Upon This Sword of Fire (CKII Quest)

@Crilltic What the hell since when is the "silent forest" a thing? do we have our own Fae or something! Going by WHF logic if we do have Fae burn them all do not even talk to them they'll screw you over 17 times and act all nice about it.:o:eek::o
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@Crilltic What the hell since when is the "silent forest" a thing? do we have our own Fae or something! Going by WHF logic if we do have Fae burn them all do not even talk to them they'll screw you over 17 times and act all nice about it.:o:eek::o
It's been on our old map a while and we've talked about it before in the discussion, it's silent because it's very cold there. No idea about WHF, but our impression was that no one lives there due to it being miserable? Though we have lots of other elves living in the hearts of deserts and mountaintops.

On that note, @Crilltic, how related are those groups? Are desert elves the same species as the mountain ones with just different cultural stuff, or are they very separate?

edit: Ninja'd. So those trees have snow coverage some three quarters of the year? I wonder how much of an impact would be made if they were cut. I know that workers on the Trans-Siberian Railway cleared ancient forests to make way only to have the sun reach down to the ground in full force for the first time in ages and turn those cleared sections into terrible swamps.
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@Kipeci WHF is WarHammer Fantasy just so you know.

@Crilltic what Level of tech tree does the elves have just curious because our sister seems to be having a spot of bother with dealing with them, do some elf tribes have better tech or is it different with each tribe?
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It's called the "Silent Forest" because it snows for nine months out of the year. So nothing lives there except pine trees.

Oooh. Oodles of virgin, old-growth, slow dense wood full of resin, tar, and turpentine in an area with easy sled and river transport, a sea coast, and lots of river power. Here we sit in our capital with an advanced paper mill's working knowledge right next door to an extensive ancient port full of experience sailors and the finest, supernaturally inspired institution of learning and engineering in the known lands.

Who wants to be a napalm-wielding naval superpower?
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Oooh. Oodles of virgin, old-growth, slow dense wood full of resin, tar, and turpentine in an area with easy sled transport, a sea coast, and lots of river power. Here we sit in our capital with an advanced paper mill's working knowledge right next door to an extensive ancient port full of experience sailors.

Who wants to be a napalm-wielding naval superpower?

what the hell you good sir get an insightful I thought that there might be a few shiny's there hidden away.
Oooh. Oodles of virgin, old-growth, slow dense wood full of resin, tar, and turpentine in an area with easy sled transport, a sea coast, and lots of river power. Here we sit in our capital with an advanced paper mill's working knowledge right next door to an extensive ancient port full of experience sailors and the finest, supernaturally inspired institution of learning and engineering in the known lands.

Who wants to be a napalm-wielding naval superpower?
I think the transport is harder than you're making it out to be. That whole region bordering the Frost Sea is terribly cold to the point that no one lives in the area, aside from I guess maybe some nomads who can camp out in the summer and hit the road as soon as it starts to become awful again. That's not many people to actually work there in cutting down trees or transporting them.

Since the coast of the Frost Sea is a wasteland for at least the majority of the year, there are no prominent permanent settlements along it to be used as ports. There probably won't be any that can be built there reasonably for a long time as no one would like to go there when there is plenty of wonderfully fertile land available in the warmer south. That all aside, if we had a port there we still wouldn't have many places for that ships to go aside from our fellow non-Vana successor queendoms. There's no known connection between the Frost and Cerulean Seas, nothing that we know well enough to do sea shipping to the other coast with if it is possible. So shipping overseas is out.

So we have the river, but that's also not great. Given that it's such a cold area there's likely a lot of ice in the rivers through much of the year when they aren't frozen, making it almost impossible to safely transport things without a lot of know-how that I'm not sure we have. The rivers in the area also flow out to the Frost Sea rather than to the south, which also makes it more difficult to bring those supplies where we might actually want them. It's OK once you get to Novgradha assuming the rivers there are fairly navigable, but until then it's a lot of uphill travel through a frigid area with very heavy logs. I can only imagine it would be more pricy than it's likely worth, we can probably get better deals from Runaja or our border princes on lumber.
That's not many people to actually work there in cutting down trees or transporting them.

Since the coast of the Frost Sea is a wasteland for at least the majority of the year, there are no prominent permanent settlements along it to be used as ports. There probably won't be any that can be built there reasonably for a long time as no one would like to go there when there is plenty of wonderfully fertile land available in the warmer south.
Just ask Valda to round up some of the rebellious mountain elves and send them your way. If you get enough of them, it would solve the transport problem, too.

