Wyvern - Worm AU fanfic

Of course, that's him ignoring that the "disgraced soon-to-be-ex-Ward" is a living example of why trying to force angry superpowered teenagers into the Wards is a bad idea. It was a demonstrably bad idea with Shadow Stalker, and it's a bad idea with Wyvern even if he was right about what's happening.

It's simply a bad idea all around.
The wards are under the director's supervision so he gets the credit for the take down and if it blows up she is the one holding the bag.
Tunnel vision over the rabid desire to see Wyvern become his personal ticket to success?
Also, she embarrassed him and Armsmaster has a definite pride issue.

The wards are under the director's supervision so he gets the credit for the take down and if it blows up she is the one holding the bag.
Except as the saying goes "s**t flows downhill" and he's sure to catch plenty of it anyway.
Why would the troopers bother with foam when they know sophia can ghost right through it?
All foam would accomplish is incapacitating everyone else.
Why would the troopers bother with foam when they know sophia can ghost right through it?
All foam would accomplish is incapacitating everyone else.
Reflex? That's what they are trained to use, and they weren't there to stop Sophia; they were there to stop Wyvern.

Also, I'm not sure if it would hamper her or not if it actually hit her. Once it's actually on her, I'm not sure if her power would take it with her or not if she phased; it takes her clothing and equipment after all.
Trust Armsmaster to screw up an already unpleasant situation. By the time he gets there, he will see the fire, a partially transformed Wyvern, an unconscious Shadow Stalker, and a bleeding an unconscious or nearly unconscious Miss Militia. Going in with the assumption that Taylor is at fault, he will jump to every wrong conclusions there is to be made. It appears that he will most likely be going home with slag instead of a halberd and power armor. Knowing him, his only complaint would be about how inefficient it will be to have to rebuild his armor and halberd. (Queue audience facepalm)
I'm expecting Colin to not be going home anytime soon. If anything, Piggot will be hitting him with M/S protocols at a minimum, possibly major charges of disobeying direct orders which she gave him.

There is also the possibility of him eventually going home with just a small cardboard box...
Don't forget the cops are their and Talyor and Danny are try to save them . what's their reaction to Armsmaster. Attacking her and her father. As for coil this going blow up in his face when full investigation goes down because she is new wave news members who being bullied by ward harass by Armsmaster and now put in danger by the prt . oh and unless I'm wrong attacked to by armsmaster I. Don't Carol will be letting this go any time soon
And if she was tearing up Winslow, giving him the opportunity to get her into the Wards, that would be a large feather in his cap … so to speak. The fact that she didn't even want to go into the Wards wasn't something he spent much time thinking about; neither would it have bothered him overmuch if it was.

After all, this was for the greater good. For him and for Brockton Bay.

Coilmaster, is that you? When did you learn to use a Tinkertech polearm?

Okay, minor spoilers? Coil set this up. Pulled strings to get Taylor shoehorned back into Winslow. Sent Armsmaster an anonymous message about how if he hears a call for the fire department for Winslow, it's Taylor going nuts there.

Armsmaster has sunk enough time and effort into recruiting Taylor (and been humiliated by her, and seen how powerful she can be) that he can't not respond to this.

If he can recruit her, and train her up to be powerful enough to help him take out an Endbringer, his reputation will be forever stellar. (So he thinks). [After all, she's already far more powerful than Dauntless ...]

Coil has set the whole thing up with the expectation that it will blow up in the PRT and Protectorate's faces. Make them look bad, just by pulling a few strings and pushing a few buttons.

Aaand apparently the author already dropped the Coil bomb. My poor joke just fell flat on its face. :lol:

And the dice say:
(INT check 4) Good roll! Halbeard detects a Wyvern at Winslow!
(WIS check 20, critical failure) Halbeard decides plan "Push The Pyrokinetic Into A Burning, Flaming Rage" is a GO!
Raved Thrad threw 2 20-faced dice. Reason: Halbeard rolls an INT check Total: 24
4 4 20 20
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Basically, there's no way Armsmaster's plan can work because there's too many people who for one reason or another won't go along with the narrative. Miss Militia probably isn't feeling too charitable towards Shadow Stalker after getting gutshot, Taylor, her father and New Wave all expect him to try some stupid attempt to force her into the Wards, the cops aren't even in the same chain of command, and so on. What works on an isolated teenager won't work on a whole mob of people.
Dammit, Hess!

