
Mr Pi, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't is possible for Taylor prime to go Drider/HOUS/whatever form and slide Taylor Prime into a body elsewhere? Since she's sharing cognitive processing with all of her level 2's, doesn't that mean she can essentially teleport to anyplace where a level 2 exists?

If so, that means she's now got a Mover: Yes rating, and she's gonna be damn near impossible to catch/kill (if the PRT/Nazi's/whoever decide that's necessary, which hopefully cooler heads prevail against). If she's attacked enough to think she's in severe danger, she can just "bug out" to another L2 critter.
Well this was interesting I do have some thoughts though

First I think that she can't make the human transformation because it's actually not really in her library as it is her base form also because she can't actually control humans the first thing she needs to figure out is how to control other things like reptiles/amphibians and than make a logic leap to be "able" to "control" a Taylor Hebert or something convoluted like that.
or make that logic leap directly

Second the plane ride so many people think something will happen to it I think we will just have an uneventful flight

Third legend is in new York right so she could get to couldren with him also what if legend or Costa brown open a door to aleph for her to go through that would be fun

Fourthly so if all level 2 are her and she doesn't need to touch things to make level 2s her level 2 could make other level 2 for her as she is there as herself all the time so she can now spread everywhere as she should

Fifthly this was wonderful as always and I want more of it please 🥺
If surprised, which would be hard, her mental processing speed and outside viewpoint would make her an absolute nightmare to actually physically fight.

At the moment she can still be surprised by sudden teleporters, Doormaker and an Alexandria (package) dropping on her from up high. She might compensate a lot with her reaction time but there are still avenues of attack she won't see coming. Of course, people would have to know about her abilities to even consider these approaches but some fast flyer basically dive bombing her isn't that outlandish.
Basically: If you get into a fight with her, you've already lost?

In anywhere she's had time to prepare, basically yes.

She's going to go out of her way to avoid a fight, but if she has to engage, she'll just make it as quick and clean as possible. Taylor doesn't want to get into actual fights, as in her opinion that means you didn't do your job properly in the first place for most occasions :)

If you're fixing things, there shouldn't need to be fights. And if there have to be fights, you should have won before they start.

It is the way of AMNAU.
You can surprise one Taylor, likely the human one, but how do you surprise Taylor? I mean, all of her?
A little later they'd made their way through the security gate, the scanners, the questions, and the general air of 'I know you're hiding something' all the people there projected
Apparently, Bet had a 9/11 attack, or at least a parahuman attack with a highjacked plane that caused them to institute similar "temporary" security measures. Before 9/11, you could basically just walk onto up to the gates.
I think the closest skillset to what Taylor shows here would be that of Insect Outside. She isn't quite up to the parallel processing power yet, but that's only because she's just now getting started on expanding her network. While her ramp-up speed is slower, I feel that the addition of magic means she has a higher power ceiling only outmatched by Taylor-Varga. The only other Taylor with more potential would be the one from A Ruinous Gift, and that's mostly due to the Warp shenanigans she has going on.
Her threat rating from most of the PRTs perspectives is currently YES and getting steadily closer to FUCK :D
The PRT is proud to announce that after much consideration and lengthy consultation revision of the ratings system for parahumans has concluded and to reflect the realities of the issues PRT personnell face in everyday interactions with parahumans of all kinds a new rank has been added. Parahumans can now be assigned the grade of Oh Dear Lord! to accurately reflect the issues operatives are facing in the field when encountering them.
The PRT is proud to announce that after much consideration and lengthy consultation revision of the ratings system for parahumans has concluded and to reflect the realities of the issues PRT personnell face in everyday interactions with parahumans of all kinds a new rank has been added. Parahumans can now be assigned the grade of Oh Dear Lord! to accurately reflect the issues operatives are facing in the field when encountering them.

It's vital to note that ICBM are not authorized for an Oh dear Lord! threat level, due to it being doubtful they would do anything helpful.
The PRT is proud to announce that after much consideration and lengthy consultation revision of the ratings system for parahumans has concluded and to reflect the realities of the issues PRT personnell face in everyday interactions with parahumans of all kinds a new rank has been added. Parahumans can now be assigned the grade of Oh Dear Lord! to accurately reflect the issues operatives are facing in the field when encountering them.
The creation of this rating comes along with a update of the PRT Trooper uniform, the addition of a plain set of non-prescription glasses and a small polishing cloth. This rating's name is not only the verbal exclamation, but also the somatic act of taking of the glasses from the face and beginning to polish them. In official correspondence, this rating may be referred to as the "Tweed" or "Giles" rating.
From the point of the Worm universe physically in her human-ish form she's mid to high end in many ways, but not exceptionally so. It's all the other stuff that would give people nightmares...

Taylor (in cute jumping spider a la Lucas drider form): "Hi, I'm Skitter! Won't you be my friend?"

Everyone else: "Aaaaaaaaaaaah!" (much running around in circles, screaming & shouting)
And somewhere, wiping another tear from her face and sobbing, Fortuna hypnotizes another glass of medical alcohol
Basically? I see no realistic way that Earth Bet airport security would have gone much if any beyond X-ray cargo, Metal-detect people.

