Unpopular opinions we have on fiction

"Let's go! open up, it's time for Unpop!"
Alright, time for my mandatory Unpopular Opinions Post. Let's get this over with.
"You're late. You know the deal. You can Omelaspost for a Funny, or you can make an interesting post for an Insightful."
Here in Unpopular Opinions Poster Civilisation, no one chooses to make interesting posts. It's better to make the one joke everyone knows for the Funny, rather than risk your entire life for just one Insightful rating.
"Tomorrow you better not be late, or I'll have you posting for Informative reactions as punishment."
"Yes sir, sorry, I won't be late next time."

Down here, us Omelasposters only get one Rating a day. One Funny rating is just enough to get your post:reaction ratio to the next day. But that's the life of Unpopular Opinions Poster Civilisation. If you wanna survive, you have to Unpopular Opinions Post. Every Omelasposter has the same goal, and that's to make it to the top thread, where all the Brothers Karamazovposters live. Except, most Brothers Karamazovposters are born on the top thread. If you're an Omelasposter, there's only one way up, and that is through the Temple of Unpopular Opinions. The Temple of Unpopular Opinions is the only structure on SV that combines the bottom thread to the top thread. To make it up, you have to post an impossibly hard Unpopular Opinion Reply that no Omelasposter has ever completed. And that's assuming you even get the chance to post the reply in the thread. The inside of the Temple is protected by a barrier and the only way an Omelasposter gets past the barrier is if they've earned a gilded post. I've never even tried getting a gilded post before, but if I'm going to rank up to a Brothers Karamazovposter one day, I'm gonna have to.
400 pages already? Man, you people complain a lot. What a bunch of fucking nerds. :rolleyes:

Anyway your favorite anime is shit because your tastes are shit.
Anyway your favorite anime is shit because your tastes are shit.

I wonder sometimes if this isn't the core reason why nerds can turn into such sperg-lords. Most people don't really care if you like something they don't like or isn't very good.

But get into fandoms and you will find people who are compelled to tell you exactly why your tastes are horrible and you are wrong to have them. And nowehere will you find hardcore fans in a greater density than among people who self identify as nerds.

Really, we're kind of enormous assholes to each other. And then we internalize it.

Sorry, off topic musing.

Hmm . . .

Thread Tax : I enjoy Peter Molyneux's games. People say he over promises and under delivers. But I feel like he does it in a good way that strives to push his products further without turning them into unplayable wrecks.
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Anyway your favorite anime is shit because your tastes are shit.

I wonder sometimes if this isn't the core reason why nerds can turn into such sperg-lords. Most people don't really care if you like something they don't like or isn't very good.

But get into fandoms and you will find people who are compelled to tell you exactly why your tastes are horrible and you are wrong to have them. And nowehere will you find hardcore fans in a greater density than among people who self identify as nerds.

Really, we're kind of enormous assholes to each other.

It really doesn't help that a lot of anime bashing can ultimately be summed up as "cultural chauvinism", alas.
The best Batman movies are all animated, like Return of the Joker and Under the Red Hood.

Christian Bale is an embarrassment as Batman.
Christian Bale is an embarrassment as Batman.
What about his performance is so bad, if you don't mind me asking? I don't see many people posting/talking about acting critique here on SV since the process and craft is so ephemeral and hard to discuss without intimate knowledge.
.... The first one is UNPOPULAR?

Whenever people talk about the best Batman movies, do you hear Mask of thePhantasm come up ore The Dark Knight?

I mean, it's simple economics or something like that. More people are aware of the big Hollywood movies like Batman '89 or TDK while things like Under the Red Hood are relatively obscure.
What about his performance is so bad, if you don't mind me asking? I don't see many people posting/talking about acting critique here on SV since the process and craft is so ephemeral and hard to discuss without intimate knowledge.

His Batman voice is pretty much a meme/joke at this point. WHERE ARE THEY?!!! It's so forced and cartoonish. There's no way I can believe anyone is actually scared of this man.

It's so laughable even Kevin Conroy - legendary voice of Batman in the DCAU - has gone on record saying he doesn't like it.
Kevin Conroy Calls Out Christian Bale's Batman Voice
His Batman voice is pretty much a meme/joke at this point. WHERE ARE THEY?!!! It's so forced and cartoonish. There's no way I can believe anyone is actually scared of this man.

It's so laughable even Kevin Conroy - legendary voice of Batman in the DCAU - has gone on record saying he doesn't like it.
Kevin Conroy Calls Out Christian Bale's Batman Voice
I'm more inclined to chalk that up to a directing thing? I agree it's pretty ridiculous but I'm not sure that the blame there is actually at Bale, instead of Nolan for telling him to sound like that in the first place. I don't know if there's any way to find out short of asking, though :(
His Batman voice is pretty much a meme/joke at this point. WHERE ARE THEY?!!! It's so forced and cartoonish. There's no way I can believe anyone is actually scared of this man.

It's so laughable even Kevin Conroy - legendary voice of Batman in the DCAU - has gone on record saying he doesn't like it.
Kevin Conroy Calls Out Christian Bale's Batman Voice
It's the definition of trying too hard.

