Upon This Sword of Fire (CKII Quest)

For the mines, I think it's best if we solidly them into the rest of the realm before beginning exploitation of them in earnest. If we don't have an advanced road system in place there's inevitably going to be losses due to poor infrastructure which results in carts breaking down, opportunistic bandits robbing people in the harsh land where no response can effectively be called, that sort of thing. Determining the best road systems means surveying first.

The wealth in the mountains isn't going anywhere, but once it's out of there it'll be out. Better infrastructure will make it easier to mine there and respond to threats, so I don't think it's too much of a hassle to wait two years before really gearing up the mines for maximum production.
Okay, I'm going to put up two plans.
[] Plan Random
A Scarlet Wedding: You have been invited to attend the wedding of your sister and her betrothed. You definitely plan to attend, just for a chance to see your sister again. Plus, you...are worried about her, and if anything goes wrong you want to be there personally. Cost: 400g, You Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 100% Reward: Event Chain: The Scarlet Wedding takes place.*DOES NOT COST AN ACTION*

We can't not do this.

Border Woes: The Border Princes currently hold a significant portion of the developed land in your Kingdom, including the third largest city of Vykiv. Right now they're pretty content with your current, admittedly hands-off relationship, but you don't want "content" you want "loyal". Which might be a tall order, but some individual attention on their more influential members is a good start. Cost: 450g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 60% Rewards: Improved Relations with Border Princes, Additional Information about the Border Princes, Unlocks new levy options.

Eh, let Hastrijan do what Hastrijan's gonna do. Getting better relations with the Border Prices seems more important to me than getting involved in that clusterfuck

All The Queen's Horses: You have a good basis of infantry, but it still is paltry compared to what Asya says you are capable of sustaining. Let alone the sheer size of Väljad
- [ ] Raise another Legion: The Scarlet Legions were the oiled machine through which the Ash Maiden conquered the continent. Built upon the base of the ancient house retinues of Eight Tribes, a Legion is a flexible fighting force of medium infantry. (Mobility 2) Skill: Green Time: 1 year Cost: 500g Upkeep: 50g

Borders of Stone & Sand: The current border with Hastrijan is home to a small mountain range and the Astrazi desert. Quite a hefty barrier for troops for troops to cross. However, the defenses you have stationed there are sparse. With the violence south of the border you want to change that. You are going to deploy one of the Legions to reinforce the border forts there. Acting as a check against any violence spilling over. Of course, moving troops to the border is fairly provocative, but you'd rather be safe than sorry. Cost: 200g, One Legion, Increased Upkeep Chance of Success: 80% Time: 1 year Rewards: Strengthens border forts along the Hastrijan border.

Get another legion, put them in a fort. If we takeThe Frontier instead of raising another legion, that would give us 2 less legions to use in case of an emergency. This way we still have the same number of legions available. And yes, I will build a great, great wall to keep the Hastrijan terrorists out of our lands!

The Halls of Learning: After you completely trashed aggressively redecorated Andeszj's workshop while hatching your egg you promised you'd replace it for him. Or at least all the furniture and equipment you slagged. However he and Alfred have approached you with a far more ambitious proposal. He knows of several other individuals in the city who are interested in discovering more about the natural world, and figures many more just need the right push. Thus he has come to you with a plan for an institution to help grow and foster that desire. Cost: 1000g, Increased Upkeep Chance of Success: 60% Time: 2 years Rewards: +1 Learning Option - LOCKED IN: FINISHES THIS TURN

Locked, so...

Off the Beaten Path: With your vassals somewhat mollified, Alfred wants to examine the vast stretches of unused land that the Queen's Road cuts through. Much of it is virtually uninhabited, and it could be prime territory for founding new settlements on. Though it will likely too expensive to do much more than a cursory look for now. Cost: 900g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 100% Rewards: Varies depending on Roll, Potential New Stewardship Actions.

We may find something nice.

Quick, Clean, Professional: Rumors and bribes are all well and good, but sometimes you just really need to sneak up on a troublesome person, drag them into a dark alley and stab them multiple times to really solve a problem. Which means you're going to need some people who are good at sneaking, stabbing and most of all very loyal to you. That last part seems like the especially important bit. Cost: 1800g Chance of Success: 60% Time: 1 years Rewards: Professional assassins "espionage agents" trained. +1 Intrigue Action.
-[] Double Down

An extra action is useful.

