Upon This Sword of Fire (CKII Quest)

Really quick updating here! Anyway, here are the votes:

A Realm Divided: The Scarlet Empire has fractured, and this has thrown the normal chains of communication throughout the former Empire into disarray. You want to fix that, or a least those lines that run through Väljad. Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 90% Reward: Increased Information about your sister's realms, faster communication with your family.

The Long Arm of the Legions: Valts and Alfred have both come to you to begin refurbishing some of the old forts and outposts that extend along the road between the Westerlands and the Kurlak Basin. Many of them have fallen into disrepair after a decade or more of peace. Rebuilding and staffing those forts would go a long way towards asserting you authority. Cost: 1000g, 1 Legion Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 80% Rewards: Increased taxation income, banditry has a chance to be taken care of automatically

SPLIT FOCUS: Raise another Legion: The Scarlet Legions were the oiled machine through which the Ash Maiden conquered the continent. Built upon the base of the ancient house retinues of Eight Tribes, a Legion is a flexible fighting force of medium infantry. (Stats - Attack 5 Defense 5 Mobility 2) Skill: Green (-1 to all stats) Time: 1 year Cost: 500g Upkeep: 50g

The Queen's Road: Right now, there is a single road that connects the western portions of your realm with Qūr-dalan and the eastern portion. Built by the Scarlet Legions on their march, it is serviceable, but as you discovered as your journey along it, portions have fallen into disrepair. Repairing it would be a good first step towards developing the kingdom further. Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 1,600g Time: 2 years Rewards: Increased taxation income, faster response times for forces in the kingdom

A Dock Worker's Life: Qūr-dalan is situated along the banks of the Kurlak River, which forms a vital component to caravan routes, especially those that travel through the Kurlak Mountains. The docks of Qūr-dalan carpet the banks of the mighty Kurlak, dating back thousands of years. But they could always use expanding. Chance of Success: 70% Cost: Time: 1 Year Rewards: Increased Trade Income. -> [X] LOCKED-IN FINISHES THIS TURN

The Rumor Mill: An extensive network of spies is invaluable in determining what is really going on at home and abroad. Some gold and other lubricants can help secure a steady stream of knowledge flows to your ears. Cost: 250g Chance of Success: 100% Time: >50% 1 year, <50% 2 years Rewards: Rumor Mill/Information Report at the end of turns

A Grand Church: The state of the Faith in Qūr-dalan is frankly deplorable. Sure, there is the palace church, but aside from that the Faith has little presence among the streets of the city. You aim to change that, setting out to build grand church right in the residential quarter Cost: 1,500g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Increased worship of the First Flame in Qūr-dalan

A Missionary's Work is Never Done: In your efforts to spread the Faith in these distant lands, you have run into an issue. A shortage of trained priests. So quite a large issue indeed. You want to hunt through local Faithful to find any who you find to be suitable material for Priesthood. Hopefully then you'll have enough for proper missionary work. Cost: 450g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Expands the priesthood active in Qūr-dalan, boosting any conversion efforts.

A Myriad of Menagerie: The local wildlife is quite distinct from anything you've encountered before, and it's an interest you and Andezjs share. He wants to begin creating a compilation of all the various creatures and beasts he can find in these lands. Cost: 50g Chance of Success: 80% Time: 2 Years Rewards: Additional Information on the local fauna, unlocks future options.

Inner Focus: Ever since that first training session you've felt different. Shadows just outside the edge of your vision, strange dreams you cannot remember, a pressure inside you is building. So you'll deal with it the only way you know how, prayer and meditation to cleanse the soul. Hopefully then you can figure out what lurks within. Cost: 0g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 70% Rewards: More Piety, Chance to Gain Traits, High Roll: ???

For the diplomatic matter, I think it's best to form contacts with those in the former empire. Inflated piety corresponds to a decent relationship with our sisters, who are presently our only ruling fellows in the faith, so it's good to be able to communicate with them readily and see how things are faring... plus, being as we are at something of the backwater of the former empire, it doesn't hurt to build up communications to developed areas so that some elements may be more easily transmitted. We'll also want to hear about any military conflicts before they get to our borders so we can prepare and take action. If not for all this I'd like to set up relations with our southern neighbors or closer ties with the northern tribes (Khagan, anyone?), but we're rather liable to botch those I think so let's just integrate the former empire to the extent that we may.

