
What's funny to me is that If they path "open friendly negotiations with the source of the crime prevention effect" the instructions would be:
1. Door to Brockton Bay.
2. Speak.
On the last part, as for those Danny and others have to talk to, hmm, maybe, besides moral support, Taylor could actually help him with a fly (and/or other bugs) on the wall, secretly looking for or learning information that could be useful to him, plus seeing if LA would also have super bugs sightings that could make Piggot and the rest of the PRT directors more nervous; and not only them, but also the possible villains of the place, who will gain a healthy fear of insects, perhaps in LA a Super Scorpion will appear?
Honestly going off of her current activities Taylor might not even bother giving Lexy a heart attack (if she can still have one) via Doom Bug instead just doing her normal thing of the panopticon of oddly crime-stopping bugs and also maybe ask her somewhat friendly Thinker friend Tattletale what she thinks about Costa-Brown's double life.
If she does things right, not even Alexandria will notice that Taylor/Vespa was there.
Here's an idea: Taser Bugs. The Oriental Hornet AKA the Vespa Orientalis can turn sunlight into power. MAYBE Taylor runs across one of those in LA. MAYBE she fuses it with the fuzziest spider she can find. MAYBE she calls it Joltik. Pokémon Black/White came out in March of 2011. She could have seen an advertisement on the plane for it being released/aleph import. She could get brazen with that one. Nobody would ever be believed if they cried that a Pokémon tased them.
Not just a Giant Asian Hornet, but multiple child sized Giant Asian Hornets. He's personally seen two at once. And while we know that is Taylor's limit, he thinks there must be an entire hive or two.

It was Taylor's limit, she's since figured out how to do more. :D

Eh, surge protectors are a thing, and phone lines don't transmit that much power. Probably the most incredible thing is that there was all that storm, in a city known for being out of date and falling apart, in a version of 2011 with skewed tech development, and no one lost internet.

TBF we're seeing a survivorship bias view of the city since we're only seeing the people on PHO and so only the ones who didn't lose power/internet. Amy and the PRT worker both stopped commenting so they might have lost either.

Incidentally, I had one modem fried by lightning back when dialup was still the primary method of getting online

I had one where the stationary cell modem on a farm must have gotten a close hit. The modem was fine but the switch/wifi router was killed, the computer was fine but the input on the monitor that was in use was killed, so it jumped from the network port to the video out without touching the computer.

Also after that the printer never worked right but it's a printer so not sure if that was surge damage or just a printer being a printer.

BBU's hydrology department

I guess Sheryl's next project should be a submarine for BBU, they can do all sorts of checks on the water ways and marine life.

then thrown their hands in the air and claimed even that was unaffordable

I wonder if part was that they undersold how much money the port was bringing in. "Oh they don't even bring in $x so why should they get paid more" and that number was way less than the cost of repairs so they didn't bother looking closer.

there aren't going to be that many people who would overlap with her activities for her to be able to hide in.

And she can always start up her activities there long after she's gone too.
Nope. If I saw that I'd be crying fraud from the fluffing rooftops. I know a guy who's been dealing with insurance bullshit for four years now and he's only gotten escalating piles of shit, and more costs and damages than he started with due to their stringing him along. If they didn't manage to dodge paying for an intentional sinking, they're more crooked than the ship is now or utterly incompetent and deserve the investigation anyway.
Good catch. That's one hell of a red flag.

Insurance paying out on the ship that blocked the Bay right away? There's no way in hell that was legit. Has to be Contessa/Cauldron meddling.
Any insurance company would have normally slow walked the fuck out of paying on a seemingly intentional sinking, and would have had the default assumption that the owners did it. And even if Contessa made sure that it couldn't be proved who did sink it ... the insurance company would probably want to say no, "we have a reasonable suspicion of fraud, and we can't prove you didn't".

I wonder if part was that they undersold how much money the port was bringing in. "Oh they don't even bring in $x so why should they get paid more" and that number was way less than the cost of repairs so they didn't bother looking closer.

