The economy is recovering from the slump that your coronation put it in. Internally you're doing pretty swell, all things considered, how external events can still have an effect.
As for the church, it's less likely to cause outrage for spending, but more because it signals a change in the administration's policy vis a vis religion (Previously it was very hands off). The Faithful in the city will of course welcome it wholeheartedly (they want a place to show their, in many cases, new-found faith), but the other Faiths in the city may react poorly. Now, it's not like you're mandating religion and expelling all Alamists for the city or something, so probably not that poorly. But it's not a move that would lower tensions.
Killing People When They Die: You're useless in a fight, well, that's not true. Having you in a fight would likely be actively harmful to anyone on your side, rather than useless. Needless to say, you want to try to fix that. Chance of Success: 50% Reward: Gain 1 Martial, Roll over 80% Gain [Novice Weapons Training] Trait
You don't know the first thing about fighting. Which is why when Valts throws you into a ring with two of your Flame Guards with a training sword and zero instructions besides "Win" you have a minor panic attack. Well, "minor" might be understating the severity of the situation as you spend the first twenty minutes of the session running around circles away from your bodyguards. However, once you're trapped in the corner you resolve to go down fighting, no matter what. Which lasts all of five seconds before one of them knocks your sword out of your hand, leaving you defenseless as he lazily moves to tap you on the shoulder.
Then your thoughts blur together, suddenly you're holding the sword and he's groaning on the ground clutching the side of his stomach. Wait what? Even though your eyes are currently bugging out of your head, you maintain the presence of mind to tap your other opponent on the shoulder. He's also so shocked he doesn't even attempt to dodge or parry, sending you the match. The more you train, similar events emerge, exceeding your wildest expectations. It seems you have quite a natural talent for fighting.
It's a matter of enough importance to accept some grumblings, especially since we've had an auspicious start with at worst muted grumblings. We rule the largest quarter of the Kingdom of God on Earth, and the nearly third of the population of our capitol that adhere to the faith that we're at the head of has for the bulk of them no proper facility to worship in. If we don't provide for their spiritual needs and provide a way for the common person to give the glorification that is due to our divine mother, that reflects directly back on us as an unworthy daughter and ruler. It's not as if we're storming into another temple, plucking out the ruby eyes of their sun god and explaining that the divine authority is with us and not their idols... it should be fairly expected for us to promote the faith given our place, and so long as we do that without being cruel with the rest I think all should be fine. We can make a good number of checks with our apparent divine blessings, I'd think, and faith is one of our stronger stats to begin with.
Actually, I'm thinking something more like smaller churches first, spread across the area we rule, rather than a grand one(which we'd do later of course).
It's of course, not as prestigious, but it looks less like "oh look, she's taking out money to build a giant church for her god", and more like "oh yeah she's spreading her faith, should be careful"
Prestige isn't nothing, though. It's a sign of healthiness for the faith if it has enough devotees to justify a grand center, you get a landmark to be appreciated through the ages and a site to draw in pilgrims. Building projects are a way to showcase strength, and we are doing quite well anyway at the moment so it is very much affordable if we don't botch it like we did with the docks. Our faith rolls being what they are, we are rather likely to make it.
Our stable hand has improved our economy to the point that even through paying for the structure was subtracted from the annual income we'd still bring in more than our initial income, and it's a project of a year. We're prospering with an auspicious start, it makes sense for the character to give the divine the praise that they are due as rulers have done throughout history. Dissent from the public really should be minimal.
Budget: You have 8,740g in your coffers. Your projected income for this turn is 2,300g in taxes and 6,000g in trade. Your projected upkeep costs are 510g for this turn.
A new year dawns in Väljad and with it comes new opportunities and new challenges. Last year saw your vision reap bountiful fruit, and you can only hope that your luck holds for this year as well. Domestically at least it seems to have held so far. There are no pressing issues you know about that need to be address. Not that that means they aren't there of course, just that you haven't heard about them. On the foreign front you're still battling with the fact that you can't just listen to the gossip in the halls outside your chambers and know about everything important happening in the Empire.
Once again the small council meets in one of the uncountable rooms of your palace to plan for the year ahead. The mood is high for each of your advisers, though Alfred still bears the lines of stress on his weather face from the fiasco with the Docks last year. The highlight of the meeting however are he numerous sheets of paper covering the table in front of your. Andesjz's discovery proved more valuable than you could have imagined, and you've grown used to having at least a sheet or two of the material within reach to jot down notes.