Flames of Faith: The explosion of the First Flame into the countryside was both a boon and a curse. You are always happy to see more converts to the Faith, but an uncontrollable spread such as this can disrupt the peace. Additionally, unchecked conversions and little guidance makes a fertile ground for more...unorthodox ideas to take root, and instability can make those ideas attractive. It's a situation you look to cut off at the root. Cost: 900g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 65% Rewards: Conversion of the countryside takes on a more orderly approach. Tensions reduced.

The Hidden Library: The map you discovered detailing the lay-out of the Library contained several sections you could not find despite all your searching. Either they were destroyed at some point in the distant past, or they were hidden away, you do not know. However, you intend to find them. The discovery of a network of tunnels running through the citadel gives new credence to your search. Cost: 0g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 75% Reward: ???

Reduce heresies, finally get working on the Library.

The Impeccable Metal: The mysterious vein of ore discovered in the Kurlaks has prompted great interest from Andeszj, and he eagerly wants to get a look at it. Which should definitely aid in finding a way to mine it, since at this point it breaks many of the established tools used for mining. Likewise, if he can mine it, he'd also like to get a handle on its properties, to better understand what it can be used for. Cost: 650g Chance of Success: 65% Time 1 year Rewards: Information about the ??? metal, can begin mining the ??? metal

On second thought, the key isn't that important for now. The metal action would allow us to start mining this next turn.

Tying the Knot: The example of your sister's courtship and your own glimpse at the darker side of politics has led you to conclude that you really should look into the whole business of marriage. Even if it's just a political arrangement to foster a heir, it would likely go a long way to securing your reign. Cost: 100g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 70% Rewards: Information on potential marriage candidates.
-[] Double Down

Yes, marriage. Well no, not really. We're only getting a list of potential candidates. Still think we should do this sooner than later. Doube Down to get better options.

Simurgh: You've named your pet Simurgh, after the head of the Deevs, the First Flame's winged servants in Heaven. It has grown tremendously since you got him, and though it is mostly trained you want to spend more time with him as it grows larger. You still don't know how big it will eventually grow, but fostering a closer bond between the two of you can only Cost: 400g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 90% Rewards: Continue to train Simurgh as he grows.

And getting a closer bond with our dragon. The eyes are nice, but I feel that getting a husband and making sure our dragon obeys us are more important for now.
[] Plan Random v2
A Scarlet Wedding: You have been invited to attend the wedding of your sister and her betrothed. You definitely plan to attend, just for a chance to see your sister again. Plus, you...are worried about her, and if anything goes wrong you want to be there personally. Cost: 400g, You Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 100% Reward: Event Chain: The Scarlet Wedding takes place.*DOES NOT COST AN ACTION*

Border Woes: The Border Princes currently hold a significant portion of the developed land in your Kingdom, including the third largest city of Vykiv. Right now they're pretty content with your current, admittedly hands-off relationship, but you don't want "content" you want "loyal". Which might be a tall order, but some individual attention on their more influential members is a good start. Cost: 450g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 60% Rewards: Improved Relations with Border Princes, Additional Information about the Border Princes, Unlocks new levy options.

Split Focus: Bloody Hastrijan: The outbreak of violence in Hastrijan caught your delegation by surprise. Now they're scrambling to get a handle on the various sides to the likely civil war. You'd really like to know just who is holding the reins to your south, or at least try and not anger any of the potential holders. Cost: 650g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 75% Rewards: Increased information about the situation in Hastrijan and the current factions, chance to improve relations with them.

All The Queen's Horses: You have a good basis of infantry, but it still is paltry compared to what Asya says you are capable of sustaining. Let alone the sheer size of Väljad
- [ ] Raise another Legion: The Scarlet Legions were the oiled machine through which the Ash Maiden conquered the continent. Built upon the base of the ancient house retinues of Eight Tribes, a Legion is a flexible fighting force of medium infantry. (Mobility 2) Skill: Green Time: 1 year Cost: 500g Upkeep: 50g

Borders of Stone & Sand: The current border with Hastrijan is home to a small mountain range and the Astrazi desert. Quite a hefty barrier for troops for troops to cross. However, the defenses you have stationed there are sparse. With the violence south of the border you want to change that. You are going to deploy one of the Legions to reinforce the border forts there. Acting as a check against any violence spilling over. Of course, moving troops to the border is fairly provocative, but you'd rather be safe than sorry. Cost: 200g, One Legion, Increased Upkeep Chance of Success: 80% Time: 1 year Rewards: Strengthens border forts along the Hastrijan border.

