Whatever Remains: Ash like Snow

Eh, Shotgun spread and AR spray are different things
Are they? I'll check the PDF later.

Edit with clarification will go here ->

Lastly, what does Education actually do as a skill?
Education will help you with tests involving memory or recalling information,

i.e. if you see a certain ruin, you can make a brains + education check to see if you happen to know what that ruin used to be in the old world.
Are they? I'll check the PDF later.

Edit with clarification will go here ->
I meant more in RL. Not exactly the same, so even if the mechanics are similar calling them by different names makes sense.
Education will help you with tests involving memory or recalling information,

i.e. if you see a certain ruin, you can make a brains + education check to see if you happen to know what that ruin used to be in the old world.
So I basically know everything about the old world. Neat.
I meant more in RL. Not exactly the same, so even if the mechanics are similar calling them by different names makes sense.
ah, I see. yes thwy're technically different, though mechanically their practically identical. they just add more dice to your pool to show that you are shooting more bullets.
So I basically know everything about the old world. Neat.
you at least have a good chance too :p
Michael Skirita
Name: Michael "Kal" Skirata
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 140 lb
Mercenary company: Ash Brigade
Appearance: Short dark hair, dark eyes, medium tan. His height and lean build makes him appear non-threatening. Being the subject of his stare is unnerving.
Background: Never the most athletic or studious of children, Michael's innate talents with weapons was discovered by recruiters from the Ash Brigade at an early age, and his fate was sealed. He has been molded into a hunter of men, and as such is comfortable in his own solitude. Assigned to the expedition by his superiors, Michael will perform his duties without complaint because it is the only life he has ever known.

Body: 2
Coordination: 5
Sense: 2
Brains: 1
Command: 1
Cool: 1

Health 2
Throw 2
Dodge 1
Stealth 1
Rifles 2
See 3
Hear 2
Tactics 4
Mental Stability 3

Head(10): [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Left arm (3-4): [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Right arm (5-6): [x] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Right leg(1): [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Left leg(2) : [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Body(7-9): [x] [x] [\] [\] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

Current inventory:
Width +1 killing
width in shock
spray d3
ap 1

Dynamic slide rail
Dual Fire mode- may switch to semi auto as a free action. the weapon loses spray, but gets a bonus dice to aiming and called shots
Ammo Count: 15/20 + 9 full magazines
Attachment: Reflex Sight
+1 HA to head

Special: gets cold fast
+15/+15 range
+1 bonus dice to called shots
+2 bonus dice to aiming
-Requires Dynamic Slide Rail
10 Tickets
+1 coordination
+1 bonus dice to aiming
+2 bonus dice to called shots
-requires Dynamic Slide Rail
10 Tickets
-5/-5 range
makes weapon quiet
cannot be used on shotguns
20 uses
5 Tickets
2 pistol magazines

Shot calculator table:
  Coord+Rifle (base) Range Aim Called Weapon special Attachment special Total (Dice rolled)
Single Shot 7 +1 (short) N/A N/A N/A +1 (reflex) 9
Single Shot, aim 1 round 7 +1 (short) +1 N/A +1 (semi auto aim) +2 (reflex + aim) 12 (10 max)
Single Shot, aim 1 round, called shot 7 +1 (short) +1 -2 (set 1 dice to target location) +2 (semi auto aim + called) +4 (reflex + aim + called) 13 (10 max)
Single Shot, called shot 7 +1 (short) N/A -2 (set 1 dice to target location) +1 (semi auto called) +3 (reflex + called) 10
EDIT: @Dust and echoes This is pretty much done, although I may switch some skills (like Mechanics) around.
- Can you give a couple of examples of how Tactics would be used in and out of combat?
- On page 23 of the PDF, there are scenarios for how to deal with a grenade being thrown at you, but the dice pool is purely Coordination. Would it make sense for Coordination+Athletics to kick it away, Coordination+Throw to catch and throw it back, Coordination+Run to try to dash out of the blast zone?
- How would shooting a grenade out of somebody's hand work? :D
Last edited:
Name: Michael "Kal" Skirata
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 140 lb
Mercenary company: Ash Brigade
Appearance: Short dark hair, dark eyes, medium tan. His height and lean build makes him appear non-threatening. Being the subject of his stare is unnerving.
Background: Never the most athletic or studious of children, Michael's innate talents with weapons was discovered by recruiters from the Ash Brigade at an early age, and his fate was sealed. He has been molded into a hunter of men, and as such is comfortable in his own solitude. Assigned to the expedition by his superiors, Michael will perform his duties without complaint because it is the only life he has ever known.

