Upon This Sword of Fire (CKII Quest)

Alright, made another plan. This one doesn't have the forts along the Hastrijan border.
[] Plan Random v3
A Scarlet Wedding: You have been invited to attend the wedding of your sister and her betrothed. You definitely plan to attend, just for a chance to see your sister again. Plus, you...are worried about her, and if anything goes wrong you want to be there personally. Cost: 400g, You Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 100% Reward: Event Chain: The Scarlet Wedding takes place.*DOES NOT COST AN ACTION*

Border Woes: The Border Princes currently hold a significant portion of the developed land in your Kingdom, including the third largest city of Vykiv. Right now they're pretty content with your current, admittedly hands-off relationship, but you don't want "content" you want "loyal". Which might be a tall order, but some individual attention on their more influential members is a good start. Cost: 450g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 60% Rewards: Improved Relations with Border Princes, Additional Information about the Border Princes, Unlocks new levy options.

Split Focus: Bloody Hastrijan: The outbreak of violence in Hastrijan caught your delegation by surprise. Now they're scrambling to get a handle on the various sides to the likely civil war. You'd really like to know just who is holding the reins to your south, or at least try and not anger any of the potential holders. Cost: 650g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 75% Rewards: Increased information about the situation in Hastrijan and the current factions, chance to improve relations with them.

All The Queen's Horses: You have a good basis of infantry, but it still is paltry compared to what Asya says you are capable of sustaining. Let alone the sheer size of Väljad
- [ ] Raise another Legion: The Scarlet Legions were the oiled machine through which the Ash Maiden conquered the continent. Built upon the base of the ancient house retinues of Eight Tribes, a Legion is a flexible fighting force of medium infantry. (Mobility 2) Skill: Green Time: 1 year Cost: 500g Upkeep: 50g

The Frontier: Your military presence in the Kurlaks has presented you with an opportunity. Andeszj's expedition discovered many wondrous things, but much of the terrain and fauna was far too dangerous for them to approach closely. With your soldiers you can begin pushing into that unexplored wilderness. It likely will be dangerous but who know what secrets are still there to be discovered. Cost: 600g, One Legion Chance of Success: 60% Time: 1 year Rewards: Experience for 3rd Legion. Further exploration of Kurlaks.

The Halls of Learning: After you completely trashed aggressively redecorated Andeszj's workshop while hatching your egg you promised you'd replace it for him. Or at least all the furniture and equipment you slagged. However he and Alfred have approached you with a far more ambitious proposal. He knows of several other individuals in the city who are interested in discovering more about the natural world, and figures many more just need the right push. Thus he has come to you with a plan for an institution to help grow and foster that desire. Cost: 1000g, Increased Upkeep Chance of Success: 60% Time: 2 years Rewards: +1 Learning Option - LOCKED IN: FINISHES THIS TURN

Off the Beaten Path: With your vassals somewhat mollified, Alfred wants to examine the vast stretches of unused land that the Queen's Road cuts through. Much of it is virtually uninhabited, and it could be prime territory for founding new settlements on. Though it will likely too expensive to do much more than a cursory look for now. Cost: 900g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 100% Rewards: Varies depending on Roll, Potential New Stewardship Actions.

Quick, Clean, Professional: Rumors and bribes are all well and good, but sometimes you just really need to sneak up on a troublesome person, drag them into a dark alley and stab them multiple times to really solve a problem. Which means you're going to need some people who are good at sneaking, stabbing and most of all very loyal to you. That last part seems like the especially important bit. Cost: 1800g Chance of Success: 60% Time: 1 years Rewards: Professional assassins "espionage agents" trained. +1 Intrigue Action.
-[] Double Down

Flames of Faith: The explosion of the First Flame into the countryside was both a boon and a curse. You are always happy to see more converts to the Faith, but an uncontrollable spread such as this can disrupt the peace. Additionally, unchecked conversions and little guidance makes a fertile ground for more...unorthodox ideas to take root, and instability can make those ideas attractive. It's a situation you look to cut off at the root. Cost: 900g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 65% Rewards: Conversion of the countryside takes on a more orderly approach. Tensions reduced.

The Hidden Library: The map you discovered detailing the lay-out of the Library contained several sections you could not find despite all your searching. Either they were destroyed at some point in the distant past, or they were hidden away, you do not know. However, you intend to find them. The discovery of a network of tunnels running through the citadel gives new credence to your search. Cost: 0g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 75% Reward: ???