Your coffers are even fuller now than they had been at the start of last year, a great achievement as far you're concerned. Now the only thing that remains is to get down to the business of ruling.
Diplomacy: Your diplomatic correspondence, such as they are, are currently being handled by a young courtier by the name of Alina, from the House of Zemnieks. A sweet girl whose only a few years older than you, but you really wish her skills were...more up to par. She tries hard, and her court experience is welcome, but you really were lacking better options. (Pick One)
A Realm Divided: The Scarlet Empire has fractured, and this has thrown the normal chains of communication throughout the former Empire into disarray. You want to fix that, or a least those lines that run through Väljad. Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 90% Reward: Increased Information about your sister's realms, faster communication with your family.
Mammon Worship: The various merchant houses are one of the main factions in your Kingdom, and right now they're rather skittish about your long-term stability. So now you're going to schmooze them as much as you possibly can both assure them that you're here to stay, and that they should like you while you're here. Though you're probably going to need to cough up some coin to pay for all the expensive, expensive parties this is going to take. Cost: 450g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 70% Rewards: Improved Relations with Merchant Houses, Additional Information about Merchant Houses Unlocks new unit recruitment options.
Border Woes: The Border Princes currently hold a significant portion of the developed land in your Kingdom, including the third largest city of Vykiv. Right now they're pretty content with your current, admittedly hands-off relationship, but you don't want "content" you want "loyal". Which might be a tall order, but some individual attention on their more influential members is a good start. Cost: 450g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 60% Rewards: Improved Relations with Border Princes, Additional Information about the Border Princes, Unlocks new levy options.
The Horse Lords: The Nomadic Tribes to the north are largely ambivalent to your rule. They pay they're tribute to you, you don't bother them, and they avoid raiding you. You are however interested in fostering new ties with them, and hopefully improving their mood to something north of "ambivalent". Cost: 250g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 50% Rewards: Improved Relations with the Nomadic Tribes, Additional Information about the Nomadic Tribes, Unlocks new recruitment options.
The Gates of Hastrijan: To your south lies the Empire of Hastrijan, the only real rival remaining to the Scarlet Empire left in these lands. With recent events as they are you want to be on as good terms with them as you can be, even if they are heretics. Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 50% Reward: Information on the Empire of Hastrijan and establishment of diplomatic relations with them
Martial: Even though you've learned a thing or two about how to kill people, both individually and on a larger scale, you're still not at all comfortable with the notion of commanding troops. Valts Birze meanwhile, reminds you a lot of your eldest sister, in the 'living piece of granite filled with desire to kill' sense. It's uncanny how similar they are...They must never meet. (Pick One)
All The Queen's Horses: Despite the raising of an additional Legion, Valts is still worried about the state of the Kingdom's defenses. So he wants you to raise yet more men. It's not as urgent now that you know you don't have any major internal threats to deal with, but it's better to be prepared than caught unaware.
- [ ] Raise another Legion: The Scarlet Legions were the oiled machine through which the Ash Maiden conquered the continent. Built upon the base of the ancient house retinues of Eight Tribes, a Legion is a flexible fighting force of medium infantry. (Stats - Attack 5 Defense 5 Mobility 2) Skill: Green (-1 to all stats) Time: 1 year Cost: 500g Upkeep: 50g
- [ ] Raise a Flame Guard Regiment: The Flame Guard are the inner guard of the Scarlet Empire. Formerly the guardians of the Flame Palace in the capital of the Empire. They now have been divided among the Heiress-Queen are bodyguards and elite cavalry. Clad in the finest armor and armed with weapons of the highest caliber, they are super-heavy cavalry par excellence. (Stats - Attack 11 Defense 12 Mobility 6) Skill: Professional (+0 to all stats) Time :2 years Cost: 2000g Upkeep: 200g
Currently you can support a total unit strength of 67,190 (0.5% of population) of standing troops. Current Unit Strength Usage is 10,500/67,190. This cap can be increased
The Long Arm of the Legions: Valts and Alfred have both come to you to begin refurbishing some of the old forts and outposts that extend along the road between the Westerlands and the Kurlak Basin. Many of them have fallen into disrepair after a decade or more of peace. Rebuilding and staffing those forts would go a long way towards asserting you authority. Cost: 1000g, 1 Legion Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 80% Rewards: Increased taxation income, banditry has a chance to be taken care of automatically
Stewardship: The finances of your kingdom are currently being handled by the former governor of Väljad, an aging man named Alfreds, of the House Vecais, and they are in capable hands indeed. The man shows a remarkable aptitude for unraveling the mysteries of money and logistics with but a glance. It more than makes up for his blunt demeanor and lackadaisical approach to secrets. (Pick Two)
Paper Mill: Andezjs has supplied Alfred with some of his sketches pertaining to a water powered version of the machine he acquired last year, and Alfred is already enamored with the idea of using the Kurlak to build a mill. Though it would only allow for water-power to aid in one step of the process, it would drastically speed up how much paper can be produced. Cost: 2000g Time: 2 year Chance of Success: 60% Rewards: Increased trade income.
