Underneath the twisted blue moon

The trees are likely Ents which currently Camouflaged and have the Rooted special ability, which basically let's them tie down anyone who gets within range of them and prevents them from moving.

Going through the river will be the faster route, but tracking down Abbot is important as well.

[X] Yes.

Why is Seraphina important?

Because she's A) An Ally, B) The Head of an Anti-Void Family, and C) has the locations and security of a lot of important artifacts and corpses locked up in her head.

So preventing Void from getting her is a good idea.

Splitting the Party, or casting some quick divinations and then splitting the party, is likely a good idea.
[X] No.
It's better to be able to make decisions, even if it's the same decisions the ai would make.

Helga almost definitely has the nature anchor, so its probable that she has ents, which would delay us longer than going around would. Speaking of, it wouldn't surprise me if Abbot fell in the trees and is currently unable to escape because of ents.

Abbot is important to rescue, but it's also important to prevent Helga from getting too far ahead. Unless we can quickly cast some spells to find her, we have to keep chasing helga.
Edit: QM said that Bellatrix has some good spells for this.

[X] Look for Serafina. She's important and should not be left alone and powerless.
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[X] Look for Serafina. She's important and should not be left alone and powerless.
[X] No.

Let's make sure we don't lose anybody if possible and I personally don't understand how combat works so I really don't want to figure it out.
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[X] Look for Serafina. She's important and should not be left alone and powerless.
[X] No

So we can do better than the autobattle so keeping it on is a mistake in my opinion. And besides, learning the combat system properly will be better for us long term as well.

And while the time loss is bad, keeping Serafina is more important. While she has all of her personal uses, so that the void getting her if we split off and leave her alone, the main thing is that this is the start of our rescue Craidd arc. Do you really want our task force to not be at full strength before we meet any proper threat?
[X] Look for Serafina. She's important and should not be left alone and powerless.
[X] Yes.

We are not a tactical player. Despite CK2, we are not Eugenics Simulator Protagonist (okay, maybe a little. We aren't The Tactician though.)
Well, for once, depending on how fast you find her, chances are Helga will get some distance between you and her. Serafina may or may not have been attacked or held hostage. The good news is Bellatrix is good at finding people, so you don't have to worry about that.
So bellatrix saved serafina? That means we can chase down Helga!
The hunt continues!
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[X] Look for Serafina. She's important and should not be left alone and powerless.
[X] No

In short.

Dace has no Tactics Skill.

Dace has no Combat Skill.

The most Dace has is some skills in martial.

At best, if we autobattle, Dace will sit in the back and throw attacks spells at semi-random.

It'll be a bastard to actually learn the most optimal play for combat, but we'll likely do better than Auto!Dace will.

At least until the Tactics Skill is obtained and increased, but that's not relevant at the moment unless someone has 4 MP they want to burn.
[X] Look for Serafina. She's important and should not be left alone and powerless.
[X] No

Switching. Was convinced out of band.

E: It appears that I dropped a negative somewhere.
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FredQuest ? (noncanon) +36
Freds Shopping Extravaganza!

Finding a smith who can craft an item of the caliber you seek is no simple matter even in the heart of The Old Kingdom. Of all the territories claimed by that lost empire, it is the old heartland that remembers best the traditions of The Old Kingdom. It was no accident that your deceased family members sealed their ancestral blade so wholly. It is truly a pity that means of its construction had been lost to time as in spite of all the wrongs your ancestors committed during their time one cannot deny the simple virtue of Mastersteel. It holds an edge sharper then one would generally be able to put on a weapon of war and it keeps that pristine quality no matter how it is used. Regardless, it was your grandfather who sent of on this hunt for a craftsman so you knew there must be someone with the skills required...

DC: 100, 110
roll: 70+ 30 =100

Using his rank to open doors and coin to grease palms you finally succeed in tracking down a possible god trained smith.
The house you find yourself before creeks mournfully in the wind from the sea, you catch the sound of a broken window-blind slamming against a wall... not a very prosperous smith then. The manservant that greets you at the door speaks in an indescribable accent that could only come from a sailor's polyglot wanderings. His breath smells of cheese onions and a hint of spirits. Not the most impeccable of servants, but perhaps he has hidden talents. On hearing you would wish to speak to his master he is silent a long while... uncertainty or sadness?

