
Taylor (in cute jumping spider a la Lucas drider form): "Hi, I'm Skitter! Won't you be my friend?"

Everyone else: "Aaaaaaaaaaaah!" (much running around in circles, screaming & shouting)

Except me, who likes spiders, and would probably have an "Ohmigod, you're ADORABLE!" reaction, with my voice several octaves above its usual baritone ...
I've just had a disturbing thought - having visited one of New Yorks major airports and likely established a permanent L2 link node nearby, Taylor now has the capability to generate further L2 nodes at said airport and sneak numbers of them aboard any aircraft departing said airport and airdropping them when they're above a target of interest for her (or just staying on board until their destination, should she so desire.)
It's not like she couldn't do that already if she could airdrop them from a normal route airliner.

Just grab a butterfly or several and put them up on a wind drift. Sure, the baseline butterflies IRL don't usually land overseas in sufficient numbers to establish populations because most of them freeze or starve on the way... but they'd also freeze on an aircraft hull or in the landing gear.

Heh, she could probably enhance other bugs too into being capable of continent-hopping. A dragonfly, say... or a regular hornet.

Sneaking aboard the pressurized and heated passenger cabin is probably fairly easy though, just hide in someone's pocket or something. Cockpit is also likely feasible. Can't jump off mid-route from those, but...
Given her ability to morph additional components onto any of her selves, she could add wings or drogue parachute like webs to land them safely.. and spread the glory of the AMNAU!
Actually, a lot of normal insects and arachnids are sufficiently small that, with the square-cube law, their terminal velocity in freefall is survivable for them, for landing on most surfaces even without fancy things like that.

And I really have no idea what's a safe velocity for crustaceans landing in water.
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I'm still waiting for Amy to touch her. If her head doesn't pop like a balloon, she's definitely going to go into shock from all the 'WTF!?' Haha.

Like literally. Amy already has trouble with touching living things and instantly knowing every detail of their biology all the way down to their DNA. Now imagine the combined DNA profiles in Taylor's 'library', the impossible mixes and changes she'd made. Or those she holds within her own body.

In this case the complexity isn't just additive, it's likely multilitive. I do wonder if there's any actual over-writing of the DNA going on, forced splicing or a pure merging. Or simply an overlap. Lol.

Still, that meeting is going to be epic. Varga would approve, no doubt. :D
Would this work? Taylor morphs tiny bugs, already on a plane, into lvl2 relays, then one by one they deplane, and are morphed into far tougher (and longer lived) spider-crabs. These go to ground (preferably in range of transport hubs), morph local bugs into whatever Taylor needs.

Could Taylor do with a standard talking bug? A friendly-looking one? Say, a Jiminy Cricket?

Speaker-To-Humans might have a song-and-dance routine, maybe in a bug generated spotlight, for extra cutes?

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But where is she going to find all the little yellow hard hats?
As if she can't have the bugs grow superior performance high hats directly on their heads.

Also after that the printer never worked right but it's a printer so not sure if that was surge damage or just a printer being a printer.
Painfully accurate. As an IT professional I recommend showing printers the printer beat down clip from Office Space or making sure they are aware of nearby stairs or windows they could be thrown down/out.

And there was much waving of legs in cheerful rejoicing, before all of them buckled down to making Nature back away slowly with a somewhat horrified expression.

Not that it helped...
Poor nature. What did nature do to deserve... wait, pollen, dander, whatever the heck it is that triggers my allergies in winter. Continue on Taylor. Make nature weep.

Taylor (in cute jumping spider a la Lucas drider form): "Hi, I'm Skitter! Won't you be my friend?"

Everyone else: "Aaaaaaaaaaaah!" (much running around in circles, screaming & shouting)
Surely everyone agrees Lucas the spider is cute. I'm sure Taylor's spiders are similarly cute. Who doesn't say, "Awww!" at Lucas.
The most terrifying ability of Taylors at this moment is the fact that she can, in but moment, spawn out of her body uncounted creatures with level two connections which she can then shape instantly into various different monstrosities that she has come up with or simply supersized insects with enhanced capabilities.

No, not even that actually is her scariest ability. Her scariest ability is the ability to, in a few seconds turn hundreds of the insects around her into level two connections and, from there, quickly transform those into the aforementioned monstrosities. in addition pretty soon she's going to figure out how to have all those level to connections assume the form of her human body and thus become practically unkillable if she isn't already.

Destroyed 100 of her bodies? not worry she has another one hidden somewhere else and she's already created a dozen more level two connections scattered all over the place, thats if you managed to prove yourself able to actually counter her collection of insectiod horrors and if you manage to find some way of neutralising them then she's going to be hard at work figuring out to counter for you specifically , if she doesn't just shove some flies down your throat and let you choke to death or something else like that .be it that isn't exactly her modus operandi.
There are terrible, terrible, possibilities for Taylor's bug hordes. They might sing.

Fair warning: some consider Hubba Hubba Zoot Zoot (1981, Caramba) an ear-worm. YMMV.

It's possible there's a load of these 'Bugrom' lost between the dimensions...


