Upon This Sword of Fire (CKII Quest)

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You have 16,082g in your coffers. Your projected income for this turn is 3,200g in taxes, 8,400g in trade and 800g from mining. Your projected upkeep costs are 2,210g for this turn.

Available Actions said:
Available Actions said:
The young noble girl you picked to handle your diplomatic exchanges is not so young anymore. In the three years you have been here she's grown into quite a vivacious young woman. You already know she's had to turn down several marriage offers, in no small part to the fact such an occurrence would most likely force her to leave your court. (Pick One)

A Scarlet Wedding: You have been invited to attend the wedding of your sister and her betrothed. You definitely plan to attend, just for a chance to see your sister again. Plus, you...are worried about her, and if anything goes wrong you want to be there personally. Cost: 400g, You Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 100% Reward: Event Chain: The Scarlet Wedding takes place. *DOES NOT COST AN ACTION*

Shifting Sands: Though Asya mentions she has been exiled from her homelands for many years, she can still give you some rough tips for how to find the Great Oasis that lies at the heart of the Astrazi. Not getting killed once you find it is a harder challenge, but unfortunately she's out of advice on that subject. Cost: 600g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 25% Reward: Diplomatic contact with the Aljann Cities that lies at the heart of the Astrazi, Boost to trade income.

Border Woes: The Border Princes currently hold a significant portion of the developed land in your Kingdom, including the third largest city of Vykiv. Right now they're pretty content with your current, admittedly hands-off relationship, but you don't want "content" you want "loyal". Which might be a tall order, but some individual attention on their more influential members is a good start. Cost: 450g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 60% Rewards: Improved Relations with Border Princes, Additional Information about the Border Princes, Unlocks new levy options.

The Horse Lords: The Nomadic Tribes to the north are largely ambivalent to your rule, though your appearance at the Köngurmöte turned many heads. They pay they're tribute to you, you don't bother them, and they avoid raiding you. You are however interested in fostering new ties with them, and hopefully improving their mood to something north of "ambivalent". Cost: 250g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 50% Rewards: Improved Relations with the Nomadic Tribes, Additional Information about the Nomadic Tribes, Unlocks new recruitment options. Influences chance of Tribal Loyalties action.

Bloody Hastrijan: The outbreak of violence in Hastrijan caught your delegation by surprise. Now they're scrambling to get a handle on the various sides to the likely civil war. You'd really like to know just who is holding the reins to your south, or at least try and not anger any of the potential holders. Cost: 650g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 75% Rewards: Increased information about the situation in Hastrijan and the current factions, chance to improve relations with them.

Martial: Asya has settled into her role as your martial adviser remarkably well. Your soldiers fear and respect her in equal measures, and you feel like she is far more knowledgeable about the threats of these lands than anyone else you have. (Pick Two)

All The Queen's Horses: You have a good basis of infantry, but it still is paltry compared to what Asya says you are capable of sustaining. Let alone the sheer size of Väljad
- [ ] Raise another Legion: The Scarlet Legions were the oiled machine through which the Ash Maiden conquered the continent. Built upon the base of the ancient house retinues of Eight Tribes, a Legion is a flexible fighting force of medium infantry. (Mobility 2) Skill: Green Time: 1 year Cost: 500g Upkeep: 50g
- [ ] Raise a Flame Guard Regiment: The Flame Guard are the inner guard of the Scarlet Empire. Formerly the guardians of the Flame Palace in the capital of the Empire. They now have been divided among the Heiress-Queen are bodyguards and elite cavalry. Clad in the finest armor and armed with weapons of the highest caliber, they are super-heavy cavalry par excellence. (Mobility 6) Skill: Professional Time :2 years Cost: 2000g Upkeep: 200g
- [ ] Raise a Horse Archer Brigade: These light missile cavalry are based off the primary troops that roam the northern steppes. Excellent for scouting and harassment of enemy forces, as well as pursuit and many other applications. (Mobility 8) Skill: Professional Time: 1 year Cost: 800g Upkeep: 150g

Currently you can support a total unit strength of 69,134 (0.5% of population) of standing troops. Current Unit Strength Usage is 38,500/69,134. This cap can be increased

