Turn 4
The cell's door swings open as you stomp through, flinging your sister to the oaken chair. She glares at you with such hatred and such force that a lesser man may have wilted under its power; a better man may have sought to soothe it.
Instead, you smile.
"They say mercy is the quality of a great man."
"I'd call you many things, idiot, but great is not one of them."
The dam bursts. Anger flows from you as you leap at her, hand tightening around her throat and slamming her form into the cement walls.
"Every time." She looks at you with naked terror as for the first time you make this cunning wench feel half the sting she so tormented you with. You draw near her, that Carole, that vicious power hungry filth might
understand a small taste of what she had done to you since you first came squealing into this world. "Every time I was
almost happy, you ripped it from my heart and tore it to pieces. Every time I
almost knew love, you cut the bonds betwixt I and they with a single cruel word. From the moment you could speak, you have called me idiot, fool, dumb, ignorant. And yet always I have shown you nothing,
nothing, but the love, the affection you so denied to me! I trucked with you. I trusted you. I hoped in you. I had my faith in you! Always and forever." Your voice grows ragged, dark, hotter and hotter as it booms through the stone room.
"I name ye traitor, kin only in blood and not in spirit. I will do more unto you, I will see to it that justice— justice—
justice— will be served. Everything you've done and everything you plan to do will lie unveiled before the light of day, and the Lady will find it wanting!"
"Who are you to name me traitor, favored oaf? I am above you, you dull-witted, half-dumb, sniveling little wretch of a man!" She's found her shrew's voice again, but it leaves her just as quick as you slam a knife into the brick just next to her head whence it vibrates for moments.
"Your only strength lies in the shadow, sister, crawling with all the other terrible things, writhing in your own filth and treating your weakness as the weakness of all men! I ought demand you bring back the broken heads and split hearts of a thousand beastmen, slaughter a dozen wyverns, and only return to
my lands drenched in the blood of evil, that yours might be drawn to it!"
"Do as you will. There is no future for me here, amongst a land ruled by a dullard and a witch. Mark my words— you will bring this duchy to ruination!"
"It is an easy thing to claim your path should save us from defeat and defilement, when you never have risked a blasted thing! Never walked the paths! Never walked a mile in another's shoes, never dared! Always
squirming with other slimy things! Oh, oh, Sister, I could have a feast o' boiling blood! Our own father! Our Lord! Your Sire! Kin of kin to you, who raised you out of deserved perdition!"
"He was a fool!"
Your hand flies out and leaves a brilliant red mark as you march out, Baron Armistead running by. You waive off the guards that run after him; for all she is a mongrel, unworthy to be in your lands, by all counts theirs was a happy marriage of arrogance— it is likely he wishes to speak to her. For his part Armistead was innocent and unconnected to her little game— it seems Carole wished to keep him safe.
You'd believe it; she always did seem to believe the whole world was out to get him.
Throwing open the doors to your own chambers, you scoop up Morgyan, Godfrey, and Leliana in one huge hug, and don't let go throughout the night, sleeping and holding them close.
Special Non-Slot Consuming Action
Carole, your own sister, your flesh and blood, plotted dark and treacherous treason. She killed father, not with a knife through the back a sword in the throat, no, but all the same her sabotage killed him. She would have killed you, likely slowly. Your wife and children would have been marked, that some other Knight could do that task for her. It is your duty to dispense justice.
Complicating matters further is that her husband, Baron Armistead, has asked you that he might instead be the one who is punished, to spare her. It speaks well of his character, but it would be cruel to unleash this on him, even if he is literally asking for it.
What is to be done to Carole?:
[] Brand. This was a deed most foul, an act most unholy— but you must not stoop to her level. Remind them all with a single burn and be done with it.
[] Banishment. She will leave Montfort, and will only ever be allowed to return if called on.
[] Make her useful. She wishes to rule?
Let her rule the Massif. She will take 500 men and sufficient supplies and form an outpost in the Massif, one loyal to Bretonnia— and if she should leave it without your permission, you will break her.
[] Something Else (Write-In)
Do you let Baron Armistead take his wife's place?