"What would you be wanting with master Cadwallader ?" he asks, bluntly. Etiquette is most certainly not his first concern.

"We have need of his services to forge a blade of timeless quality," you reply. "We have heard he possess this rarest of gifts."

"The master can't do any more of that these days," the servant answers. This time the wistfulness is clear. "He's getting busier these days..."

"Does he still have the knowledge?" you ask. "plenty of cheap labor to go around."
"Kind ser..." the manservant begins then hesitates. "He'd probably tell you better himself. He'd welcome your company for sure."

You are lead into what is not quite a living room, though the smells of smoke and sea breezes waft through the air. "Welcome," a soft voice calls out. Carwyn of Lancaster

When he lays eyes on you, he is very amused. "I've been commissioned on a handful of times thus far, but I must be doing something right if the likes of you have come all this way." The youth's voice is layered with amusement and pride.

Diplomacy Roll: 86

you are rather taken with the man, drinking and telling stories, You smile at Carwyn's stories of family, and reciprocate with a few of your own. In the end, you decide to stay for dinner, talking of magic, history and even art and current events.

Finally, you come to the object of your visit. " Master Cadwallader you have been an exceedingly gracious host, but I feel its time we got to the heart of the matter. I need a blade forged for my family, trying times are ahead, and it is imperative that we are prepared." the smith is quiet for a time, and he takes several sips of his wine while he makes no secret of his examination of you.

"I could craft a blade for you," he says at last. "it is said The Old Kingdom once produced the finest arms known to man, but I'm sure I'm a close second! Do be aware though; this will cost no small amount of gold."

"I'm sure we can afford it, master Cadwallader," you reply. "But I would learn further of this price before I agree to anything."

"A reasonable enough request." You notice his eyes take on a mischievous glint and suddenly you fear for your vaults. "I believe around four-hundred sixty-five thousand Galleons should cover my services, though that leaves the cost of all these frankly exceedingly expensive materials I will need to procure for you."

You begin to suspect that this man was neither as poor as his house suggested nor as kind as that smile lead you to believe.
What do you reply?

[X] Agree to his price (Grandfather sent you here for a reason, let's not disappoint him ey? (Mr.Piggy will haunt your dreams))

[] The moment the room stops spinning you are leaving,! Never in all your life have you spent so much money on a single object and you aren't about to start now! ( Grandfather is displeased, Mr.Piggy will be safe...for now)


Madam Pandamonium said:

Rook Schneizel said:
Eh, I still say Miss Kermit is the coin bank we should have chosen.

Madam Pandamonium said:
How Dare you?! do you net see that plump, pink skin, those little legs, and those small, trusting eyes? Have you no heart at all?!

Rook Schneziel said:
I have a heart. I just also prefer bacon to fried frog legs

madam Pandamonium said:
... Anyways. You could buy a small castle at that price, are we sure we want to proceed with it? We could still go dungeon diving, heard something about Wales...

Hogerr said:

Martial player3 said:
Still though, a high-quality sword that could last us forever is worth it. No replacements add up long term and all the money in the world won't matter if we're dead.

skeptical pork said:
Are we even sure he's the right guy?
I mean, he looks shifty to me...
For all we know, the old drunk was the true master, and we're failing his test right now!

Martial player2 said:
If he's trying to test us while we're trying to buy his wares why should we care? He should be glad to have our services. Not many people can afford these expensive prices after all. His loss basically.

GOOD QM said:
Can confirm, this is a master. second best in the isle!

Rook Schneizel said:

Miss Piggy said:
My question exactly.

GOOD QM said:
His mother of course.
you can't afford her though, besides she is far too busy looking aftter....stuff.....and....things. Like the structural security of the wine cellar!

Rook Schneizel said:
So the best master on the isle is a drunkard, just great.

Skeptical pork said:
I was right!
Well, half-right.