The Halls of Learning: After you completely trashed aggressively redecorated Andeszj's workshop while hatching your egg you promised you'd replace it for him. Or at least all the furniture and equipment you slagged. However he and Alfred have approached you with a far more ambitious proposal. He knows of several other individuals in the city who are interested in discovering more about the natural world, and figures many more just need the right push. Thus he has come to you with a plan for an institution to help grow and foster that desire. Cost: 1000g, Increased Upkeep Chance of Success: 60% Time: 2 years Rewards: +1 Learning Option - LOCKED IN: FINISHES THIS TURN

Off the Beaten Path: With your vassals somewhat mollified, Alfred wants to examine the vast stretches of unused land that the Queen's Road cuts through. Much of it is virtually uninhabited, and it could be prime territory for founding new settlements on. Though it will likely too expensive to do much more than a cursory look for now. Cost: 900g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 100% Rewards: Varies depending on Roll, Potential New Stewardship Actions.

Quick, Clean, Professional: Rumors and bribes are all well and good, but sometimes you just really need to sneak up on a troublesome person, drag them into a dark alley and stab them multiple times to really solve a problem. Which means you're going to need some people who are good at sneaking, stabbing and most of all very loyal to you. That last part seems like the especially important bit. Cost: 1800g Chance of Success: 60% Time: 1 years Rewards: Professional assassins "espionage agents" trained. +1 Intrigue Action.
-[] Double Down

Flames of Faith: The explosion of the First Flame into the countryside was both a boon and a curse. You are always happy to see more converts to the Faith, but an uncontrollable spread such as this can disrupt the peace. Additionally, unchecked conversions and little guidance makes a fertile ground for more...unorthodox ideas to take root, and instability can make those ideas attractive. It's a situation you look to cut off at the root. Cost: 900g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 65% Rewards: Conversion of the countryside takes on a more orderly approach. Tensions reduced.

The Hidden Library: The map you discovered detailing the lay-out of the Library contained several sections you could not find despite all your searching. Either they were destroyed at some point in the distant past, or they were hidden away, you do not know. However, you intend to find them. The discovery of a network of tunnels running through the citadel gives new credence to your search. Cost: 0g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 75% Reward: ???

The Impeccable Metal: The mysterious vein of ore discovered in the Kurlaks has prompted great interest from Andeszj, and he eagerly wants to get a look at it. Which should definitely aid in finding a way to mine it, since at this point it breaks many of the established tools used for mining. Likewise, if he can mine it, he'd also like to get a handle on its properties, to better understand what it can be used for. Cost: 650g Chance of Success: 65% Time 1 year Rewards: Information about the ??? metal, can begin mining the ??? metal

Tying the Knot: The example of your sister's courtship and your own glimpse at the darker side of politics has led you to conclude that you really should look into the whole business of marriage. Even if it's just a political arrangement to foster a heir, it would likely go a long way to securing your reign. Cost: 100g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 70% Rewards: Information on potential marriage candidates.

Simurgh: You've named your pet Simurgh, after the head of the Deevs, the First Flame's winged servants in Heaven. It has grown tremendously since you got him, and though it is mostly trained you want to spend more time with him as it grows larger. You still don't know how big it will eventually grow, but fostering a closer bond between the two of you can only Cost: 400g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 90% Rewards: Continue to train Simurgh as he grows.
The second one has Split Focus on Bloody Hastrijan instead of Doubling Down on Tying the Knot.
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Do we get a bonus to Horse Lords diplomatic action from Halfdan's advice, and from the Köngurmöte performance? I mean 50/50 odds of improved relations after a bunch of Southern tribes were ready to pledge to Illona as Köngur seems a tad low. I'm inclined to strike while to iron is hot, if there is any advantage.
Yes it provides a bonus, though remember your relations are currently at 89, so many of the tribes that were favorably inclined to you are...still favorably inclined to you after the Köngurmöte, even moreso actually. This is an action for going after those who still aren't despite that.
I like Kipeci's and Random's reasonings.

We should take Split Focus on diplo actions since the bonus Alina grants is too miniscule to matter. Not sure if Hastrijan is worth the efforts considering low chance of success and an explicit warning not to get involved from the Crown Prince. Two guesses how failure here would be taken, but not intervening does not seem to be that bad.

Plus, I'd like to secure northern borders.

