Warcraft: Fallen Kingdoms (Old)

[x] RI on Escort the Elves

In my opinion, while it would be annoying, we could live with Piety being locked for another turn. This action failing, on the other hand, could have more severe consequences, which I'd rather avoid.
[x] RI on Escort the Elves

Perhaps next time research is available, we should look into the ships? With them open to us, it would be easier to reach other territories
Well there still would be the reroll if we fail those one turn actions, but I guess better safe than sorry.
Perhaps next time research is available, we should look into the ships? With them open to us, it would be easier to reach other territories

There's Trolls to the North(same ones that provided the Horde with destroyers during the second war), Trolls holding the eastern Hinterlands and Dark Iron Dwarves holding the Thandol Span. we might be able to make land in Northeron but I'm not sure there's a friendly port east of the Thandol Span further north than that(if there is any in Northeron at all presently).
There's Trolls to the North(same ones that provided the Horde with destroyers during the second war), Trolls holding the eastern Hinterlands and Dark Iron Dwarves holding the Thandol Span. we might be able to make land in Northeron but I'm not sure there's a friendly port east of the Thandol Span further north than that(if there is any in Northeron at all presently).

My Azeroth geography isn't very good, but isn't directly to the south Dwarfs and while there is troll city near the coast, I don't think it completely covers it.

Also, Hinterlands is the swampy location to the North of Loch Modan? Isn't there a passage from east to west? I thought it became unsalable only after Cataclysm? If the bridge is called Thadol Span, didn't DIDwarfs captured and destroyed it recently? Shouldn't Ironforge still control it?
My Azeroth geography isn't very good, but isn't directly to the south Dwarfs and while there is troll city near the coast, I don't think it completely covers it.

Also, Hinterlands is the swampy location to the North of Loch Modan? Isn't there a passage from east to west? I thought it became unsalable only after Cataclysm? If the bridge is called Thadol Span, didn't DIDwarfs captured and destroyed it recently? Shouldn't Ironforge still control it?

Directly south of us are the Hinterlands. the Dwarves control the west. the Trolls the east(except the northeast. there be dragons). There is a massive troll city almost directly next to the only slope of the cliffs that separate the coast of the Hinterlands from the rest(and there is also a Troll village on the coast).

South of the hinterlands lie the Arathi Highlands where the Alliance(technically the League of Arathor led by Stromgarde) control the west. The east has a Troll village and a former internment camp(now under Horde control) in addition to mountains along the entire eastern and southern coastline.

South of the Arathi Highlands lie the Wetlands(with the Thandol span in between). Most of the coastline consists of mountains here too(except for the westcoast, where Menethil harbour connects them with Southshore).

SouthEastEast of the Wetlands is Northeron(called the Twilight Highlands once Deathwing starts wrecking stuff). Wildhammer Dwarf territory. probably the easiest accessible friendly ports are there.
There's Trolls to the North(same ones that provided the Horde with destroyers during the second war), Trolls holding the eastern Hinterlands and Dark Iron Dwarves holding the Thandol Span. we might be able to make land in Northeron but I'm not sure there's a friendly port east of the Thandol Span further north than that(if there is any in Northeron at all presently).

All you have stated is technically correct, but it bears mentioning that we are in the universe where stealing the ships of one outpost enabled the orcs to move most of their population to Kalimdor. So who has what naval capability is highly uncertain at this point in time.
Still I agree with your sentiment that from our current standpoint it would be a waste to use actions on naval activities.

My Azeroth geography isn't very good, but isn't directly to the south Dwarfs and while there is troll city near the coast, I don't think it completely covers it.
Also, Hinterlands is the swampy location to the North of Loch Modan? Isn't there a passage from east to west? I thought it became unsalable only after Cataclysm? If the bridge is called Thadol Span, didn't DIDwarfs captured and destroyed it recently? Shouldn't Ironforge still control it?

