Wyvern - Worm AU fanfic

Might be nice to record this entire meeting. I refuse to believe Winslow has a truancy officers. :rofl:
He's new, his name is Michael Allen.

They really need to go see Parian to see if she can make Taylor a bodysuit that wont wreck....Lung must have had some pants that grew with him.
In Cogito Ergo Lung Lung has a designated flunky who's job is to retreat to a nearby intersection, drop off a mask and pants, then book it out of there.
They really need to go see Parian to see if she can make Taylor a bodysuit that wont wreck....Lung must have had some pants that grew with him.
I think Lung's strategy for destroying his clothes is lack of modesty when he changes back. Who has the nerve to try to arrest him for indecent exposure. All Taylor needs to keep legal is standard minimal female beachwear.
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Not going, or having Carol with her, seems like a way better plan. Having Victoria come seems like the sort of teenage hijinks plan that the adults in the room should have shot down immediately.
Hmm... no, Vicky is the wrong one to send.

Send Amy instead.

Here's why:
  1. She has a valid reason for being there. Hazardous biological waste was found in the blast. Who better to make sure there's no nasty diseases lurking than the resident super healer?
  2. Amy's able to help keep Taylor's changes under control even better than Vicky.
  3. I really want to see Emma and company go up against Amy's snark. It'd be like watching a zeppelin run into a nest of flak cannons.
  4. Amy's less likely to make a mess.
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Hmm... no, Vicky is the wrong one to send.

Send Amy instead.

Here's why:
  1. She has a valid reason for being there. Hazardous biological waste was found in the blast. Who better to make sure there's no nasty diseases lurking than the resident super healer?
  2. Amy's able to help keep Taylor's changes under control even better than Vicky.
  3. I really want to see Emma and company go up against Amy's snark. It'd be like watching a zeppelin run into a nest of flak cannons.
  4. Amy's less likely to make a mess.
Amy would need permission from Blackwell to be permitted in the school. She might get it if Blackwell thought it would benefit the school, or Blackwell might as easily refuse. She would likely be restricted to the location of the waste. Other questions would be why she wasn't there earlier as part of the initial investigation. She wouldn't be permitted to follow Taylor around or given free-run of the school unless she had a really good story of why that would be needed. Vicky would likely just get told to go away if she tried to get in the school without a compelling reason backed up by the PRT.
Amy would need permission from Blackwell to be permitted in the school. She might get it if Blackwell thought it would benefit the school, or Blackwell might as easily refuse. She would likely be restricted to the location of the waste. Other questions would be why she wasn't there earlier as part of the initial investigation. She wouldn't be permitted to follow Taylor around or given free-run of the school unless she had a really good story of why that would be needed. Vicky would likely just get told to go away if she tried to get in the school without a compelling reason backed up by the PRT.

Okay, so you JUST pointed out that Vicky's not even going to be allowed in.

Meanwhile Amy can not only get in, but she DOES have a compelling case for her being allowed literally everywhere in the school: Biohazardous waste that got blown up. Particulates everywhere. Possibly even airborne diseases. She not only has a case for why she should be allowed to go everywhere, but a case for why not letting her go everywhere is criminal negligence, placing hundreds, possibly thousands, of people's lives at risk.

So... thanks for supporting my argument, I guess?
I'm thinking they want Taylor alone so Blackwell can do her usual you're making things up shtick and make Taylor angry enough to dragon out.

The PRT always behaves like Harvey Weinstein.........you say no a number of times but they ignore you. And them calling Taylor to the office without a adult?

Taylor needs to drop out of school and do home schooling. I'm honestly always stunned that no one recorded what happened everyone in that school but Taylor has a phone and you're telling me not one gang member, or student didn't? In a town where people record cape fights while they're happening?

The school and PRT need to burn...........I'd slightly feel for them but the amount of corruption and incompetence can only happen in a organization like the PRT. Sophia as a violent teen who almost killed a man should have had a active adult like MM as supervising her and checking on her.
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Unfortunately, this very much feels forced - that this 'trap' is definitely not as difficult as the adults in the room are presenting it to solve (given that one is legally trained and probably knows a bit about law regarding truancy and such and the other is a manager-type... and the child's father).

For one thing, I feel there's a lot higher threshold, time-wise, for sending in a truancy officer (who's probably going to be a sworn police officer rather than a dedicated full-time individual) - especially when a parent has excused their child or there's events like the school being closed. Kids can be excused from school by their parents for all kinds of reasons - and while I believe there's cases where parents have been hit for keeping their kid away from school, we're talking about at the very least a couple weeks before a wellness check or the like is made. Any kind of legal coercion is, I think, going to need a court order - the principal can't just call up a parent and say "the kid must appear before me now". She can make a call, but it's not going to have the kind of implied urgency/legal force that Danny seems to be presenting it as. And both the adults in the room should know it.