GOOD QM said:
* Does background rolls *
If you aren't drinking by the next end of the next arc Ill give you a miracle point.

Bad luck magnet said:
Oh? Now I'm interested.

GOOD QM said:
good Luck
you're going to need it

the chronic Alcoholic said:
haha, joke's on you, I'm allergic to alcohol, so there!
Now gimme my MP!

Community Pig said:
Hey, we all have to decide how to use it. It was given to the thread as a whole here.

GOOD QM said:
trust me, allergies won't keep you from the bottle. Not when Dace memes are involved!

The Guy in the Know said:

GOOD QM said:

Miss Pandamonium said:
hey guys, remember that thing in Wales you guys judged was just my paranoia?
Because I think we're gonna get involved in it

Helgas Spy said:
Hey, we haven't heard anything specific. We can still safely call it paranoia.

Forensic Linguist said:
(Dace is a Welsh name, ergo, the dace in question is Welsh. Perfect logic)

Rook Schneziel said:
It's a European name. All of them overlap pretty heavily enough that pinning a name to a single country doesn't work.

TheCorn said:
you see, that's the flaw in your logic.
There's no Europe anymore
plus, Wales is pretty rad if you ignore the mind controlled armies in the South!

Rook Schneziel said:
So? The origins of the names still can't be pinned down.
And are you kidding? That makes it more interesting.
Dangerous, sure. Interesting? Yes.

He who underestimates the power of the expensive sword said:
an overpriced stabby sword won't protect us against the Imperio though

GOOD QM said:
You know what? Miss Piggy, feel free to share some of that meta knowledge, bedazzle the boys and girls if you would be so kind!
the bit about Dace and his recent family outing.

Mr. Piggy said:
Miss Piggy! Save your husband's life from a needless sacrifice!

Miss Piggy said:
Ooooh~you mean that...
Yes. I heard that man had a rather open-door policy(edited)
thankfully (for some), he should learn to be a bit more wary after being so incessantly badgered by his neighbor because of his terrible skills at keeping track of his children~

Rook Schneziel said:
And who is the neighbor in this case?

[i]THE BEES[/i] said:
the local bee keeper~

Christopher robin said:
Pooh Bear? Is that you
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Carwyn Cadwallader Negaverse (noncanon) +24
Carwyn Cadwallader Negaverse


[X] [Forging a connection] The Good Father has come to your house seeking two things: medical aid for his charge and a weapon to ensure that it's harder for her enemies to leave her damaged like this again. You know what the weapon must be made of, but you are drawing a blank on what exactly to make. Well, there's a simple solution here, meet this girl and ask her what weapon she would have from you. It's not exactly like she has other things to do.
Cost: Personal action.
Potential Reward: SL opened, Bonus to [Forge the Blade]
Required roll: 40, 70
Rolled: 59+10=69 (romantic critical success)

You have never felt this...awkward. The conversation started innocently enough; you asked the girl (Starla or something) if she was recovering well, she responded well to this, so well in fact that her dilated eyes haven't left your person since you started talking. When it seemed as though she was slowing down, you asked her about how she came by her wounds and *that* particular story went on for a good two hours. When did talking to the fairer sex, become so easy?

(Rewards: Starley (Starla? Stacy?) is interested in you! She wants a Bastard Sword! SL opened)

[X] [Squirrls and diamonds and...wait, what?]
Some way, Somehow, the local squirrel population has formed a Mafia of sorts. While strange, so long as they gave you your cut of the profits for letting them act in your territory, you wouldn't care, however: the Don has made contact, and he has an offer for you.
Roll required:??? (its squirrels, who can know?)
Rolled: 100+ 10= 110 (crit success )

The Don had more than an offer; he had a plan! See he had heard about your need for diamonds (from where you ask? forget about it!) and he's willing to help you out so long as you agree to let him as his "family" operate in your territory free of charge for ten years. And Just because he likes your face, he'll keep out competitors from your "turf" for free.
Naturally, you accept this generous offer.

