Unpopular opinions we have on fiction

"Let's go! open up, it's time for Unpop!"
Alright, time for my mandatory Unpopular Opinions Post. Let's get this over with.
"You're late. You know the deal. You can Omelaspost for a Funny, or you can make an interesting post for an Insightful."
Here in Unpopular Opinions Poster Civilisation, no one chooses to make interesting posts. It's better to make the one joke everyone knows for the Funny, rather than risk your entire life for just one Insightful rating.
"Tomorrow you better not be late, or I'll have you posting for Informative reactions as punishment."
"Yes sir, sorry, I won't be late next time."

Down here, us Omelasposters only get one Rating a day. One Funny rating is just enough to get your post:reaction ratio to the next day. But that's the life of Unpopular Opinions Poster Civilisation. If you wanna survive, you have to Unpopular Opinions Post. Every Omelasposter has the same goal, and that's to make it to the top thread, where all the Brothers Karamazovposters live. Except, most Brothers Karamazovposters are born on the top thread. If you're an Omelasposter, there's only one way up, and that is through the Temple of Unpopular Opinions. The Temple of Unpopular Opinions is the only structure on SV that combines the bottom thread to the top thread. To make it up, you have to post an impossibly hard Unpopular Opinion Reply that no Omelasposter has ever completed. And that's assuming you even get the chance to post the reply in the thread. The inside of the Temple is protected by a barrier and the only way an Omelasposter gets past the barrier is if they've earned a gilded post. I've never even tried getting a gilded post before, but if I'm going to rank up to a Brothers Karamazovposter one day, I'm gonna have to.
I'm reminded that when the Tau saw Imperium's titans, they at first disbelieved them as propaganda because noone sane would built such poorly designed weapons platforms. And when they saw that they're real, they just brought artillery.
It's a shame the Manta didn't catch on as a model because the image of a giant death robot being pummeled to oblivion by repeated runs from the 40k equivalent of an F-14 Tomcat is hilarious.

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Space Marines aren't just Tacticals, specially not in the age of Primaris Marines.

Stuff like Inceptors, Hellblasters, Eliminators or the new Desolators are well equipped to take out Crisis Suits.

We are quite beyond the age of the Bolter equipped tactical being the core of Space Marine forces, as Cawl massively updated and upgraded Space Marines armories in addition to the Primaris Rubicon.
Space Marines aren't just Tacticals, specially not in the age of Primaris Marines.

Stuff like Inceptors, Hellblasters, Eliminators or the new Desolators are well equipped to take out Crisis Suits.

We are quite beyond the age of the Bolter equipped tactical being the core of Space Marine forces, as Cawl massively updated and upgraded Space Marines armories in addition to the Primaris Rubicon.
Were Primaris at Damocles Gulf?

(also fuck Cawl and fuck the Primaris)
I am sort of amused at the hatred some people have for the Primaris. Beyond that I was under the impression that various marine chapters tended to have different specialities beyond just shooting things with bolters.

Like The Salamanders being obsessed with fire to the point it effects both their weapons and gear, the dark angels being obsessed with secrets espeically their own and hiding them, the space wolves fixation, , the white scars liking going really fast to the point its shapes the sort of vehicles they use, the ultramarine's codex obsession and ability to forget that their primarch has a sense of humor and so forth.

And then you got the totally not descended from loyalist word bearers Blood Ravens and their amazing ability to acquire 'gifts' from various chapters.
They were not, it was well before the idea of them was forged in the deepest pits of hell
Space Marines aren't just Tacticals, specially not in the age of Primaris Marines.

Stuff like Inceptors, Hellblasters, Eliminators or the new Desolators are well equipped to take out Crisis Suits.

We are quite beyond the age of the Bolter equipped tactical being the core of Space Marine forces, as Cawl massively updated and upgraded Space Marines armories in addition to the Primaris Rubicon.
There we go. I don't need to even pretend for a moment that the Primaris are anything but a bit of glass irritatingly stuck in my eye.

I am sort of amused at the hatred some people have for the Primaris. Beyond that I was under the impression that various marine chapters tended to have different specialities beyond just shooting things with bolters.

Like The Salamanders being obsessed with fire to the point it effects both their weapons and gear, the dark angels being obsessed with secrets espeically their own and hiding them, the space wolves fixation, , the white scars liking going really fast to the point its shapes the sort of vehicles they use, the ultramarine's codex obsession and ability to forget that their primarch has a sense of humor and so forth.

And then you got the totally not descended from loyalist word bearers Blood Ravens and their amazing ability to acquire 'gifts' from various chapters.
They're double-special Space Marines, fuck them. Emphasis broader tactics among the normal Space Marines, or, even better, emphasize the Space Marines as Magic Space Knights and drop the annoying supersoldier stuff entirely. They're bad super soldiers and always have been, they'd be so much cooler as sickass magic knights with narrative magic due to the mass of belief in them as divine emissaries.
Primaris Marines to me mostly just feel like they very much homogenize the idea of a "Space Marine" whereas a lot of the draw is that you have a lot of Chapters that have different vibes to them. Primaris all feel like they are drawn from the colleges Ultramarine style and I don't think the way they are split up and super specialized is all that fun.

That being said I actually really like Cawl, I just wish he was doing more interesting stuff in setting.
Can I say I find it hilarious how people are talking how wasteful and "unrealistic" Space Marines are... in defense of crisis suit. A mecha suit.

In a setting with literal magic demons and living bioweapons whose technology works because they collectively believe it works.

