Wyvern - Worm AU fanfic

And the fact they have no legal standing to do so.
I must have been reading a different fic. I thought Taylor had just broken a bunch of windows and damaged PRT equipment, made herself heard across the city in a threatening manner, swore in public, deafened the responding officer, and then ran off.

But I suppose since you're telling me they've got no legal standing then none of that happened.

The Heberts don't know about Sophia. Armsmaster never told them.
Its been a while.

Growing uncontrollably is not a crime.
Being dangerously incompetent can be, and her reaction could be seen as refusing to work out what she's capable of doing. Knowingly putting the public at risk is frowned on, and since she now knows she develops new abilities/size without warning or control, she does have to work out how this factors in to dealing with people.

And this is the second time she's attacked and almost killed someone because she had no idea what she was doing.

While this isn't generally something that's outright illegal (or possibly just not 'arrestable'?), it's definitely something that can easily lead to being told to never do anything she wants to do again as a matter of public safety.

Property and human damage is a superhero thing.
Which is why Kid Win didn't get in any trouble at all for using his Alternator Canon, and why Piggot was happy Glory Girl damaged the bank during the robbery.

Well. It's perfectly fine to say appropriate levels of property and human damage is ignorable, somewhat, but Taylor just got angry and hurt people by yelling without giving any thought to it or showing that she was in any way considering thinking about her actions. That's hardly appropriate.

Vicky can testify to 'provocation'.
Armsmaster can submit recorded footage, quote policies and laws, and point to the fact that he never made an aggressive move and only suggested that they think about his offer/suggestions. In addition, he's got the benefit of being a law enforcement officer and a larger organisation to back him up.

And New Wave would have a lot more to work with.
He's standing there asking her to come in for testing and telling her why it would be a good idea. That's his job, and not a lot to work with.

Also, about the only recourse they've got to getting her to come along is to ask nicely.
And that's all they need to do, and all they did. This isn't the first time they've tried, so at this point if anything does go wrong they can point out that she's been refusing to go along with their incredibly reasonable suggestions and everything's her own fault, before coming crashing down on her.

Starting a fight with the two-ton fire-breathing intelligent dragon at the scene where she just ripped the arm off a dangerous supervillain (while Panacea's classmates are still on site) would be the absolute height of lunacy.
Pretty sure I never suggested they do that...
That is not this story.

That is this story: [Worm] Here Be Dragons
Well, not quite. Taylor went off the reserve before she figured out anything about Sophia in that one. Damn close though!
Property and human damage is a superhero thing. Also, nobody died. (If Taylor had killed Inago? Then they might take her in).

Even if Inago had died, Taylor had a very strong argument for justification: Inago's bugs were killing Glory Girl. Wyvern had to take him out ASAP or Glory Girl woulda suffocated to death despite Aegis's efforts at CPR
Even if Inago had died, Taylor had a very strong argument for justification: Inago's bugs were killing Glory Girl. Wyvern had to take him out ASAP or Glory Girl woulda suffocated to death despite Aegis's efforts at CPR

Also, Inago is a shithead criminal going around endangering the lives of innocent people. If one of those innocent people happens to be a dragon that bites his head off, there's no one to blame but the shithead criminal.
Omake Dennis tinker extraordinaire!

Clockblocker walked into the wards lounge and announced after many hours of tinkering I have solved Brockton bays crime problem and possibly the worlds.
The wards groaned as one as this was obviously something stupid.
Dean as the leader and knowing he would regret asking but being the leader thought it was his duty so with a sigh he asked," ok clock what brilliant bit of tinkering have you created ".
With a Flourish Clockblocker produced a glass bottle of ketchup with a cherry bomb firework duck taped to it he said," My fellow wards after extensive trials I have perfected the ketchup grenade. An answer to all our problems.
His presentation was met with a deafening silence.
Vista voiced everyone's thoughts, "what the hell Clock how is an exploding bottle of ketchup an answer to any problem apart from the most stupid thing ever."
"But that is where you are wrong team munchkin" replied Clockblocker " you've all heard the expression do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons for you are crunchy and taste good with Ketchup the patented Clock ketchup grenade allows the forces of good to designate evil doers for wyvern to effectively target"
all the wards groaned.
" clock as leader of the wards I nominate you to explain this innovative new weapon to New wave and may the Lord have mercy on your soul," Dean said as Solemnly as possible before laughing
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To be fair, there are possibly-eldritch monster kaiju (Endbringers) destroying/terrorizing their world.