Although I am really wondering what the hell Assmaster was doing that he didn't get the warning that Shadow Stalker went nuts and was the one at fault here...
Either he's ignoring the Code Purple message entirely due to tunnel vision, or he thinks/hopes wyvern provoked it.
Wyvern is confronted, changes, starts torching things, SS retaliates. or something to that effect.

nevermind that SS going Code Purple is the final straw in proving that forcing people into the wards who dont want to be there does not work, and here's armsy trying to do it again.

And even if his plan of getting Wyvern into the wards worked without SS going nuts, you now have two wards who absolutely hate each other and one of whom has already tried to kill the other essentially being locked in a room together. dont need to be a precog to see how that would work out.
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I've always wanted something close to this, where a Ward (Taylor or otherwise) arrives at a crime scene in progress (such as the bank job) and, in full view of victims and cameras, proceeds to stand there working to rule, doing little more than asking the criminals to stop while making sure not to get too close to the 'danger', acting completely helpless if there's a cape on site (especially if their power would specifically let them ignore any potential trouble), and just generally being completely ineffective.

Then sticking around after the criminals get away and acting so proud of themselves for following orders. In front of reporters. While citing specific procedures and previous orders.

Especially with the bank job, because you know Tattletale would want to play along and milk it for everything it's worth.
(Yes I know it's an old post, but the poster is still active)

You might want to check out Implacable on Spacebattles, since that's pretty much the kind of thing it's about. Taylor is pressganged into the Wards and is angry enough to consider going villain; then Danny the Union Man explains to her the meaning of the phrase "Malicious Compliance"...

Colin accelerated his bike toward Winslow High. He'd finally gotten the call that fire services had been requested at the school, which was his cue. If his mystery informant was correct, Taylor Hebert would be there, laying waste to the place, giving him the perfect opportunity to swoop in and snap her up for the Wards. While he wouldn't have minded knowing who this civic-minded person was, and how they knew where the girl would be and that she was going to go off the deep end, he was also fully cognizant of the old saying about gift horses and mouths.

After all, members of the public passing on information covertly to superheroes was a time-honoured tradition. No laws were being broken that he could see, save perhaps by Taylor herself. And if she was tearing up Winslow, giving him the opportunity to get her into the Wards, that would be a large feather in his cap … so to speak. The fact that she didn't even want to go into the Wards wasn't something he spent much time thinking about; neither would it have bothered him overmuch if it was.

After all, this was for the greater good. For him and for Brockton Bay.
Armsmaster stop. Just stop and think for one measly second and you will realize that this is a bad idea. It is about as bad as having actual Nazis in control of the city, after all you have all the hallmarks of a knight, going against a "dragon" will only end in tears, for you, that is.
Yeah, I guessed he was at fault once the anonymous tip was mentioned - although it's a bit curious, thinking about it, that he's predicting a fire department call for Winslow. I suppose he was guessing it would be Taylor at fault, sooner or later (perhaps with some judicious prodding behind the scenes), rather than at this precise moment.

Thinking some more though, it's a bit odd that Armsmaster wouldn't catch on to something being fishy about that kind of tip though. How would the tipster know in advance?
Thinkers are a thing...

Tunnel vision over the rabid desire to see Wyvern become his personal ticket to success?
Basically, this.

Why would the troopers bother with foam when they know sophia can ghost right through it?
All foam would accomplish is incapacitating everyone else.
Reflex? That's what they are trained to use, and they weren't there to stop Sophia; they were there to stop Wyvern.

Also, I'm not sure if it would hamper her or not if it actually hit her. Once it's actually on her, I'm not sure if her power would take it with her or not if she phased; it takes her clothing and equipment after all.
Basically, this.

Dammit, Hess!

Although I am really wondering what the hell Assmaster was doing that he didn't get the warning that Shadow Stalker went nuts and was the one at fault here...
He's focusing on the chance to recruit Wyvern. As far as he's concerned, other people can handle the other thing.