On martial matters, I've got to say that we ought to staff the forts. They act as a force multiplier that we desperately need considering how our forces are in such a poor shape, and plus that gives early warning if any of the staffed forts notices oncoming threats. Occupying them also prevents them from being used against us by types such as the bandits, and if we stop bandit raids then that wins us more affection from the people by helping to secure them.

For the economic, I still think it's a good idea to go ahead and repair the Queen's Road as a first priority. Anything that speeds up travel allows for more communication and a closer watch, so less corruption and more income and a whole host of other benefits. The Off the Beaten Path option is tempting, but I think it best to wait for that until we've been able to improve the roads; if we're checking the lands around the road, obviously the surveying will go faster and need fewer supplies if the roads are in a decent shape and we'll have had many more workers wandering around the vicinity of the road and still working on it who might have seen good spots. That gives more starting points for the surveyors to go off of to find better quality places in less time. Populating our desolate land is a big deal to increase security and our economic prosperity, so I say go for that... and of course, we're already also locked in for the docks or I'd have suggested going for the mining operations.

For intrigue I think it's safest to go with the Rumor Mill option. We're not going on a charm campaign right now with the border princes so we don't have any way to properly mollify them if they don't appreciate our meddling in their affairs, let's just set up our spy networks as our eye in the dark and window to local plots and man on the street opinions. Then we won't have to guess so much about what the commoners or assorted nobles will think about our courses of actions.

On the matter of faith, I almost immediately thought of going for translated texts, but then I reconsidered. It's true that we're absolutely going to want to do that, but I think it would be most beneficial to us if we waited until we were a tad more structured. We don't have members of the faith to spare in our own country, let alone go off by themselves and wander into others... so if we start translating texts right now, the end result is that we'll be bringing our religion to foreigners with absolutely no context. We don't have an established center of our faith in at least our corner of the world that they can access (I don't think that we're letting foreign rabble break into the royal church), we don't have learned people to give them an idea of the way you're supposed to interpret texts. What we'd be doing is essentially sowing the seeds of various heresies all throughout foreign lands, and if it's harder to displace the heresies than the native religions we'll just be making things harder on ourselves. Let's develop first an actual religious center that people of the faith or those who want to join can access, as well as an actual structured clergy who are able to answer their questions with some competence. After that's established, I think translating the texts will be a splendid idea.

For learning, recall that most of those who die or are otherwise made casualties of war come to such problems due to problems with supply or illness, not from weapons raised in anger. Our landscape is harsh, so we may do best by simply being the most adapted to it especially in light of questionable combat ability. For this reason, I'd like to go with the option that both boosts injury recovery and disease resistance, which is to say the The Body is a Temple option. It's more likely to work out than the pinch of lavender one, and I think it will do nicely. Alternatively, figuring out the local fauna is nice... I'd hate if we came across some sort of lethal scorpion or something and had no idea of the harm hid within its sting.

Lastly, the Inner Focus option seems interesting. I'd like for us to boost our piety up and up, so that'll be nice.

All that takes away 4800 (still fairly affordable, we're adding to the treasury beyond that and ours is quite sizeable) as well as a legion to staff the forts, but honestly I think they'd be better off at the defenses of the forts.

But if you want to convert people to your faith, you get missionaries out there in their language. It worked for Islam, it worked for Christianity, it worked for Buddhism.
@veekie: The thing is, we don't want to spread the religion and have it corrupted and turn our heretical because that just won't benefit us. Early Christianity had huge problems with heresy as there wasn't a strictly organized priesthood and so on, so the Roman Empire after the religion was made official had to have a council on what it actually meant to be a Christian. Many groups refused to go with the form of Christianity that was hammered out after that council, and then for centuries after that there was conflict over the matter of heresy because it was something that affected the power of the state.

Islam avoided much of the doctrinal stuff for what's in the Quran (the Shia/Sunni divide was at least initially much more of a political matter) in part because it was actually specified that everything had to be in the exact, proper form of Arabic so that no one would form improper ideas. Even versions in different dialects of Arabic were destroyed over their potential to mislead believers by a difference in turn of phrase. This is a very different idea than taking our core holy texts and spreading them around the world while we barely have a functioning priesthood or a central area for those that do exist to talk over the faith.

Buddhism is very diverse because it was translated into very many places quite quickly with varying organization, and it has oodles of different sects with widely varying traditions and beliefs. We don't want to end up like Buddhism exactly, we want the more centralized version that we have now because it works out very well for us.