Blades of Fortune: You've made the acquaintance of several men who can help get the aid of men who are quite willing to pledge their sword to you, for a price of course. These men are often quite expensive, but they can help you fill out your military with hardened troops. Just as long as you can afford their contracts.
- [ ] The Lion Company. A large mercenary contingent that hails from Hastrijan. Primarily composed of heavy pikemen, and a few small wings of medium cavalry for scouting Unit Strength: 1500/1500 (Mobility 2) Skill: Veteran Cost: 1,500g Upkeep 300g
(Mobility 8) Skill: Veteran Cost: 1,100g Upkeep 250g
- [ ] The Leaves. Former bandits and tribesmen from the forests of Runāja. They're excellent archers and trackers, now so good in a stand up fight. Unit Strength: 1750/1750 (Mobility 4) Skill: Veteran Cost: 910g Upkeep 200g

Borders of Stone & Sand: The current border with Hastrijan is home to a small mountain range and the Astrazi desert. Quite a hefty barrier for troops for troops to cross. However, the defenses you have stationed there are sparse. With the violence south of the border you want to change that. You are going to deploy one of the Legions to reinforce the border forts there. Acting as a check against any violence spilling over. Of course, moving troops to the border is fairly provocative, but you'd rather be safe than sorry. Cost: 200g, One Legion, Increased Upkeep Chance of Success: 80% Time: 1 year Rewards: Strengthens border forts along the Hastrijan border.

The Frontier: Your military presence in the Kurlaks has presented you with an opportunity. Andeszj's expedition discovered many wondrous things, but much of the terrain and fauna was far too dangerous for them to approach closely. With your soldiers you can begin pushing into that unexplored wilderness. It likely will be dangerous but who know what secrets are still there to be discovered. Cost: 600g, One Legion Chance of Success: 60% Time: 1 year Rewards: Experience for 3rd Legion. Further exploration of Kurlaks.

Stewardship: Alfred is getting quite long in the years, and he has approached you to inquire that he would ideally like to retire within the next couple of years. His years of service have been a great benefit to you, and you're not sure where you would be without his knowledge, but now it seems you need to start looking for a replacement. (Pick Two)

Off the Beaten Path: With your vassals somewhat mollified, Alfred wants to examine the vast stretches of unused land that the Queen's Road cuts through. Much of it is virtually uninhabited, and it could be prime territory for founding new settlements on. Though it will likely too expensive to do much more than a cursory look for now. Cost: 900g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 100% Rewards: Varies depending on Roll, Potential New Stewardship Actions.

These Ancient Walls: The sand-stone walls of Qūr-dalan sit stout around the outskirts of the city. They have stood for thousands of years, though not without strife. You have walked along the walls with Alfred as he pointed out battle scars and signs of renovation. Now, Alfred wants to expand them once again, stretching further and standing taller than ever before. Cost: 2000g Chance of Success: 60% Time: 2 years Rewards: Better defenses around Qūr-dalan against sieges and assaults.

The Halls of Learning: After you completely trashed aggressively redecorated Andeszj's workshop while hatching your egg you promised you'd replace it for him. Or at least all the furniture and equipment you slagged. However he and Alfred have approached you with a far more ambitious proposal. He knows of several other individuals in the city who are interested in discovering more about the natural world, and figures many more just need the right push. Thus he has come to you with a plan for an institution to help grow and foster that desire. Cost: 1000g, Increased Upkeep Chance of Success: 60% Time: 2 years Rewards: +1 Learning Option - LOCKED IN: FINISHES THIS TURN

Digging Deeply: Your expedition to the Kurlaks hit the mother-lode in terms of what they discovered. Already it's providing a trickle of funds to your treasury but you want to expand on that drastically. The iron and copper alone, give their reported size and ease of access, would likely prove highly profitable, but there is also a massive gold vein there, waiting to be mined. As well as the mysterious silver metal that was discovered, though you're still not entirely sure how they're going to mine it. Cost: 1400g Chance of Success: 70% Time: 1 year Rewards: Increased Mining Income, high rolls allow ??? to be mined without research action being completed.

The Queen's Road: The Queen's Road is the primary route of travel from the border princes to the Kurlak River valley, and after your renovations it hosts a significant amount of traffic and trade, the lifeblood of your nation. Now you're interested in expanding it. It will likely prove to be expensive, but with it you can open up new areas of your realm to expansion and settlement. The first area on your mind is to the south, the rough area near the Hastrijan is lightly populated, but with money and trade flowing into the region you can change that...and that will aid in fortifying the area against Hatrijani aggression. Cost: 2000g Chance of Success: 60% Time: 2 year Rewards: Expands Queen's Road to the south, opens up new Stewardship actions.

