Whatever Remains: Ash like Snow

I apologize for my mediocre writing recently. I just went through some of the recent posts and my spelling is abhorrent (mostly due to autocorrect).

Again, I apologize and will strive to improve.
Well, the Enforcer should live, but you'll have to hang in there without quality First Aid @Mask.

I'm definitely going to look into taking FA as a skill if I can do that after this part of the adventure. Seeing as I end up as the medic most of the time anyway.
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You can just do it, no need to roll.

(Geez, you guys like rolling dice. Its almost like you want a chance to fail at simple tasks XD )
Just want to check. Hence why I asked first, so I could avoid the outcome of not rolling when I should have and instafailing or rolling when I shouldn't have and failing simple tasks because lol Body 1 no Strength.

Also, somehow didn't get shot. Very glad.
So, uh, good luck.

Once again I manage to avoid the main event. Hopefully you'll come back to us.

Also, if I can I'm grilling the shit out of May. Why didn't you just say there were zombies, you blinkered woman?
Writers block is beating the shit out of me.

It already killed my work ethic and its holding my creativity hostage.

crap, I think it saw me writing this...

Send help.
Hey Guys, a million apologies, but we're gonna have to take a bit of a commercial break. My creative process kinda just died, and then I got conscripted into gming a Grand Strategy RP...

Again, this is a temporary hiatus, and I fully expect to return to this once my related creative juices have refilled.

A million apologies.
I was proposing something like this:

Ed and Michael both head to the door.
Michael checks what's outside and the doors locking mechanism and informs Ed.
If the figure hasn't yet noticed us we make some noise to draw its attention.
Sarek ambushes it.
If the door doesn't present a problem for Ed to close and open (for example, does not require a key or retinal scan), she can close the door from the inside or outside while Michael heads back inside to help subdue the figure.
Could I get a coord + stealth check from everyone?

If Michael and Ed move together, they can combine their rolls, otherwise Ed is defaulted to 2 dice