(continued in the"Life's Gone Nutty" interlude)

(Rewards: plenty of diamonds for the Sword, Positive first contact with the Squirrel Faction, Wanted for Various Crimes in Pictland, Gained rival: Pictland Law enforcement)


[X] [Hunt for Titanium] You have spent a good long while building up a trade network for just the purpose! Now is the time for your traders to show their worth a bring you a beautiful (hopefully cheap) hunk of Titanium!
Cost: 10,000 Gold or 100,000 Gold
Potential Reward: Titanium for a low price
Roll required: 60, 80.

Good news! Your traders succeed after only two weeks of searching!
Bad news! It was horrendously expensive, and your coin purse is exceedingly displeased with you, you are displeased with your traders, and your traders are ashamed of themselves, as they should be.
(Result: Lost 100,000 Gold, Gained 1 Titanium!)


[X] [Supply and Demand] You had the novel idea of paying some travelers to inform you of the wants and needs of other nations, here's to hoping you get some valuable information!
Cost: 500 Gold
Potential Reward: Inside Information on other faction economic status.
Roll required: 50, 60, 70 , 80, 90, 100,110, 120
Rolled: 30+13=43

While your Idea was sound in concept, you merely didn't receive a great deal of useful information here, save that the Shafiq are now in the market for real estate, which would be helpful if you were involved in said market.

(Result: Minor Failure.)


[X] [prepare the Ritual] You've spent an inordinate amount of money on this project, everything must go perfectly! You will make certain it does! pre-prepare the rituals required, warm the forges and get some rest before three days ( Hopefully ) of work.
Cost: 10000 gold
Reward: Massive Bonus (+20) to [Forge The Blade]
Roll Required: 80
Rolled: 57+32= 89

The time you spend here is time well spent, you actually manage to streamline the process by a margin, ensuring that you will finish the process in a timely manner. The rituals are charged, the circles are, and The Forge is warm.
You are ready.

(result: Massive bonus to [Forge The Blade], hidden malis removed, [Forge The Blade] will finish this turn. )

[X] [Forge The Blade]
The Preparations Have been made, its time to forge the weapon before the priest leaves.
Cost: 1 Titanium, 10 Diamond
Reward: Adamantine Bastard sword Forged, Commission Finished, Pay received!
Roll Required:80
Rolled: 73+80+20= 173

You spend three days in the workshop.
You do not eat.
You do not sleep.
You do not stop.
Dozens of Alchemical Rights and transfusions are performed, and the diamonds grow into each other.
Spell is weaved into spell, creating a grand tapestry that only you can see, until finally the Titanium has been shaped to your specifications and the Diamonds continue to grow around it.
You spend what feels like hours at the Forge, crafting and enchanting each metal piece particularly to enhance their durability so that they might be just as unbreakable as their sister parts.
Finally after three days and two nights you come out of the workshop, tired and overwhelmingly pleased with yourself.
The sword will be worth every copper, every heist and every drop of sweat you put into it and more importantly, will pay for itself three times over.

(Reward: Major artifact crafted, Commission is finished, and your coin purse is singing again! Literally. why did you enchant it to do that again?)


[X] [Find a Mysticism adviser]
You are what one would call a powerful man, but only a fool would delve into the more profound mysteries unaccompanied. You are no Fool!
Cost: 1000 Gold
Reward: A Qualified Learning Adviser.
Roll Required: 60+25 (high standards) = 85
Rolled: 41+32 = 73

Unfortunately, your search is fruitless, you have failed to find a qualified researcher in time. You have, however, managed to thin the crowd considerably. So much so in fact that you feel that you should find a qualified person by the end of the next season.

(result: Action Locked for next turn, one less Learning slot next turn. DC decreased)


Make a comment below with your desired negaverse name if you want to have a negaverse comment.
Have fun on vacation Lord Penguin!
HellsingQuest Negaverse: The beginning of pain (Canon) +12
EmperorKillerWhale said:
The world you knew had ended.

It didn't come quietly, like so many of the preachers you had heard proclaim. It started by taking America down under an impenetrable black cloud. The panic was palpable even then, but it would've been manageable. It would've been survivable.

