Whatever Remains: Ash like Snow

I'm actually using semi auto mode at the moment.
Ah, in that case, I believe it defaults to the highest, then if you get hit and can lose that match, your next lowest match becomes your result.

(I.E., you have two nines and two rights. You get struck by a roll of 3 nines, causing you to lose a dice from your highest set (the 2 9's)

Since you no longer have a match of 9's, your result is instead the pair of eights you rolled.)

IC update should be up soon...hopefully.
I apologize for not being as active as I should but the last week has been tiresome. Troubles are over though and I will be posting much more to the OOC and IC.
So my helmet gives me +1 HA. How does that effect the damage I took ?
It lowers the width of the attack by one. If it were width 2, the attack would fail outright. Since this was width three, it takes a way a dice from it, making it width 2.

So you instead take 2 killing and 2 shock, which is just enough to not kill you.

You are, however out cold and bleeding.