Intrigue: You've grow quite attached to Lilita, she has quite a mind for schemes and plots that are honestly beyond you. Right now, she's mainly focusing on how best to gather information outside your realm, and the situations there are worrying her just as much as you. (Pick One)

Up the Ruby River: The stories that emerge from the merchants travelling along the Ruby River are as wild as they are differing. What you're interested in though is getting a sense of what actually lies to the far east. It will likely be a journey fraught with danger and it will require a bit of coin, but hopefully you can get a picture of what lies beyond the Kurlaks and Astrazi. Cost: 600g Chance of Success: 50% Time: 2 years Rewards: Information about the far eastern realm

Knives in the Dark: Someone tried to murder your sister, in fact according to her a lot of people have been trying to murder your sister, but this one was especially egregious. You want to know who it was, so you can make them pay, or at least let your sister know. Cost: 800g Chance of Success: 35% Time: 1 years Rewards: Information about Elita's attackers

Quick, Clean, Professional: Rumors and bribes are all well and good, but sometimes you just really need to sneak up on a troublesome person, drag them into a dark alley and stab them multiple times to really solve a problem. Which means you're going to need some people who are good at sneaking, stabbing and most of all very loyal to you. That last part seems like the especially important bit. Cost: 1800g Chance of Success: 60% Time: 1 years Rewards: Professional assassins "espionage agents" trained. +1 Intrigue Action.

Chasing Shadows: You want to know what's going on in Hastrijan, you really really want to know what's going on in Hastrijan. Unfortunately most of your information comes from rumors heard on the border towns and by the odd merchant. You need more. Cost: 750g Chance of Success: 70% Time: 1 year Rewards: Infiltrate Hastrijan more closely, better picture of what's going on in Hastrijan internally.

Piety: The Faith has spread into the countryside, and with it came violence and turmoil. Families and communities are split between new converts and the old faiths, and that split breeds resentment and hatred. It has not yet reached a point of open violence, but it is threatening to boil over. (Pick Two)

Flames of Faith: The explosion of the First Flame into the countryside was both a boon and a curse. You are always happy to see more converts to the Faith, but an uncontrollable spread such as this can disrupt the peace. Additionally, unchecked conversions and little guidance makes a fertile ground for more...unorthodox ideas to take root, and instability can make those ideas attractive. It's a situation you look to cut off at the root. Cost: 900g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 65% Rewards: Conversion of the countryside takes on a more orderly approach. Tensions reduced.

Tribal Loyalties: You have strengthened your support among the Horse Lords of the Steppe, but they still maintain a different faith than the First Flame. That just won't do, and your are preparing to begin introducing the Three Holy Books to the southern clans. It is your hope that it can begin to take root there, and from there spread throughout the steppe. Cost: 600g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 55% Rewards: Sylltāji faith begins to spread among the Horse Clans of the Steppe.

The Hidden Library: The map you discovered detailing the lay-out of the Library contained several sections you could not find despite all your searching. Either they were destroyed at some point in the distant past, or they were hidden away, you do not know. However, you intend to find them. The discovery of a network of tunnels running through the citadel gives new credence to your search. Cost: 0g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 75% Reward: ???

A Grand Church: The state of the Faith in Qūr-dalan is frankly deplorable. Sure, there is the palace church, but aside from that the Faith has little presence among the streets of the city. You aim to change that, setting out to build grand church right in the residential quarter Cost: 1,500g Time: 2 years Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Increased worship of the First Flame in Qūr-dalan

Learning: Andeszj has his hands full working on finishing his proposed establishment for learning...and also dealing with the demon you've unleashed on him. Māka has proved to boundlessly curious and frightfully intelligent, all things you'd expect of a knowledge spirit. Unfortunately her temperament...needs works. Or at least until the explosions stop. (Pick One)

Flashing Blades: Some of the scrolls you found in the library made reference to a specific set of additives and smelting techniques that are supposedly superior for the forging of blades. Unfortunately, most of the scrolls appear to have been burned ages ago, leaving only the barest hints as to what this technique was. However, Andezjs knows of a few smithy's in the city who might be able to help him piece it together. Cost: 250g Chances of Success: 45% Time: 1 year Rewards: Military Units more effective. Increased trade income.