Then again, it's arguably in character for Bale's remote, psychologically stunted Batman.
I felt like Batman in the Nolan movies shouldn't have really been talking, and the Bat voice would be okay once or twice when he needs to. But he'd revert to his normal voice as things break down.

I mean, that's not how it worked out. But it should have.

I didn't like Under the Red Hood all that much.

I hate how the recentish DC animated features have been animated. It's all the same kind of boring, less stylized version of the DCAU bullshit.
Joss Whedon is kinda pretty terrible.

I grew up with Buffy the Vampire Slayer and I'm proud of that fact. But Joss gets too much credit there and in Angel. There were several individual writers that helped make those shows great - or terrible, as in the case of the infamously awful BtvS Season 4 writer who gave us shit like Beer Bad or that episode about Buffy and Riley fucking for 40 minutes.

Point is, quality was something dependent on people with names nobody remembers. Whedon doesn't deserve all the props.

He does deserve all the hate though for killing Tara because his painfully limited imagination made him think that was the only way to drive Willow's character forward.

And then there was that shit he pulled in Runaways, inserting Punisher just so Frank can get beaten up because Joss has a weird ax to grind.

And I don't like Avengers but I've been over that. Alien: Resurrection should be self-explanatory and a good showcase of Whedon's "writing ability."
Joss Whedon is kinda pretty terrible.

I grew up with Buffy the Vampire Slayer and I'm proud of that fact. But Joss gets too much credit there and in Angel. There were several individual writers that helped make those shows great - or terrible, as in the case of the infamously awful BtvS Season 4 writer who gave us shit like Beer Bad or that episode about Buffy and Riley fucking for 40 minutes.

Point is, quality was something dependent on people with names nobody remembers. Whedon doesn't deserve all the props.

He does deserve all the hate though for killing Tara because his painfully limited imagination made him think that was the only way to drive Willow's character forward.

And then there was that shit he pulled in Runaways, inserting Punisher just so Frank can get beaten up because Joss has a weird ax to grind.

And I don't like Avengers but I've been over that. Alien: Resurrection should be self-explanatory and a good showcase of Whedon's "writing ability."

Well, I liked Dr. Horrible? And I think that was mostly Joss Whedon?

Note: It had plenty of flaws. I still liked it.
Well, I liked Dr. Horrible? And I think that was mostly Joss Whedon?

Note: It had plenty of flaws. I still liked it.
One of the reasons Dr. Horrible was good was because it wrapped up its story in the span of over 40 minutes or so before Joss Whedon's usual cliches start to become egregious.

Also it had Neil Patrick Harris and Nathan Fillion in it, which is also a plus.
Joss Whedon's larger impact on media and the tropes and cliches he helped spawn are literally Satan.

To be more precise, Whedon style snark is Baphomet. Psychologically damaged kung fu waifs are Lucifer, and Xander type nice guy norm protagonists are Belial.
Joss Whedon's larger impact on media and the tropes and cliches he helped spawn are literally Satan.

To be more precise, Whedon style snark is Baphomet. Psychologically damaged kung fu waifs are Lucifer, and Xander type nice guy norm protagonists are Belial.

The more time passes, the less enamored I am with witty in-fight banter, or even snark. Like, especially when the situation really shouldn't have that sort of thing? Like, it makes me wonder where all of the broken snark is. Like, people who really do talk sarcastically and make quips, but then when they're actually in danger or actually angry there's none of that cleverness and they just snap out insults.

(...I admit I did play with it as a joke in a fic I wrote that nobody seems to have commented on. :( )
Joss Whedon is kinda pretty terrible.

I grew up with Buffy the Vampire Slayer and I'm proud of that fact. But Joss gets too much credit there and in Angel. There were several individual writers that helped make those shows great - or terrible, as in the case of the infamously awful BtvS Season 4 writer who gave us shit like Beer Bad or that episode about Buffy and Riley fucking for 40 minutes.

Point is, quality was something dependent on people with names nobody remembers. Whedon doesn't deserve all the props.

He does deserve all the hate though for killing Tara because his painfully limited imagination made him think that was the only way to drive Willow's character forward.

And then there was that shit he pulled in Runaways, inserting Punisher just so Frank can get beaten up because Joss has a weird ax to grind.

And I don't like Avengers but I've been over that. Alien: Resurrection should be self-explanatory and a good showcase of Whedon's "writing ability."
My biggest issue with Whedon beyond his very limited ability to write characters that are different from one another is that he seems to want credit as this great progressive voice for women and the LBGT community when he really isn't. I mean he's not actively misogynistic but he's hardly a revolutionary. Like he acts like putting women in lead action roles was his invention when not only was that increasingly common before his big break. Meanwhile I don't think he's ever put a major LBTG character in any of his shows since Buffy. All that would be at least a little better if he actually wrote stories about female or LBGT empowerment, which as far as I can tell he hasn't. He's fallen into the trap where giving a female character super powers and making her untouchable is the same thing. The "female character, strong vs strong female character" debate more or less. That's not even getting into the weird sex issues he seems to have.
Huh - apparently Whedon's whole relationship with Marvel went to shit after Age of Ultron, which he hates, and now he's working on a Batgirl movie.

Don't know how I feel about this.