[] Yes
[] No
Martial: Sir Lancelot is, without a doubt, the finest Knight you know, capable of turning aside blade after blade and assault after assault on his person, and being a peerless strategist as well. His perfectly suited to advise you in matters of war. "For years we sought a lord, Bretonnian or otherwise, but none deserved our service for long. You, though, little lord… Well, let us just say that, so long as the beautiful women and great adventures never stop flowing, I shall be in paradise."
Also, your wound is mostly healed. Neat. (Lose trait: Wounded, gain trait: Scarred)
(Pick 2)
An Honest Patrol: The lands are filled with Bandits, orcs, cultists, Imperials, witches, and Lady only knows what else. It would be of service to more heavily patrol the lands of Montfort, which are threatened even at the best of times.
Cost: Free
Reward: Extra patrols, +1d250 Gold
What Once Was: It must be said: You and engineers do not get along. You never have, and likely never will. But no knight can ever forget the sight of an entire Ratman army disintegrating under the great stones that are flung mighty distances indeed. While unchivalrous, the trebuchet is a grand weapon indeed.
Unfortunately, you have no engineers, and no Trebuchet. Lancelot may know where an engineer is found who chafes mightily under their overlords and would be willing to work for you, though he has cautioned you to have an open mind.
Cost: 20 Gold
Reward: Siege Engineer
Not That Expensive: Scale armor is mobility restrictive, and does not have as much coverage. It does, however, protect better from both piercing and bludgeoning attacks and more importantly, does not use as much metal as Chain, instead being backed with leather. In short, it would be cheap enough to have a large enough amount of the stuff produced for your Men At Arms, with further options to be expand it later.
Cost: 150 Gold, 2 Years
Reward: Men At Arms equipped with Scale Armor amongst personal levy, Upkeep increases slightly
Musicians: Musicians signal the men, form them up, and rally them when morale wavers through song and glory past. Unfortunately, your core was ravaged by Orcs and in the chaos of purging them, meeting with Morgyan, and simply taking up the reins of power. Now that the task is done, and you have assumed the mantle, it might be wise to begin rebuilding them— though this will likely make raising more troops later more expensive.
Cost: 80 Gold
Reward: Musicians among men that raise morale and allow you to communicate more effectively
Logistics: It's a fact of war— men need to eat, need to drink, to sleep, and they need to...erm, relieve themselves. Long and brutal experience has taught that that will do far more damage to your men than battle itself— foraging is risky business even in Imperial territory, never mind if you strike at the Orcs or the Dark Elves. While you cannot deal with the last few needs too quickly, it shouldn't be too hard to come up with some sort of method of having food, water and weapons ready for the trail... maybe in the form of some sort of wagon? Not the piddly little things you usually deal with, no, but
big ones? Still… that
is a lot of food for what is a fairly rare problem, all told.
Cost: 125 Gold, 3 Years
Chance Of Success: 90%
Reward: No damage from Attrition in protracted campaigns
Reliquae: Duty does not end with death, not for all. Many wandering bands of Grail Pilgrims, those this diseased world has pushed unto and passed the brink of madness— and back again— have within their possession the gilded remnants of fallen Grail Knights, whose remains inspire and grant protection to all that fight under their aegis. Perhaps one could be lured to the army? It certainly could not hurt to try.
Cost: 125 Gold
Chance Of Success: 80%
Reward: Grail Reliquae
Diplomacy: The Bard Jaune is part of your retinue. Pale faced, clad in a fool's costume, and wielding both lyre and sword, he sings your praises to all that would hear them. That said, there's a steel trap beneath that gaudy purple and gold of his. You just have let him use it. And use it he did, informing the Imperials of your father's passing.
(Pick 2)
Tourney: A tournament is something all Bretonnians enjoy, whether knight, peasant, lord, or lady. Morgyan's destruction of the little Cell that thought they would hurt your children deserves celebration. Being that your arm is fully healed, you'll probably join in yourself.
Cost: 50 Gold
Chance Of Success: 75% *Note: only for winning, not for opinion improvement*
Reward: Prestige, improved noble opinion, ???