It doesn't cover it, but in general the quicker way to Arie Peaks is down the east bank of Lake Darrowmere and then through the Plaugemist Ravine.
No you are thinking of the Wetlands. Good point though on the Thandol Span, we don't know if it has been taken/destroyed yet.
All you have stated is technically correct, but it bears mentioning that we are in the universe where stealing the ships of one outpost enabled the orcs to move most of their population to Kalimdor. So who has what naval capability is highly uncertain at this point in time.
Still I agree with your sentiment that from our current standpoint it would be a waste to use actions on naval activities.

True, though I figure that they've probably rebuild by now(at least partially, it's been nearly 20 years) since most of whatever shipbuilding infrastructure they had would still be there.

It doesn't cover it, but in general the quicker way to Arie Peaks is down the east bank of Lake Darrowmere and then through the Plaugemist Ravine.
No you are thinking of the Wetlands. Good point though on the Thandol Span, we don't know if it has been taken/destroyed yet.

And getting some ships in lake darrowmere means we can hopefully sail downriver to Tarren Mill(if not filled with Undead) and Southshore. The downside is that between Scholomance and Andorhal it could be fairly hard to wrestle a naval route there as well until we've dealt with either one or both of them.

We might be able to forge a path into the mountains in a southwestern direction from Darrowshire though(can't go directly south, runs too close to Seradane). But that would be a long and costly venture.
Depending on what one takes for canon we may be able to use Northern Lordaeron.

I almost hope it will be in this Quest in someway. For me personally it always connected the Scarlet Crusade bases (Hearthglen, Monastery and Strathholme) and gave them the manpower/port for their first assault on Icecrown.

It's one of the bigger reasons to scout the Western Plaguelands and try to establish contact with Hearthglen yes(though it's still absolutely worth doing even if it's not included in the quest).
It will absolutely be in the Quest, thanks for showing me it.
Turn 12 Results
December 27 AFW (After First War)

Turn 12 Results


New Low Class Citizens: 1000

Military: Saidan Dathrohan has been appointed the Grand Crusader, the one in charge of all military matters with Highlord Alexandros Mograine and High General Richard Abbendis as his subordinates. They have given you a report on the state of the military and the options that are open to you. They have also appointed Brigitte Abbendis as your bodyguard. (Pick 1)

[]Build Fortifications at Thondroril River Bridge: Now that we control the bridge into the Western Plaguelands we should fortify it, this will not only make it easier to defend from any attack, it will also serve as an beachhead for future operations into the Western Plaguelands.
Cost: 3,000. Time: 2 Month. Chance for Success: 80% Reward: Thondroril River fortified, beachhead into Western Plaguelands. Required: 20. Rolled: 86+9+5=100.

-The Bridge Fortifications are complete, with this we have a safe place to begin our incursions into the Western Plaguelands and make it harder for the enemy to reinforce the bases in the Eastern Plaguelands. Reward: Thondroril River fortified, Beachhead into Western Plaguelands.

[]City Guards:
Right now our soldiers are guarding our city, preventing them from joining the battle against the Scourge and other enemies, widening the number gap between us and our enemies, therefore Richard have been proposing that we create the City Guard, a separate entity from our army, the Guards is to take over our soldiers duty in the city and protect it from attack, giving the army time to arrive and help drive the enemy back, as well as free up our soldiers for battles.
Cost: 4,000. Value Needed: 24/140. Reward: City Guard created, Soldiers no longer need to stay behind and defend City. Rolled: 34+11+5=50 New Value: 74/140

-Training continues for our new City Guards. Will continue next month.

[]Escort the Elves: The elves we rescued wants to return to their families, if we were to escort them it would make a good impression on the High Elves and let us open diplomatic relations to them.
Cost: 2,000. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: 75% Reward: High Elves grateful, Diplomatic Relations opens with High Elves. Required: 25. Rolled: 21+4+5+20=50

-Abbendis set out to escort the elves back to their families, it was a dangerous journey, they were attacked several times but thankfully there were no casualties and they arrived safely to the Lodge. When they arrived they were greeted by Ranger Lord Hawkspear, a male High Elf Ranger, once the situation was explained he promised to send a diplomat to us and as a thank you for the rescued elves he sent back some information on Stratholme, the elves have discovered a passage into the city that isn´t guarded they have been using that to get information on the Scourge troop movement and the recent month the amount of undead in the city has drastically decreased, by their count there are somewhere around 8,000 troops in the city, a small amount of what there usually is, Saidan have become very interested in that information. Reward: High Elves grateful, Diplomatic Relations opens with High Elves, Information on Stratholme.