Off the Beaten Path: With your vassals somewhat mollified, Alfred wants to examine the vast stretches of unused land that the Queen's Road cuts through. Much of it is virtually uninhabited, and it could be prime territory for founding new settlements on. Though it will likely too expensive to do much more than a cursory look for now. Cost: 900g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 100% Rewards: Varies depending on Roll, Potential New Stewardship Actions.
The Queen's Road: Right now, there is a single road that connects the western portions of your realm with Qūr-dalan and the eastern portion. Built by the Scarlet Legions on their march, it is serviceable, but as you discovered as your journey along it, portions have fallen into disrepair. Repairing it would be a good first step towards developing the kingdom further. Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 1,600g Time: 2 years Rewards: Increased taxation income, faster response times for forces in the kingdom
A Dock Worker's Life: Qūr-dalan is situated along the banks of the Kurlak River, which forms a vital component to caravan routes, especially those that travel through the Kurlak Mountains. The docks of Qūr-dalan carpet the banks of the mighty Kurlak, dating back thousands of years. But they could always use expanding. Chance of Success: 70% Cost: Time: 1 Year Rewards: Increased Trade Income. -> [X] LOCKED-IN FINISHES THIS TURN
Veins Run Deep: Qūr-dalan has made its name on the back of trade, but the Kurlak mountains rise high in the distance. Alfreds states he has a sneaking suspicion that those mountains are rich in mineral wealth, and he wants you to mount an expedition to check. Cost: 450g Chance of Success: 55% Time: 1 year Rewards: Mining Income gained, potential for further development
Intrigue: With Alfreds came his lovely wife Lilita, though she's much younger than him in age, they do appear to truly love one another. However, unlike her husband, Lilita is quite adroit at the art of keeping secrets, having served many years as his spymistress when he was Governor. A role she now fills for you. (Pick One)
The Rumor Mill: An extensive network of spies is invaluable in determining what is really going on at home and abroad. Some gold and other lubricants can help secure a steady stream of knowledge flows to your ears. Cost: 250g Chance of Success: 100% Time: >50% 1 year, <50% 2 years Rewards: Rumor Mill/Information Report at the end of turns
A Family Snarled Thicket: The Border Princes exist in a constant state of political turmoil due to a complex tangle of rivalries, marriages and alliances. If you're to govern them effectively you need to know the ins and outs of all of...that. Which means getting your hands dirty wading into the awful side of politics. What fun. Cost: 250g Chance of Success: 75% Time: 1 year Rewards: Increased leverage when it comes to dealing with the Border Princes.
Piety: When it comes to matters of Faith, there are few you trust to treat it with the appropriate reverence and ability. Which is why you are handing it yourself. For the better as well, since the theological issues a daughter of the Ash Maiden taking spiritual orders from a random priest would be...thorny. (Pick Two)
The Hidden Library: The map you discovered detailing the lay-out of the Library contained several sections you could not find despite all your searching. Either they were destroyed at some point in the distant past, or they were hidden away, you do not know. However, you intend to find them. Cost: 0g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 55% Reward: ???
The Right Words: If you really want to speed up the spread of the Faith in these lands, you're going to need to translate the Holy Scripture into the local languages. While that might run the risk of dilute the purity of the text, it likely will rapidly speed up any conversion efforts you bring forth in the future. Cost: 500g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Increased worship of the First Flame in Qūr-dalan and beyond.
