Upon This Sword of Fire (CKII Quest)

A many-eyed star god worshipped by two brothers whose civil war destroyed their kingdom sounds like something out of the Cthulhu Mythos.
Point of Order though. This whole kettle of fish is Elita's to deal with. So it profoundly unlikely Illona's even going to be in a position to affect how political events in Ahervare turn out.
So I made a fel bargain with SV resident Map Wizard (AKA @Cetashwayo) to have a map done of Valjad and the other successor queendoms. As far as fel bargains go it was reasonably priced, and the results didn't even ironically screw me over. Instead it resulted in a very nice map. Which I have dutifully posted and there you go. The actual canon locations of everything important that Illona (or at least her cartographers) know about. Mostly.

I would heartily recommend @Cetashwayo's service. Working with him was great and he was really accommodating (and also had amazing turn-around. I commissioned this on Friday :V). Also pretty cheap.
Hm. What borders Ahervare from the south?

Also, I just wonder how come our eastern border is defined that way when we don't even know what people are there beyond the Kurlaks? There is a particularly long and narrow stretch of land bordering the Astrazi desert, but the lands to the north are not claimed as ours. Are there nomadic tribes there? Does the border mark where the forces of the Ash Maiden once marched, spreading Good News among the populace?
Hm. What borders Ahervare from the south?

Also, I just wonder how come our eastern border is defined that way when we don't even know what people are there beyond the Kurlaks? There is a particularly long and narrow stretch of land bordering the Astrazi desert, but the lands to the north are not claimed as ours. Are there nomadic tribes there? Does the border mark where the forces of the Ash Maiden once marched, spreading Good News among the populace?
The eastern border represents the Ash Maiden scouting along the caravan routes there for a considerable distance. Your actual control over there is nominal at best. But when did that ever bother map makers :V

As for what and who is west of Ahervare, they're similar to the scaled men of the south beyond Hastrijan. But they are a harsh and isolated people, not inclined to trade or diplomacy. Preferring to sit in their desert lands alone and unmolested. Also they kill most expeditions. So for all intents and purposes that mountain range there is the edge of the known world. (Or at least how much Illona knows)
The inset looks a lot like France and Germany, with a bit of Italy on the bottom.
Yes. Europe-itis, the plague of fantasy maps.
Just how big is Hastrijan anyways?
It's pretty big. What you see here us roughly a third of its size. Since it stretches almost as far east as Väljad and continues on south for another centimeter on the map. Though the eastern half of the country is significantly less populated.
It's pretty big. What you see here us roughly a third of its size. Since it stretches almost as far east as Väljad and continues on south for another centimeter on the map. Though the eastern half of the country is significantly less populated.
Terrain wise?

I was thinking to get a better idea of what we've stuck our oar into.
Terrain wise?

I was thinking to get a better idea of what we've stuck our oar into.
The western and centeral portions of Hastrijan are lowlands (though the very western portions near the gates are also mountains. They're actually part of the same range that covers Vana). In the north near the border it's hilly (this is where the peasant revolt is currently ongoing).

In the east it's more rugged and arid, especially near where the Astrazi desert meets their border. In the south Illona is not really sure what's there.
So I made a fel bargain with SV resident Map Wizard (AKA @Cetashwayo) to have a map done of Valjad and the other successor queendoms. As far as fel bargains go it was reasonably priced, and the results didn't even ironically screw me over. Instead it resulted in a very nice map. Which I have dutifully posted and there you go. The actual canon locations of everything important that Illona (or at least her cartographers) know about. Mostly.

I would heartily recommend @Cetashwayo's service. Working with him was great and he was really accommodating (and also had amazing turn-around. I commissioned this on Friday :V). Also pretty cheap.
I've a couple questions about this. To start, what is the graphic on the Kurlaks representing? It's hard to make out. Secondarily, do the northern nomads hold sway only over the northern steppe area covered by the horsey graphic or are they also in other areas such as the lowland corridor from their home turf south of the Silent Forest? Do we know if any of those guys sneak out to the east through the smaller passes through the Kurlaks, and do we permit them access to the Queen's Road and the surrounding areas? Are there any conflicts between the nomads and the guys staking out claims in the previously empty lands?