Wyvern - Worm AU fanfic

I mean, Armsmaster isn't wrong. There isn't a rational reason for Taylor not to get her power tested, and it's already caused a lot of collateral damage. Getting some actual training and figuring out how to control the transformations are also important. The big deal was that he pushed too hard and at a bad moment, and is complete blind to the reason why it backfired so spectacularly. Piggott is also as pragmatic as usual, and they're both on the right track in that pitting Taylor against an Endbringers would be spectacular, if not leaving much of a city behind.
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*Supervillain gets off the bus*
*Sees Taylor gliding overhead, with a forty-foot wingspan*
*Turns around and gets right back on the bus*
Careful with that line of thought Colin, last thing Earth Bet needs are two Dragons in a rivalry. And the last thing you want is to be in a love triangle with an AI and a teenage girl who can turn into a dragon.
I doubt very much that Taylor would be interested in Colin.
Definition of insanity: Attempting the same course of action more than once and expecting different results.
Doesn't really apply in this situation.

Then, he was intruding on a private residence and could be ordered to leave.

Now, he was attending a crime scene and had jurisdiction.

Also, time has passed and Taylor possibly has had the chance to change her mind. Also, Armsmaster has a good reason he can cite (her body growth) to justify his return to the topic.

In short? The situation has changed.
You would have to be insane to let the PRT poke and prod and learn all your secrets.

Armsmaster is planning on getting her into the wards to fight endbringers. Nice to know the guy who is supposed to be protecting the wards and keep them from harm is planning on training a 15 year old to try and kill and endbringer. Yeah the wards program is just like the scouts lol.

I really hope the ENTIRE city heard her tell him to fuck off.
Ack really happy to see this back.
You would have to be insane to let the PRT poke and prod and learn all your secrets.

Armsmaster is planning on getting her into the wards to fight endbringers. Nice to know the guy who is supposed to be protecting the wards and keep them from harm is planning on training a 15 year old to try and kill and endbringer. Yeah the wards program is just like the scouts lol.

I really hope the ENTIRE city heard her tell him to fuck off.
Ack really happy to see this back.
To be fair, there are possibly-eldritch monster kaiju (Endbringers) destroying/terrorizing their world.

The fact that there is still rule of law is a fucking miracle, let alone that the government hasn't made civil service mandatory for any parahuman to fight the Endbringers.
The question becomes does her size scale to the size of the enemy, or to the threat represented. Because if it is the threat represented...
The question becomes does her size scale to the size of the enemy, or to the threat represented. Because if it is the threat represented...

I would personally go for a different one...

" Now open your eyes while our plight is repeated
Still deaf to our cries, lost in hope we lie defeated
Our souls have been torn, and our bodies forsaken
Bearing sins of the past, for our future is taken "
Yeah, but isn't Bahamut zero the same size as the Moon?
Bahamut from FFXIV is also pretty much comparable to a moon. At the very least that ball he's exploding out of in that pic is one of Hydaelyn's moons... Was one of Hydaelin's moons. Not sure though, we never got a proper snap of FFXIV's Bahamut to compare his size to anything other than that exploded moon.
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You would have to be insane to let the PRT poke and prod and learn all your secrets.
The PRT would have to be insane to not want to poke and prod at her because of how dangerous and out of control Taylor's powers are to herself and, as far as I can guess, the only reason they haven't brought her in after this latest fiasco is their concern over how Taylor and her father might respond regarding Sophia.

She just grew uncontrollably, did a lot of damage to property and people, developed a new way to attack people, and seemingly used said new way to attack a law enforcement officer (or at the very least used it to threaten him and everyone else around them). It wouldn't be hard to spin that into good PR ("...our need to protect the public from dangerous and out of control parahumans..."), and there's not a lot Carol could do about that by itself.

Sophia gives the Heberts leverage, but there's only so far that can take them.

Armsmaster is planning on getting her into the wards to fight endbringers.
He is planning on figuring out whether or not it's possible, spending as much time as he can to get her trained, and maybe eventually let her fight Endbringers. He literally can't get her to fight Endbringers is she or her father don't want her to, so the easiest and safest and legalest and least problem causing way to go about it is to create a welcoming environment and let her know what she might be capable of so she wants to keep going once she's an adult and can direct her training and education down the relevant paths.
so the easiest and safest and legalest and least problem causing way to go about it is to create a welcoming environment and let her know what she might be capable of so she wants to keep going once she's an adult and can direct her training and education down the relevant paths.
He somewhat failed in that I guess, since the environment he's setting, at least to her, feels the exact opposite of welcoming.
Do not annoy dragon's for thou are crunchy & taste good with ketchup!
Check the titles for chapters 6 and 7 :p
He somewhat failed in that I guess, since the environment he's setting, at least to her, feels the exact opposite of welcoming.
His problem is that he's using logic and she's a teenage girl in wyvern form. The wyvern form already predisposes her toward acting on emotion rather than logic, and teenagers aren't ... let's just say well known ... for using logic at the best of times :p
The PRT would have to be insane to not want to poke and prod at her because of how dangerous and out of control Taylor's powers are to herself and, as far as I can guess, the only reason they haven't brought her in after this latest fiasco is their concern over how Taylor and her father might respond regarding Sophia.
And the fact they have no legal standing to do so.

She just grew uncontrollably, did a lot of damage to property and people, developed a new way to attack people, and seemingly used said new way to attack a law enforcement officer (or at the very least used it to threaten him and everyone else around them). It wouldn't be hard to spin that into good PR ("...our need to protect the public from dangerous and out of control parahumans..."), and there's not a lot Carol could do about that by itself.

Sophia gives the Heberts leverage, but there's only so far that can take them.
The Heberts don't know about Sophia. Armsmaster never told them.

As for the rest of it:
Growing uncontrollably is not a crime.
Property and human damage is a superhero thing. Also, nobody died. (If Taylor had killed Inago? Then they might take her in).
It's not so much a new way to 'attack' people; her old way is much more effective. It's a way to communicate. VERY LOUDLY.
Vicky can testify to 'provocation'. Also to Armsmaster trying to get her to go away and leave him alone with her brand-new teammate whom he intended to provoke into 'attacking' him so he could arrest her.
It would be a lot harder for them to spin it into good PR with New Wave spinning it the other way just as hard as they could. And New Wave would have a lot more to work with.
Also, about the only recourse they've got to getting her to come along is to ask nicely. The only fliers they've got on hand right this second are Aegis and Kid Win, both of whom are woefully underequipped to dealing with her right now. Starting a fight with the two-ton fire-breathing intelligent dragon at the scene where she just ripped the arm off a dangerous supervillain (while Panacea's classmates are still on site) would be the absolute height of lunacy.

He is planning on figuring out whether or not it's possible, spending as much time as he can to get her trained, and maybe eventually let her fight Endbringers. He literally can't get her to fight Endbringers is she or her father don't want her to, so the easiest and safest and legalest and least problem causing way to go about it is to create a welcoming environment and let her know what she might be capable of so she wants to keep going once she's an adult and can direct her training and education down the relevant paths.
And if he led with that, he might get somewhere, once she was human again.

Or not. She's very hung up on the 'poking and prodding' aspect.

On the other hand, can you imagine if Taylor came into the PRT building and Sophia happened to walk past? One of them recognises the other, and Taylor just dragons out on the spot. They'd be pulling out all the stops to contain her, and she just keeps getting bigger.