Edit: that doesn't work. The government would know damn well just how much tax money the port is generating, both currently and historically.
Love the chapter. I'm looking forward to seeing Taylor and Danny go elsewhere.
And as someone else mentioned on SB we're likely to see Taylor slip a level 2 bug through a door to Caldron's base, resulting in her hearing the most interesting discussions.
Sounds like a very insightful individual.😏
It's funnier knowing that they're actually poking the dragon.
At least they aren't tickling him. I hear you shouldn't do that.
As if she needs more help.
I'd call it a need - in the same vein as needing that extra cookie.😁
And with the blocking being a Cauldron plot (it pretty much has to be, because only they are capable of doing a conspiracy where no one talks about stuff where others can heat), I guarantee that RCB blackmailed people to ensure that it paid out fast and that there was no attempt to clear things. They needed the city shut down, and now people are getting in the way of that! (She'll probably try to find out who is ruining their experiment and see if she can 'talk to them'. (Then go and clean the bloody viscera off her costume from the 'conversation'.)
Nope. If I saw that I'd be crying fraud from the fluffing rooftops. I know a guy who's been dealing with insurance bullshit for four years now and he's only gotten escalating piles of shit, and more costs and damages than he started with due to their stringing him along. If they didn't manage to dodge paying for an intentional sinking, they're more crooked than the ship is now or utterly incompetent and deserve the investigation anyway.

Insurance paying out on the ship that blocked the Bay right away? There's no way in hell that was legit. Has to be Contessa/Cauldron meddling.
Any insurance company would have normally slow walked the fuck out of paying on a seemingly intentional sinking, and would have had the default assumption that the owners did it.

Well, yes, and also no. Maritime insurance isn't like retail insurance, it's got a lot of unusual quirks particular to its own peculiar market and, while I have no doubt there there are some - many, even! - honest and conscientious individuals working therein and in the global merchant shipping they serve, there are enough players in the game that are so crooked they need to be dismantled to get through their own office doors.

Shit like this? It barely moves the needle. It certainly doesn't raise many eyebrows.

The average level of 'bent' in the business is sufficient that nobody so much as bat an eye at the shenanigans of Dai Ichi Kyoto Reinsurance, which managed to take in premiums to the tune of a tenth of a billion despite being entirely fictional. And whose mastermind, having absconded with said lucre, is in the wind lo these twenty-five years later. I mention this particular case because - having got it over a frankly absurd amount of whisky from an industry insider - it's the only such story I know that isn't covered by client confidentiality.

There are, you may depend upon it, many others.

That prompt payment of a claim, almost certainly on the books purely as a discount against next year's premium as is fairly standard practise, was probably only one link in a chain of shipping insurance jiggery-pokeries stretching back unto the days when Lloyds of London was still just a coffee house with (allegedly) a brothel upstairs.
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Taylor might have accidentally set off a bomb here.

Because guess whose responsibility it is to maintain clear harbors and channels? It's not the city, or county, or state.

It's the Army Corps of Engineers, working with the Coast Guard for navigational safety and aids. So unless Bet is wildly different in laws that were passed well before Scion? There was fuckery going on at a federal level, and the ship moving might suddenly reignite interest and make someone ask "so what happened that neither the Coast Guard nor the Corps of Engineers did their jobs/had the funding/permission to do their jobs?" The US government does not take it kindly when a piece of national infrastructure like a deep draft harbor is rendered inoperable for even a few weeks.

Taylor, coming back from LA, and suddenly there's news of Congressional hearings and corruption investigations on a national level:
"If I had a nickel for every time my actions caused a political shitstorm, I'd have two nickels-"

This is the kind of thing that is why conspiracies like Cauldron tend to fail far, far, far more often than they succeed. All of them require that no one in the right place asks questions at the right time and that every little thing that can keep their involvement in thing a secret works every time, all the time. This is also why I tend to have nothing but scorn for a lot of conspiracy nuts.

