Unpopular opinions we have on fiction

"Let's go! open up, it's time for Unpop!"
Alright, time for my mandatory Unpopular Opinions Post. Let's get this over with.
"You're late. You know the deal. You can Omelaspost for a Funny, or you can make an interesting post for an Insightful."
Here in Unpopular Opinions Poster Civilisation, no one chooses to make interesting posts. It's better to make the one joke everyone knows for the Funny, rather than risk your entire life for just one Insightful rating.
"Tomorrow you better not be late, or I'll have you posting for Informative reactions as punishment."
"Yes sir, sorry, I won't be late next time."

Down here, us Omelasposters only get one Rating a day. One Funny rating is just enough to get your post:reaction ratio to the next day. But that's the life of Unpopular Opinions Poster Civilisation. If you wanna survive, you have to Unpopular Opinions Post. Every Omelasposter has the same goal, and that's to make it to the top thread, where all the Brothers Karamazovposters live. Except, most Brothers Karamazovposters are born on the top thread. If you're an Omelasposter, there's only one way up, and that is through the Temple of Unpopular Opinions. The Temple of Unpopular Opinions is the only structure on SV that combines the bottom thread to the top thread. To make it up, you have to post an impossibly hard Unpopular Opinion Reply that no Omelasposter has ever completed. And that's assuming you even get the chance to post the reply in the thread. The inside of the Temple is protected by a barrier and the only way an Omelasposter gets past the barrier is if they've earned a gilded post. I've never even tried getting a gilded post before, but if I'm going to rank up to a Brothers Karamazovposter one day, I'm gonna have to.
Are Primaris minis even appreciably bigger than normal marines?

Yeah, they actually are. It was really noticeable when they were first introduced because one of the focuses of the Primaris run was improving the proportions of old Space Marine models which were, even by 40k standards, completely whack. The size difference is now less pronounced as GW has released firstborn with modern proportions, but the Primaris models are still taller.

I can't really prove this or anything but I think this is reflected in the secondary materials. The early books etc featuring Primaris tend to present them as toweringly huge compared to the firstborn, but more recently you get the sense that they're closer in size. Uriel Ventris ended up half a head taller in Swords of Calth, which is about the height difference between the models now that they all have updated proportions.
Yeah, they actually are. It was really noticeable when they were first introduced because one of the focuses of the Primaris run was improving the proportions of old Space Marine models which were, even by 40k standards, completely whack. The size difference is now less pronounced as GW has released firstborn with modern proportions, but the Primaris models are still taller.

I can't really prove this or anything but I think this is reflected in the secondary materials. The early books etc featuring Primaris tend to present them as toweringly huge compared to the firstborn, but more recently you get the sense that they're closer in size. Uriel Ventris ended up half a head taller in Swords of Calth, which is about the height difference between the models now that they all have updated proportions.
They're noted to be taller that normal marines, yeah.
You know, aside from not acknowledging Age of Sigmar as canon, I actually think the Stormcast Eternals are better than Space Marines in general. They are just all around more interesting as a generic force than the Primaris. The combo of them (As far as I know) actually having lives outside the armor and a lot of them just being ordinary people I just think is nifty.

It is too bad Age of Sigmar is against my religion and also I think the design of the Stormcast in general is a little bad.

The Stormcast are interesting because they are divine demi-god supersoldiers who were plucked from the brink of death to serve as symbols of hope / determination / whatever and infused with the power of Sigmar, but they are still just people at the end of the day, they're not brainwashed super-soldiers (and interestingly enough, I think there's at least one that's a redeemed ex-Champion of Chaos). Although they do have something kinda similar going on in that although they can be brought back when they die, every time they do they start to lose bits and pieces of themselves along the way. So they have a sense of tragedy as well, but it's a bit more... personal for them rather than the sorta distant "oh man that kinda sucks" you get from the Space Marines being the child-soldier survivors of the worst basic training known to man.
The Stormcast are interesting because they are divine demi-god supersoldiers who were plucked from the brink of death to serve as symbols of hope / determination / whatever and infused with the power of Sigmar, but they are still just people at the end of the day, they're not brainwashed super-soldiers (and interestingly enough, I think there's at least one that's a redeemed ex-Champion of Chaos). Although they do have something kinda similar going on in that although they can be brought back when they die, every time they do they start to lose bits and pieces of themselves along the way. So they have a sense of tragedy as well, but it's a bit more... personal for them rather than the sorta distant "oh man that kinda sucks" you get from the Space Marines being the child-soldier survivors of the worst basic training known to man.
They don't lose pieces of themselves, when Sigmar resurrects a Stormcast he directly steals the soul from Nagash and every time Nagash keeps a little more of the Stormcast for himself and as a result with every death the Stormcast grow colder and more machine like, less a person and more automaton.