So for these reasons, I think that we should just take a year to get organized and then start spreading out. It's very tempting, I agree, but I don't think it will end well unless we are quite lucky as the choice itself hints at issues with doctrinal purity.
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Really quick updating here!
Yes, I find a fast-pace for updates, especially when the quest is starting out really helps out in the business of getting the quest of the ground in the first place. Especially since it's an original quest and those tend to have the life-span of mayflies. Also, I notice you did not make use of the double-down mechanics outlined HERE Now, I don't know if that was intentional or not, but I figured I'd let you know about them.

Otherwise that is a good write-up about the advantages and pitfalls of rapid dissemination of religious texts without a central control mechanism. I can also confirm that doctrinal issues and divergences are something you're going to have to deal with in the future. For two main reasons, one is that even if you keep a handle on it, your sisters might not do quite so good a job. Second is that currently the Sylltāji are riding a high period of unification in doctrinal thought after the Ash Maiden came through and...vigorously encouraged...her interpretation of the two Holy Books (and authored a Third). Before that however, there was a lot of division, primarily stemming from the diaspora that resulted when the Straydor Dynasty came through and murdered everyone who could vaguely be considered spiritual leaders 500~ years ago.

Finally, the tally. @veekie' plan is currently winning by a rather large margin. Voting will remain open until 7pm EST, with an update to come later on tonight.
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[X] Plan veekie

The double down should make the translations safe enough for us. And since somebody's going to fuck up, we might as well do it properly, then send it out on all the roads and all the boats as the definitive edition.
Just catching up after learning about the Quest late last night. @Kipeci has a great point about the need for structure to the Faith that deserves a lot more consideration. Bandwagoning on the first viable plan is a bane of a lot of Quests, and there's a desire for a quick update, but that can lead to unforseen consequences.

Also concur that maintaining and strengthening the family alliance is an overlooked but vital measure. If Hajristan were to invade, reinforcements from the rest of the dynasty could be invaluable. Neglecting family ties might encourage a successor-queen to look at her dynastic fellows as targets to be vassalized to restore the unith of the empire. Appeasing the merchants is less fundamentally urgent than maintaining a solid dynastic alliance, and anyway the infrastructure projects should probably have some impact on their opinions.

And speaking of unintended consequences, what are the prevailing rrligious opinions about dissecting the dead?
@Kipeci Did you vote for your own plan? Also, you may want to add a Double Down somewhere.

[X] Kipeci
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And speaking of unintended consequences, what are the prevailing religious opinions about dissecting the dead?
It depends on which faith obviously. For the Sylltāji, corpses are considered spiritually unclean* unless cremated, and being buried without being cremated is considered one of the gravest insults. Before the body has been reduced to Ash it is still under the purview of the First Flame, and thus the journey into the afterlife will be severely hampered or may not happen at all, leaving their spirit bound to the mortal realm. Mutilating the body before cremating it is also considered an insult, but as long as the proper cremation rites are observed, they can still find peace in the after life, so it is only considered an insult to the individual and their family in the mortal realm.

Of course, this applies mostly to the members of the Sylltāji. Other faiths have their own burial practices, though Illona only knows the basics. The Alamists leave their dead in the open on top of their building, facing the sun, for a mourning period and then bury the body wholesale. The faiths of the Northern Pantheons involves some manner of burial cloth and wrapping the body before burial that way, the nomads of the Astrazi have similar customs to them as well. Unfortunately, Illona isn't knowledgeable enough to know how those people treat corpses apart from those rituals.

Edit: * Well, perhaps unclean is the wrong term, but the spirit is still attached to the body until cremation
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Okay! I hadn't really considered the doubling down, I'm not quite sure what to go with. It seems that most people are fairly partial to taking a split action and filling up another legion to replace the one garrisoning our fortifications, and I can kinda get behind that. If the split action isn't going to benefit from a councilor's overseeing it, it makes sense to go with something less rigorous... otherwise, I'd probably go for setting up the mining.

Not sure how the corpse thing will go... I think it'll be fine if we limit it to some vagrants on the street that no one cares about, definitely no cutting up nobles should happen.

I'm not familiar really with the common practices that are the convention here as I've just joined, but by putting my plan forward I am in fact voting for it. Do I represent that with a note like this?