Either he's ignoring the Code Purple message entirely due to tunnel vision, or he thinks/hopes wyvern provoked it.
Wyvern is confronted, changes, starts torching things, SS retaliates. or something to that effect.

nevermind that SS going Code Purple is the final straw in proving that forcing people into the wards who dont want to be there does not work, and here's armsy trying to do it again.

And even if his plan of getting Wyvern into the wards worked without SS going nuts, you now have two wards who absolutely hate each other and one of whom has already tried to kill the other essentially being locked in a room together. dont need to be a precog to see how that would work out.
All of this is absolutely true.

Armsmaster stop. Just stop and think for one measly second and you will realize that this is a bad idea. It is about as bad as having actual Nazis in control of the city, after all you have all the hallmarks of a knight, going against a "dragon" will only end in tears, for you, that is.

I will be looking over comments and maybe revamping the chapter.
He does know where Shadow Stalker goes to school though, so the timing should honestly give him 2+2 = he's about to be moving in towards that "code purple".

I'm guessing you're going to set it up so he spots Wyvern and doesn't spot Miss Militia and Shadow Stalker, who are right there (and would be a rather big hint) - but it feels like it'd be a bit... contrived? Even if you time it with positioning that it looks like Wyvern is attacking Miss Militia.
I think that Armsy is so mentally focused on "recruit the Wyvern" that his brain will just discount anything that indicates now is not the time before it comes to his conscious awareness. He will either not notice Shadow Stalker's presence, or simply fail to realize the implications of her (post Code Purple) presence. Horse, meet blinders.
I think that Armsy is so mentally focused on "recruit the Wyvern" that his brain will just discount anything that indicates now is not the time before it comes to his conscious awareness. He will either not notice Shadow Stalker's presence, or simply fail to realize the implications of her (post Code Purple) presence. Horse, meet blinders.

If this is how he normally operates, then the question becomes: How did he ever manage to become the leader of a Protectorate team if he is fundamentally incapable of handling more than one thing at a time when he gets focused on something?

Being a manager/leader is all about handling multiple things and multiple subordinates through the day/week/month/pay period.
Revamp to Part 17
I've added stuff to Armsmaster's section, and put a new bit in to address reader concerns. Here it is.


Colin accelerated his bike toward Winslow High. He'd finally gotten the call that fire services had been requested at the school, which was his cue. If his mystery informant was correct, Taylor Hebert would be there, laying waste to the place, giving him the perfect opportunity to swoop in and snap her up for the Wards. While he wouldn't have minded knowing who this civic-minded person was, and how they knew where the girl would be and that she was going to go off the deep end, he was also fully cognizant of the old saying about gift horses and mouths.

After all, members of the public passing on information covertly to superheroes was a time-honoured tradition. No laws were being broken that he could see, save perhaps by Taylor herself. And if she was tearing up Winslow, giving him the opportunity to get her into the Wards, that would be a large feather in his cap … so to speak. The fact that she didn't even want to go into the Wards wasn't something he spent much time thinking about; neither would it have bothered him overmuch if it was.

He'd registered and logged the Code Purple, noting that Shadow Stalker was involved. He didn't know the Ward personally, having rarely worked with her, but he seemed to recall that she'd been a vigilante before entering the Wards on a provisional basis. Something about nearly murdering someone? He'd have to check the files when he had the chance.

In any case, they'd tracked her down once, and they could do it again. But the crime was done and while it was a tragedy to lose men in the field, he had a more important situation to deal with. Winslow was on fire, Taylor Hebert was almost certainly responsible, and this was the opportunity he'd been looking for. She needed to be made to see that this was an opportunity for her as well, to learn the hero trade under a veteran such as himself.

There were already others en route to Winslow, especially since Miss Militia's second transmission to Console. Shadow Stalker had been captured, which was good; that meant he didn't have to waste time on inconsequential details. Miss Militia being injured was a potential problem, but help was on the way so again he wasn't needed to deal with that. She'd reported that members of the public were trapped in confoam, but they were also currently being freed by helpful civilians, which was good.

She hadn't mentioned the presence of Wyvern, which he was actually pleased about. He didn't want anyone else getting the same idea he'd had, and poaching her before he had the chance to make his case. Oh, he knew she was technically a member of New Wave, but he was sure the Dallons and Pelhams would not want to be connected to someone who'd gone on a rampage and set fire to a school twice. They'd probably be pleased for him to take Wyvern off their hands and into the Wards program.