Body: 1
Coordination: 5
Sense: 3
Brains: 1
Command: 1
Cool: 1

Health 3
Dodge 1
Stealth 1
Rifles 2
See 3
Hear 2
Mechanics 5
Mental Stability 3

Head(10): [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Left arm (3-4): [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Right arm (5-6): [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Right leg(1): [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Left leg(2) : [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Body(7-9): [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

Current inventory:
Width +1 killing
width in shock
spray d3
ap 1

Dynamic slide rail
Dual Fire mode- may switch to semi auto as a free action. the weapon loses spray, but gets a bonus dice to aiming and called shots
Magazines: 10

+1 HA to head

Special: gets cold fast

+15/+15 range
+1 bonus dice to called shots
+2 bonus dice to aiming
-Requires Dynamic Slide Rail
10 Tickets

+1 coordination
+1 bonus dice to aiming
+2 bonus dice to called shots
-requires Dynamic Slide Rail
10 Tickets

-5/-5 range
makes weapon quiet
cannot be used on shotguns
20 uses
5 Tickets

EDIT: @Dust and echoes This is pretty much done, although I may switch some skills (like Mechanics) around.
- Can you give a couple of examples of how Tactics would be used in and out of combat?
- On page 23 of the PDF, there are scenarios for how to deal with a grenade being thrown at you, but the dice pool is purely Coordination. Would it make sense for Coordination+Athletics to kick it away, Coordination+Throw to catch and throw it back, Coordination+Run to try to dash out of the blast zone?
- How would shooting a grenade out of somebody's hand work? :D
Tactics can be used to-
-predict enemy field of movement
-predict where an enemy will come from or did come from (direction wise)
-predict an enemies strategy
-figure out where to set up ambush, ect.

I'd actually house rule those anti-grenade rolls to mostly body + *whatever*, due to all the skills being from the body category.
However this doesn't mean that you physically can't dodge a grenade if you don't have a high enough dice pool, I'll just default you to two dice and raise the height threshold.

Shooting a grenade out of a persons hand would be a called shot to the hand that's holding it, and would require you to get a certain width depending on the distance.

actics can be used to-
-predict enemy field of movement
-predict where an enemy will come from or did come from (direction wise)
-predict an enemies strategy
-figure out where to set up ambush, ect.
Is talking a free action, and do we have short range radios / communicators? (I.e, somebody succeeds in a tactics roll and wants to let everyone know where the bad guys are coming from; or if I spot some enemies trying to sneak up on somebody far away who is unaware)

I'd actually house rule those anti-grenade rolls to mostly body + *whatever*, due to all the skills being from the body category.
However this doesn't mean that you physically can't dodge a grenade if you don't have a high enough dice pool, I'll just default you to two dice and raise the height threshold.
This system seems pretty flexible. I can imagine throwing a boulder or a desk requiring body + throw since its heavy and requires body to even pick it up. But for grenades I can see either body + throw (if you're going for distance or delivering a fastball) or coordination + throw (if you're using hand eye coordination when aiming for a specific location or trying to bounce it off a wall or something).

Looking forward to this! (And looking forword to picking up loot! :D shinies!)
Ok, I'm probably going to put up the IC this weekend. Afterwards recruiting will still be open until a certain point in the story, and the new players will just take the place of an NPC that has been there the whole time. (There's gonna be a bunch. This is a big expedition.)
Name: Sarek
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Height: 6'3.
Weight: 190lbs.
Mercenary company: Brown Coat Corp
Background: Primarily a 'fixer', or a scout, sent to sneak out among the enemy, and either assassinate, or map out the assault. Known for his preference for blades.

(Allocate 6 extra points. A stat cannot be raised above 5)
Body: 1+2=3
Coordination:1+3= 4
Sense: 1
Brains: 1
Command: 1
Cool: 1+1=2

Head(10): [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Left arm (3-4): [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Right arm (5-6): [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Right leg(1): [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Left leg(2) : [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Body(7-9): [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

Current inventory:

Special Items:
Thick, reinforced Jacket
+3 LA to torso and arms
special: protects against the elements

The Blade
Width +2 in killing
width in shock
+2 bonus dice for during first blade attack in a combat

40 tickets.

Images Broken.

Will sort out equip later.

Skills: (20 points to spend here, again, no stay can be raised above 5)
Weapons (melee with weapons)X4


Mental stabilityX2
Last edited:
Name: Sarek
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Height: 6'3.
Weight: 190lbs.
Mercenary company: Brown Coat Corp
Background: Primarily a 'fixer', or a scout, sent to sneak out among the enemy, and either assassinate, or map out the assault. Known for his preference for blades.

(Allocate 6 extra points. A stat cannot be raised above 5)
Body: 1+2=3
Coordination:1+3= 4
Sense: 1
Brains: 1
Command: 1
Cool: 1+1=2

Head(10): [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Left arm (3-4): [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Right arm (5-6): [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Right leg(1): [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Left leg(2) : [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Body(7-9): [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

Current inventory:

Special Items:
Thick, reinforced Jacket
+3 LA to torso and arms
special: protects against the elements

The Blade
Width +2 in killing
width in shock
+2 bonus dice for during first blade attack in a combat

40 tickets.

Images Broken.