A Grand Church: The state of the Faith in Qūr-dalan is frankly deplorable. Sure, there is the palace church, but aside from that the Faith has little presence among the streets of the city. You aim to change that, setting out to build grand church right in the residential quarter Cost: 1,500g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Increased worship of the First Flame in Qūr-dalan
A Missionary's Work is Never Done: In your efforts to spread the Faith in these distant lands, you have run into an issue. A shortage of trained priests. So quite a large issue indeed. You want to hunt through local Faithful to find any who you find to be suitable material for Priesthood. Hopefully then you'll have enough for proper missionary work. Cost: 450g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Expands the priesthood active in Qūr-dalan, boosting any conversion efforts.
Learning: The last member of your council was one you almost looked over when hunting for candidates, until a word from Lilita led you to a secret chamber underneath the Palace Church. It was there Andezjs, the local priest, who it appeared spent his spare time investigating the natural world. With you having taken many of his larger duties as the head of the faith in this city off his hands, he now can put his intellect to work there full time. (Pick One)
Flashing Blades: Some of the scrolls you found in the library made reference to a specific set of additives and smelting techniques that are supposedly superior for the forging of blades. Unfortunately, most of the scrolls appear to have been burned ages ago, leaving only the barest hints as to what this technique was. However, Andezjs knows of a few smithy's in the city who might be able to help him piece it together. Cost: 250g Chances of Success: 45% Time: 1 year Rewards: Bonus to Unit Attack (1-3 depending on roll)
The Body is a Temple: One of the Scrolls you discovered appears to be a complete illustration of the human body, complete with annotations from the nameless artist. Andezjs isn't entirely sure those annotations or illustrations are correct mind you, but it is something to be investigated. You just need to find some corpses. Preferable Fresh. Chance of Success: 55% Time: 1 Year Rewards: Better injury recovery, higher disease resistance.
And a Pinch of Lavender: One of Andezjs's passions is experimenting with the effects of various local herbs and poultices and how they can affect the human body. Primarily concerned with the healing properties of these herbs Andezjs wants figure out if they can be used to treat various diseases and aid in the healing process of wounds. Chance of Success: 45% Time: 1 Year Rewards: Increased Disease Resistance, Fewer battlefield casualties.
A Myriad of Menagerie: The local wildlife is quite distinct from anything you've encountered before, and it's an interest you and Andezjs share. He wants to begin creating a compilation of all the various creatures and beasts he can find in these lands. Cost: 50g Chance of Success: 80% Time: 2 Years Rewards: Additional Information on the local fauna, unlocks future options.
Personal: Throughout the hectic nature and constant work of your reign, there is some time you have put aside for yourself, to pursue personal projects and other flights of fancy (Pick One)
The Grand Bazaar: Qūr-dalan itself boasts some of the most expansive markets in the world, wares from every corner of the earth pass through through these streets. Surely something of interest lies within. Take a trip down to the markets. Cost: 45g Chance of Success: 100% Reward: ???
Inner Focus: Ever since that first training session you've felt different. Shadows just outside the edge of your vision, strange dreams you cannot remember, a pressure inside you is building. So you'll deal with it the only way you know how, prayer and meditation to cleanse the soul. Hopefully then you can figure out what lurks within. Cost: 0g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 70% Rewards: More Piety, Chance to Gain Traits, High Roll: ???
The Art of Steel: You surprised everyone, including yourself, when you displayed such an aptitude for the martial arts. Now you that you've had a taste though, you want more. Something in you just yearns to indulge in the thrill of combat, the weight of a blade in your hands and your enemies falling before you. Cost: 0g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 50% Rewards: +1 Martial, Roll over 80% Gain [Proficient Weapons Training]
Budget: You have 8,740g in your coffers. Your projected income for this turn is 2,300g in taxes and 6,000g in trade. Your projected upkeep costs are 510g for this turn.
Valts Birze meanwhile, reminds you a lot of your eldest sister, in the 'living piece of granite filled with desire to kill' sense. It's uncanny how similar they are...They must never meet. (Pick One)
We annoyed them last turn. Best to make sure ties remain healthy. Merchants are vital but also have easily swayed wallets for any dissenters
[X] [Martial] The Long Arm of the Legions
[X] [Martial] All The Queen's Horses
-[X] Raise another Legion
-[X] Split Focus All The Queen's Horses
Never let bandits grow out of control. Keep them stamped down even if you're understaffed or you'd just get worse bandits.