Moreover, Danny himself is someone who is completely justified showing up alongside Taylor if the principal wants to talk to her; him not bringing this up seems a bit of a hole. If "truancy officer" has come up then that's definitely more than enough of an excuse for a concerned parent to be involved (not that he actually needs an excuse; the principal wanting to talk to a child to the point of requesting them specifically to come in? Few parents wouldn't be showing up to find out just what's going on).

It looks like you're specifically trying to set up future events, but I feel like this scene is too jarring in the attempt. It doesn't feel like a natural progression to, say, "Victoria with Taylor at Winslow" - with whatever you have planned happening from there.
Meanwhile Amy can not only get in, but she DOES have a compelling case for her being allowed literally everywhere in the school: Biohazardous waste that got blown up. Particulates everywhere. Possibly even airborne diseases. She not only has a case for why she should be allowed to go everywhere, but a case for why not letting her go everywhere is criminal negligence, placing hundreds, possibly thousands, of people's lives at risk.
As a certified lab technician I can tell you that this is a very strong case.
I've already done "Amy goes to Winslow".

It's Vicky's turn.
But Ack.

Why not... both?

Amy does need a ride, and what responsible sister would let a poor defenseless healer like Amy wander into a hive of scum and villany like Winslow without backup?
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I have heard the comments and have decided to rewrite the end a little.

I shook my head. "I dunno. Whether he's behind it or not, if I go into that school, I'm screwed. I have no idea how I'm gonna get out of this one."

"I do!" Vicky came strolling down the stairs, looking like the cat that had recently imbibed the cream and was donning a bib in front of a cage full of canaries. "I'll go to Winslow with you. Let's see the little shits bother you then."

I blinked and looked at her. The idea of Vicky confronting Emma was … compelling. "That could definitely work."

"No." Dad shook his head definitively. "It won't. All the girls have to do is complain about her presence—her aura, if nothing else—and Principal Blackwell can order her to leave."

"But I'll be there as a superhero," Vicky protested. "Tell him, Mom!" She looked upset at the idea of her grand plan being shot down so easily.

"Sorry, dear," Carol said. "She can and she will. You're not a student there, and it would take too long—and far too much paperwork—to effect even a temporary transfer. If she decides you're a trespasser, then you're a trespasser."

"So Taylor doesn't go." Dad set his jaw. "Screw Blackwell. Taylor can stay here for the time being, so even if Armsmaster himself decides to play truant officer and kicks down my front door, she won't be there."

"He knows Taylor's joined the team, though," Amy said. "What's stopping him from coming here?"

"Because here is linked to her cape identity, and she's a hero who hasn't committed any deliberate felonies," Carol pointed out didactically. "Yes, the PRT can and will play fast and loose with the so-called unwritten rules, but I will nail anyone's hide to the wall if they choose to try to search my house without both a warrant and due cause. And I'm dubious about him being able to get Director Piggot to sign off on any kind of scheme like that. I'm personally certain that he's relying on it being easier to ask for forgiveness than permission, especially if he manages to get Taylor to sign on the dotted line."

"Taylor will just melt his halberd if he tries, won't you?" Vicky smirked. "Or maybe you'll just bite it in half like a breadstick."

"I'd much rather not antagonise Armsmaster any more than I already have," I said with finality. "I still get the shakes when I think about how many people heard me tell him to eff off. I wish he'd just go away and leave me alone."

Carol stared at me, then slowly blinked. "On second thought, maybe you should go to school."

We all stared at her. "Mom?" asked Vicky. "Are you feeling all right? Do you want to lie down?"

"No, no, hear me out." Carol rubbed her hands together. "But we're going to be doing more than just getting evidence on the girls who've been bullying you, Taylor. We're going to be going after Armsmaster himself. If he's willing to bend the rules this hard just to get you over a barrel, Taylor, who knows what else he's ready to pull. All in the name of 'the greater good'." She said the last three words in tones of deepest disgust. "So yes, you'll be attending Winslow. But we'll also be taking certain precautions …"

End of Part Fourteen

[Mwahaha. Evil cliffhanger is evil.]
Emma with home field advantage against a visiting student from another school. Emma wins easily. Vicky can't use her powers and is at a social disadvantage against Emma.
Not really. As an open heroic cape Vicky has a social advantage Emma can't beat. Vicky is at least locally famous, Emma's just a big frog in a very small pond.
"I do!" Vicky came strolling down the stairs, looking like the cat that had recently imbibed the cream and was donning a bib in front of a cage full of canaries. "I'll go to Winslow with you. Let's see the little shits bother you then."

Nice entry, one problem:
"Cui bono?" I asked, not understanding the term.

"'Who profits'," Vicky said briskly. "Okay, Mom, what's your idea?"

Vicky was already in the scene ;p
It's in I, Panacea. Amy (and the voice in her head) end up provoking Sophia into trying to attack Panacea. In front of Blackwell. And Glory Girl.
You can guess how well that works out for Sophia. :D