Off the Beaten Path and Tying the Knot and the actions I want to take. Mining can wait a turn, but colonization needs to start early, and we need a barrier between us and Hastrijan that wouldn't scream INVASION at them.

The Hidden Library is a must for me, especially now that we have the Sight to see hidden things.

The key is something I want to research, but the Metal is fine too, I suppose. @Kipeci, @Random Member, if you guys work out the differences, I will support whatever this results in, since you have quite a lot in common in the plan.

Oh, BTW, how much do you want to bet Elita's husband had a hand in the troubles plaguing her region? We should definitely crash attend that one.
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Some comments on what others have said:

Some people vote for two Diplomacy actions (in addition to the wedding). Do you want to use Split Focus?

Now, the single most important option within the rest of the diplomatic pool to take is without a doubt the Horse Lords one
To the contrary, I think it is the least important one. At least with the Horse Lords we have some idea what is going on, and the have a high opinion of us (89%).
On the other hand, we know next to nothing about the Border Princes, and they are right next to Hastrijan.
While I think Hastrijan has enough trouble as is, and won't likely attack, I can understand that people want to know more.

If we send spies into Hastijan, we should at least double down. This has the potential to backfire badly.

For stewardship, I'd like to take the only available option for the Off the Beaten Path option.
Off the Beaten Path is a good choice, too. Next year, we can plan our actions depending on the new information. On the other hand, I want to go mining next year at the latest anyway, and doing it now would provide the income one year earlier. I am rather undecided.

We've been botching half of our intrigue options to some ill effects, double actions means that we mess it up twice instead of just once in a turn.
Er, dice have no memory. Just because we failed in the past doesn't mean we are more likely to fail in the future.
I don't quite want to pick up on the extra action, though. We've been botching half of our intrigue options to some ill effects, double actions means that we mess it up twice instead of just once in a turn.

How about 'no'.

This is utterly wrong on so many levels, and math is one of them. It's also the one that counts most.

I mean, it's not some intangible stuff, you can actually count chances of success given the bonuses.
[] Plan Indra


[X] A Scarlet Wedding

[X]Bloody Hastrijan

[X]All the Queen's Horses
- [X] Raise a Horse Archer Brigade

[X] The Frontier
-[X] Double Down - The Frontier

[X] The Halls of Learning

[X] Digging Deeply

[X] Quick, Clean, Professional
-[X] Double Down - Quick, Clean, Professional

[X] Flames of Faith

[X] A Grand Churc

[X] The Key of Hearts

[X] Simurgh

[X] Blood of Magi

So that's my plan, Any questions just ask me.
Furthermore I am surprised that people are with such a hurry to marry.
I personally think we can wait another year, but I understand because people want to get married soon.
Alright, I revised this a bit to take in more of other's interests so tell me if this looks alright. I have not yet added the Double Downs and so on. I altered it to Double Down on spying on Hastrijan and the Horse Lords to be sure to sway the steppe and not get caught for meddling around in Hastrijan affairs.

[] Subdue the Steppes

A Scarlet Wedding: You have been invited to attend the wedding of your sister and her betrothed. You definitely plan to attend, just for a chance to see your sister again. Plus, you...are worried about her, and if anything goes wrong you want to be there personally. Cost: 400g, You Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 100% Reward: Event Chain: The Scarlet Wedding takes place. *DOES NOT COST AN ACTION*

The Horse Lords: *DOUBLING DOWN* The Nomadic Tribes to the north are largely ambivalent to your rule, though your appearance at the Köngurmöte turned many heads. They pay they're tribute to you, you don't bother them, and they avoid raiding you. You are however interested in fostering new ties with them, and hopefully improving their mood to something north of "ambivalent". Cost: 250g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 50% Rewards: Improved Relations with the Nomadic Tribes, Additional Information about the Nomadic Tribes, Unlocks new recruitment options. Influences chance of Tribal Loyalties action.

All The Queen's Horses: You have a good basis of infantry, but it still is paltry compared to what Asya says you are capable of sustaining. Let alone the sheer size of Väljad
- [ ] Raise a Horse Archer Brigade: These light missile cavalry are based off the primary troops that roam the northern steppes. Excellent for scouting and harassment of enemy forces, as well as pursuit and many other applications. (Mobility 8) Skill: Professional Time: 1 year Cost: 800g Upkeep: 150g

The Frontier: Your military presence in the Kurlaks has presented you with an opportunity. Andeszj's expedition discovered many wondrous things, but much of the terrain and fauna was far too dangerous for them to approach closely. With your soldiers you can begin pushing into that unexplored wilderness. It likely will be dangerous but who know what secrets are still there to be discovered. Cost: 600g, One Legion Chance of Success: 60% Time: 1 year Rewards: Experience for 3rd Legion. Further exploration of Kurlaks.