Scratch My Back: It is an old trick in Estalia and TIlea to gain a title of nobility by sending a letter to a receptive noble with an amount of gold to persuade them to respond to you with the wished for title, e.g. Signor or Sir. While you are far outside of Estalia, you are still a Duke and as such your word when responding would mean something. It's a bit underhanded, but Morgyan does know a fellow or two who would make use of this service and would pay handsomely.
Cost: Free
Reward: 1d250 Gold
King's Sleep Gifts: The most noble of all holidays, when Bretonnia celebrates Gilles Le Breton and mourns his premature slumber. On this day, family give gifts to each other, spend time together, and mourn his loss by the ritual burning of a greenskin figurine. Perhaps sending gifts will make people like you more? It couldn't hurt to check.
Cost: 75 Gold
Reward: Slight increase to noble opinion
The Short And The Stout: Dwarfs are constantly angry, generally grumpy, and dismissive of "manlings". They are also famous for drinking beer. Clearly, the two are related; you'd be grumpy too, if the only thing you had to drink was the piss from a pig trough.
Cost: 50 Gold
Chance Of Success: 80%
Reward: Sell wine to dwarfs
Tilean Turmoil: Your neighbors to the south. If the Empire is perfidious, the Tileans are absolutely Orcish, though with gold instead of martial ability. Disunited and mercenary. However, they do have quite a bit of gold to spend, and love wine. Maybe...?
Cost: 100 Gold
Chance Of Success: 75%
Reward: Trade with Tilea,???
Estalia: Ah, Estalia! The only other human nation that has not been consumed by that most ignoble of substances, blackpowder; while their armies are not free of it, sadly, their nobles disdain the stuff, preferring, instead, to use good, solid steel. Currently disunited, yes, but still more trustworthy and honorable than the Tileans. Following the Crusades, there has always been something of a camaraderie between your two people; perhaps you could build on it?
Cost:100 Gold
Chance Of Success: 90%
Reward: Trade with Estalia,???
Morgyan's Suggestion: Morgyan has come with to you with an idea, one that was apparently suggested to her by Lord Bonhomme. Apparently, he has a daughter around Godfrey's age and would not be opposed to betrothing the two of them. On the one hand, Lord Bonhomme's fief bursts at the seams with mines. On the other hand, you don't feel quite right, taking away that choice from one so young, on either end. But that iron, well...even if Godfrey didn't inherit it, He'd probably get a better price on it than he would otherwise.
Cost: Free
Reward: Betroth Godfrey to Ariane Bonhomme
Giseroux: A land of four distinct temperaments: The plains, where men are kind and heartfelt; the mountains, where Nomad range and ply their crafts; the forest, which is civilized on the edges and savage in the midst; and the valley, formed by the pale sisters. They all, however, have want of one thing: weapons. They'd be willing to spend good coin, even send food, for them. That Morgyan has unsubtly suggested the idea multiple times has little to do with it. Obviously.
Cost: 100 Gold
Chance Of Success: 95%
Reward: Gold, more food, further cement relations with Giseroux
Stewardship: Kylian and his poison tongue do not return. Instead, Sir Yvain, who has long acted as the steward for the Knights Unbound, has presented several ideas to you, the blond taking time to settle into his position over the year. As you suspected, Yvain has settled into his position nicely, and has presented many ideas to you.
(Pick 1)
Silverine Sources: The Silverine mines within your lands are almost exclusively owned by the Barons, and those that don't are owned by the Earls and minor Knights of the Realm, leaving precious little for you to work with. Being that it is the finest material for a sword you know of, it would be wise to see if you might not find a vein of it in the mountains that you own, for your use. Sir Yvain has checked the maps and found a few mines that were believed empty or had to be abandoned— however, that was with technology 500 years older than you have now, so they may yet yield some to you.
-Locked for 2 More Years-
Anything?: The mines in the mountains run deep, mostly iron, though there is a goldmine. Still, you doubt the peaks and valleys of your lands have run dry— your ancestor's could not have run their drills that deep into the land.
Cost: 50 Gold
Chance Of Success:90%
Reward: Veins found
Quarry: Most of the mountain stone you find is too coarse, too plebian, to be worth much. However, there are many occasion where base functionality is more important than aesthetics, and nobles might be willing to overlook its...brutalist look. In particular, Sir Yvain saw what looked to be a vein of fine building stone on his way from Bastonne last year, though it was infested with Greenskin, and as such has requested permission to take some men, clear it out, and begin production.