The Bad Blood: The discoveries translated by Andezjs several years ago have started him down a path of phenomenal interest about sickness and how it spreads. According to him, the key is the blood. Disease lurks there when a person is sick. However, he still does not know how it spreads. He has some theories though. Cost: 900g Chance of Success: 35% Time 1 year Rewards: Bonus to disease protection.

And a Pinch of Lavender: One of Andezjs's passions is experimenting with the effects of various local herbs and poultices and how they can affect the human body. Primarily concerned with the healing properties of these herbs Andezjs wants figure out if they can be used to treat various diseases and aid in the healing process of wounds. Chance of Success: 45% Time: 1 Year Rewards: Increased Disease Resistance, Fewer battlefield casualties.

The Impeccable Metal: The mysterious vein of ore discovered in the Kurlaks has prompted great interest from Andeszj, and he eagerly wants to get a look at it. Which should definitely aid in finding a way to mine it, since at this point it breaks many of the established tools used for mining. Likewise, if he can mine it, he'd also like to get a handle on its properties, to better understand what it can be used for. Cost: 650g Chance of Success: 65% Time 1 year Rewards: Information about the ??? metal, can begin mining the ??? metal

The Key of Hearts: The key you received from your Mother is a curiosity. It managed to unlock something within you, and also uncovered the door to the hidden passages within the walls of the Citadel. You have the suspicion it can do much more, so you've given it to Andeszj to see if he can discover anything. Cost: 150g Chance of Success: 75% Time 1 year Rewards: Capabilities of the Key you received uncovered.

Personal: Throughout the hectic nature and constant work of your reign, there is some time you have put aside for yourself, to pursue personal projects and other flights of fancy (Pick Two)

The Grand Bazaar: Your last trip to the market did not go how you had hoped for. In fact, it was fairly terrible all things considered. However, you're still eager to discover what sort of treasures the markets contain. This time with the proper precautions of course. Take a trip down to the markets. Cost: 45g Chance of Success: 100% Reward: ???

Simurgh: You've named your pet Simurgh, after the head of the Deevs, the First Flame's winged servants in Heaven. It has grown tremendously since you got him, and though it is mostly trained you want to spend more time with him as it grows larger. You still don't know how big it will eventually grow, but fostering a closer bond between the two of you can only Cost: 400g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 90% Rewards: Continue to train Simurgh as he grows.

The Inner Eye: The Key unlocked something in you. Your vision is sharper than you remember, and seemingly everything you look at it constantly in focus. You can feel something more lurking beneath the surface, half-faded memories of fractal patterns upon the world. The words of your Mother echo, you have the capability to See...you just need to discover it. Cost: 0g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 70% Rewards: Increased knowledge of the Sight, High Roll unlocks more capabilities.

Blood of Magi: The power in your blood still burns bright, but it is no longer the wonder it once was. Your Mother's warning is close to your heart. It is a great boon, but it can come at a price, you need to learn to control it lest it end up controlling you. Cost: 0g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 70% Rewards: Finer control of your magic, High Roll leads to increase capability.

Tying the Knot: The example of your sister's courtship and your own glimpse at the darker side of politics has led you to conclude that you really should look into the whole business of marriage. Even if it's just a political arrangement to foster a heir, it would likely go a long way to securing your reign. Cost: 100g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 70% Rewards: Information on potential marriage candidates.
I don't believe so. She's supposed to have a passable martial skill, and anyone worth their salt would attempt to give their allies advance notice so that they would be able to coordinate effectively. Besides that, we're separate kingdoms with independent foreign policies-- I, for one, am not going to be dragged into foreign adventures before we can assure unity at home and become reasonably certain that we're not going to face a double-fronted war. Putting units on the border is an unnecessary provocation at this stage.

Sorry for the late response, but I don't agree on any point. Firstly, even 4-5 months of advanced warning will only give us a single turn at best to get ready for a war. When a conflict looks inevitable, we need to prepare ahead of time.

And war does look inevitable, because Valda will be invading Hastrijan. She's got too much of a grudge, and can unify her nation behind a war. When she does, we're in a diplomatic pinch. Without some fancy diplomatic footwork, we'll take massive relation hits from her, Hastrijan, or both depending on if we help with the invasion. And I don't think any of the plans really take into account Valda's possible actions.