Off the Beaten Path: With your vassals somewhat mollified, Alfred wants to examine the vast stretches of unused land that the Queen's Road cuts through. Much of it is virtually uninhabited, and it could be prime territory for founding new settlements on. Though it will likely too expensive to do much more than a cursory look for now. Cost: 900g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 100% Rewards: Varies depending on Roll, Potential New Stewardship Actions.

Quick, Clean, Professional: *DOUBLING DOWN* Rumors and bribes are all well and good, but sometimes you just really need to sneak up on a troublesome person, drag them into a dark alley and stab them multiple times to really solve a problem. Which means you're going to need some people who are good at sneaking, stabbing and most of all very loyal to you. That last part seems like the especially important bit. Cost: 1800g Chance of Success: 60% Time: 1 years Rewards: Professional assassins "espionage agents" trained. +1 Intrigue Action.

Flames of Faith: The explosion of the First Flame into the countryside was both a boon and a curse. You are always happy to see more converts to the Faith, but an uncontrollable spread such as this can disrupt the peace. Additionally, unchecked conversions and little guidance makes a fertile ground for more...unorthodox ideas to take root, and instability can make those ideas attractive. It's a situation you look to cut off at the root. Cost: 900g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 65% Rewards: Conversion of the countryside takes on a more orderly approach. Tensions reduced.

The Hidden Library: The map you discovered detailing the lay-out of the Library contained several sections you could not find despite all your searching. Either they were destroyed at some point in the distant past, or they were hidden away, you do not know. However, you intend to find them. The discovery of a network of tunnels running through the citadel gives new credence to your search. Cost: 0g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 75% Reward: ???

The Key of Hearts: The key you received from your Mother is a curiosity. It managed to unlock something within you, and also uncovered the door to the hidden passages within the walls of the Citadel. You have the suspicion it can do much more, so you've given it to Andeszj to see if he can discover anything. Cost: 150g Chance of Success: 75% Time 1 year Rewards: Capabilities of the Key you received uncovered.

Simurgh: You've named your pet Simurgh, after the head of the Deevs, the First Flame's winged servants in Heaven. It has grown tremendously since you got him, and though it is mostly trained you want to spend more time with him as it grows larger. You still don't know how big it will eventually grow, but fostering a closer bond between the two of you can only Cost: 400g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 90% Rewards: Continue to train Simurgh as he grows.

Tying the Knot: The example of your sister's courtship and your own glimpse at the darker side of politics has led you to conclude that you really should look into the whole business of marriage. Even if it's just a political arrangement to foster a heir, it would likely go a long way to securing your reign. Cost: 100g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 70% Rewards: Information on potential marriage candidates.
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Why should we take Split Focus? Do you mean Double Down?
No, I mean Split Focus.

Two actions instead of one, at the cost of losing advisor bonus and no crit. Alina's bonus is small, ergo we aren't losing much here. If we take actions with a high chance of success, it is likely to go reasonably well for us.

Double Down is for ensuring things the success of which is critical.
No, I mean Split Focus.

Two actions instead of one, at the cost of losing advisor bonus and no crit. Alina's bonus is small, ergo we aren't losing much here. If we take actions with a high chance of success, it is likely to go reasonably well for us.

Double Down is for ensuring things the success of which is critical.

...I've never heard of that or seen it used in a CK2 Quest?
Hmm, if we diplo Hastrijan, we may want to hire those Hastrijan mercenaries. The nomad mercenaries gave a bonus to diplomancing the nomads, so maybe that's also the case here?
...I've never heard of that or seen it used in a CK2 Quest?
Doubling Down & Other Mechanics - It's one of the things I came up with to use and allow players more input. It also doubles the cost of actions taken as split.
Um... We used it before to raise several Legions in one turn? And the rules are there for all to see?

...you are not pulling my leg, are you?
As far as I'm aware it's something I came up with on my own for this quest. So people not being familiar with it isn't that surprising.
It's the first CK2-type quest I am participating in, I thought all of them were something you came up with. :oops::)

Edit: didn't mean to come off as confrontational, it's just that we used it not that long ago.
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To the contrary, I think it is the least important one. At least with the Horse Lords we have some idea what is going on, and the have a high opinion of us (89%).
On the other hand, we know next to nothing about the Border Princes, and they are right next to Hastrijan.
While I think Hastrijan has enough trouble as is, and won't likely attack, I can understand that people want to know more.