And then the monsters began to show up. Giant, hulking wolves that roamed most of the streets, feasting on corpses of those who couldn't get away or those hunted down. Feral and terrifying, they walked with impunity, without fear.

[X] Bomb Shelter

On the outside at least. You'd managed to find a place to hole up in with your friends, and you couldn't have been more thankful. The earth covering up the sides and the aggressive vegetation reclaiming the land helped give it a good amount of coverage, where you were less likely to be found, and though small, it provided a good amount of protection, especially with the solid steel door that blocked out the world.

It was more than a bit small though.

[X] Minecraft Steve

[X] Macho Martin

Despite the few rooms, you could fit yourself and your two buddies Steven and Martin inside, and have passable room to live in. The two were both a part of your construction company that had gotten a job to create renovations for the new wing of a school building, but had to scramble after the first monsters started showing up. Steven's hobbies and interests had managed to save your hides when he'd discovered this place, and in a rare miracle, you saw Martin complimenting Steve for what he'd pulled off.

There were still some funds you had managed to keep your hands on when everything went to hell from the job you were here for. They probably wouldn't be asking you to return it now, when they were occupied with bigger things.

How were you going to spend it while the world still took wads of paper as anything worth something?

May 1st, 1981

Available Funds: +++++
[ ] Food
[ ] Weapons
[ ] Construction
[ ] Energy

(Options can be selected more than once)

Queen Mary said:
Glad to see us on the front lines of hell. We're probably in for really fun times thanks to hard mode.

EmperorKillerWhale said:
No, that's not here. I can show you a great example of the actual front lines of hell later, though!

SocksOn said:
Goddamnit, why do you always do this Mary. Is it too much to ask for you not to tempt fate for once in your life?

CrimsonMöbiusStrip said:
For once I agree. Mary is going to get us killed, no question.

Queen Mary said:
You say that as if sockdice won't be the prevalent cause of death. :V

MMMARL said:
Lmao cursed sockdice

EmperorKillerWhale said:

Don't mind me, ask LordPenguin for details
HeartsQuest Negaverse: Helga wants a husband! (canon) + 48
HeartsQuest Negaverse: Helga wants a husband!

Actions: Personal x 3: spend time with Jack! (getting acquainted)

Actions: Personal x 1: spend time with Jack! (notice me senpai!)

Somewhen in Winter 1983

Ever since She found where Rowena was hiding, Helga had been feeling alone. All Godric could ever speak about was the good old days when Rowena and he were all lovey-dovey.

And to be perfectly honest, she was feeling envious. Her beloved husband died almost a millennium ago, and she's had no relationships with anyone ever since. Furthermore, her current state meant that there would be quite the difficulty to find someone to love for herself.

That's when she saw him.

He was so handsome, with his oh so delicately ornated, strikingly beautiful mask, mastering strength, skill and will with an ease that would leave anyone green with envy. He was one of the most powerful men she'd ever seen, his display of power during one of his rare fits of anger leaving a village of heretics obliterated.

"So manly~" She giggled girlishly. She just knew she had found the perfect man she had been waiting so long for!

And that's when she decided, Jack of Blades would be her future husband.

H̢̞̩̓ͣͦͩͥ̎̆͊͜͞ḛ̮̬̲͇͂͒͋̃̏̒̚ ̡͖̯̟̥̩̅̏̉̔̀d̵̢̽̈̅̋̏̇ͣͣ̉͏̹͕͍̯̪ŏ̿̾̋͊̂҉̯̦ͅe̷̸̫͔̯ͣ̿̉ͬ̋̐͢s͉̺̞͔̹̙̯̣̮͊̍͗̉̀ņ͗ͥͣ̋̀̓҉̱͎́'̴̛̜̟͔̙͖͇͍̳͓̽ͥ͌ͣ̂͢t̤̪͈̤͗̔̃ͬͬͥ ̤̜̹̺̾̌̄̔̈̿h̞̳͚̼̫̦̰͛͆͂̌̇̓͝å̴̷͙͖͎̺̬̈̀v̰̞̔ͭ́ͧ̒̄͊͠é̡͈̮̭͊̔ͬ̑̂ͦ ̏̎̐ͧ̀҉̳̻͎͉̹ͅͅǎ̹̗͕ͦ̐ͥ͐̄̕͘̕ ̴͙̘̭̮̣̭̫͐͑͐̑͛͢ͅc̫͖͖͎̊͑h͕̩͌ͯ̈́͗̈ͨ͊̀̚o͔̯͙̣̙͖̫͚̓̅͐ͪͥ̌̓̚͠ǐ̸͏̣̻̙̞͈̙̱͈̙c͑͒́̽͌҉̯̞̱e̞͉̱̯̯̓̆͆̂͘.ͨ̑̑ͩͬ҉͍͓͎̫̼͙̙̲̖͜