Bah! Of course they did!

...they ask if anyone else packed your luggage.

It's vital to note that ICBM are not authorized for an Oh dear Lord! threat level, due to it being doubtful they would do anything helpful.

I'm thinking with her current trip and L2 node spreading, a single nuclear detonation, even of the largest ever tested, would do little more than piss her off.
Why would she do that? The tier two links already ARE her.
It was more a question of could she do it. Would she... well, if she has only a limited number of a specific critter - like with her two Vespas - and she needed/wanted both in her immediate area...
Of course, as I said, she'd still want at least one Level 2 linked critter in that area to keep control of everything else. If nothing else, it would be disconcerting to suddenly not have access to the area that Level 2 critter was in.
So Taylor is becoming the Zerg Swarm, Earth Edition, is what you're saying?
Oh yes. Zerg Swarm is actually more accurate; I said Borg due to the 'assimilation' line.
And somewhere, wiping another tear from her face and sobbing, Fortuna hypnotizes another glass of medical alcohol
I'm told this works well, 50/50 with pure orange juice (the sort they sell in cartons). That takes it down from 200 proof to 100 proof. Sip, don't gulp. Note the medically recommended (maximum) weekly dosage...
So the Dockworkers are the Blood Ravens' Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes?
I was thinking more of them having a lot of former SeaBees.
Apparently, Bet had a 9/11 attack, or at least a parahuman attack with a highjacked plane that caused them to institute similar "temporary" security measures. Before 9/11, you could basically just walk onto up to the gates.
Actually they put metal detectors in during the late '70s or early '80s after a series of hijackings. You couldn't just walk into the gate areas with a gun, you had to pass through metal detectors. Although anybody could walk up to the gates and people often did see people off at the gates or greet them there.
They were a lot more lax before 9/11 however and hadn't seriously considered box cutters a threat capable of hijacking an aircraft.
To be fair, up until 9/11 all of the hijackings were political and the hijackers intended to exchange the hostages for some goal, and so the playbook was to mostly go along with the hijackers and get them to land the plane somewhere that the aircraft could be assaulted.
The thought of hijacking the plane to use as a kamikaze weapon hadn't occurred to most people and wasn't taken seriously as a threat, which was why the hijackers were able to hijack the plane with only box cutters.
To be fair, all the hijackers before that had intended to live afterwards and using aircraft for planned kamikaze attacks hadn't been done since WWII.
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Professor Brooks, who Taylor thought was a really interesting guy she'd have to talk to at some point, had been surprisingly accurate at estimating her drider-body's size from her silk, which impressed her a lot. He was slightly overestimating it, but pretty close his margin of error, which showed just how much the man knew.

TBF he was predicting a pure spider size not a Drider.

When the trip was over, then she'd think about ways to try to help on a larger scale. But for now, this was mostly precautionary and experimental. Not to mention fun.

I had thought about how she could mail her spiders all over and how to obscure where they were coming from (mailing address stickers to New York then having her bugs box themselves up and mailing the Nexus crabs from there to all over since "from somewhere in New York" is more anonymous than "from somewhere in Brockton Bay") but then I realized it's much easier to just send them as stowaways, in a week she could have Nexus crabs in every city with an international airport.

You know, that'd make for an interesting fic. Taylor having a twin sister who's just like her, just one's decided to play villain while the other goes hero...

One tries to be a hero and ends up a villain, the other tries to be a villain and ends up a hero.

i somehow have the feeling both contessa and the simurg are keeping as far away from taylor as possible cause they are both terrified of what she can do if properly motivated

I wonder if every time she pushes her power to break a rule it messes with their precognition. They can't precog triggers or Eidelon past his switching powers because she can't predict the actions of the shard side of things perfectly but even what little they can wouldn't work when ever QA doesn't think it's possible.

Apparently, Bet had a 9/11 attack, or at least a parahuman attack with a highjacked plane that caused them to institute similar "temporary" security measures. Before 9/11, you could basically just walk onto up to the gates.

The era of just walking on ended long before parahumans showed up. What's described here sounds like what we had in the 90s already, at least for continental flights.
Reading the last chapter, I got the impression that QA is close to having a nervous breakdown with all the 'impossible' things Taylor has been pulling off.
I've just had a disturbing thought - having visited one of New Yorks major airports and likely established a permanent L2 link node nearby, Taylor now has the capability to generate further L2 nodes at said airport and sneak numbers of them aboard any aircraft departing said airport and airdropping them when they're above a target of interest for her (or just staying on board until their destination, should she so desire.) Given her ability to morph additional components onto any of her selves, she could add wings or drogue parachute like webs to land them safely.. and spread the glory of the AMNAU!

Also I don't know how Earth Bet's international air travel to some parts of the world looks given the state of Africa in canon, but in our world it's only a one or two stopover trip to Madagascar to find those Darwin's Bark spiders she needs for maximum web strength. 😉
They didn't, but Aleph did. I wouldn't be surprised if Bet decided to follow suit with security because Parahumans.
Except that all that security is EXPENSIVE, and Bet is already stretched thin.
The era of just walking on ended long before parahumans showed up. What's described here sounds like what we had in the 90s already, at least for continental flights.
That is possible.