Will sort out equip later.

Skills: (20 points to spend here, again, no stay can be raised above 5)
Weapons (melee with weapons)X4


Mental stabilityX2
Could you extend that background a bit please?

Also, the images work for me, and just in case I listed all the equipment below the picture in the spoiler.
Name: Sarek
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Height: 6'3.
Weight: 190lbs.
Mercenary company: Brown Coat Corp

Sarek(last name unknown) has been with the Brown Jackets for most of his life. Ever since he's signed up, he's been the go-to-scout of his squad, slowly making his way through the ranks, usually by surviving. Has a taste for fine clothes, most notably good coats and gloves.

Lacks some of the more 'sympathetic' natures of other people, worn down by his time with the Brown Jackets.

Is known for his violent reaction to people insinuating he is part of the 'BJ' company, in a sexual manner.

Primarily a 'fixer', or a scout, sent to sneak out among the enemy, and either assassinate, or map out the assault. Known for his preference for blades.

(Allocate 6 extra points. A stat cannot be raised above 5)
Body: 1+2=3
Coordination:1+3= 4
Sense: 1
Brains: 1
Command: 1
Cool: 1+1=2

Head(10): [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Left arm (3-4): [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Right arm (5-6): [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Right leg(1): [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Left leg(2) : [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Body(7-9): [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [-] [-] [-] [-] [X]

Current inventory:

40-37=3 tickets left.

10 clips of Magnum ammo

Special Items:
Thick, reinforced Jacket
+3 LA to torso and arms
special: protects against the elements

The Blade
Width +2 in killing
width in shock
+2 bonus dice for during first blade attack in a combat

Magnum=25 tickets
Cheap Suppressor=5
Cheap Reflex Sight=7

Skills: (20 points to spend here, again, no stay can be raised above 5)
Weapons (melee with weapons)X4


Mental stabilityX2
Last edited:
Name: Sarek
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Height: 6'3.
Weight: 190lbs.
Mercenary company: Brown Coat Corp

Sarek(last name unknown) has been with the Brown Jackets for most of his life. Ever since he's signed up, he's been the go-to-scout of his squad, slowly making his way through the ranks, usually by surviving. Has a taste for fine clothes, most notably good coats and gloves.

Lacks some of the more 'sympathetic' natures of other people, worn down by his time with the Brown Jackets.

Is known for his violent reaction to people insinuating he is part of the 'BJ' company, in a sexual manner.

Primarily a 'fixer', or a scout, sent to sneak out among the enemy, and either assassinate, or map out the assault. Known for his preference for blades.

(Allocate 6 extra points. A stat cannot be raised above 5)
Body: 1+2=3
Coordination:1+3= 4
Sense: 1
Brains: 1
Command: 1
Cool: 1+1=2

Head(10): [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Left arm (3-4): [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Right arm (5-6): [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Right leg(1): [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Left leg(2) : [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Body(7-9): [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

Current inventory:

40-37=3 tickets left.

10 clips of Magnum ammo

Special Items:
Thick, reinforced Jacket
+3 LA to torso and arms
special: protects against the elements

The Blade
Width +2 in killing
width in shock
+2 bonus dice for during first blade attack in a combat

Magnum=25 tickets
Cheap Suppressor=5
Cheap Reflex Sight=7

Skills: (20 points to spend here, again, no stay can be raised above 5)
Weapons (melee with weapons)X4


Mental stabilityX2

Give me a minute to edit you in.
Darn, something that requires actual thought. Who had the 4/5 Brain score?!
@EternalStruggle and @Mask you are hereby delegated to roll due to my auto fail of a dice pool of 1. Delegation is love. You two are our only hope! May Menci have mercy on our rolls!
Darn, something that requires actual thought. Who had the 4/5 Brain score?!
@EternalStruggle and @Mask you are hereby delegated to roll due to my auto fail of a dice pool of 1. Delegation is love. You two are our only hope! May Menci have mercy on our rolls!
If you want, I'll let you default to two dice, so you can at least attempt it,

Am I a nice gm or what? :p
So close, yet so far! Alas, Rex Donner's head is so full of charisma, there's little to no room for that thing called "information"!
I'm not giving you a free dice, I'm just allowing you to roll. Even if you get a double, now it's got to be a higher double than normal.

Also, we now have a dice room on rolz:
Roleplaying Dice Roller · Rolz
That makes a lot of sense, and it's still more than you would get from the base game. Thanks anyway!
How do I use said room? Never been…
Edit: I'm also on the move and on my phone right now so I can't actually see the help bar.
Last edited:
Just join with the link, and use the following commands as you like:

#nick [insert name here]
- changes your name

#1d10 #[put what you're rolling for here]
-rolls one d10 dice.

-rolls two d10's and adds the result

#2 1d10
-rolls 2 1d10's and list results seperately (use this one)

Edit: you can then scroll right to copy a roll from the site a paste it in your IC post.