- Location
- Norway
[X] Yes.
Why is Seraphina important?
Why is Seraphina important?
I personally don't understand how combat works so I really don't want to figure it out.
Madam Pandamonium said:
Rook Schneizel said:Eh, I still say Miss Kermit is the coin bank we should have chosen.
Madam Pandamonium said:How Dare you?! do you net see that plump, pink skin, those little legs, and those small, trusting eyes? Have you no heart at all?!
Rook Schneziel said:
madam Pandamonium said:... Anyways. You could buy a small castle at that price, are we sure we want to proceed with it? We could still go dungeon diving, heard something about Wales...
Hogerr said:
Martial player3 said:Still though, a high-quality sword that could last us forever is worth it. No replacements add up long term and all the money in the world won't matter if we're dead.
skeptical pork said:Are we even sure he's the right guy?
I mean, he looks shifty to me...
For all we know, the old drunk was the true master, and we're failing his test right now!
Martial player2 said:If he's trying to test us while we're trying to buy his wares why should we care? He should be glad to have our services. Not many people can afford these expensive prices after all. His loss basically.
GOOD QM said:
Rook Schneizel said:
Miss Piggy said:
GOOD QM said:said:
His mother of course.
you can't afford her though, besides she is far too busy looking aftter....stuff.....and....things. Like the structural security of the wine cellar!
Rook Schneizel said:
Skeptical pork said:
GOOD QM said:* Does background rolls *
If you aren't drinking by the next end of the next arc Ill give you a miracle point.
Bad luck magnet said:
GOOD QM said:
the chronic Alcoholic said:haha, joke's on you, I'm allergic to alcohol, so there!
Now gimme my MP!
Community Pig said:Hey, we all have to decide how to use it. It was given to the thread as a whole here.
GOOD QM said:trust me, allergies won't keep you from the bottle. Not when Dace memes are involved!
The Guy in the Know said:
GOOD QM said:
Miss Pandamonium said:hey guys, remember that thing in Wales you guys judged was just my paranoia?
Because I think we're gonna get involved in it
Helgas Spy said:Hey, we haven't heard anything specific. We can still safely call it paranoia.
Forensic Linguist said:(Dace is a Welsh name, ergo, the dace in question is Welsh. Perfect logic)
Rook Schneziel said:It's a European name. All of them overlap pretty heavily enough that pinning a name to a single country doesn't work.
TheCorn said:you see, that's the flaw in your logic.
There's no Europe anymore
plus, Wales is pretty rad if you ignore the mind controlled armies in the South!
Rook Schneziel said:So? The origins of the names still can't be pinned down.
And are you kidding? That makes it more interesting.
Dangerous, sure. Interesting? Yes.
He who underestimates the power of the expensive sword said:an overpriced stabby sword won't protect us against the Imperio though
GOOD QM said:You know what? Miss Piggy, feel free to share some of that meta knowledge, bedazzle the boys and girls if you would be so kind!
the bit about Dace and his recent family outing.
Mr. Piggy said:Miss Piggy! Save your husband's life from a needless sacrifice!
Miss Piggy said:Ooooh~you mean that...
Yes. I heard that man had a rather open-door policy(edited)
thankfully (for some), he should learn to be a bit more wary after being so incessantly badgered by his neighbor because of his terrible skills at keeping track of his children~
Rook Schneziel said:
[i]THE BEES[/i] said:
Christopher robin said:
EmperorKillerWhale said:The world you knew had ended.
It didn't come quietly, like so many of the preachers you had heard proclaim. It started by taking America down under an impenetrable black cloud. The panic was palpable even then, but it would've been manageable. It would've been survivable.
And then the monsters began to show up. Giant, hulking wolves that roamed most of the streets, feasting on corpses of those who couldn't get away or those hunted down. Feral and terrifying, they walked with impunity, without fear.
[X] Bomb Shelter
On the outside at least. You'd managed to find a place to hole up in with your friends, and you couldn't have been more thankful. The earth covering up the sides and the aggressive vegetation reclaiming the land helped give it a good amount of coverage, where you were less likely to be found, and though small, it provided a good amount of protection, especially with the solid steel door that blocked out the world.
It was more than a bit small though.
[X] Minecraft Steve
[X] Macho Martin
Despite the few rooms, you could fit yourself and your two buddies Steven and Martin inside, and have passable room to live in. The two were both a part of your construction company that had gotten a job to create renovations for the new wing of a school building, but had to scramble after the first monsters started showing up. Steven's hobbies and interests had managed to save your hides when he'd discovered this place, and in a rare miracle, you saw Martin complimenting Steve for what he'd pulled off.
There were still some funds you had managed to keep your hands on when everything went to hell from the job you were here for. They probably wouldn't be asking you to return it now, when they were occupied with bigger things.
How were you going to spend it while the world still took wads of paper as anything worth something?
May 1st, 1981
Available Funds: +++++
[ ] Food
[ ] Weapons
[ ] Construction
[ ] Energy
(Options can be selected more than once)
Queen Mary said:Glad to see us on the front lines of hell. We're probably in for really fun times thanks to hard mode.
EmperorKillerWhale said:No, that's not here. I can show you a great example of the actual front lines of hell later, though!
SocksOn said:Goddamnit, why do you always do this Mary. Is it too much to ask for you not to tempt fate for once in your life?
CrimsonMöbiusStrip said:For once I agree. Mary is going to get us killed, no question.
Queen Mary said:You say that as if sockdice won't be the prevalent cause of death.![]()
MMMARL said:
EmperorKillerWhale said:
PinkCircle said:
QueenPanther said:
Victoria said:
QueenPanther said:
Victoria said:Anyways. Us getting pregnant changes nothing. We're activating plan : Perfect Orphanage is Winning Nicely!
MAARL said:Not sure this is a good idea. We'd be committing most of our forces to this.
MyopicPrincess said:
PinkCircle said:
MyopicPrincess said:
MAARL said:
DiscuS said:
Hohoho said:
wandaeatscake said:
DiscuS said:
QueenPanther said:
Hohoho said:
She wants them to marry each other obviously.What? What the actual hell? Why did you need to steal our kid Lys when you have your own super bullshit one?
I like steal kids ^^What? What the actual hell? Why did you need to steal our kid Lys when you have your own super bullshit one?