[x] Kipeci's Plan

I'll edit my original post to incorporate the split action mentioned above. If someone is on the verge of voting for my plan but has a strong preference for something divergent from one of the options, mention it and we can try to come to some agreement. I will warn that I'm liable to drift away and probably not come back/have very short posts after about two more hours, so discussion after then is not very likely to yield any fruit.
OK, I switched it to that. I need to remind myself to act a little more within the bounds of the character from time to time, I'm too easily distracted by stats for minmaxing garbage.
[X] Kipeci's Plan

For what it's worth I think this is a better way to approach trying to proselytize the country, and Illona needs a strong alliance against outsiders more than she needs the enthusiastic support of the merchants.
I guess for me I would rather get our house in order this turn. You do raise a fair point about our sisters and would support either a split action on diplomacy to cover sister or just double down on the sisters depending on what the diplo actions are next turn
There's not really much indication the merchants are a source of trouble or a major threat; they're still generally satisfied with stability, just unsure of whether or not that would last. At least outside the mechanics, a strong relationship with powerful allies, efforts to stamp out banditry, and major repairs to the travel infrastructure probably should make them better disposed to Illona even without an action spent specifically courting them.
There's not really much indication the merchants are a source of trouble or a major threat; they're still generally satisfied with stability, just unsure of whether or not that would last. At least outside the mechanics, a strong relationship with powerful allies, efforts to stamp out banditry, and major repairs to the travel infrastructure probably should make them better disposed to Illona even without an action spent specifically courting them.
64/100 relationships with the Merchant Houses strikes me as "comfortable if not warm". It certainly doesn't scream desperate intervention needed, so I'd agree we can put them on the back burner for more critical issues.
Turn 2 - Results
Budget: You have 8,740g in your coffers. Your projected income for this turn is 2,300g in taxes and 6,000g in trade. Your projected upkeep costs are 510g for this turn.

Plan Veekie:
Total Cost: 5,250g+250g
Remaining Treasury: 3,240g

You started this year with the boundless enthusiasm only previous success can muster. Though you were worried luck may turn against, to balance the scales for its favor last year. You needn't have worried, for Fate instead smiled upon you even moreso this year than the last. The worst setback was when you accidentally set your room on fire, but even that was a blessing in disguise.

No, now you can only hope that external forces do not intervene, and that your sisters are sharing in your bounty. Blessed is your rule Heiress-Queen. You mother truly smiles upon you this year.

Diplomacy: Your diplomatic correspondence, such as they are, are currently being handled by a young courtier by the name of Alina, from the House of Zemnieks. A sweet girl whose only a few years older than you, but you really wish her skills were...more up to par. She tries hard, and her court experience is welcome, but you really were lacking better options. (Pick One)

Mammon Worship: The various merchant houses are one of the main factions in your Kingdom, and right now they're rather skittish about your long-term stability. So now you're going to schmooze them as much as you possibly can both assure them that you're here to stay, and that they should like you while you're here. Though you're probably going to need to cough up some coin to pay for all the expensive, expensive parties this is going to take. Cost: 450g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 70% Rewards: Improved Relations with Merchant Houses, Additional Information about Merchant Houses Unlocks new unit recruitment options.

Rolled: 84+5 = 89 Needed: 30: Success

You efforts to to integrate yourself with the Merchant Houses goes off without a hitch. In fact, the Queen's Ball that Alina put together to cap off the year was a smashing success. From what you could tell virtually every merchant house was present there in force, eager for the potential to seek audience with you, or just meet you for themselves. To be honest it was almost overwhelming, but you managed to hold their attention with deft aplomb, and you think you impressed many of them with your poise and personality. You do know from the scraps of conversation you managed to covertly gather that many of them left Qūr-dalan with a much healthier assessment of your rule.

It was also a wonderful opportunity to identify the movers and shakers among the various Houses, and you believe that you now can correctly identify the most politically important of the Houses . It should definitely help when you're trying to influence opinions. While you shouldn't ignore the more minor houses entirely, it will allow you to be more efficient in your resources.

Finally, you were able to make some connection among the various mercenary commanders who make up the bulk of the House troops. They were happy to talk to you about potentially buying their services, should you need to of course.

Rewards: +20 to Merchant Opinion. Identified the three most influential of the Merchant Houses. Gained access to Mercenary Recruitment actions (Martial).