Yes, we're not forced to help her. She may not even ask for our assistance due to our poor relationship. But I don't think that backing off of this possible war is a wise decision. It's an opportunity to weaken our biggest rival, and to mend relationships with Valda.

I think we should back off on diplomatic envoys to Hastrijan. It's money down the drain if Valda invades.

Also I really think we should fortify the border. Even if we don't end up invading Hastrijan soon, we'll end up in a war with them sooner or later, because of the greater political and religious situation. Building up now, when Hastrijan is limited in it's ability to respond militarily, and will likely have bigger problems then a minor border fortification when the civil war ends will pay off eventually, even if it just dissuades an attack on us.
I disagree with basically everything you say, really. A war is far from inevitable, and I don't think Valda is likely to invade anytime soon, and more than that, the idea of building border forts and not bothering to use diplomacy on them feels like saying, "The house'll burn down eventually anyways" as you take out your flamethrower and get started on it.
Yeah, Valda is going to need a lot of buildup before she could take them, and maintaining good diplomatic relations discourages them from starting it by walking over our rich province.

We're already a target, the key is to be a low priority one to prevent them from deciding to play the jingoism card for someone to rally up against us--and the best way of doing that is by being a good neighbour. Valda will do as she will, but as long as we're not a complete jerk, we might be able to avoid getting dragged into a war like that.
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Also Valda can't invade Hastrijan all that easily. Her realm Vana doesn't border Hastrijan, and Hastrijan has the superior navy.
Yeah, Valda is going to need a lot of buildup before she could take them, and maintaining good diplomatic relations discourages them from starting it by walking over our rich province.

Where are you getting this idea from? We've only got a vague idea of what either sides forces are, but we do know that Valda is the most martially inclined heir, has been fighting wars basically the entire last five years, and started with a larger portion of the empires armies than we have. Also, we know that the Hastrijan forces are concentrated away from our borders and in the middle of a civil war. She might not be able to conquer the entire empire in one go, but she can make a significant land grab.
Also I really think we should fortify the border.
I also doubt that fortifying the border will be all that helpful. With their navy the Hastrijans can land their troops wherever they want. I would favor building up a strong, fast cavalry force that can react to any landing quickly. Or build our own navy, if/when we get that option.
She's also our sister and if we don't stick with her we may lose relations with our other two sisters. After all if we won't stick with one of them when we don't have to even with a war then how can they count on us to help them? And even if not for a reason as cold as that pretty much leaving our sister to fight a war when she asks for help even if she started it might not go over well with the rest of the family... Looking out for ourselves can't always be the best option. Espcially I'm keeping allies and making our allies/ family think of us as reliable.
Another thing to note is that Valda's hardly been going from strength to strength. She can barely keep a lid on her own realm, let alone starting a brutal war of conquest that'll have everyone's hackles up unless she finds a way to explain it that doesn't unnerve her sisters.

By which I mean: even if we like her, the most obvious reason for her expanding and trying to eat, note trying, Hastrijan is to grow more powerful in an attempt to wind up the dominant of the four sisters. Now, whether or not that would be her plan, it's another wrinkle that means it's unlikely she'll start a war in the next 1-2 turns, and possibly far more. It depends on what goes down.
I think Vana does have a border with Hastrijan, but it's not one that anyone can easily march something through.
It doesn't look so on the map. The strait between Vana and Hastrijan is quite narrow, though.

Valda is the most martially inclined heir, has been fighting wars basically the entire last five years, and started with a larger portion of the empires armies than we have. Also, we know that the Hastrijan forces are concentrated away from our borders and in the middle of a civil war. She might not be able to conquer the entire empire in one go, but she can make a significant land grab.
If you think that Valda will surely win, then we don't even need to interfere. We can just kick back and munch popcorn.
If you think that Valda will surely win, then we don't even need to interfere. We can just kick back and munch popcorn.