A few days later, however, she had to admit that she had forgotten that seducing a man was difficult. Even more so if he did not even notice your existence.

Even though she had tried several times in such a caring and subtle way!


If subtlety didn't work, she was going to have to try another method.


One day, she decided to take her courage between her two hands and handed the surprised man a basket.

"I don't care that you're going to destroy a village, but you need to eat breakfast, your body needs maintenance even if you're strong! And here, lunch. N-Not that I made it especially for you! I made too much for Godric and myself this morning!"

With these words, Helga turned and ran away.

13 + 110 (empathy) + 20 (presence 100) = 143 Pass

+2 +3 (Empathy 100) RP

Jack of Blades SL Level 1!


Another day, she was sewing something, then handing it to a rather bemused Blade representative.

"Jack, Why do you wear such rags? People will not take you seriously and will not respect you! N-not that it worries me or interests me that people make fun of you! J-Just pay attention to yourself will you?!"

With these words, Helga turned and ran away.

61+ 110 (empathy) + 20 (presence 100) = 191 Pass

+2 +3 (Empathy 100) RP

Jack of Blades SL level 2!


Then, on a rather sunny day...

Helga put her fists on her hip and looked disapprovingly at the man, who was practicing his swordplay with Godric. Both men bore injuries, and both were injured by their enemies when they really should rest.

"Godric! Jack! You both should be in the infirmary right now!" She gave them the 'disappointed mother' look that never failed before. on her right, Little Nymphadora was eating some freshly baked cookies.

"Mother, I want more of those." The little darling said, crumbs around her mouth and a beatific expression on her face. Helga immediately melted and turned towards her.

"Awww, of course, you can have more sweetheart!"

She saw the little girl make two signs with her fingers, and immediately turned around.

That traitor Godric had run away!

95 + 110 (empathy) + 20 (presence 100) = 225 Tier 2 success! + 5 Empathy

+2 +3 (Empathy 100) RP

Jack of Blades SL level 3!

SL Ability obtained:

[Herald of the Void]: No matter how corrupted you are, people just don't think something's off with you: immune to void detection methods and detection by void.

100 (Why?!) + 20 (manipulation) + 20 (presence 100) = 140 : Tier 7 success

+10 Manipulation

+2 Intrigue

Intrigue: Limit Break! x2

Jack thoroughly seduced. When you weren't even trying. I HATE you. T_T

Nat100 Bonus: +10 on child's genetics rolls

She was fuming, plotting nasty revenge (most likely in the forms of carrot-centered meals for the next few days) when Jack tilted his head, arms crossed, nodded, walked up to Helga, and lifted her off the ground, eliciting a surprised squeal from the woman. He then headed towards her chamber, and Helga's eyes widened in realization.

A few hours later, Helga was feeling triumphant.

Haha! Suck it Godric! I'm the one who got laid first!

Pregnancy? : 52 + 50 (base) + 30 (Blessed) = 132

Congratulations! You are now pregnant.

Genetics rolls? Genetics rolls.