Even though you've learned a thing or two about how to kill people, both individually and on a larger scale, you're still not at all comfortable with the notion of commanding troops. Valts Birze meanwhile, reminds you a lot of your eldest sister, in the 'living piece of granite filled with desire to kill' sense. It's uncanny how similar they are...They must never meet. (Pick One)

All The Queen's Horses: Despite the raising of an additional Legion, Valts is still worried about the state of the Kingdom's defenses. So he wants you to raise yet more men. It's not as urgent now that you know you don't have any major internal threats to deal with, but it's better to be prepared than caught unaware.
- [X] Raise another Legion: The Scarlet Legions were the oiled machine through which the Ash Maiden conquered the continent. Built upon the base of the ancient house retinues of Eight Tribes, a Legion is a flexible fighting force of medium infantry. (Stats - Attack 5 Defense 5 Mobility 2) Skill: Green (-1 to all stats) Time: 1 year Cost: 500g Upkeep: 50g

Once again you begin the process of raising another Legion to help defend your borders. Men (and a few women) are trained, equipped, and by the end of the year they now stand ready to defend the realm. Even if they are inexperienced.

Reward: 3rd Väljadi Legion: Strength 5,000/5,000 (Green -1) (Attack: 4 Defense: 4 Mobility: 2) (Upkeep: 50g)

Currently you can support a total unit strength of 67,862 (0.5% of population) of standing troops. Current Unit Strength Usage is 16,000/67,862. This cap increase with population.

The Long Arm of the Legions: Valts and Alfred have both come to you to begin refurbishing some of the old forts and outposts that extend along the road between the Westerlands and the Kurlak Basin. Many of them have fallen into disrepair after a decade or more of peace. Rebuilding and staffing those forts would go a long way towards asserting you authority. Cost: 1000g, 1 Legion Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 80% Rewards: Increased taxation income, banditry has a chance to be taken care of automatically

Rolled: 62+9 = 71: Needed: 20: Success

The project to restore several of the old forts along the Queen's Road goes well. Although many of them haven't been used in decades or more, some since the Ash Maiden's initial conquests, they are still in relatively good shape. A few gangs of bandits have to be cleared out from their roosts, and their "tolls" taken care of, but overall it goes exceedingly well. Now you have soldiers guarding the length of the Queen's Road, protecting travelers and stopping banditry when they see it. They're a bit thin on the ground, so any significant bandit nests will need further action to clear out, and they may not catch problems before they become too large for them to handle though.

And of course, the benefits of them being stationed along their road, so any for now they are tied up guarding the Queen's Road.

Rewards: +400 taxation income as long as the 1st Legion is station along the Queen's Road. Slightly lower chance for the "Travelling Bandits" event to occur. 1st Legion will gain +1 experience per turn station on the road. +300 upkeep while 1st Legion is stationed there.

The finances of your kingdom are currently being handled by the former governor of Väljad, an aging man named Alfreds, of the House Vecais, and they are in capable hands indeed. The man shows a remarkable aptitude for unraveling the mysteries of money and logistics with but a glance. It more than makes up for his blunt demeanor and lackadaisical approach to secrets. (Pick Two)

The Queen's Road: Right now, there is a single road that connects the western portions of your realm with Qūr-dalan and the eastern portion. Built by the Scarlet Legions on their march, it is serviceable, but as you discovered as your journey along it, portions have fallen into disrepair. Repairing it would be a good first step towards developing the kingdom further. Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 1,600g Time: 2 years Rewards: Increased taxation income, faster response times for forces in the kingdom-> [X] LOCKED-IN FINISHES NEXT TURN

Rolled: 50+11+10 = 71 Needed: 40: Success

The project to restore the Queen's Road starts off on the right foot. Laborers begin by repairing sections of the road damaged by storms and other weather, fixing bridges and removing other obstacles to travelers along the road. Along with the return of the Legion to guarding the road, it means by this time next year you should be able to once again have travelers walk from one edge of your realm to the other without fear. Or well, maybe that is a bit auspicious, but the fact remains that with these improvements it will be much easier, and safer to travel your realm on foot.

Rewards: The improvements to the Queen's Road start off on time and on budget, locked in for next turn.

A Dock Worker's Life: Qūr-dalan is situated along the banks of the Kurlak River, which forms a vital component to caravan routes, especially those that travel through the Kurlak Mountains. The docks of Qūr-dalan carpet the banks of the mighty Kurlak, dating back thousands of years. But they could always use expanding. Chance of Success: 70% Cost: Time: 1 Year Rewards: Increased Trade Income. -> [X] FINISHES THIS TURN

Rolled: 62+11+10 = 83 Needed: 30: Success

Despite a rocky start, the construction of the newly-expanded docks finishes strong. Almost a third larger than the previous ones, they provide ample room for river barges to come and go, trafficking goods down the Kurlak from it's source high in the mountains. Where caravans can make their descent after crossing through one of the mountain passes from the East. The docks are soon bustling with activity, even more than they had experience before, and gold continues to line your treasury as a result.

