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Here is something to consider while Taylor is doing her biotinkering.
Tracker jackers.
Either inspired by the movie from Earth Aleph or on her own, Taylor modifies yellowjacket wasps to be more dangerous. They are a little bigger than a normal wasp, but three stings can kill an un-allergic person, AND the venom has fear/terror inducing hallucinogenic effects.
Taylor can breed hundreds of them and have them hide underground or in buildings, and when unnoticeable scout insects see a crime or cape fight in progress, they swarm out.
An anti-armor/anti-cape version could be the size of a house cat and the stinger can penetrate vehicle armor and spray their venom inside. 😱
In this mode they get another name - hunter-killer wasps. 😳
Sounds like you want a kill order signed, sealed, and immediately acted upon? Maybe via carpet bombing the city into a 20 foot deep crater?