Since the last outing against Inago, he'd become convinced that if her power built up with every new challenge she overcame, she might just end up being able to fight Endbringers. As Brockton Bay's premier Tinker, he was just the person to train her for this; after all, he wasn't the local leader of the Protectorate for nothing. And of course, having her as his protégé could only help his reputation as well as hers.

It was for the greater good. For him and for Brockton Bay.



Thomas Calvert leaned back in his comfortable office chair and indulged himself by steepling his fingertips just a little. He didn't go so far as a maniacal cackle; he had some standards, after all. Passing the message to Armsmaster in an untraceable manner had been simplicity itself, and now he could sit back and watch the fireworks.

It had been just as easy to pull the right strings and have Taylor Hebert coerced into returning to Winslow High. She was worried about facing her tormentors again, in case they forced her to Change to her draconic form in public? Calvert was very much a "let's see what happens" sort of person. Especially when there'd be no repercussions to him.

He hadn't even had to keep back a safe timeline, in case it went wrong. No matter how it blew up, whether Hebert torched the school or Armsmaster tried and failed to recruit her yet again, the PRT and Protectorate would come out of it with egg on their faces, and he'd be golden.

It really was a win-win situation, the type he liked the best.

End of Part Seventeen
If this is how he normally operates, then the question becomes: How did he ever manage to become the leader of a Protectorate team if he is fundamentally incapable of handling more than one thing at a time when he gets focused on something?
Seniority, probably. I notice that in the Wards, the one and only qualification to be leader is "be the oldest member that hasn't turned eighteen yet."
Wow. Piggot will be also spitting fire when this one unfolds. How is the man that divorced from reality? We know he did a lot of rather stupid stuff in canon (incuding sabotaging the Leviathan fight and trying to kill people there) but this is earlier in his career before his inferiority complex unfolded so much! (On the upside, I bet this makes New Wave go active again. Brandish may be a not-great person, but she's not going to let her new member get poached like that for being a bystander!)

How the hell was Coil behind Wyvern being at school again?

Also it's noted as an apocrypha section, so I'm not sure how canon this is.

EDIT: Also, it has been a while and so I don't remember, but... if the people with confoam were there to stop Wyvern, and not whatever reason she's doing this (presumably another person involved in her trigger, or does only New Wave know this?), why would they think that would work? Hess even comments that the stuff melts, and Armsmaster was this close to losing a hand. Melting things is not a problem for her.
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Wow. Piggot will be also spitting fire when this one unfolds. How is the man that divorced from reality? We know he did a lot of rather stupid stuff in canon (incuding sabotaging the Leviathan fight and trying to kill people there) but this is earlier in his career before his inferiority complex unfolded so much! (On the upside, I bet this makes New Wave go active again. Brandish may be a not-great person, but she's not going to let her new member get poached like that for being a bystander!)

How the hell was Coil behind Wyvern being at school again?

Also it's noted as an apocrypha section, so I'm not sure how canon this is.

EDIT: Also, it has been a while and so I don't remember, but... if the people with confoam were there to stop Wyvern, and not whatever reason she's doing this (presumably another person involved in her trigger, or does only New Wave know this?), why would they think that would work? Hess even comments that the stuff melts, and Armsmaster was this close to losing a hand. Melting things is not a problem for her.
Sorry, meant to be a Sidestory. This is literally the Armsmaster section revision, reposted so you don't have to read the whole chapter again.

Coil pulled a few strings and arranged matters behind the scenes. Whatever approach worked best.

The troopers with confoam were not there for either Sophia or Wyvern.
Alan Barnes called the PRT and said that Sophia was being targeted by someone, and that they needed to send people to sort it out.
In short, he didn't give them nearly enough information (because Emma didn't give him enough information).
We know he did a lot of rather stupid stuff in canon (incuding sabotaging the Leviathan fight and trying to kill people there) but this is earlier in his career before his inferiority complex unfolded so much!
Assuming this is still in January, Leviathan shows up in canon in the middle of May. He is an adult man, 4 months is not a particularly large amount of time in his career.
A lot of Worm fan fiction never get beyond Leviathan, so it can feel like the timespan is longer than it truly is.