If she does attack without requesting our aid, our relations with Hastrijan will plunge from nonexistent to "We're too busy to kill you" by our association with her, and we'll have difficulty making nice without angering Valda, who we also have poor relations with, but who is, at least, our ally. Hence my recommendation to avoid making diplomatic efforts in Hastrijan.
So, based on a hypothetical war, we therefore should make sure our relations with Hastrijan are as shitty as possible by provoking them with border forts and not bothering to do anything related to them, thus ruining any chance of peace if Valda *doesn't* declare war in the next turn or two?
Illona doesn't know what Valda is planning, or not planning for that matter. She suspects she's planning something against Hastrijan, because Valda really dislikes Hastrijan, but that's just speculation on her part. Normally if Valda wanted something, she'd tell you. She's...not exactly the underhanded type.
So, based on a hypothetical war, we therefore should make sure our relations with Hastrijan are as shitty as possible by provoking them with border forts and not bothering to do anything related to them, thus ruining any chance of peace if Valda *doesn't* declare war in the next turn or two?

We should avoid making investments into a volatile situation when there is a large risk outside of our control. I can understand not liking the border forts option, but due to the historical rivalries between our two nations, and religious differences, conflict with Hastrijan at some point in our reign seems inevitable. Getting some basic safeguards in place while they are too busy to respond to minor provocations will pay off long term. I don't want to be playing the "Let's avoid pissing off the inherently hostile empire to our south" game for our entire reign. And seriously, some basic defences are not that large a provocation.
[X] Plan Spread Out And Draw A Circle

[X] [Diplomacy] A Scarlet Wedding
[X] [Diplomacy] Bloody Hastrijan

Of COURSE we attend. And keep an eye on that bloody clusterfuck.

[X] [Martial] All The Queen's Horses
- [X] Raise another Legion
[X] [Martial] The Frontier
-[X] Double Down - The Frontier

Decided not to build fortifications to invite the need for fortifications(just recalled a few historical examples), and keep building up our numbers. But the frontier is priority. After all, the frontiers are where invaders love to park their armies before a surprise attack. Map them and deny that avenue.

[X] [Stewardship] The Halls of Learning
[X] [Stewardship] Off the Beaten Path

The first rule of such warfare is that you want solid, secure routes through your territory so you can deploy troops to a hotspot swiftly, and get news just as swiftly.
Theres always more land than troops, and the side with superior roads can cover less land better.
EDIT: Switched to surveying the land before we deploy the road. It's worth the delay to make sure the road actually goes useful places

[X] [Intrigue] Quick, Clean, Professional
-[X] Double Down - Quick, Clean, Professional

Action drought needs to be met.
And it takes a Double Down because we can't risk getting a bad spymaster.

[X] [Piety] Flames of Faith
[X] [Piety] The Hidden Library

Put the brakes on. Can't have religious strife break out NOW.

[X] [Learning] The Impeccable Metal

I'd love to do the key, but it's not super urgent, whereas if we figure out how to work the mystery metal, we can start mining next turn without any risks of wasting metal or something.

[X] [Personal] Simurgh
[X] [Personal] Blood of Magi

Raise our baby, and as mom warned, control that magic. Getting married is good, but we HAVE been having rather poor control over our magic, burning all kinds of things and generally getting away with it by being in bed with the dice.
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This is a variation on Cavalier's plan that plays things a bit safer. Specifically, I swapped the diplo split for a double down on Bloody Hastrijan, because we need to know what's going on there and we can't afford a major failure. Fortunately, the odds of failure if we double down are quite miniscule - 1 in 16 before traits, 1 in 25 or less after. Pretty sure we've actually got a higher crit chance than failure chance if we double down.

Plan Safe Horseman

[x] A Scarlet Wedding

[x] Bloody Hastrijan
-[x] Double Down

[x] Raise another Legion

[x] The Frontier


[x] Halls of Learning

[x] Digging Deeply

[x] Quick, Clean, Professional
-[x] Double Down

[x] Flames of Faith

[x] The Hidden Library

[x] The Key of Hearts


[x] Simurgh

[x] Tying the Knot
We're not making fortifications with that option, we're manning existent ones and pinning down a legion to that region. War with Hastrijan is inevitable, sure, but why not just use that to build another army in preparation for a later strike from us instead of manning fortifications in the desert?

Anyway, I'm voting as I described before:
[x] Plan Subdue the Steppes

It's too important for me that we knock out the northern front by bringing the wilder tribes under our thumb. Fiddling around in the Southlands before we're ready to intervene can only serve to burn us; I'd rather take steps to assure inward perfection and unity than learn about factions that will largely die away in the coming struggle.
[X] Plan Spread Out And Draw A Circle

Double down on extra intrigue, still recruiting another unit and working on the magic with the eye next turn. Also I feel like marriage can be dealt with later