Are there conspiracies? Even government conspiracies? Yes for the former, probably for the latter. But for the latter, they are also kept to as few people being involved as possible for good reason. I have worked in the classified realm, and I can't tell you how many times I have seen spillage (classified information getting out accidentally) because someone was careless or wanted to brag.

And most conspiracies are so incompetent that they would be dismissed as unrealistic if put in fiction unless the ones involved are already known to be that incompetent.

But yeah, the DoD is going to have some uncomfortable questions asked to it, in which case it is going to give some uncomfortable answers. Which will lead to several other people, with a high likelihood that one of them is Rebecca Costa-Brown, being asked some very uncomfortable questions that they better have an adequate answer to yesterday.

I was already thinking of the rather crass epithet 'the bay emptied like a constipated man who just ate Taco Bell' and this is not helping me avoid hysterical laughter.

I know, right? I would have added that he took a bottle of Miralax because he has a colonoscopy the next day.

Another significant part was dedicated to the PRT and their point of view and opinions of what happened, with everything working Machiavellianly for Taylor, even the improved video that Dragon found and fixed, shows how the relentless forces of nature were the "responsible" for what happened (and the little push of a certain Vespa has nothing to do with it, one with a lot of curiosity and free time, XD); to get Stormtiger and Alabaster out of the city, as I said in Roy's part, now without Calvert's interference (plus the great purge of spies and infiltrators that his information caused), they shouldn't have that much trouble doing it

The main thing here is that Taylor also didn't do more than was necessary for Mother Nature to do the rest, and as Armsmaster pointed out, it was going to eventually happen anyway. And a storm like that, which would have been a particularly nasty Nor'easter, could have likely done it even without her help. Armsmaster did note that what BBU said, the surprising part wasn't that it happened, but that it hadn't happened sooner.
I have to admit after a couple thousand words I started to skim through Roy's internal monologue because there were too many words that I didn't really care about. But I did stumble about one paragraph where I am now wondering if Roy simply got things wrong or if this story is even more AU than we previously believed.

Considering they'd had among others the Butcher and the Teeth, Marquis, the Empire, the ABB, and in recent years the Merchants, all running around causing mayhem, in some cases since almost the point Parahumans came on the scene at all, he still found it weird that the city hadn't been utterly flooded with PRT and Protectorate people years back. But it had never happened. The local Protectorate group was handily outnumbered just by the E88, never mind all the others added to it. Lung on his own was more than capable of dealing with them all at the same time and had proven it. Yet if the Triumvirate had been called in ten years ago, he'd have been sorted out in hours. Even the Merchants, who were utter idiots for the most part, still existed and that was just ridiculous.

Not only does this seem to imply that the Merchants have been around for several years as a credible gang (and not like a random assortment of parahumans similar to Uber & Leet or Circus) but also that Lung has been around for at least 10 years. Not that anyone actually cares about the Merchants.

That seems strange to me, since Kyushu sank in November 1999 and now we're in February or March (?) 2011. That would give Kenta only ~4 months to have his Yangban encounters and his West Coast adventures, which seems like an extremely rushed itinerary compared to the multiple years he had in canon. By the start of Worm, Lung had been in BB only for about 2.5 years.

Also, and that's just my opinion, I never really bought that Lung actually defeated the local Protectorate. In my mind, they backed off and surrendered the battle to him to avoid collateral damage once it was clear they stood no chance at taking him alive after he had ramped up. Otherwise their attitudes towards him would be different. Considering the fact that they didn't have access to Panacea yet back then, Lung would have removed several heroes from the board for weeks or even months (if not permanently) and that would have had effects on the rest of the city. But none of that is ever mentioned or even implied, so I believe they weren't so much defeated as that they left the fight.

Again, it's only the stupid worldbuilding that gives heroes such restricting ROE that they basically never use lethal force to defend themselves. Lung might be next to unstoppable once ramped up but he could easily be taken out before that. It would explain why they keep Miss Militia in the city, she's a hard counter for most of the villains should they ever get a kill order.

