Taylor might have accidentally set off a bomb here.
Because guess whose responsibility it is to maintain clear harbors and channels? It's not the city, or county, or state.
It's the Army Corps of Engineers, working with the Coast Guard for navigational safety and aids. So unless Bet is wildly different in laws that were passed well before Scion? There was fuckery going on at a federal level, and the ship moving might suddenly reignite interest and make someone ask "so what happened that neither the Coast Guard nor the Corps of Engineers did their jobs/had the funding/permission to do their jobs?" The US government does not take it kindly when a piece of national infrastructure like a deep draft harbor is rendered inoperable for even a few weeks.
Taylor, coming back from LA, and suddenly there's news of Congressional hearings and corruption investigations on a national level:
"If I had a nickel for every time my actions caused a political shitstorm, I'd have two nickels-"
This is the kind of thing that is why conspiracies like Cauldron tend to fail far, far,
far more often than they succeed. All of them require that no one in the right place asks questions at the right time and that every little thing that can keep their involvement in thing a secret works every time, all the time. This is also why I tend to have nothing but scorn for a lot of conspiracy nuts.
Are there conspiracies? Even government conspiracies? Yes for the former, probably for the latter. But for the latter, they are also kept to as few people being involved as possible for good reason. I have worked in the classified realm, and I can't tell you how many times I have seen spillage (classified information getting out accidentally) because someone was careless or wanted to brag.
And most conspiracies are so incompetent that they would be dismissed as unrealistic if put in fiction unless the ones involved are already known to be that incompetent.
But yeah, the DoD is going to have some uncomfortable questions asked to it, in which case it is going to give some uncomfortable answers. Which will lead to several other people, with a high likelihood that one of them is Rebecca Costa-Brown, being asked some very uncomfortable questions that they better have an adequate answer to yesterday.
I was already thinking of the rather crass epithet 'the bay emptied like a constipated man who just ate Taco Bell' and this is not helping me avoid hysterical laughter.
I know, right? I would have added that he took a bottle of Miralax because he has a colonoscopy the next day.
Another significant part was dedicated to the PRT and their point of view and opinions of what happened, with everything working Machiavellianly for Taylor, even the improved video that Dragon found and fixed, shows how the relentless forces of nature were the "responsible" for what happened (and the little push of a certain Vespa has nothing to do with it, one with a lot of curiosity and free time, XD); to get Stormtiger and Alabaster out of the city, as I said in Roy's part, now without Calvert's interference (plus the great purge of spies and infiltrators that his information caused), they shouldn't have that much trouble doing it
The main thing here is that Taylor also didn't do more than was necessary for Mother Nature to do the rest, and as Armsmaster pointed out, it was going to eventually happen anyway. And a storm like that, which would have been a particularly nasty Nor'easter, could have likely done it even
without her help. Armsmaster did note that what BBU said, the surprising part wasn't that it happened, but that it hadn't happened