Cost: 75 Gold, 4 Years
Reward: Quarry, income
Taxes: Oh boy, corruption! Or typos. Either way, people often do not put the whole of their owed taxes together. Send Sir Yvain to double check, and make sure that all is as it should be, instead of all screwed up.
Reward: 1d250 Gold
Herds: You've got a herd of Bighorn sheep that right now do little more than act as a warning system in case of Orcs, bandits, and particularly lonely Parravonese. While you have little need of wool, food in any form is welcome— milk, cheese, mutton; it's all good. That said, they are far too freerange to be any good to you as is. Build some pens, so you can get serious about the whole business.
Cost: 100 Gold, 2 Years
Reward: Small Sheep Herd penned, begins producing food
Piety: Sir Aldric is a Grail Knight, a hero, and a mentor. His wisdom, his guidance, has saved a thousand-thousand souls from damnation; his heroism, entire regions. Beastmen fear him, greenskin hate him, and Dark Elves want him (dead). He's been from the icy cold reaches of Norsca itself to the blazing sands of Araby and come back stronger for it; his entire body is a patchwork canvass of broken scars and healed over wounds. There is not a piece of him that has not been bled on, not a part of him that has not been injured. In short, he's been around the block. That said, he's a bit busy cleansing the filth from your borders and repairing the Lady's chapels. He has, however, finished repairing the local shrines of small deities and has sent a few suggestions.
(Pick 1)
Chapels: It's unconscionable, how many Chapels lay broken or destroyed by the enemy. Sir Aldric seethes at the thought, his anger great as his hand twitches to reach for the sword he bears at his belt. He would like to lead a small force of Knights Errant and, potentially, Questing Knights, to these chapels, to cleanse them of evil, and then to have them re-sanctified by the Lady, that they shine with her endless glory once more.
-Locked for 1 more year-
Houses Of Learning: Grail Monasteries are small houses of worship, where knights dedicate themselves to the Lady and learning, usually led by a Grail Knight who has nothing better to do. Many of the Grail Monasteries in your own land have fallen fallow due to Orcs, beastmen, and other undesirables. That said, Sir Aldric may or may not know a few Knights who would be willing to move.
Cost: 40 Gold, 3 Years
Chance Of Success: 90%
Reward: Grail Monasteries Refurbished
Daughter's Wisdom: The Daughters of Rhya are a small sect of the Cult of Rhya, comprised solely of women who have given birth. Their duties are two-fold. First, they act as midwives, healers, and counsellors for mothers and the pregnant. They also advise young women in matters relating to their marriage itself— how to deal with abusive or difficult husbands, for instance. Sir Aldric's own wife was a member of the cult, once, and as such he has nothing but praise for them and their work, and has suggested making overtures of allowing them to settle in Montfort to help young women.
Cost: 125 Gold, 3 Years
Chance Of Success:80%
Reward: Daughters of Rhya establish chapter house in Montfort
Check It: The Castle Egres must be examined by Damsels to ensure it is not unholy, nor corrupted, nor tainted. If it's not, you will be capable of moving men to it straight away, which would be nice. If it is, you'll have to cleanse it which could take years. Either way, problems.
Cost:30 Gold
Chance Of Success: 50%
Reward: Castle Egres Checked (Note: Success means not corrupted
Learning: Nimue is your tutor and knows damn near everything, from the tale of Calard to the rolling victories of Roland to Bertrand the Brigand, who reminded nobles of their duties and of their places. Drawing from those old tales, those ancient legends, will bring you strength.
The Legend Of Lamorte: Henri Lamorte, the greatest Admiral-Knight ever to fight under the banner of Bretonnia, repelled the fleet of the vile Tomb Kings in the year 197, using technologies and tactics that are now considered obsolete. His Grail Chapel was looted by an unknown force or forces, and his body. That said, there are clues in various stories told by various people of where, or what, may have stolen the body. Nimue would like to spend a year collating where the body may be, and then suggests sending a team after it.
