
He suspected the answer might be something between forty one and forty three, but wasn't sure. He'd never been very good with mathematics.
Hmm... larger than forty one, less than forty three. Hmm... No I just can't think what it could possibly be. Probably one of those unsolvable questions.

I love the idea of Vicky complaining about not having remembered to take a picture, most everyone not believing the story, right up until someone goes on PHO and there's a post from FlyingDamselOfBrocton with a video, "OMG! You'll never believe who came to say hi while I was flying this morning! Glory Girl actually joined me! I wish I'd had more time, she seemed really nice. I can't believe I didn't ask for an autograph! OMG! OMG!"
Gift for Vicky... Well, Taylor is a troll. So she should totally get a brick, and use insects to chew/carve it down into a 1/16th model of Glory Girl. That's right, a 1/16th scale brick model of New Wave's Flying Brick.
Considering I even vaguely remember how bricks are made you just need the semi-raw material (unfired/undried) and a skilled hand at molding it then you fire it
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There are Nazis, a dragon of rage, a bunch of drug dealers and Nazis. So I think they deserved it.

The rage dragon is already inclined to just nope out whenever he sees any giant insects, especially a HOUS.

What his reaction will be anytime a HOUS shows up:

Especially if Vista is around, HOUS says hi, and Vista thanks it for saving her life.
Loved the chapter, especially the run-in (or would that by fly-by?) with Vicky.
Which wasn't quite true, she thought with a small grin, her eyes shut. Her human body did sleep, pretty much normally, but she'd learned a while back how to keep quite a lot of the rest of her awareness alert and looking for things out of place. It wasn't completely her in some senses but it was close enough that her full awareness could come to attention essentially immediately. A useful skill she'd been quite pleased to work out, and she was hoping that with practice she could develop further.
Well now we have that question answered.
Beyond that, he was, yet again, finding himself confused as to why he could almost swear he could feel a very faint emotional echo that didn't correspond with any people around him.
Huh... I hadn't considered how an essentially omnipresent person would come across to an empath (or a telepath, for that matter).
"I keep thinking I'm feeling the entire city being quite pleased with life,"
I think this is the most amusing line in this chapter.
Taylor's dad peered at her as she giggled furiously in the elevator down, only the two of them in it. They were going to meet the others for breakfast, then go out and wander around to inspect LA a little.

"I take it that you just happened to some poor soul?" he queried mildly, making her laugh even harder, nodding.

Poor Danny, he's buried in the Weird, but he's got enough pattern recognition to spot it happening.
Considering Taylor has a crab-spider clinging to the bottom of Manton's van, Cherish is already in one of Taylor's genius loci if she's with the Nine.

We have no evidence the white van is driven by Manton. But plenty of hints it might not be, such as the lack of an S9 attack prior to the van taking off. Also, the timing of it taking off. I doubt the S9 would be fleeing the area just because the FBI is on site.
that always made her thing they were watching


Things seem to be coming along nicely...

Poor Vicky. No, it wasn't a Dragon mech she spotted, though, 'dragon' was in the name...

DOUS? Dragonfly Of Unusual Size? Doesn't have... quite the ring of 'HOUS'...

I did like her asking Vicky the time... But, she didn't add '... for a very important date', to her 'I'm late'...
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Things seem to be coming along nicely...

Poor Vicky. No, it wasn't a Dragon mech she spotted, though, 'dragon' was in the name...

DOUS? Dragonfly Of Unusual Size? Doesn't have... quite the ring of 'HOUS'...

I did like her asking Vicky the time.. But, she didn't add '... for a very important date', to her 'I'm late'...
Well from the chapter the name of this one will be Just A Giant Dragonfly, or JAGD.
I'm going to pronounce it like jagged.
Well from the chapter the name of this one will be Just A Giant Dragonfly, or JAGD.
I'm going to pronounce it like jagged.
...I suppose you can pronounce it that way. Wouldn't be surprised if more of Brockton pronounces it like the German (or Final Fantasy) word. Like 'jogged,' except with a 'y' replacing the 'j'. Since jagd is an actual German (and Final Fantasy, but different meaning) word.
Taxonomie so far:
  I     I    I     I

AOUS: Arthropoid of unusual size
HOUS: Hornet of unusual size
SOUS: Spider of unusual size
ACOUS: Arthropoid Centauroid of unusual size
DOUS: Dragonfly of unusual size

What did I forget?
Edit 1: Added DOUS
Edit 2: Legend correction, thanks for making me aware. You know who you are.
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