Warhammer 40k General thread

In what ways would you have it impact the chapters culture? As far as I can gather from the wiki Inwits appears to be clanish, so maybe something that transferred to the companies.

Another thing that could be emphasised is the fact that the chapter recruits from hive worlds. For chapters that recruit from Neolithic to Feudal societies have been influenced, but little for those based off hive worlds. Since they primarily recruit from the underhive population, perhaps some ganger customs bleed in. And as an extra, Imperial Fists might be known for vulgar language.
Hmm, I think I'm thinking 30K era there. Compared to lots of Legions, it doesn't seem to really register in their idioms - though that does save them the leaden way that it's dropped again and again with the Salamanders.

That's also a thought - though it could also be remarked on a little more that the Chapter flattens out that kind of roughness and turns gangers into such stolid warriors. We have plenty of rough barbarian Chapters (the Executioners being a Fist-descendant example).
THere is no need, ever, to ask "are they fascists" in 40k.
The answer is always either yes, or "no, they are a caricature created to make fascists look good in comparison".
I mean, I am sure you could build up, like, a rebel army with Imperial Guard miniatures or something...
Sure, i could.
I could also pretend imperium is not super fascist, which seems to be what lot of fans do.
That does not change what the actual published material is.
Rebels do get mentioned in canonical materials, though.

Of course, usually as cattle to be slaughtered by the eugenic superhuman for daring to be displeased with dying of dysentery at 30 on hive worlds, but hey.
Rebels do get mentioned in canonical materials, though.

Of course, usually as cattle to be slaughtered by the eugenic superhuman for daring to be displeased with dying of dysentery at 30 on hive worlds, but hey.
Yes, rebels exist, to make the fascists look good when slaughtering the weak filled fools who fell prey to chaos and its temptations, like sanitary working conditions.
Rebels do get mentioned in canonical materials, though.

Of course, usually as cattle to be slaughtered by the eugenic superhuman for daring to be displeased with dying of dysentery at 30 on hive worlds, but hey.
The other thing here is that rebel forces at any scale frequently consider themselves loyal to the emperor and his religion, just not his civil or religious government.

So they're fascists who disagree with how the fascism is being carried out :V
Really? Didn't we just have a multi-page debate on this barely two months ago?

Though if you want my two cents, it depends on your definition of fascism. If you're using it as a swear word to describe anything authoritarian then yes, if you're using it as an actual descriptor of a government then no.
Yes, we did have a multi page debate, and people pointed out how your arguments for why it is not were unconvincing and that imperium was fascist.
This gives me some hope that the Imperial Guard gets some love instead of just basic Cadians.

Do Eldar codices have different rules for different homeworlds?
There's a rumor - slander really - about 40k, that it has a game; a TABLETOP game.
This is false, as any 40k collector can attest that Warhammer 40k is exclusively a platform for painting and shelving miniatures, and sometimes sharing pictures of the collection online.