The Impeccable Metal: The mysterious vein of ore discovered in the Kurlaks has prompted great interest from Andeszj, and he eagerly wants to get a look at it. Which should definitely aid in finding a way to mine it, since at this point it breaks many of the established tools used for mining. Likewise, if he can mine it, he'd also like to get a handle on its properties, to better understand what it can be used for. Cost: 650g Chance of Success: 65% Time 1 year Rewards: Information about the ??? metal, can begin mining the ??? metal

Tying the Knot: The example of your sister's courtship and your own glimpse at the darker side of politics has led you to conclude that you really should look into the whole business of marriage. Even if it's just a political arrangement to foster a heir, it would likely go a long way to securing your reign. Cost: 100g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 70% Rewards: Information on potential marriage candidates.

Simurgh: You've named your pet Simurgh, after the head of the Deevs, the First Flame's winged servants in Heaven. It has grown tremendously since you got him, and though it is mostly trained you want to spend more time with him as it grows larger. You still don't know how big it will eventually grow, but fostering a closer bond between the two of you can only Cost: 400g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 90% Rewards: Continue to train Simurgh as he grows.
If we crit the mining action and take the studying the not-mithril action in the same turn, is it wasted, or do we get something for succeeding both?
[] A Scarlet Wedding

[] The Horse Lords

[] Bloody Hastrijan
-[] Split Focus

[] Raise another Legion

[] The Frontier


[] Halls of Learning

[] Digging Deeply

[] Quick, Clean, Professional
-[] Double Down

[] Flames of Faith

[] The Hidden Library

[] The Key of Hearts


[] Simurgh

[] Tying the Knot

So here's what I'm thinking. I'm comfortable with the 75% odds of success if success for Hastrijani diplomacy, so we can split-focus it. Conversely we need the extra intrigue action badly, so double down on it. Go for the mines with Stewardship for an infusion of cash with a one-turn action with a bonus from last turn and a chance to save a Learning action later.
I don't know... 50/50 odds for the Horse Lords option is a bit low for my tastes (we could ruin relations and not secure our northern borders fairly easily), and with the split focus we wouldn't be able to apply benefits to it.

Can't we just wait and do our job up north properly before sending out more feeler to whichever faction seems best in the south? If we're able to secure the north, we'll be in a much stronger state to intervene without worrying about getting stabbed in the back.

Edit: And I'd rather not start mining quite yet for the reasons I outlined previously. We're doing pretty well on cash and have a reasonable buffer, so I don't see a desperate need to really start rushing all means for income when we can slowly and steadily build ourselves up to optimize it soon enough anyway.
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@Random Member, I like your plan.

One small thing: Is there a reason to put the Split Focus on Bloody Hastrijan instead of Border Woes? The action selected for Split Focus costs double, so choosing Border Woes should save us 200gp.
@Random Member, I like your plan.

One small thing: Is there a reason to put the Split Focus on Bloody Hastrijan instead of Border Woes? The action selected for Split Focus costs double, so choosing Border Woes should save us 200gp.
The action you use Split Focus on doesn't get the advisor bonus. Granted, for Diplomacy it's only +5 at this moment, but Border Woes (60%) can use this more than Bloody Hastrijan (75%).

EDIT: Also, which plan were you referring to? v3?
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For example, you can select two diplomacy actions instead of one, or three piety actions instead of two. However, those actions selected do not benefit from adviser bonuses, and cannot crit.
If I read that right, neither action will benefit from the advisor bonus.

Oh, and yes, I meant Plan Random v3.
@Cavalier you would be willing to change The Hidden Library per A Grand Church because we really need to have a real church.
If you do this, I'll vote for your plan.
Random v3 or Cavalier sound good to me, but v3 has Off the Beaten Path. Sorry, mongol-bros! :oops:
@indra, Cavalier's plan costs 9600 gp. We have a netto income of 10190 gp. Adding A Grand Church would raise the cost to 11100 gp. I think overspending should be avoided, unless absolutely necessary.
@Cavalier you would be willing to change The Hidden Library per A Grand Church because we really need to have a real church.
If you do this, I'll vote for your plan.

We really need a real Church, but we really need the damn Church to be built to spec. I'm in favor of reserving a Double Down on it next turn for best effect.

