The Green-Tide pt.4
Ooh, a Shaman! It's been awhile since you got to have some fun with them!
With one mighty leap-- and a crack-- you land amidst the rafters, landing soft on your silken boots. It's harder than you remember, Morgyan will be bed-ridden-
Enough. We have work to do, Marquess, and little enough time to do it.
In any case, she's not wrong. Leaping to a beat only you can hear, you head up the rafters, and though a twinge rings out through your borrowed body you do manage to make it up to the hanging balconies.
Slinking stealthy, humming a jaunty tune to yourself, you reach the dungeon, quick as a flash. There, rummaging through old rooms-- barely younger than yourself, really-- you see one of the FILTHYWRETCHEDKILLWEHATE
-Funny little shamans. He's messing the place up bad as he can, honestly; very rude, very rude indeed.
Popping one of the clasps from your cloak, the silk falls to the ground in a heap. Taking the amber pin, you grasp it hard and then take a running leap toward the center chandelier in the center of the stretched corridor.
Twirling through the air, spinning, you are silent but for the whisper of the wind. Something in your back pops, hard, and you let out a slight giggle as you feel it shift weird. Ah well; Carpe Diem, no?
No-One knows what you're talking about when you spout that, Marquess.
Ignoring your very limited passenger, you land hard on the silver vessel. It is, essentially, two giant plates of candles, with one smaller than the other and both etched with symbols of Bretonnia's past, worked by elven hands, the greatest work of one Aluvian the Belle.
You'll be glad to send it plummeting.
The goblin is on high alert as he hears all of what's going on above and around him in the manor's rafters, and he looks a bit concerned.
Not that you blame him-- you're feeling a little...Batty yourself.
There is only silence.
Ah hell, genius is always ignored in its own time.
Drawing your mind back to the task at hand, you drop the amber on the ground, just under the chandelier. The goblin is immediately suspicious, whirling his staff and checking the rafters; but you, contorting yourself behind the thick silver column that holds the plates together, are very easily out of sight.
You fiddle with your hair, twirling it around your finger as the goblin comes closer and closer, taking his sweet time. Apparently he has better places to be.
Finally-- after a whole thirty seconds of making you what-- he grabs the amber-- and just as he does you toss a knife through the overstrained rope that's been holding this contraption up.
There's a twang, a thud-- and then the sound of ropes sliding through a metal ring as the silver plummets.
The goblin looks up but does not even get a chance to yell before the silver smashes into him, crushing him instantly.
It's only then that the jail really comes to life as the hobgoblins hear it. They come rushing for you, throughout the whole of the huge manor.
The saps...
Finally stepping off the shaking chandelier, you notice with no small bit of pride that not a (borrowed) strand of hair is out of place. Hell of a trick to pull, really, especially considering exactly who you're working with.
Now, as for the Goblins:
[] You've seen Home Alone, right? You're gonna do it like that, but probably with more dead people. Probably. Cause, you know, you like having a body to working with, as opposed to staying cooped up in this prison.
[] Time to bug out. You can very definitely outrun these chumps. Besides, the P-Man's probably noticed you've been gone for awhile, unless, like, something terrible is going down further into Montfort, and what're the odds of that?
I like writing the Marquess, she's fun.