The Bugrom from El-Hazard: The Magnificent World are a race of all-male insect warriors, with hulking battle-tank physiques balanced on sticklike limbs and topped with bug-eyed, helmet-like heads. Their female queen, Diva, looks like a tanned, curvaceous human dominatrix with pink hair and...

We can suspect that if Taylor needs a publicist (or, even if she really, really, doesn't), Jinnai would volunteer...

"Look, QA. They're bugs. Including the human-looking one. It's there in the name. So, stop making a fuss!"
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When that Jinnai and the Bugrom video was displayed at the con it debuted at, they actually invented a new category on the spot for it, because it didn't really fit any of the other categories, and they were not about to let it get away without SOME award. I think it ended up with a "WTF did we just watch?" award.
The assumption is that Taylor can eventually bypass the "only Taylor Prime can take a human looking form" restriction. But, and hear me out, what if this is one restriction she can't bully her way into ignoring?

Also, remember folks that Taylor is trying to keep the fact there is an Insect Master on the down low, as well as the fact that she's effectively a bio-tinker. Releasing a youtube video of spiders doing things which spiders don't do in nature? That's announcing that there is an unknown insect master out there. And she would remain unknown only until Youtube was ordered to hand over who that user is. At which point Taylor's identity being hidden would have a very short expiration date. And if she used any of her custom critters in the video, it would happen even faster due to announcing "hey, there's an unknown bio-tinker out there too".

Again, consider what the consequences of your amusing ideas might be.
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The creation of this rating comes along with a update of the PRT Trooper uniform, the addition of a plain set of non-prescription glasses and a small polishing cloth. This rating's name is not only the verbal exclamation, but also the somatic act of taking of the glasses from the face and beginning to polish them. In official correspondence, this rating may be referred to as the "Tweed" or "Giles" rating.
In addition, all PRT Troopers will be issued the newly available Joo Janta 200 sunglasses to help improve morale when deployed in areas where encounters with the new rating are possible.
Also I don't know how Earth Bet's international air travel to some parts of the world looks given the state of Africa in canon, but in our world it's only a one or two stopover trip to Madagascar to find those Darwin's Bark spiders she needs for maximum web strength. 😉
And with how she has bullied her power into treating the anything absorbed by any of her level two links as part of the same library she doesn't even have to ship it home! She can just immediately start creating abominations of nature the moment one gets assimilated!

Soon all those ideas that the commenters suggested for exotic bugs that were shot down as being impractical to get locally will be possible for her to obtain with only a bit of work.
Taylor (in cute jumping spider a la Lucas drider form): "Hi, I'm Skitter! Won't you be my friend?"

Except me, who likes spiders, and would probably have an "Ohmigod, you're ADORABLE!" reaction, with my voice several octaves above its usual baritone ...
If she skips the drider part and just makes a Lucas big enough for Missy to ride on patrol, would it still be cute enough for Vista to want to?
The assumption is that Taylor can eventually bypass the "only Taylor Prime can take a human looking form" restriction. But, and hear me out, what if this is one restriction she can't bully her way into ignoring?

Also, remember folks that Taylor is trying to keep the fact there is an Insect Master on the down low, as well as the fact that she's effectively a bio-tinker. Releasing a youtube video of spiders doing things which spiders don't do in nature? That's announcing that there is an unknown insect master out there. And she would remain unknown only until Youtube was ordered to hand over who that user is. At which point Taylor's identity being hidden would have a very short expiration date. And if she used any of her custom critters in the video, it would happen even faster due to announcing "hey, there's an unknown bio-tinker out there too".

Again, consider what the consequences of your amusing ideas might be.
Then why can I go on YouTube now and find videos of spiders doing things they "don't do in nature"?
People will not assume biotinker. People will assume clever shot framing and editing.
Then why can I go on YouTube now and find videos of spiders doing things they "don't do in nature"?
People will not assume biotinker. People will assume clever shot framing and editing.
While I agree that such videos might be dismissed as such I could also see Bet being more paranoid about this simply because biotinkers are a thing. I agree they aren't going to jump on every random video that might be the product of a biotinker. But if someone realises it looks similar to strange insect abomination they've spotted in the Bay they will be trying to trace the upload.

Of course by that point it is already probably too late anyway so is debatably an issue. It really depends on how paranoid Bet actually is and how many of those videos exist out there in this far poor version of Earth. The world is on fire so I imagine youtube might be lagging in content.
My guess? Probably very few such videos exist. In fact, I'd imagine the whole "talking animals" movie genre died really fast once bio-tinkers became a feared boogieman. There's also a marked difference between a video that's obviously CGI, and one that's clearly NOT CGI. That difference would be critical, and dangerous. Nobody looks at Crab Rave, for example, and says "those are real crabs." Neither do people in our world see a video of spider dancing or playing drums and think "that's a real spider". In fact, in our world a photo of a 4 foot long giant Asian hornet would be looked at, and the assumption would be "photoshop" rather then"Oh crap, it's real".

Still, I very much doubt people have been making youtube videos which could be taken as a deceleration of being a bio tinker or master. Well, most wouldn't. There's always a few idiots. And they would have become cautionary tales.