Detailed results:

Intelligence: 100 + 10 (Nat100) + 5 (AK) = 115 (Nat100) : T5 Intelligence trait acquired

Strength: 62 + 10 (Nat100) + 5 (AK) +10 (2T4) = 87 : T2 Strength trait acquired

Fertility: 73 + 10 (Nat100) + 5 (AK) +10 (1T5) = 98 : T4 Fertility trait acquired

Beauty: 95 + 10 (Nat100) + 5 (AK) = 120 : T4 beauty trait acquired

Height: 9 + 10 (Nat100) + 5 (AK) = 24

Voice (rough): 59 + 10 (Nat100) + 5 (AK) = 74

Voice (soft): 47 + 10 (Nat100) + 5 (AK) = 62

Speed: 55 + 10 (Nat100) + 5 (AK) = 70

Magic:63 + 10 (Nat100) + 5 (AK) + 20 (2T5) = 98 : T4 Magic trait acquired

Bloodline (Helga): 91 + 10 (Nat100) : [Badger's Blood] Obtained

Bloodline (Hero of Oakvale): 99 + 10 (Nat100) : [Archon's Blood] Obtained

Rolled 2 : Congratulations, it's a girl.

So that's where all your luck went to huh?

Behold! The monument to your sins! The great power of the dice made manifest! The height of your depravity! Burn into thine eyes the punishing lance of great retribution!

Yeah, I'm totally throwing hard mode at you, next turn. Screw game balance, you're practically Hax mode Gilgamesh at this point.

PinkCircle said:
...Panther, are you okay?

QueenPanther said:

Victoria said:
She's totally watching Drakengard to console herself.

QueenPanther said:

Victoria said:
Anyways. Us getting pregnant changes nothing. We're activating plan : Perfect Orphanage is Winning Nicely!

MAARL said:
Not sure this is a good idea. We'd be committing most of our forces to this.

MyopicPrincess said:
Huh. I have a younger sister. Nice.

PinkCircle said:
As if you weren't going to turn coats.

MyopicPrincess said:

MAARL said:

DiscuS said:

Hohoho said:
... I'm almost scared to ask

wandaeatscake said:
Huh? Panther, why do I see a turn 4 sheet for me?

DiscuS said:

QueenPanther said:
Ignore discus, this turn was hard on hard modes.

Hohoho said:
What? What the actual hell? Why did you need to steal our kid Lys when you have your own super bullshit one?
FIrst day at Hogwarts (*Interesting*...) +40
First day at Hogwarts : Morning

The arrival at Hogwarts was ... strange.

Especially in these troubled times, paranoia was ambient, anyone could see it but that would not stop her from becoming the brightest witch of this generation!

Today is the first day of our young witch's adventures in Hogwarts.

However, even for her, what happened when she woke up today was somewhat strange as she saw a mass of white hair on her pillow, and the top of her head felt... empty, for lack of a better word, and her hair had turned colorless without her input, that should not be possible.

It was not particularly unpleasant but rather ... worrying.

A few moments later, her hair became colorful again and her eyes no longer felt compressed. The problem was, one of the girls was awake.

"Delphine? What was it?"

" To be honest, I do not know." And admitting that annoyed her to no end.

" It was weird! Your eyes were glowy white or well, I don't know how to explain know. They were, like, animated or something? But they were looking at something that wasn't there either..."

The other girl in the dorm nodded.

"Yes, you were all weird and muttering about a lance that would pierce the sky and what not. you were weird."

"What do you mean?" Delphine was starting to have an idea of what happened, and she didn't like it at all.

This atmosphere was getting stranger and stranger. The last time the atmosphere was like that when ... The... The thing -

"Your eyes stared at a corner of the wall." The brown haired roommate interrupted her thinking, earning herself some hidden irritation from the other girl.

"A-Anyways! I am a metamorphmagus so if sometimes I am a little different on a physical level or if I suddenly get really clumsy, it's because I'm preparing to change myself. I'm sorry for worrying you." Delphine said with a confidence she wasn't sure she had.

'Although almost everything I said was wrong, I could not allow an exceptional witch like me to lose face.'


Once in the Great Room and a little quieter, I saw most people drowning in their cup of tea ...

Meh. Tea is a drink for the weak, coffee is so much better.


The principal teachers and the prefects gave them their schedules. Not knowing the castle, She decided to use the 25 minutes she had left to go to class.