It's kinda silly if you ask me.
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Primaris marines were invented because Games Workshop was butthurt they weren't allowed to claim the term "space marine" as a common law trademark. After that attempt to seize the terminology was repudiated was when the books started coming out with new, trademark-friendly names for everything. Eldar became Aeldari, Dark eldar became Drukhari, and the Imperial Guard became officially titled the Astra Militarum, while over in fantasy the dwarves became the Kharadon Overlords, etc. And every single space marine unit was given a proprietary name. No more "space marines" it's now "primaris marine inceptors" and "primaris infernus squad" and in place of "space marine squads" you now have "primaris marine assault/heavy/veteran intercessors."

And yes, they exist to sell more models, but that's a bonus perk because it meant GW could update the whole line. Around the same time period as the "space marine" lawsuit, GW also threw a shiftfit because they'd similarly gotten their knuckles wrapped by the legal system after suing Chapterhouse, a maker of generic cheap alternative to game models like those used in 40k, the result of which was the Great Removening, a dark time where any unit in a codex that didn't have an officially-produced GW model was scrubbed from the game, like the Doom of Malan'tai.*

Primaris Marines to me mostly just feel like they very much homogenize the idea of a "Space Marine" whereas a lot of the draw is that you have a lot of Chapters that have different vibes to them. Primaris all feel like they are drawn from the colleges Ultramarine style and I don't think the way they are split up and super specialized is all that fun.

One of the more annoying ways the primaris have been handled is that you'd think their more modular squad system would make it easy to build chapters around varying loadouts. Fast moving chapters could primarily use vanguard sets of armor while chapters like the Salamanders could be structured around lots and lots of infernus and hellblaster squads. Instead they've just kind of sat back and waved vaguely, saying "Yeah everyone has everything now" and while it's nice to always have the option to build whatever army you want, it would be good to see more recommendations that make different chapters feel and play differently, like the way certain characters in the Horus Heresy game can make a type of Elite or Heavy options into Troops, or how old HQ options could give an entire army Hatred or Preferred Enemy (faction).

Can I say I find it hilarious how.people are talkkng how wasteful and "ubrealistix" Space Marines are... in defense of crisis suit. A mecha suit.

In a setting with literal magic demons and living bioweapons whose technology works because they collectively believe it works.

It's kinda silly if you ask me.

Yes but space marines are normal and boring and generic manly men with manly muscles frowning manily. The eternal nerd war between oversized power armour users in tracked vehicles and anime pilots in super robots is an SV staple at this point.

And if anyone admitted it was all unrealistic and down to personal preference the thread would explode :V
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Ironically it's the humble tactical squad, with its organic special and heavy weapon, that is still the best of all Space Marine formations.
Looking at tournament results Tactical squads are on the way out, the baseline units seem to be Assault Intercessors and Scouts (what's this? 7th Edition?). Annedoctally I've seen a lot of Intercessors? around locally; the few that still use tacticals use them because they have them around, and are phasing them out or changing army entirely.

FRankly I expect tacticals to be removed as options once the molds are run through/supply expires, it's evident that since 8th they're pushing Primaris hard.
Looking at tournament results Tactical squads are on the way out, the baseline units seem to be Assault Intercessors and Scouts (what's this? 7th Edition?).

Pardon me, I mean in the abstract. With the current rules specialists are really favoured, as I understand it.

As for phasing them out, I think it's possible, though it wasn't that long ago they did a new run of firstborn with updated proportions.
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My hot 40k take: I think a Dark Eldar Kabal taking over a hive world as one part base of operations and one part misery farm has decent odds of improving both quality of life and social mobility for the vast majority of inhabitants compared to how things are normally run or, at worst, would result in little to no change.
My hot 40k take: I think a Dark Eldar Kabal taking over a hive world as one part base of operations and one part misery farm has decent odds of improving both quality of life and social mobility for the vast majority of inhabitants compared to how things are normally run or, at worst, would result in little to no change.

Ironically, this would bereave yet another non-human faction of the very thing that makes them special :V

So just by 40k's worldbuilding logic I don't think this can hold true.
I'm sure any individual who became under the attention of the said dark eldar would have it worse.
But i could see them caring enough about the humans to go out of their way to oppress them the way Imperium does.
I don't really care about the Primaris Marine backlash. It is Space Marine players complaining about new Space Marine kits and either eventually buying them anyway or moving to Heresy and buying Heresy Marines specialist kits.

In a way I find it hilarious really.
My hot 40k take: I think a Dark Eldar Kabal taking over a hive world as one part base of operations and one part misery farm has decent odds of improving both quality of life and social mobility for the vast majority of inhabitants compared to how things are normally run or, at worst, would result in little to no change.
I don't know if it would be better, but it would probably take awhile for the folks in the underhive to actually notice the change. Like a century or two.
Honestly given what apparently happened to the Dark Eldar on Terra I would just suspect they would end up overdosing into a comatose state on an Imperial Hive world if they stayed for long.
Are Primaris minis even appreciably bigger than normal marines? Because already they just feel like an exercise in rebranding normal ass marines so they can sell more with minimum change to production. If they're bigger then it starts looking like some situation where they get tax breaks for using up all their waste plastic instead of dumping it.

Imo they should have gone whole hog on embracing marine mutations to reflect the changing Imperium. Gimme more Wulfen, more crazy special abilities, have Blood Angels start sprouting wings so they look like the Crucible Knights from Elden Ring.
I'm reminded of seeing some calculations that show that it is actively cheaper to buy a mid-range Resin 3D Printer and buy a few .stl minis to print them yourself than it is to assemble an average-scale starting 40k army.