Though I don't think any of them have yet gotten to the point where Nagash owns enough of them to just block Sigmar from yoinking them back and making their death permanent.
They don't lose pieces of themselves, when Sigmar resurrects a Stormcast he directly steals the soul from Nagash and every time Nagash keeps a little more of the Stormcast for himself and as a result with every death the Stormcast grow colder and more machine like, less a person and more automaton.

Though I don't think any of them have yet gotten to the point where Nagash owns enough of them to just block Sigmar from yoinking them back and making their death permanent.
That sounds a lot like 'they lose pieces of themselves' with extra details.
They don't lose pieces of themselves, when Sigmar resurrects a Stormcast he directly steals the soul from Nagash and every time Nagash keeps a little more of the Stormcast for himself and as a result with every death the Stormcast grow colder and more machine like, less a person and more automaton.

Though I don't think any of them have yet gotten to the point where Nagash owns enough of them to just block Sigmar from yoinking them back and making their death permanent.

OK, the fact that it's just Sigmar and Nagash playing stretch armstrong with their soul makes this even better.
Sucker Punch would have been a better or at least more memorable film if it had tried to string together the insane gonzo fight scenes that everyone was actually interested with an actual insane gonzo plot instead of it all being some kind of bullshit metaphor far beyond Snyders ability to pull of.
Sucker Punch would have been a better or at least more memorable film if it had tried to string together the insane gonzo fight scenes that everyone was actually interested with an actual insane gonzo plot instead of it all being some kind of bullshit metaphor far beyond Snyders ability to pull of.
Zach Snyder could barely manage a pseudo-Arthurian narrative with his Justice League flicks it is astounding to me we have people who act like he is some misunderstood auteur.
That sounds a lot like 'they lose pieces of themselves' with extra details.
'losing pieces of themselves' sounds like them having trauma or some other phenomenon that relies on them being involved somehow.

What actually happens is they have pieces of their souls actively ripped out by Nagash every time they die because as God of Death they are rightfully his and Sigmar uses his OP PLS Nerf powers to just steal them before he can do much of anything.
I don't know much about age of Sigmar but from what I gathered Nagash only managed to become the god of undeath given at least one death deity is still runing around in age of Sigmar called Morrida who just seems to be the old world death god Morri under a different name.
IMO Stormcast is disappointing to me because if you're making Ersatz Space Marines without the space racism it stands to reason that you could and maybe should go a bot more wild with it. Especially if your Warhammer alt-universe hews closer to He-Man. Do shit like have Stormcast with lion or even eagle heads, beefed up and badassed to the point to not be perceived as furry.

One of the reasons I think the Space Wolves couldn't get away with Wulfen in Doylist terms is that they were already putting Wolf on everything to the point of seeming fetishistic.

It was really noticeable when they were first introduced because one of the focuses of the Primaris run was improving the proportions of old Space Marine models which were, even by 40k standards, completely whack.

Okay, that is an understandable reason to do a big new model push. Still feels a bit like marketing grease magician tricks to hype up Super Space Marines so you can sell mostly identical models, but hey.

One thing I do like Primaris marines is just looking straight better silhouette wise just because they get a couple feet in hieight. I never liked the big and bulky pauldrons armour sensibility, I think tall and relatively narrow just looks cooler. Primaris aren't to the dark souls extent I'd prefer but they look a bit less like rescue heroes now.
By what right? Calling yourself the God of Death doesn't give you the right to imprison and enslave people. Rightfully the souls belong to themselves.