*sigh* One downside of being a Saint is that you have no opposition to brutally oppress. When do we mount an expedition to the heathens' eastern lands already?
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The western and centeral portions of Hastrijan are lowlands (though the very western portions near the gates are also mountains. They're actually part of the same range that covers Vana). In the north near the border it's hilly (this is where the peasant revolt is currently ongoing).

In the east it's more rugged and arid, especially near where the Astrazi desert meets their border. In the south Illona is not really sure what's there.
Hmm, looks like holding the hills is essential to any conflict, but the heart of the empire is cavalry land.

Not knowing what it's like to the south seems a little ominous for a future conflict though.
Hmm, looks like holding the hills is essential to any conflict, but the heart of the empire is cavalry land.

Not knowing what it's like to the south seems a little ominous for a future conflict though.
Oh she knows what's there. It's where the tribes of the scaled men hail from and it's mostly arid land. She just doesn't have maps of the terrain.
The armies that fought in the Brother's War outnumbered that damned Witch's 3 to 1.

I just noticed this, and this is no good for us at all! The Fire Witch Ash Maiden had thirty legions (one being a Flame Guard legion), and with five-thousand men to a legion that's about 150,000 men. None of that includes the auxillaries. If you triple that, you end up with nearly half a million men as a minimum estimate for their forces, and that's after they were blunted through disastrous war in Vana's mountains and plague.

Our seventy-thousand strong limit is looking rather puny up against that class of numbers. We may be quite the small fish in a big ocean after all, and now I'm more and more worried about future hostilities with the South. If they can compete with that on a regular basis... yikes!

edit: Then again, perhaps old men with chips in their shoulder and a message to spread aren't the most reliable estimators.
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Our seventy-thousand strong limit is looking rather puny up against that class of numbers. We may be quite the small fish in a big ocean after all, and now I'm more and more worried about future hostilities with the South. If they can compete with that on a regular basis... yikes!

I am pretty sure we could levy a lot more troops than that, if it were really necesary. As it is, we have a professional army of around 55k, which is phenomenal.

(That said, yeah, Hastrijan surely has loads of troops in the field now).
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The Five Summer's War was the culmination of a lengthy period of centralization and military build-up on the part of Heinrich the Strong. Also it bears in mind that in the end Hastrijan couldn't compete. They lost the Five Summer's War, even if they made the Straydor pay in blood. (Which given they were the defenders in the mountains of Vana was expected).

Also yes you're right. Bitter Old Men reminiscing almost half a century after the fact aren't generally considered the most unbiased of sources.
I know it's a long ways off with all the courtship updates, but I'm still really interested in the meeting with Valda. Our potential war plans and all aside, you don't hear much from her that isn't about blood and guts so it'd be great if we managed to take her off of the strictly business tract for a while and talk to her. Illona has always been intimidated by her, but perhaps with her more harrowing recent experiences and Valda's setbacks that sort of psychological block could be lessened?

Also, I'm now picturing a high-stakes arm-wrestling match between Asya and Valda over a diplomatic point. It's glorious!
So I finally got my commissioned piece for Illona out. Took longer than I was planning but I'm really pleased with how it came out.

Now, update on where the hell I've been with the next update. Works been a bitch and half to deal with, and I've been having trouble sitting down and writing. But my hope is that I will be able to do so this weekend to at least get something written.
Nice dress, very tasteful! The colors are very well chosen. Is the bodysuit armored? It looks a bit armored. Me gusta :}
Nice dress, very tasteful! The colors are very well chosen. Is the bodysuit armored? It looks a bit armored. Me gusta :}
The top piece isn't armored, it just has a thicker weave.
It must be the hairstyle. She gives me the impression of an angry librarian.
The hair is probably one of my favorite parts.
8akina, though he's now even pricier than when I commissioned a slot. :V
But my hope is that I will be able to do so this weekend to at least get something written.
From Illona's meeting list, the only people I've seen questers care about are Brandt and Hadi. Well, and I think some of us also wanted to marry Rostom's fleet and money. :V

I think if people had suspected the amount of characterization needed to make an informed choice about a spouse, they'd think twice about meeting all of the five candidates.
From Illona's meeting list, the only people I've seen questers care about are Brandt and Hadi. Well, and I think some of us also wanted to marry Rostom's fleet and money. :V

I think if people had suspected the amount of characterization needed to make an informed choice about a spouse, they'd think twice about meeting all of the five candidates.

Personally I'm not sure why there's any backlash about the amount of mini-updates needed to get a thorough picture of the suitors. I was expecting and looking forward to it.
There is no backlash - if you are talking about me. Just... the game was focused on different things before that.

There was a call for having more fleshed out characters than Asya, though, so there is that.