Diplomacy: You are smart, beautiful and able to charm almost everyone you meet, is there any wonder why you have taken over the diplomatic aspect of the Crusade? (Pick 1) Locked

[]Integrate Light's Hope Chapel: Now that we have contacted the Chapel and worked out a deal we can start to integrate them, it will take some time to make sure that our soldiers work well together and to ensure that there are no hidden cultists.
Cost: 7,000. Value Needed: 148/150. Reward: Light´s Hope Chapel integrated. Rolled: 69+9+5=83 New Value: 231/150

-Interlude Later.

You are a Genius and nowhere has that been more apparent than now, seeing you quickly and efficiently going through piles of reports and paperwork concerning every little thing in running the realm is awe-inspiring. (Pick 2) Locked

[]Fill The Holes: We will need to fill the holes that appeared in Corin´s Crossing, until we do so we will not be able to repair it or build defenses.
Cost: 3,000. Time: 2 Month. Chance for Success: 85% Reward: Holes in Corin´s Crossing filled. Required: 15. Rolled: 15+5=20

-Though there were some close calls were it seemed as if the holes would widen, the holes have been successfully filled, we can now begin work on Corin´s Crossing. Reward: Holes in Corin´s Crossing filled.

[]Expand Integration Office: Now that we have an Integration Office we can expand it to speed the process up, while it isn´t a pressing need the option exists.
Cost: 2,000. Value Needed: 68/80. Reward: Integration Office expanded, +500 Refugees becomes Low Class Citizens each month. Rolled: 3+5+5+20=33 New Value: 101/80

-The Integration Office have been expanded, we will now be able to handle twice as many Refugees than we did before. Reward: Integration Office expanded, +500 Refugees becomes Low Class Citizens each month.

With a competent Spymaster and with a proper Spy Network in our employee we will finally be able to do some real danger to our enemies. (Pick 1)

[]Inspect the Food: Hameya is the name of the Troll named in the scrolls from the Undercroft , it would be best to inspect the he food he brings in for signs of the Plague.
Cost: 2,000. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: 70% Reward: Information on Troll food supply. Required: 30. Rolled: 80+8+5=93

-Our agents have found that most of the Food Hameya brought in is fine and there is no problems with them, but they found that the odd food item had a weird texture to it or it juices were thicker than the others and similar differences, they have sent some samples home for study. Our agents is able to remove these odd food items if given the order. Reward: Information on Troll food supply.

Learning: With both a Research Leader and a Research Building you can finally start researching the heavier projects. (Pick 1)

[]Field Ballistae: Manned by a small crew of two people, the Field Ballista is meant to take out less-fortified targets and does not have the power to take down walls or well-fortified structures. With steel-tipped bolts able to impale multiple enemies before stopping, it would be a good weapon against the Scourge. Aldan has some future designs for different types of Ballistae if the Field Ballistae proves successful.
Cost: 3,000. Value Needed: 0/160. Reward: Can produce Field Ballistae. Rolled: 40+8+5=53 New Value: 53/160

-Aldan has begun working on a functional Field Ballistae, it will take a few months before a working prototype is ready for testing. Will continue next month.

Piety: High Priest Isillien has taken on the priestly duties that is needed. While he still continues his sermons about the undead, he has started to focus on rebuilding Lordaeron. He also has some proposals. (Pick 1) Locked

[]Fungus in Soil: We will need to know exactly how the fungus effects the soil to be able to remove it, does the fungus only suck the nutrients out of the soil, leaving the flora and such to die of malnutrition, or does it have a more sinister way of killing nature, such as spreading its spore and when other flora and animals absorb it in different ways, slowly killing them from the inside, eating their way out before whatever it is they have infected dies and the process repeats somewhere else.
Cost: 3,000. Value Needed: 110/150. Reward: Further Research with Fungus in Soil, Knowledge of how Fungus spreads in Nature. Rolled: 100+7+5=112 New Value: 222/150

-Our researchers have discovered how the fungus spreads in nature, if the fungus is in plants it latches on to the spores and pollen the plants shoots out and using that spreads to nearby plants and animals, if it is in animals the fungus absorbs the nutrition the animal takes in and slowly eats it from the inside, once the fungus has grown strong enough it will grow appendages on the animal that shoots out spores once enough have been generated, once the animal dies some kind of magical reaction occurs that raises the animal from the dead, unfortunately the process of using the same methods to finding fungus in humans as in animals did not work, our researchers believe that either the fungus affecting humans use a different strain or something else entirety.