If we send spies into Hastijan, we should at least double down. This has the potential to backfire badly.
The key with the steppe is that if we strike now while the iron is hot, we can actually get it out of the way entirely as a front. That option is gear towards convincing uncertain northern nomads to pledge for us instead; if we can get it to be lopsided enough in our favor, we'll have subdued the steppe and eliminated a potential front. That means we don't have to worry about threats up there and can freely devote our attentions to the south without getting stabbed in the back. We want an iron-clad relationship up there so that they aren't looking at our exposed back and deciding it's juicy while we're occupied... I do want to focus on the border princes, but only after we clear this step. Presently, Hastrijan has their hands full with the civil war, and the border princes are if not fantastically happy at least satisfied with their present state.

That means that this is an ideal time to focus on the north and get it out of the way entirely.

I did decided to double down on the Hastrijan spies just now in my own plan.

Off the Beaten Path is a good choice, too. Next year, we can plan our actions depending on the new information. On the other hand, I want to go mining next year at the latest anyway, and doing it now would provide the income one year earlier. I am rather undecided.

I just don't see us hurting for money all that much that we need to go for it right away. We have huge income and a reasonable buffer, I think we should try to just build correct right now rather than shooting past our infrastructure to make a quick buck.

How about 'no'.

This is utterly wrong on so many levels, and math is one of them. It's also the one that counts most.

I mean, it's not some intangible stuff, you can actually count chances of success given the bonuses.
When we have about 50/50 odds for most of the options and our councilor provides little in the way of a buff, that's about one failure per turn with two actions. Our failures with intrigue tend to be more along the lines of pissing people off and weakening further options rather than just costing a fair amount of money. It's okay when we have better odds or more bonuses leaning things in our favor, but we're not much on that stuff for the present.

If it's a sticking point, I'll change it.
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When we have about 50/50 odds for most of the options and our councilor provides little in the way of a buff, that's about one failure per turn with two actions.
1) We have better odds (50, 60, and 70 except for the assassins which are borked since last turn)
2) Wrong way to look at it. We have the same failure rate doing these things over the course of several turns, but we are actually getting more things done, even despite setbacks.
3) There is a DD mechanics in place to improve our chances with low-success options.

More actions are always better, and yes, it's a sticking point.
1) We have better odds (50, 60, and 70 except for the assassins which are borked since last turn)
2) Wrong way to look at it. We have the same failure rate doing these things over the course of several turns, but we are actually getting more things done, even despite setbacks.
3) There is a DD mechanics in place to improve our chances with low-success options.

More actions are always better, and yes, it's a sticking point.
Good points, though I admit I was reluctant to hear them. I altered the plan to use that as the intrigue option, and doubled down on it because we don't want to botch it up with our Okhrana.
I'm nor convined that fortifying out border with Hastrijan is a good choice. As long as they have their naval supremacy, they can land troops all along our coast, and they may read putting troops close to their border as a preparation for an invasion. So we may provoke them into hostility, for little gain.
I'm nor convined that fortifying out border with Hastrijan is a good choice. As long as they have their naval supremacy, they can land troops all along our coast, and they may read putting troops close to their border as a preparation for an invasion. So we may provoke them into hostility, for little gain.
Plus, we don't really have incredibly much to guard on our side other than desolate deserts. It'd be one thing if we had thriving cities and the like where we could at least say that we're wanting to protect them from any chaos spilling over into our realm, but as it is we'd be protecting the rocks. I'm all for manning the border as Hastrijan pulls itself together and starts to become a threat, but for now even the downright hostile factions to us are saying that they want to get their war out of the way before they think about focusing on us.
Off the beaten path is better when we can double down on it as the roll result determines what we find ad high rolls have the chance of providing strategic resourced in addition to income. Also I really want to double down on the getting an extra intrigue action
We only have so many double-downs. And there will always be attractive or important options, most of them related to diplomacy and intrigue because we only have 1 action there (so the cost of failure is high) and our advisors are not stellar.

I just want to get the process started.
If something eludes us in the surveys this time, subsequent trips may flush it out. That'll be easier when we bring in roads to the area later, but to get those roads right we'll want at least a basic idea of the lay of the land.