-Locked for 1 more year-
Ancient Remains: When the Empire was yet young, the Bretonni not yet turned to the worship of the Lady, and the Orc not yet broken in the Kingdom, there were excursions into what is now the Wastelands by disaffected youths looking for prosperity. Many a minor treasure was crafted and lost in those dark days, many from the ancestors of Montfort. Perhaps you should check and see?
-Locked for 2 more years-
Intrigue: Ezekiel, Geoffroi, and Morgyan have formed a bond, of sorts— Geoffroi is not particularly subtle, but does know well how to throw a well trained plot off course; while Ezekiel, though not paranoid, is quite capable of gathering information for you; while Morgyan is a wise woman, helping put it all together and stopping the madness before it can start.
(Pick 1)
The Inquisition: Geoffroi was, once upon a time, meant to join the Inquisition, and many uncharitably remark upon him and imply he spies for them, telling them all your secrets. Privately, he has confessed to you that he is, technically, a member of the Bretonnian Inquisition, though he prefers not to announce it as a matter of course. He would like to train agents of the Inquisition in Montfort, taking second and third sons and daughters and turning them to root out heresy where they find it.
-Locked for 2 more years-
Wyvern Wrecking: You know where the Wyverns are found, and you have hunters both ready and able to destroy them. Set a bounty on Wyvern skulls, Wyvern hearts, the eggs broken or otherwise— wipe them from the Massif, make them rare, and deny them to Orcs, that they may never again hold the air, that they may never again unleash such vile things against you.
Cost: 125 Gold, 4 Years
Chance Of Success: 70%
Reward: Wyvern numbers Culled
Wolf-Watching: Goblins ride wolves, the vicious little green bastards. Find their packs, kill the old...and maybe steal the pups? Simply because a creature was enslaved by evil does not mean it must, in turn,
be evil. Otherwise many a peasant would be wicked, and that simply isn't true.
Cost: 75 Gold, 2 Years
Chance Of Success: 75%
Reward: Goblin Wolfpacks culled
Pelts And Furs: There is always a need for skins and furs and pelts in Bretonnia, always a need for warm clothing in the cold mountains. It would put a pretty penny in your pocket to get a few, certainly. Who knows? Some great beast might be slain.
Cost: Free
Reward: 1d250 Gold
Info: The men of the Massif are an unruly lot, it's true, but the way your father spoke of them does not sit well with you. They are
men, not beasts to be broken and discarded. Surely if shown the Light of the Lady they will follow you? It certainly could not hurt to check, at least. If nothing else, you've gotten very used to being wrong.
Cost:100 Gold
Reward: Intel on the Massif Men
Personal: Your wife is pregnant once more, owing to the time spent with her last year as she prepared to trap your sister and your own attempts to look into her past, though those met with a stone wall.
(Pick 2)
Tutoring: Nimue's first duty is to teach you the history of your people outside of that written in sermons and in the chants. You know— folk heroes, peasant knights, Brigands who stand for the commons. According to her, you are not the least capable student she has had to work with— and now that you read with some proficiency, she has suggested that improving your writing would be a wise thing; while you have proficiency in both, your writing is only acceptable.
Cost: 20 Gold
Chance Of Success:60%
Reward: Improvement in learning
Skulking In The Shadows: Your wife, Morgyan, has not offered to teach you the skills of a spy or of her ways— "It's more fun if you don't know I'm there" — but might be convinced to teach you a few things, particularly if she thought you were in danger.
Cost: 30 Gold (You have any idea how hard it is too find black gems?)
Chance Of Success: 85%
Reward: Improvement to Intrigue
Check The Journals: It seems your father had plans for you. He wished you to be the Orcal Breaker, the Massif Master, and as such he prepared plans such that you can conceive of to do it. The last journal talked of the men of the Massif— Who could he speak of now?
Cost: 10 Gold
Reward: Read journal 2 (of 3)
Out Among The People: Go out to country and the fields and the villages, and right wrongs. Battle injustices. Bring unjust lords to heel, aid just lords, and slay terrible beasts that threaten your people.
Cost: Free
Reward: 1d125 Gold