As for destroying the fungus we don´t have many options, fire is the only option we have right now and it is the worst one, we don´t have any magic that affects nature nor do we have a good enough mage to research a way to use arcane magic to remove the fungus, the Light may work but we will need to perform test first. Reward: Further Research with Fungus, Knowledge of how Fungus spreads in Nature, Ways to destroy Fungus.

Personal Actions: With both Brigittes and Lilians help you are able to do your work faster, giving you more free time to spend as you wish.. (Pick 2)

[]Getting to know Lilian Voss: Now that you have a new bodyguard it is time to get to know her, just like you did Brigitte, her father said that she has been trained in many kinds of combat, including magic, maybe she could teach you some of it.
Cost: 0. Value Needed: 0/60. Reward: Learn to dual-wield(1/3), +1 Martial or +1 Intrigue (Random), Increased Closeness with Lilian. Rolled: 58+5=63 New Value: 63/60

-Deciding to get to know your new bodyguard you set aside some time and spent it with her, unfortunately it seems that she thinks that it is improper to get close to you, but you manage to get some information out of her, it seems that her father raised her on his own, though she wasn´t forthcoming on what happened to her mother and you didn´t push for such a delicate subject, she also revealed that she had been trained since she was young for combat, always preferring to dual-wield swords to any other combat style.

She also offered to teach you how to dual wield, you accepted due to the fact that it would make you two closer and it may be useful in the future, this month you spent time on how to properly move around and hold a sword in each hand, as wells as what you should keep n mind when fighting with two swords. Reward: Learn to dual-wield(1/3), +1 Martial, Increased Closeness with Lilian.

[]Give Gifts to your Advisors: Your advisors have done so much for you and it is time that you show them how grateful you are, to do that you have decided to give each of them a gift for the Feast of Winter Veil.
Cost: 0. Time: 1 Month. Chance for Success: 100% Reward: ???.

-Deciding that each one of your advisors deserve a present you head out to find something for them, it took a few weeks to find something for each one but you managed it, you only hope that they will like it.

Your gift for Alexandros was a new pair of comfortable shoes, you weren´t going to give him clothes but when you saw the shoes it just clicked in your head and you just had to give them to him.

You got Saidan a few cans of different types of tea leaves, he usually drinks tea in the morning and you thought he would appreciate some variety.

Abbendis got a new scabbard for his sword, it is beautiful, though not enough to draw more attention to him on the battlefield and a perfect fit for his sword.

Brigitte got a new shield, she had been complaining, or rather mumbling under her breath, that her old one was starting to become uncomfortable to carry around in training and battle. Her new shield is a bit bigger and heavier than her last one but easier to carry around, the shield is decorated with the royal emblem with the Crusades color to denote her post as the royal guard.

Isillien was a bit hard to choose for but in the end you settled for giving him a few books on how the human body and mind works, he has become interested in these subjects lately.

Invar was given different types of alcohol, a blend of rare and common beverages, mostly from the keeps old supply but some were brought in the city.

You got Aldan some new tools, some of them was starting to be worn out so you decided to replace them with some higher quality ones.

You weren´t sure what Lilian would like but in the end settled on giving her some equipment that she can use to take care of her swords with.

When the twenty-fourth finally came around you delivered all the present by hand, to say that they were surprised would be an understatement, not one of them expected a present from you, but they were undoubtedly happy with their presents, you stayed and chatted with each one before moving on, you learned a bit more about them as they had their guard down for the moment. Reward: Closer to all Advisors, +1 to The Founders bonus.