I have the feeling that Taylor's time in LA will be interesting. If she can spread all over the city within the few days she's there, she'll be privy to a ton of information she'd otherwise never know about. Perhaps some of that could be used to help with Danny's agenda.

It would be fun to see what happens in the future. It seems as if there's no limit to the level two links, so if she places one such insect in every city and than spreads from there, soon she'll be in control of the entire USA. Or at least the relevant parts of it. That would raise the question how long her little buddies live. Since they are custom made creatures we can only guess but somehow I wouldn't be surprised if they stuck around for a decade or more.
The quote about towels is actually from Douglas Adams' "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" series.
I'd been making comments about always having a towel when you travel or always knowing where your towel is since the early 1990's, two decades before Worm was published.
The quote about towels is actually from Douglas Adams' "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" series.
I'd been making comments about always having a towel when you travel or always knowing where your towel is since the early 1990's, two decades before Worm was published.
While this is, indeed, the source of the quote, in Taylor Varga Ch. 4, when Danny brings up SEP fields, Taylor Hebert hadn't read it, despite reading more traditionally classic literature. Which was what Fuzzball was referring to.
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but also that Lung has been around for at least 10 years.
The ABB was mentioned, but not Lung.
The ABB under Lung retained the name of the first gang he took over when he came to Brockton. I'd say that there are two possibilities:
  1. it was the gang Oni Lee was part of before Lung took it over (at least in this story; the wiki says that Lung got him from a destroyed gang)
  2. they were powerful and dangerous without any parahuman
Edit: It was shown to me that the way it was worded later pretty much stated that Lung was in Brockton Bay for the last decade. This could mean that he skipped moving to China, and went straight to the US.
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For some reason, the first thing to pop into my head at that is 'When Lung gets drunk, he tends to strip. When he gets really drunk, he tries extra hard at it and flays himself.'

I'm reminded of that classic Tex Avery cartoon 'Cross Country Detours'.

It helps disguise Kenta.

Everyone knows Lung has massive Yakuza tattoos.

It's fake. It (along with his skin) doesn't survive a full transformation, so he has to spend a few hours afterward having someone go over his back with Sharpies. Takara LOVES it when she's able to 'Draw on Daddy'.

A 6'4", 300+ pound Asian man that built like professional weightlifter is very distinctive, but what if Lung can in fact fully ramp down. At least physically.

He could go about his normal day to day like Bruce Banner.
Say mp3.1415player, I wonder how many Hornet Queens Taylor is going to collect in this trip.
See photo's of a flight of Hornet Queens in LA, Lung canceling his moving plans and double down on investing in the shipping industry.

I do wonder why Taylor has never tried to make the bug wings, glow in the dark, though.
If only for the visuele effect of it.

Heh, those talks will get waaay of track, BB is back, with full capabilities.
Danny: "Then you lot are not welkome in BB."
"'Ha, that blocked port? How has that gone for you lot???"'
Danny: "What block? Haven't you lot seen the news or checked PHO? Was a nice heavy storm, right?"
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(If you ask me, this is all about Taylor's shoggoth heritage showing itself. :) )
I've been insinuating that from before I knew she was descended from sorcerers on both sides of the Family...
Minor-ish detail, but Sorcery on Annette's side, Monster Hunters on Danny's side. Both Greek-connected, so maybe with demi-god blood for Danny? Odds are, the monster hunters counted people using sorcery as 'monsters'?

Which, might be why Annette's family didn't approve...
Taylor is a very kind girl and that's why she decided that it was necessary to spare the nerves of one Japanese who fell to the bottom of a glass. In LA, she will show a couple of Vespas and I think people will come to the following conclusions: 1) There really are more hornets than one. 2) The hornets have not yet decided on a nesting place and therefore travel around the country. 3) There is a certain factor (not necessarily biotinker) that increases insects. 4) Insect master BB moved to a warm sea.
And maybe a few more stupid or funny ones. I look forward to continuing the New Year's gifts from the author.