The fact that there is still rule of law is a fucking miracle, let alone that the government hasn't made civil service mandatory for any parahuman to fight the Endbringers.

True, but there is a difference between deciding to sacrifice yourself and being lied to and being fattened up for the slaughter. I'd like the choice whether to sacrifice myself to save the world, but trying to trick me into it? Fuck off with that.

The difference is that Cauldron and their pet agencies the PRT and Protectorate instead of getting people to cooperate they seem to feel that letting people be killed and murdered and hoping for a Scion killer is the way to do things. Its a damn stupid one.
The way they go about it, I half expect their supposed Scion-killer to say "humans and this world aren't worth saving. Fuck it, let him kill everyone."
Taylor wouldn't do that, for two simple reasons- her dad, and the Dallons.

She wont do this and wont have to do this simply because she has the Dallon's and their position as lawyers.
Most of the rogues in Worm I get the feeling that they can't afford a lawyer otherwise the PRT wouldn't get away with most of the things they do.

We see this when Armsbeard showed up at the Dallon's fully prepared to yank Taylor downtown without a lawyer or parental figure and do the we're going to throw the book at you unless you join.

Her dad? I see Danny being stupid enough to want Taylor in the wards, even though he knows the wards are sent out to fight gangs if needed.

Danny's mentality is the same as those parents who in the movies send their kids back to summer camp where the last group of campers were massacred and the killers were never caught, but it was two years ago so it should be safe right?:whistle::whistle::lol
And then Amy had a tinker rating. Next she can neural interface some extra brain power and have a thinker rating. Add flame 'breath' to the wings for blaster, toughen it up for brute, go for a flight for mover...

I bet Amy could get all the classifications.

Taylor's not telepathic yet. You can't be a dragon rider until you have a telepathic teleporting dragon life partner. :p

Give it time. Ames will figure something out.
Assuming she keeps increasing in size, will she grow a second set of legs, becoming a 'true' dragon?
Is anyone else waiting for Taylor to file a restraining order against armsmaster?

Difficult to enforce if she's gonna keep going out as a hero. If Armsmaster's the senior Protectorate hero who responds to a scene Wyvern was involved in, he can't just let someone else handle the scene. Restraining order might keep him away from her house and school if no crime occurs at either, but you can't just stop him from doing his job as an officer of the law.
Assuming she keeps increasing in size, will she grow a second set of legs, becoming a 'true' dragon?
Dare you to tell her to her face that she's not a true dragon :p
Difficult to enforce if she's gonna keep going out as a hero. If Armsmaster's the senior Protectorate hero who responds to a scene Wyvern was involved in, he can't just let someone else handle the scene. Restraining order might keep him away from her house and school if no crime occurs at either, but you can't just stop him from doing his job as an officer of the law.
Yeah, but she can keep telling him to fuck off.
Probably a good idea to keep the volume down from now on, though. This time she gets a pass since it's the first time she's shouted in Mega-Wyvern mode. If she keeps blowing out eardrums and such every time, the PRT's gonna call her to the carpet over it eventually.
"Get out of my face, or I'll tell you to fuck off again. Last warning."
Just popping in to say that I am watching this thread, though that's a given since this is @Ack we're talking about here.

Also, if Taylor doesn't bust out the Dragon Tongue from Skyrim when she's in wyvern form, I'll be very cross.
Depends if your a two ton Wyvern wookie rules apply:whistle:.
Don't piss the dragon off unless you have a plan and serious back up which you won't get just because your Angry.
Armsmaster's problem here is that he's very much not a people person, but he's trying anyway to do something that calls for some silver-tongued persuasion rather than a mix of reason and threats spoken from a position of authority that he doesn't have in this situation. Somebody else might be able to talk Taylor into joining the Wards, but not him.
Skyrim isn't released until November 2011 IIRC, so we're not even there yet timeline-wise.
Once we get there, we could always go with the ever-popular "they did it in Aleph". :p
Usually, games like that get announcement, demo versions and advertisement campaigns quite a bit before being released to general public. Not to mention the literal years of development taking place.

The comparison can be fit well enough, provided it's done by someone sufficiently geeky.