, he just had a few complications in his life as an effect of his quirk, such as difficulty digesting anything that wasn't meat or eggs.

Anyway, Izuku hadn't talked much about what had happened between him and All Might, but from what you could gather, he'd said something ridiculous to De-kun about him not being capable of becoming a hero. Which, in your opinion, was just stupid. Sure, he was a fragile, baseline human, but any villain that wanted to hurt him would have to get through you first. With the help of your augmentation, your dad's unusual connections, and your tiny friends, the two of you would definitely become the best heroes ever!

Coming to terms with what a truly insensitive person your favourite hero was was difficult, but all the evidence was there: putting a hole through your chest, threatening Three Seven Eight, and above all, making Izuku cry. Thankfully, you had this wonderful coping mechanism called pure, undiluted rage.

He would pay in blood for deceiving you.

Blood and limbs.

Which you would then return once he'd learned his lesson, because All Might was just that cool.


Only a few short months remained before the UA entrance exam, and in the gaps between frantic revision, you couldn't help but feel unprepared. You had a bit of free time next weekend, but what would be the best way to spend it?

Main Action:

[ ] The harbour's not too far away… there's got to be something interesting over there.
[ ] You want one of those birds, and you're going to get one, even if you have to climb for it.
[ ] De-kun mentioned that he used to go hunting for bugs with Bakugo - go ask him for some advice.

Additional Actions: Write-in.


AN: Facial burns are not recommended: they look awful, and may frighten nearby cinnamon rolls. The effects of having an actual, supportive friend are really something. So are the effects of growing up around a certain, tall, toothy father figure.

Sorry about the delay, I probably won't be able to update as quickly as before any more. But on the plus side, you'll have more victims to play with soon!


Edit: Now with character sheet!
Self Enhancements:

Toothy secondary mouth - looks good

Internal organ optimisation - who needs those things when you can have more stomach?

Kitty ears of intimidation - can hear a greater range of frequencies, can eavesdrop easier; have to manually account for air pressure changes

Tail, lightly armored - increased defenestration potential, does not like impact damage

Digitigrade legs - look good, keep breaking though, should probably do something about that

Venom sac - your friends just love giving you some! Now, what to do with it…

Tall - you are very tall

Save data:

Japanese grass snek (partial, not useful for full creation, but at least it tells you how to make scales)

Neighbors' genocidal pet cat


Giant centipede

Deku Scrub

Huntsman spider


Omu, Lindsey, Ankheg, Three Seven Eight, Tina, Jenney, Daigankai - clingy giant centipedes, much anger, much venom

Bael - big floofy huntsman spider

Deku Scrub - a rare lifeform composed entirely of cinnamon, 10/10 would adopt
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[X] You want one of those birds, and you're going to get one, even if you have to climb for it.

@Lindworm524 Are we going to get a character sheet soon. And are you going to include the additional actions in the next update,in an side chapter,or something like. Just curious.
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[X] You want one of those birds, and you're going to get one, even if you have to climb for it.

Go Go Biology! Form of: BIRD!