Rewards: +600 Trade Income gained.

With Alfreds came his lovely wife Lilita, though she's much younger than him in age, they do appear to truly love one another. However, unlike her husband, Lilita is quite adroit at the art of keeping secrets, having served many years as his spymistress when he was Governor. A role she now fills for you. (Pick One)

The Rumor Mill: An extensive network of spies is invaluable in determining what is really going on at home and abroad. Some gold and other lubricants can help secure a steady stream of knowledge flows to your ears. Cost: 250g Chance of Success: 100% Time: >50% 1 year, <50% 2 years Rewards: Rumor Mill/Information Report at the end of turns

Rolled: 56+8 = 64 Needed: 0: Success

Gold changes hands, secrets are whispered in several ears, and those words reach you. You now have a basic espionage web that can give you a general idea of what is going on in other lands. It is by no means extensive, you find anything anyone's trying to hide, and in many cases is just a collection of rumors that may or may not be accurate. But now at least you have an idea of what might be going on behind closed doors. And who knows, it may warn you of something ahead of time.

Rewards: Rumor Mill Update at the end of the turn.

When it comes to matters of Faith, there are few you trust to treat it with the appropriate reverence and ability. Which is why you are handing it yourself. For the better as well, since the theological issues a daughter of the Ash Maiden taking spiritual orders from a random priest would be...thorny. (Pick Two)

The Right Words: If you really want to speed up the spread of the Faith in these lands, you're going to need to translate the Holy Scripture into the local languages. While that might run the risk of dilute the purity of the text, it likely will rapidly speed up any conversion efforts you bring forth in the future. Cost: 500g 1000g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Increased worship of the First Flame in Qūr-dalan and beyond.

Rolled: 42 60+10 = 70 Needed: 40: Success

The first attempt you make to translate the three holy books into Cībarri (the local tongue surrounding the Kurlak river basin), ends terribly, the scribes you higher make numerous errors in translations, and in some cases leave entire lines out! No, that will not do, that will not do at all, you scrap all the translations they had given you previously and start from scratch. This time surveying a new group of scribes personally as they make the translation. It's costly, and time-consuming, but in the end you have a much superior translation. It's not perfect, there were several sections that could not be adequately translated between the two languages, due to lacking vocabulary and context.

However, as far as you are concerned the translation encompasses the core message of what it means to be Sylltāji. You're still worried about divergences in interpretation, but there are things you can do to mitigate that. With these new texts, the spread of the Faith in Qūr-dalan should proceed at an even faster pace. And as Cībarri is one of the most spoken languages for trade in the region, it will likely spread even further still.

Reward: Conversation Rate for Qūr-dalan rises from 2% to 4% per turn. Increase chance of the Sylltāji Faith spreading further. Slightly Increased chance for heresies to form.

A Missionary's Work is Never Done: In your efforts to spread the Faith in these distant lands, you have run into an issue. A shortage of trained priests. So quite a large issue indeed. You want to hunt through local Faithful to find any who you find to be suitable material for Priesthood. Hopefully then you'll have enough for proper missionary work. Cost: 450g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Expands the priesthood active in Qūr-dalan, boosting any conversion efforts.

Rolled: 99+10 = 109 + *Crit Roll*::64 = 173 Needed: 20: Success

The search for priests in Qūr-dalan goes extremely well. You find many individuals who are already hosting readings of the Three Holy Books in their homes and in the streets. It is a simple manner to speak to these exceptional faithful, empowering them to preach the Word of the First Flame as members of His Priests. Soon word of your offer spreads like wildfire, and you soon have more candidates than you know what to do with.

But that's nothing compared to the one who was remarkably persistent in her insistence that she speak with you. And by "remarkably persistent" you mean she led a one woman assault on your palace. You're really going to have to have a word with the Flame Guard about how she managed to incapacitate all of the guards between the outer wall and your chambers.