The other Hufflepuff decided to follow her, declaring her the leader of their exploration.


It was 5 minutes before the start of the class that they (finally) found the room.

This course, the one from eight o'clock to ten o'clock in the morning was a new one. It was created in order to educate them as quickly as possible, and didn't this sound particularly ominous. It certainly didn't help with her growing sense of paranoia.

When the teacher lifted their wand, signaling the beginning of the class, all the Hufflepuffs were there but that was far from the case for the Gryffindor. Indeed, only half of their year was present.

But the professor did not seem to want to wait for the last latecomers.

"Hello to all. I am Professor Mizat Maolconaire and I will be your teacher of the newly created class, 'Magical Folk Studies'. The first people I'm going to-"

He was interrupted by the Gryffindors arriving and sighed, before giving them a strict glare.

"I do not usually take points that early in the year, but it seems to instill bad habits. Minus 10 points for Gryffindor. Now find yourself a place and quickly." He turned back towards the rest of the class.

"The first people we are going to study are the Goblin people. I know most of you think you know a lot about them but the points of view are pretty biased in that regard. Goblins have often been at war with us, that much is fact, indeed. They are known to be miserly, cruel, cunning and manipulative creatures.

You can not buy their weapons. You can provide them with materials and fragments of your magic to create objects that they will then lend you, but remember, you can not buy their weapons, they are close. Goblins can even stop the contract when they want the weapon, if it is particularly powerful. According to their own laws, Gryffindor's sword belongs to the Goblin Nation, and wizards are thieves to keep it away from them. The Goblin population has a realm and you all know the name.

Yes it's Gringotts. I advise you to warn your families. The times are getting darker. You do not want to leave your money to a race that will certainly try to overthrow us again."

Ending his discourse on this ominous note, he told us the chapters of our books he wanted us to read. No one spoke up during that lesson.

The next hour she spent into the common room to learn more about her min-comrades.

The one who interested her the most was Aldebaran. A Lovegood saner than the rest of his family doubled with a genius. He was a little more isolated and looked a little familiar to her.

Leaving the room, the Smiths came to meet her and after a long and boring conversation, she took the lead and asked why the teacher of the magical people had spoken for them in the hallways.

The answer stunned her.

The Smiths were muggle-borns.


Delphine's Dia-research notes! They're research notes! Definitely notes! I wouldn't have anything as childish as a diary!


Hogwarts is weird. Everyone is frowning, nobody speaks loudly, and everyone keeps looking around them! Still, it's the place for the elite, so it's the place for me!


Day 1


Waking up, my beloved roommates are screaming loud enough to wake the dead. I'm almost sure I saw the fat friar floating across the room and plugging his ears at one point. Shouldn't it be forbidden? He's a guy! In a girl's dormitory!

Anyways, apparently, I had a moment of absence and changed forms while speaking about weird things. I'm not scared, but this would sound scary.

Apparently, I was talking about a "Lance that would pierce the sky", but the girls didn't remember about anything more about it save a bit about "Six catastrophes for the kings of light and a Seventh for the sleeping child."

Yeah. I'm fairly sure Mother would be ecstatic to learn that.

I just hadn't woken up yet. Yes, it must be that. I say silly things when I'm half-asleep.


During Breakfast, people were looking at the teachers. one of them, especially.

I asked a student further down the table who he was.

The sleepy barely understandable answer was:

"Him? * yawn * it's Mizat Maolconaire. They had so much trouble finding a new teacher."

With these words, the larv-student went to drown himself in a cup of tea.

Pooh! How can he drink this thing? Coffee is so much better than that. What a band of ignorants!




After searching the room for 20 minutes, (Why doesn't Hogwarts have a plan after a thousand years of existence ?!) and finally, finally we finally found it.




During the botany class, we, noble Hufflepuffs, recited our books on the subject to honor our beloved teacher ... Also, in those greenhouses could be seen a large variety of plants, sometimes beautiful and soft, sometimes of dangerous beauty.

I think I will love this course.




I withdraw what I said.

Why, WE, students need to weed? Aren't the elves normally supposed to deal with these kinds of tasks?!