As far as Off the Beaten Path goes I think it best to wait until our existing infrastructure is expanded before we open opportunities requiring major investments in new infrastructure.
Random v3 or Cavalier sound good to me, but v3 has Off the Beaten Path. Sorry, mongol-bros! :oops:

Mind if I ask why? Subdue the Steppe has Off the Beaten Path already, is there something pressing for covering Hastrijan or the Border Princes that draws you to that one?

We really need a real Church, but we really need the damn Church to be built to spec. I'm in favor of reserving a Double Down on it next turn for best effect.

As far as Off the Beaten Path goes I think it best to wait until our existing infrastructure is expanded before we open opportunities requiring major investments in new infrastructure.
It's best to know what's in the land where you're building infrastructure before you start building it, right? Especially since the area is a little harsh, we want to make sure that we build up the road in areas that are easier to travel, have abundant water and so on and are in areas where we can set up future sites to inhabit. We won't know those spots until we investigate, and if we wait until after the road is built corrections are going to be terribly expensive.
If I calculate this correctly, then Plan Indra and Plan Spead Out And Draw A Circle also suffer from overspending. Plan Indra costs 11000 gp, and Plan Spead Out costs 10300.
Subdue the steppes is good, but I assume most people want to take a peek at Hastrijan.

But sure, it's another candidate. It's either horse-lording all the way (doubling down, since it's difficult), or taking two easier actions. So I guess Steppes/Random v3 is the vote of choice for me. Bonus points for Steppes is that I prefer the key research, too.
Subdue the steppes is good, but I assume most people want to take a peek at Hastrijan.

But sure, it's another candidate. It's either horse-lording all the way (doubling down, since it's difficult), or taking two easier actions. So I guess Steppes/Random v3 is the vote of choice for me. Bonus points for Steppes is that I prefer the key research, too.
Meh, I'd rather get the "mythril" mined sooner.
Fair point. Personal preferences, and all that.

There is a chance to mine mythril with a stewardship action if we roll high enough, so I have it a bit lower on the priorities list.
Subdue the steppes is good, but I assume most people want to take a peek at Hastrijan.

But sure, it's another candidate. It's either horse-lording all the way (doubling down, since it's difficult), or taking two easier actions. So I guess Steppes/Random v3 is the vote of choice for me. Bonus points for Steppes is that I prefer the key research, too.
I guess, I just don't see the benefit in looking at Hastrijan and worrying about them when doing so prevents us from shoring up ourselves. Plus, I don't like the idea if we mess it up... we were pretty explicitly told that it'd be considered an act of war by the guy who has the weight of being the heir.

Anyway, I did the math and my plan including the Double Downs stands at a cost of 8350. It's present here, as a refresher:

[] Subdue the Steppes
A Scarlet Wedding: You have been invited to attend the wedding of your sister and her betrothed. You definitely plan to attend, just for a chance to see your sister again. Plus, you...are worried about her, and if anything goes wrong you want to be there personally. Cost: 400g, You Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 100% Reward: Event Chain: The Scarlet Wedding takes place. *DOES NOT COST AN ACTION*

The Horse Lords: *DOUBLING DOWN* The Nomadic Tribes to the north are largely ambivalent to your rule, though your appearance at the Köngurmöte turned many heads. They pay they're tribute to you, you don't bother them, and they avoid raiding you. You are however interested in fostering new ties with them, and hopefully improving their mood to something north of "ambivalent". Cost: 250g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 50% Rewards: Improved Relations with the Nomadic Tribes, Additional Information about the Nomadic Tribes, Unlocks new recruitment options. Influences chance of Tribal Loyalties action.
All The Queen's Horses: You have a good basis of infantry, but it still is paltry compared to what Asya says you are capable of sustaining. Let alone the sheer size of Väljad
- [ ] Raise a Horse Archer Brigade: These light missile cavalry are based off the primary troops that roam the northern steppes. Excellent for scouting and harassment of enemy forces, as well as pursuit and many other applications. (Mobility 8) Skill: Professional Time: 1 year Cost: 800g Upkeep: 150g