New Hero Gained:
Asya Talashīrr
Aljann Blade-Mistress
Diplomacy: 9+5 = 14
Martial: 17+6 = 23
Stewardship: 16 = 16
Intrigue: 8 = 8
Piety: 17+5 = 22
Learning: 4 = 4

Blade-Mistress: The dance of death is a complex and deadly art, but there are some who have mastered it as only a true artist can. To them, killing is as natural as breathing. +6 Martial, +20 Combat Skill

Faithful: The fires of faith are deeply ingrained in you. Your piety and commitment to the teachings of the First Flame are a defining part of who you are. +5 Piety (Can be passed down)

Spirit of the Shifting Sands: Deep within the Astrazi Desert dwell the sand spirits, known to the human tribes as the Aljann. It is said they are the guardians of the of the massive Oasis that lies at the center of the great desert. Whatever else, they are rarely seen by humans, and are known for their extreme grace and beauty. (Can be passed down). +5 Diplomacy

Rewards: Massive boost to conversion efforts in Qūr-dalan. Asya Talashīrr. Potential for contact and trade with the Aljann in the Astrazi Desert.

The last member of your council was one you almost looked over when hunting for candidates, until a word from Lilita led you to a secret chamber underneath the Palace Church. It was there Andezjs, the local priest, who it appeared spent his spare time investigating the natural world. With you having taken many of his larger duties as the head of the faith in this city off his hands, he now can put his intellect to work there full time. (Pick One)

The Body is a Temple: One of the Scrolls you discovered appears to be a complete illustration of the human body, complete with annotations from the nameless artist. Andezjs isn't entirely sure those annotations or illustrations are correct mind you, but it is something to be investigated. You just need to find some corpses. Preferable Fresh. Chance of Success: 55% Time: 1 Year Rewards: Better injury recovery, higher disease resistance.

Rolled: 91+9 = 100 +*Crit Roll*::27 = 127 Needed: 45: Success

It is fairly simple for Andezjs to recover the bodies of a few vagrants and criminals to test the accuracy of the drawings you discovered in the library. You and him are both uneasy with the dissection of their corpses, however, you resolve to give them the best burial you possibly can. Whatever their misfortune or crimes in life, they have done you a service in death, and for that you want to reward them. Especially as the rewards prove to be a bounty indeed.

Especially as they help you discover the drawings are not just accurate but frighteningly so. In fact, they are in such detail that Andezjs isn't sure he can truly gauge their accuracy without someway to drastically magnify his vision. Even still, it provides a wealth of knowledge about the layout of the body at a glance. The annotations prove a far tougher issue however, since it is a language neither you or Andezjs speak. Nor could you find anyone else who had seen the language, let alone could read it.

Translation attempts take Andezjs much of the year, the only way is studying what area of the body the annotation correspond with and looking for similar words along a chain of books until you could find a copy in a language someone could read. It is painstaking and exceedingly tedious, and in the end you don't even manage to translate more than a paragraph at most. However, what that paragraph contains is startling. To the best he can tell it speaks of sickness and how it spreads in the body.

Much of it was incomprehensible even when translated, but with some inference Andezjs did manage to figure out that blood was the key. Somehow sickness would get into the blood and from there spread through the body. The annotations were not clear on how this happened, though Andezjs believes it has something to do with air.

Rewards: Injury Recover Time Shortened by One. +10 to all actions dealing with plagues and disease. New research unlocked.

Throughout the hectic nature and constant work of your reign, there is some time you have put aside for yourself, to pursue personal projects and other flights of fancy (Pick One)

Inner Focus: Ever since that first training session you've felt different. Shadows just outside the edge of your vision, strange dreams you cannot remember, a pressure inside you is building. So you'll deal with it the only way you know how, prayer and meditation to cleanse the soul. Hopefully then you can figure out what lurks within. Cost: 0g Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 70% Rewards: More Piety, Chance to Gain Traits, High Roll: ???

Rolled: 80 Needed: 30: Success

You spend much of your free time this year in your chambers, focusing your mind to a keen edge. All in an effort to search within yourself. You have always felt different, like there was something within you, lock deep away. Ever since you had been crowned, those feelings have only gotten stronger. So now you delve into the depths of your mind, searching for a key that only you can see. It takes you months of effort, honing your inner eye, until the light of your soul blazes in your mind. And it is there you find it, deep within the fire of your soul, what you had been searching for.

Within in effort, you reach out and grab it. It is slippery in your mind, and you almost lose it once again, but you grab on with both hands and twist. A fire blazes in your mind, eager behind the gates of your mind. With a twitch and shudder, you break the lock in your mind, and doors of your soul burst open. A new warmth spreads over your, like you had taken your first breath after a lifetime of holding your breath. You open your eyes, and see smoke, it takes you a second to realize what's - oh God your bed is on fire. You scramble off your bed, only to have the flames continue to climb up the sleeve of your dress. You frantically try to wring it out, but it refuses to dim.