Because he's Nagash, and largely just an evil egomaniacal bastard who in Warhammer Fantasy basically wanted to created a world of Undeath just so he could rule it.
IMO Stormcast is disappointing to me because if you're making Ersatz Space Marines without the space racism it stands to reason that you could and maybe should go a bot more wild with it. Especially if your Warhammer alt-universe hews closer to He-Man. Do shit like have Stormcast with lion or even eagle heads, beefed up and badassed to the point to not be perceived as furry.

One of the reasons I think the Space Wolves couldn't get away with Wulfen in Doylist terms is that they were already putting Wolf on everything to the point of seeming fetishistic.

Okay, that is an understandable reason to do a big new model push. Still feels a bit like marketing grease magician tricks to hype up Super Space Marines so you can sell mostly identical models, but hey.

One thing I do like Primaris marines is just looking straight better silhouette wise just because they get a couple feet in hieight. I never liked the big and bulky pauldrons armour sensibility, I think tall and relatively narrow just looks cooler. Primaris aren't to the dark souls extent I'd prefer but they look a bit less like rescue heroes now.
Not sure if this is an unpopular take, but my favorite Space Marine Legion is the Space Wolves, in part because I do actually think they are cool as hell, endless use of wolf and all, but also because I do really enjoy their friction and conflict with the Imperium and how much they really stretch being Space Marines in the traditional sense.
Not sure if this is an unpopular take, but my favorite Space Marine Legion is the Space Wolves, in part because I do actually think they are cool as hell, endless use of wolf and all, but also because I do really enjoy their friction and conflict with the Imperium and how much they really stretch being Space Marines in the traditional sense.
Out of curiosity how do they stretch being Space Marines? They flaunt the Codex Astartes but it's not really unusual especially for a First Founding Chapter and the only true human thing I can ascribe to them is that they get drunk, which most Space Marines would likely not do due to their warrior monk sensibilities.
Out of curiosity how do they stretch being Space Marines? They flaunt the Codex Astartes but it's not really unusual especially for a First Founding Chapter and the only true human thing I can ascribe to them is that they get drunk, which most Space Marines would likely not do due to their warrior monk sensibilities.
Essentially that really, Space Wolves have just more of a capacity to live their lives and do as they please. There are also some great implications with them that the indoctrination isn't absolute and the physical changes are so pronounced they lose so much of the clean cut nature of a lot of how GW tries to present everything now.
Pope Skeletor is fun to watch in the way a housefire is, because he is a man genuinely truly convinced that the best possible world is one in which he is the only thinking agency having being in all of creation. He doesn't want to dominate or rule or control, because that implies that other things with will exist to be dominated ruled or controlled. Just a man by himself playing with his dolls forever.
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The Imperium is the most evil regime imaginable in the setting because of their shameless popery. The Dark Eldar might be super evil, but they aren't Catholic evil. 40K has to be understood in its very British context.
Sucker Punch would have been a better or at least more memorable film if it had tried to string together the insane gonzo fight scenes that everyone was actually interested with an actual insane gonzo plot instead of it all being some kind of bullshit metaphor far beyond Snyders ability to pull of.
Thinking Zach Snyder needs a strong plot to link his gonzo visuals into a coherent film?

My hot take is that people need to get over themselves and stop performatively hating on Age of Sigmar.

It's been ten years.

End Times was dogshit but Age of Sigmar is its own thing, its own setting with its own story and themes, and I genuinely do wish we could discuss it in SV-adjacent spaces without people declaring how much they hate it and everything it stands for.
My hot take is that people need to get over themselves and stop performatively hating on Age of Sigmar.

It's been ten years.

End Times was dogshit but Age of Sigmar is its own thing, its own setting with its own story and themes, and I genuinely do wish we could discuss it in SV-adjacent spaces without people declaring how much they hate it and everything it stands for.
I do agree with this, I don't particularly like it compared to the actual warhammer fantasy setting, but people are overwrought about it. Though frankly I place that blame fully on GW deciding that they needed to completely blow up and actively maliciously shit on a thing a ton of people liked in order to launch their new spin off. When your business model is all about getting people deeply invested in your setting emotionally and financially through their pile of extremely expensive, meticulously self painted mini's, maybe don't do that lol.