Whatever Remains: Ash like Snow

Picture of the Scions escorting May
EDIT: and yes, I realize this placement of the sword is impractical and ridiculous. Just Assume it works, and don't put it in any "pick apart armor designs" threads.
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@Dust and echoes
Okay, so this cyborg girl is kinda freaky... consider me rightfully disturbed... :o
Quick question(s):
1) is the door into this area currently open or closed?
2) has cyborg girl seen Sarek yet?
3) assuming that the cyborg girl has already seen Michael + Ed (which is why she said "Oh"), does Michael know that she's seen us (and/or Sarek)?
1) it's closed

2) she has seen everyone
EDIT: she is, however, within melee range of Sarek, should he wish to strike.

3) she has a light surgically implanted in her head. I think it would be hard to not know that she's seen you.
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@EternalStruggle @Mask
In the meantime, Eternal. You were talking earlier about talking to May, right? Well here's your chance.

Of course, James is also shaking, muttering under his breath and has the eyes of a Gulag survivor, so...
Ah damn it, I really could.

I'm not actually going to though. Not yet. I don't think the Scions would appreciate the stalling, and she's gone... weird.
"I...I'm sorry, I tried to...your friend was bleeding really bad...I did what I could, but...there was just so much blood...and the only other person who could help her was Father, but if Father knew I brought you here he would be very dissapointed..."
The tray slips slightly, and she struggles to catch it. The cups teeter precariously but don't fall.
"Father has your stuff. I needed an excuse to bring you here. You were hurt bad."

To clarify this section, so her Father has our stuff, but doesn't know December was the one who brought us here? Did he examine Ed's eyes / our wounds already?
To clarify this section, so her Father has our stuff, but doesn't know December was the one who brought us here? Did he examine Ed's eyes / our wounds already?
Her Father has your stuff, because December either needed to bribe him to let you stay, or needed an excuse to bring you here behind his back.

You don't know if he's seen Ed or not. Maybe December knows?

EDIT: actually, I just put it in the IC. He hasn't seen Ed.
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For reference, the Vanguard rifle has the following stats-

Avenger Vanguard Battle Rifle
width + 1 killing
width in shock
range 40/50
ammo 6-24
spray d4

Sorry I didn't have this up before. Make sure you've factored in spray.
Several consecutive cases of bad health, and I'm currently on a 7-day migraine marathon (one of several) so its been tough. I'm sorry I haven't been doing anything, I just can't spare brain power to think anything other than "I like this" while I'm reading and checking things out here. I'll just have to see what happens, health permitting.
Several consecutive cases of bad health, and I'm currently on a 7-day migraine marathon (one of several) so its been tough. I'm sorry I haven't been doing anything, I just can't spare brain power to think anything other than "I like this" while I'm reading and checking things out here. I'll just have to see what happens, health permitting.
Hey man, you're fine. Take as long as you need, just wanted to make sure you weren't dead or anything. XD
@StormLord @MysteriousOldGuy
The hole in the ceiling is close enough to crawl through if one gives the other a boost.
The wires in the console connect to what appears to be some sort of power source. It is generating a surprising amount of heat.
Just wanted to say this week is pretty busy for me, so it could be a couple more days before I can properly post IC. Or late tonight. Depends really on timing.
The weapon you procured is a-

Blessed TK-48 AR
width + 1 killing
width in shock
range 40/50
ammo 5-20
spray d3
This weapon has been blessed by the god Menci. Prayers and symbols have been carved into its casing- +1 inspire, +1 mental stability)
While in Vision-land, Eds gear consists of-

Ancient old-world Rifle

width + 2 killing and shock
range 50/60
ammo 6-24
spray d4
(Ancient- this weapon is heavily damaged, and pushing it too hard may cause everything from a Jam to irreversible damage. a roll with width of three causes a jam. You must spend a turn fixing it before it can be fired again. An attack roll with a width higher than 3 causes weapon to break. It may not be used anymore should this occur.)

Ancient Old-World Combat Dress
+1 HA to head
+2 LA to everywhere else