The Frontier: Your military presence in the Kurlaks has presented you with an opportunity. Andeszj's expedition discovered many wondrous things, but much of the terrain and fauna was far too dangerous for them to approach closely. With your soldiers you can begin pushing into that unexplored wilderness. It likely will be dangerous but who know what secrets are still there to be discovered. Cost: 600g, One Legion Chance of Success: 60% Time: 1 year Rewards: Experience for 3rd Legion. Further exploration of Kurlaks.
Off the Beaten Path: With your vassals somewhat mollified, Alfred wants to examine the vast stretches of unused land that the Queen's Road cuts through. Much of it is virtually uninhabited, and it could be prime territory for founding new settlements on. Though it will likely too expensive to do much more than a cursory look for now. Cost: 900g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 100% Rewards: Varies depending on Roll, Potential New Stewardship Actions.
Quick, Clean, Professional: *DOUBLING DOWN* Rumors and bribes are all well and good, but sometimes you just really need to sneak up on a troublesome person, drag them into a dark alley and stab them multiple times to really solve a problem. Which means you're going to need some people who are good at sneaking, stabbing and most of all very loyal to you. That last part seems like the especially important bit. Cost: 1800g Chance of Success: 60% Time: 1 years Rewards: Professional assassins "espionage agents" trained. +1 Intrigue Action.
Flames of Faith: The explosion of the First Flame into the countryside was both a boon and a curse. You are always happy to see more converts to the Faith, but an uncontrollable spread such as this can disrupt the peace. Additionally, unchecked conversions and little guidance makes a fertile ground for more...unorthodox ideas to take root, and instability can make those ideas attractive. It's a situation you look to cut off at the root. Cost: 900g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 65% Rewards: Conversion of the countryside takes on a more orderly approach. Tensions reduced.

The Hidden Library: The map you discovered detailing the lay-out of the Library contained several sections you could not find despite all your searching. Either they were destroyed at some point in the distant past, or they were hidden away, you do not know. However, you intend to find them. The discovery of a network of tunnels running through the citadel gives new credence to your search. Cost: 0g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 75% Reward: ???
The Key of Hearts: The key you received from your Mother is a curiosity. It managed to unlock something within you, and also uncovered the door to the hidden passages within the walls of the Citadel. You have the suspicion it can do much more, so you've given it to Andeszj to see if he can discover anything. Cost: 150g Chance of Success: 75% Time 1 year Rewards: Capabilities of the Key you received uncovered.
Simurgh: You've named your pet Simurgh, after the head of the Deevs, the First Flame's winged servants in Heaven. It has grown tremendously since you got him, and though it is mostly trained you want to spend more time with him as it grows larger. You still don't know how big it will eventually grow, but fostering a closer bond between the two of you can only Cost: 400g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 90% Rewards: Continue to train Simurgh as he grows.

Tying the Knot: The example of your sister's courtship and your own glimpse at the darker side of politics has led you to conclude that you really should look into the whole business of marriage. Even if it's just a political arrangement to foster a heir, it would likely go a long way to securing your reign. Cost: 100g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 70% Rewards: Information on potential marriage candidates.
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@Crilltic , I'm curious about something. How did you come up with the names/the hints of language/place-name and so on for this Quest?
Well, first I went through and looked at real life or historical languages, and matched them up with the various cultures and factions. Then I searched through a bunch of name databases and dictionaries for words with definitions that were somewhat relevant, then I modified those a bit. Some of the names were just me making shit up until I found something I liked though.
Well, first I went through and looked at real life or historical languages, and matched them up with the various cultures and factions. Then I searched through a bunch of name databases and dictionaries for words with definitions that were somewhat relevant, then I modified those a bit. Some of the names were just me making shit up until I found something I liked though.

Huh. Hrm. Thanks for the advice.

I, uh, got another one of my 'I don't have enough time, muse' ideas for a Quest. But I suck at names.

Of course, it doesn't matter since doing it would eat into even more time, but...sometimes following the idea through (though not starting the Quest) helps to get rid of it.
I agree with Kipeci that it's best to leave Hastrijan alone. One really bad roll could get us into deep trouble. Unlike Kipeci I would really, really like to know what's going on with the Border Princes and improve our relation with them.

I also want to start raising a highly mobile force that can respond quickly to trouble within our realm, so I'd like to recruit a Horse Archer Brigade.

So I'll throw my hat in the ring with my own plan.

Plan Gingganz

[] A Scarlet Wedding
[] Border Woes
- [] Double Down

[]All The Queen's Horses
- [] Raise a Horse Archer Brigade
[] The Frontier

[] The Halls of Learning: Locked In
[] Off the Beaten Path


[] Quick, Clean, Professional
-[] Double Down

[] Flames of Faith
[] The Hidden Library

[] The Impeccable Metal

[] Tying the Knot
[] Simurgh

The cost of this plan should be 9250 gp.