As you panic, slowly the realization dawns on you that you feel no pain. Even though your hand should be charred to the bone by now. As you calm, you notice a tugging sensation in your hand, where the fire merrily burns. You focus on it and pull, and the sense of warmth returns to your body, while the flames surrounding your arm disappear, leaving only the charred remains of the sleeve. But your arm remains completely unharmed. You stop and marvel at what you just did, until the crack as the support in your bedframe gives way snaps you out of it. Confidently you try and pull that fire into you as well, but a splitting headache stops you in your tracks.

Well, that is unfortunate. You're going to need to do something about that.

Rewards: -250g to replace your dress and bed. Almost burned down the entire castle. Your voice is raspy from smoke inhalation. Oh and you can do magic.

Trait: [Hidden Potential] Lost

Trait: [The Gift] Gained.

New personal actions gained.

A/N: WHY!?!? HOW!? WHAT IS MY LIFE?! :cry:
Huh. How about that. We're a wizard.

New Hero Gained:
Asya Talashīrr
Aljann Blade-Mistress
Diplomacy: 9+5 = 14
Martial: 17+6 = 23
Stewardship: 16 = 16
Intrigue: 8 = 8
Piety: 17+5 = 22
Learning: 4 = 4

Blade-Mistress: The dance of death is a complex and deadly art, but there are some who have mastered it as only a true artist can. To them, killing is as natural as breathing. +6 Martial, +20 Combat Skill

Faithful: The fires of faith are deeply ingrained in you. Your piety and commitment to the teachings of the First Flame are a defining part of who you are. +5 Piety (Can be passed down)

Spirit of the Shifting Sands: Deep within the Astrazi Desert dwell the sand spirits, known to the human tribes as the Aljann. It is said they are the guardians of the of the massive Oasis that lies at the center of the great desert. Whatever else, they are rarely seen by humans, and are known for their extreme grace and beauty. (Can be passed down). +5 Diplomacy

Rewards: Massive boost to conversion efforts in Qūr-dalan. Asya Talashīrr. Potential for contact and trade with the Aljann in the Astrazi Desert.

*tilts head* ooooookay then

is she gonna replace one of our advisors, or? Cause she's better at diplo and martial than our current advisors, holy balls
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Is she gonna replace one our advisors, or? Cause she's better at diplo and martial than our current advisors, holy balls
Yes, she can. Hero Units are special characters who you can gain as rewards for specifically high rolls. They can take over as advisors, and they can (if they're so inclined) to lend their aid and appear in the more narrative sections of the quests, as well as providing personal actions for interacting with them.
Well if we put her on martial I think that would give us second action there since it is over 20. For the patrolling the road would it be possible to add another legion to it this turn to better combat bandits, plus it would let one of the new green legions gain some experience.

If we do that I think we need to raise another legion so that we will have two in reserve. But wow this was an amazing turn for us, and everyone in our province likes us now!
inb4 next round is cursed x.x

nah, but it should be fine as long as you stay away from omake bonii. that shit would take the table and send it spinning into space
Yeah, no, I'm not giving dice roll bonuses for omakes. That way lies madness, and power creep, and also me likely hitting the bottle. I might decide to give alternate rewards for people taking the time to write omakes, but they're not going to add modifiers.
Looking ahead, we really do need to make sure the dynastic alliances stay intact. I think it's probably best to start working on that next turn, especially since the domestic situation looks to be fairly stable and going well. External threats are thus likely, and a prosperous and underdefended province looks like a tempting target. A continued military buildup is thus also advisable; being able to field 20,000 standing infantry is a nice "base" for an army, practically a minimal level of armed force needed for even basic credibility.

What we really badly seem to need, though, is a source of light cavalry. Väljad is the largest province, and seems to encompass a steppe-region while bordering on even more steppe complete with nomad tribes. The Flame Guard are super-heavy cavalry and so unsuitable for the routine patrolling, scouting, raiding, and screening duties cavalry is needed for. They're also really expensive, and hard to support in the sheer numbers needed to provide coverage for the Empire. Good relations with the nomads is probably the most obvious way to get the necessary light cavalry, perhaps also aided by successful conversion efforts; though of course that requires rolling dice and disturbing the status-quo of benign neglect. The history of the Turks after their conversion to Islam might also offer a bit of a caution as nomadic peoples can very easily disorder a settled and stable bureaucratic empire.

I'd really prefer to hedge bets by looking to the nomads and developing a force of light cavalry from more settled populations with good reason to remain loyal to the dynasty over the long run. I'm not sure how to go about that second path, though.