[X] [Stewardship] The Queen's Road
[X] [Stewardship] A Dock Worker's Life
Roads are the lifeblood of the nation, and especially important if you want your legions to do anything quickly. Trade, army, diplomacy, everything needs quality roads. Poor roads invite isolation and banditry.
[X] [Intrigue] The Rumor Mill
Nothing too urgent for now, so open up the rumor mill so we know what's going on.
[X] [Piety] The Right Words
-[X] Double down The Right Words
[X] [Piety] A Missionary's Work is Never Done
Yes, I know the church is tempting, prestigious and generally awesome.
But if you want to convert people to your faith, you get missionaries out there in their language. It worked for Islam, it worked for Christianity, it worked for Buddhism.
We can make it work for us.
[X] [Learning] The Body is a Temple
Cutting down disease is always a priority.
[X] [Personal] Inner Focus
Look inside ourself to see what the fuck was that before experimenting further.
@Crilltic do we only have one stewardship option this turn since one of the actions would be locked by A Dock Workers Life?
[X] Plan Veekie
I was typing one up and the only difference I had was recruiting more troops over bandits, but it does make sense to stomp on bandits before they get big.
Also the current plan is spending less than our current income so we can build up our reserves... I hope we get a double down ability soon to start using our cash.
Yes, multi-turn actions take up one of your slots for the duration of their allotment. You only pay the cost for the first turn however.
Also the current plan is spending less than our current income so we can build up our reserves... I hope we get a double down ability soon to start using our cash.
Throwing more money at a problem is a tried and tested method of getting things done. So yes, I'm currently working on balancing a double-down system for you to use so all that gold isn't just sitting unused in your treasury.
So after some thought, and crying about your income gain rolls last turn, and some balancing work to make sure what I had planned didn't actually break the game so hard you'd steam-roll the early game anymore than you're already steam-rolling the early I'm introducing a double-down mechanic with regards to turn actions. Some of you may have already seen this coming after the dice decided to double your income after the first turn. And I don't want to go through and jack up all the prices on future actions just because you got rich. Mostly because A) That's a lot of work I don't want to do and B) That's a dickish thing to do. But it's like 90% A.
So, there are three types of special actions you can choose to perform. Doubling-Down, Acceleration and Split-Focus:
Doubling-Down: The action you select costs double its normal costs, however you roll two dice for that action instead of one, and only the higher one is counted. That dice is treated as a normal dice roll from there on out, with modifiers added-on. Double-Down Rolls can crit like regular rolls.
Acceleration: The action you select can be accelerated to be finished in a shorter period of time. How much extra is determined by how long the action would have initially taken. A 2 year action costs double to accelerate and will only take one year, 3 year action, triple for one year, double for two, and so on. However, accelerated actions cannot crit, and if the roll is failed all money is lost.
Split-Focus: Split-Focus allow you to temporarily gain an extra action in a section, that action will cost double if selected in this manner. For example, you can select two diplomacy actions instead of one, or three piety actions instead of two. However, those actions selected do not benefit from adviser bonuses, and cannot crit. Likewise, you cannot gain more than one extra action in a section through this method.
Per turn, you are allowed to perform two (and only two) of these actions. For example you can double-down an action and accelerate another, or Split-Focus in two sections. If you performed a mix of action last turn that impacted this turn. (For example, you split-focus in a section and locked in two actions, when you normally have only one action in that section) You must perform that action again. (In the case of the example, you would be required to split-focus that section again this turn, or until the project finishes).
A fair word of warning, this is subject to modification and balancing if I find it is making the game too easy, and or resulting in outcomes that I find harmful to the overall enjoyment of the Quest. It also means I will probably need to lower the Chance to Succeed for some actions slightly to bring it more in line with my plans moving forward (and also write more actions per turn). But for now I will leave it as is. It is also available for this turn, so @veekie, if you want to factor into your plans I would suggest you do so.
Edit: I realize I forgot to specify what crits were anywhere. If you roll a Dice+Modifiers score of 100+ You get a crit, which is another unmodified 1d100 rolled on top of the initial dice roll and added to that. These generally result in special outcomes. Also the dice can continue to crit as long as you keep rolling 100's, which I'm sure is bound to happen once in a vital moment. In which case you all can watch me cry as my plans are torn to shreds.